In Liuguang City, the battle against the Dark Skeleton King and the Skeleton Legion is in full swing.

at the same time.

Hidden map [In the Temple of Judgment, the situation is in crisis.

Fatty did not expect that there would be a ghost clan forbidden army to follow up the judgment temple.

While trying to find a way to find the book of mantras for the adjudicator Lufa, he was suddenly attacked by five ghost clan forbidden soldiers and was thrown into the abyss.

Countless Skeleton King Snakes under the abyss engulfed Fatty in an instant.

After the Fatty was shot down into the abyss, the forbidden soldiers did not leave, but fixed their eyes on Lufa on the other side of the abyss.

Then, approached Lufa.

The opposite Lu Fa was stunned and said, "Hey, he has already been beaten by you, what else do you want to do? Why, I don't even plan to let go?"

It was only at this time that Lu Fa finally realized: where did these soldiers come for the human being just now.

In fact, they are using Fatty as a guide, and their real purpose is to come to Lufa!

Lufa, as the adjudicator of the Super Mage of Liuguang City, the powerful mana contained in his body can not only bring supplies to the Dark Skeleton King, but also useful to the Ghost King!

Therefore, the purpose of the ghost king sending the forbidden soldiers to track the fat man into the judgment temple is to find the judge Lufa, and then obtain his mana and provide it to the ghost king!

Want to understand these.

Lu Fa was not in a hurry, sat down cross-legged, and said leisurely: "Even if you are coming for me, so what, you guys, can you make it through?"

The voice just fell.

I saw that the five forbidden soldiers worked together to cast a spell, opening a barrier on this side of the cliff.

At the same time, on the other side of the cliff, a barrier was also opened beside Lufa!

This enchantment is exactly the portal that Ghost King Buye has been using before, and this is also the ability that Ghost King has given to these ghost clan forbidden soldiers!

The two portals are connected, and only ghosts can pass through!

Seeing that several forbidden soldiers entered the enchantment on that side, they came out of the enchantment beside him in a blink of an eye and appeared in front of him.

Lu Fa was stunned: "Young people don't talk about martial arts!!"

Several forbidden soldiers drew their swords and approached Lufa.

At this time, the fat man who fell into the abyss is still fighting with the god of death.

It was pitch black under the abyss.

Beside him is a huge Skeleton King snake.

These skeleton king snakes do not have the ability to kill people, they torture people, but they are first-class.

The fat man has been bruised and bruised by them, and his body is completely broken.

And it wasn't the big Skeleton King snakes that tortured Fatty, but their cubs!

At the bottom of this abyss, there is also a relatively small skeleton snake. They are only one or two meters long and very young.

There were more than a dozen young skeleton snakes surrounding Fatty, constantly biting and attacking him.

And those big snakes are watching around.

They seem to be training these little snakes with the fat man as a guide!

Fatty's body was already covered with scars, and there were traces of being torn apart by skeleton snakes everywhere. The blood on his head was still full.

The pain that hit his body and mind made Fatty feel like he wanted to die but couldn't.

But he knew he couldn't die.

Because the Book of Mantras has not yet been found, the adjudicator has not been successfully transferred, and the mission has not been completed!

In any case, be sure to complete the adjudicator transfer!

With this belief.

Fatty got up from the ground, and while being bitten by several skeleton baby snakes, he looked around, trying to find the Book of Mantras.

Because it does not say that the book of mantras must be on it.

The possibility of something so important being hidden in this abyss is even greater!

Just when the fat man thought so.

Looking around, I can see that in the darkness ahead, there is a "lotus" emitting a dim silver light!

Take a closer look and discover what kind of lotus is there!

It was clearly a... a book of mantras!

The Dark Skeleton King, indeed the book of mantras that is of great importance to the adjudicator Lufa, was thrown into the abyss!

So, under the pursuit of a large group of young skeleton snakes, Fatty immediately ran towards the Book of Mantras...

Above the abyss, the situation is not optimistic.

Lufa, who was taken away from the Book of Mantras, was sucked by the Dark Skeleton King for fifteen years.

At this moment, he is no longer the super mage of Liuguang City [arbiter] who used to be majestic and frightened the enemy when he raised his hand.

He has already lost too much power, and at this moment is completely unable to fight against the ghost clan forbidden soldiers.

Unless the Book of Mantras can be recovered!

But he knew that the book of mantras could no longer be returned to his hands. The little fat man just now could not protect himself, and Lufa did not put hope on him.

At this time, five ghost clan forbidden soldiers in golden armor were already walking towards Lufa with long swords and bows and arrows.

Two archers draw their bows and aim at Lufa.

Three warriors came with swords.

Their target is the robe on Lufa that can bless the ghost king Buye with mana.

As long as you kill Lufa, you can get it.

Lufa did not give up resistance.

Drag the encyclopedia in his hand and start casting spells...

Boom boom boom!

Several aurora descended from the sky

, bombarded the two archers banned soldiers, interrupting their attacks.

Before Lu Fa could sigh "the sword is not old", he was slashed to the ground with a sword by a forbidden soldier who came over suddenly!

"The old man is the first mage of Liuguang City! You dare to use force against the adjudicator!"

Lufa shouted: "There is a kind of you who can help me find the book of mantras, and then have a fair fight with me, and watch the ass of you little brats who I don't beat bloom!"

The forbidden soldier was shouting in disregard of Lufa.

Coming to Lufa's side, one foot stepped on Lufa's chest, a pair of icy blue eyes stared at Lufa, and both hands held up the long sword.

"Is this old man going to die here!"

Lufa was not reconciled, but he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

However, at this moment.


A big black hand grabbed the edge of the cliff.

All I could see: Fatty crawled out of the abyss with several skeleton snakes wrapped around him.

Behind him, there are several huge Skeleton King snakes staring at him!

The fat man had scars all over his face, and climbed up from the abyss with a painful expression.

Then, with the last bit of strength, he threw a golden book tightly in his hand to Lufa.


The golden book just fell into Lufa's hand.

Lufa immediately reached out and touched the golden book.

Suddenly, bursts of light poured into Lufa's body from the golden book.



A strong light bloomed from Lufa's body, sending the three banned soldiers who were about to attack him fly into the air!

The next moment, Lu Fa stood up from the ground with the golden book in his hand.

As if experiencing a sharp change, Lu Fa looked at himself and sighed: "What a familiar power, so comfortable!"

"Old man, I finally regained my strength!"

Said, wearing a red robe, the whole body exudes a faint golden light, the left hand holds the book of mantras, the right palm faces the few ghost clan forbidden soldiers in front, and the energy overflows in the palm.

In the bottom of his eyes, there was a killing intent: "Boys, your time of death is here!"

Judge, wake up!

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