Zhang Yi turned around.

He looked at the familiar faces beside him.

Huang Wuji, Ruoxi, Sword Saint, Warring States Lu Bu, Ruochen, Lin Qian...

Immediately, a warm feeling came to my heart.

It is indeed because of them that Liuguang City can survive this crisis.

Although it was mainly because of Fatty's control that he could win the Dark Skeleton King.

But before Fatty left the border, without their resistance and assistance, the Skeleton King and the Skeleton Legion would have attacked the City of Light long ago, causing damage to the City of Light!

Facing the crowd, Zhang Yi smiled happily: "Of course I want to treat guests, I will invite you for dinner tonight."

The voice just fell.

Lin Qian bumped Ruochen's arm and said, "Brother, why do you keep thinking about inviting people to treat you?"

Ruochen laughed: "Since I said so, then wait for the next time! There is not enough time this time."

Check the time.

After the Skeleton King was killed, all the helpers who came from other main cities would be forced to return to their main city by the system with only ten minutes remaining at most.

Now the time left for Ruochen and the others is only a few minutes, so there is no time to eat.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity to meet, the heads of several major teams gathered together, and it was also a "long story short".

Pull out each other's recent problems and chat.

Zhang Yi also learned from it that several of their families are currently developing very well, and they are basically the top existences in their respective main cities.

The dragon clan has become the existence that Huang Wuji and the sword saints look up to.

Before Zhang Yi was alone in Purgatory City, they still didn't believe Zhang Yi said that he had a power in Liuguang City.

Now I see Zhang Yi's subordinates, sitting on 300,000 players, as the first family of Liuguang City [Dragon Clan.

The swordsman couldn't help but sigh: "What a big guy! I am ashamed of my sword pavilion!"

Zhang Yi took the core directly: "This time, thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to come to Liuguang City to help, I will replace everyone in Liuguang City and thank you!"

"That's polite." Warring States Lu Bu said: "Apocalypse is always fair. This time it was your Liuguang City that was killed. If you are not prepared, we should choose the city from heaven."

"In case our Tianxuan City encounters a natural disaster, at that time, I also hope that the big guys can help!"

Zhang Yi said: "It's easy to talk, you must go."

Juggernaut smiled: "This time we are here because of Yinuo Qingcheng's face. Your face is worthless. You choose the city, I won't go!"

"That's fine."

Ruochen said to the swordsman, "If there is a natural disaster in your purgatory city, we will not go there."

"Brother dei, just kidding, kidding!" Juggernaut laughed.

The issue that Zhang Yi is most concerned about is the royal family.

Because the captain of the royal family, Ruoxi, is Lin Xi, the younger sister of Lin Ruo, who murdered Zhang Yi together with Mu Chen in the last life.

Before leaving Purgatory City last time, Zhang Yi had secretly instructed the Juggernaut to help him keep an eye on the royal family.

So, Zhang Yi pulled the Sword Saint aside: "Sister Ruoxi, has she ever appeared?"

The swordsman shook his head: "No, I remember you told me at the beginning, and you have been staring at this matter."

This is strange.

According to the historical progress of the previous life, at this time, Lin Ruo should also "reunite" with his sister and the royal family.

At this time, the swordsman said: "Brother dei, do you need me to keep watching for you?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said, "I'll leave this to you. Let me know as soon as there is any news."

"No problem." The Sword Saint made an ok gesture.

Then, looking at the giant dragon Babu behind Zhang Yi, he couldn't help rubbing his hands: "Can you let me touch your dragon?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yi didn't speak.


Babu suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, scaring the Sword Saint to step back a few steps: "It's scary not to touch..."

Happy times are always short-lived.

Soon, it was time to part ways.

There is less than a minute left until the system is forced to teleport.

Everyone gathered outside the east gate.

"Brothers, our first-level main city is gathered!"

As the Juggernaut's voice just fell.

Countless white lights are scattered.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of millions of players in Streaming City.

Millions of players from other cities who participated in this support operation were sent away by the system.

The time was right at night.

In Liuguang City, many players have a celebratory meal in the city to celebrate their aftermath.

Also, celebrate your achievements.

After all, even a participation reward for a white kill treasure chest can give out 100,000 gold coins.

100,000 gold coins in the present, can be equivalent to an ordinary player's deposit for nearly a week after removing the huge daily expenses!

A high-end restaurant in the city, in a luxurious private room on the second floor.

The dragon core group sat around a large round table, and they were also having a celebratory meal, but to celebrate Fatty's successful transfer to the adjudicator.

"Fat brother, you are now the hero of our Liuguang City!"

The peak emperor, who was sitting opposite Fatty, looked at Fatty and said.

Others also looked at Fatty with admiration.


Zi scratched his head and put the credit on Zhang Yi: "It's all because of Brother Zhang Yi that I can become the adjudicator, and everyone... Without you, there would be no me now!"

"Don't," Zhang Yi said, "this is all your own efforts, and it has nothing to do with me."

Indeed, this is the fat man's efforts.

After all, in Zhang Yi's budget, there is no ghost clan forbidden soldier to go in and make trouble.

Unexpectedly, under the obstruction of the ghost clan banned soldiers, the fat man can successfully transfer to the adjudicator, which is somewhat beyond Zhang Yi's expectations!

Holding Zhang Yi's same doubts, Yiqi Juechen asked, "How did you deal with those few ghost clan forbidden soldiers?"

"It's the adjudicator, Lufa."

Saying that, Fatty took out five ghost talisman fragments from his bag and gave them to Zhang Yi.

In addition, five items that were forbidden to be exploded were placed on the table.

Then he said, "It was Lufa who killed them."

Hearing this, Long Xingtian was a little excited: "You have just become the adjudicator, you can have the strength to fight against the 33-star BOSS, then Lufa must be stronger than you, right? What about Lufa? Didn't he come out with you? ?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty suddenly lowered his head in a depressed mood and fell into silence.

Zhang Yi knows: there can only be one adjudicator.

If Lufa is not dead, there will be no new adjudicator born. This is a necessary game plot for the apocalypse.

In the last life, Fatty also came out of the Judgment Temple alone, and Lufa also sacrificed himself to fulfill Fatty.

Others also understood this through Fatty's expression.

He intentionally changed the topic: "Come on, let's congratulate Fat Brother for mentioning our third hidden occupation of the Dragon Clan! I wish our Dragon Clan will become stronger and stronger!"

"I wish our dragons become stronger and stronger!" Everyone raised their cups.

The dinner is over.

On Zhang Yi's side, he can finally enjoy himself, his own reward.

Open the backpack and take out the complete [Ghost Talisman and [Golden Killing Treasure Chest] at the same time.

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