Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 998 The super artifact dragon blood scroll!

The ghost talisman that was synthesized by killing the ghost clan forbidden soldiers and collecting a hundred ghost talisman fragments did not have time to use. It has been left for now and can be used with the golden killing treasure chest.

Zhang Yi first opened the only [Golden Killing Treasure Chest in this Dark Skeleton King BOSS battle.

"Ding~ You have opened the [Golden Killing Treasure Chest, congratulations on getting the [Skull Suit (29-star seven-piece full set, you can freely choose the Ice, Fire, Night Skull suit, and occupation)!"

It is one level higher than the red killing treasure chest, and the equipment that comes out is naturally the best.

The red kill chest can open a 28 star skeleton suit.

And Zhang Yi's set is not just 29 stars.

It can reach 30 star quality by growing through the title of Super God Appraiser!

Zhang Yi was very satisfied with this harvest.

Although the 33-star BOSS should be able to guarantee the 32-star equipment.

But if it is dropped as normal, a BOSS can explode four or five pieces of equipment at most, and it is impossible to explode a complete skeleton suit.

It is even more impossible for all players participating in the battle to receive drop income.

Zhang Yi himself already has a level 155 28 Starfire Skull suit.

The Dragon Blood Knight, who has reached level 158, has also reached the level of equipping the level 158 29-star dragon suit. [The demand for the three-piece suit of the Promise Set will soon go to the warehouse to get it and equip it for him.

Therefore, for this 29-star skeleton suit from the golden killing treasure box, Zhang Yi chose the assassin profession, the night skeleton suit.

The 155-level 29-star Assassin Night Skull Suit is here!

Although the damage of Soul Reaper can reach about 10 million, it is not inferior to any top player in Streamer City at this stage.

But compared to Zhang Yi, who was easily injured by 30 to 40 million, it was still a bit of a stretch.

After all, it is a ghost race god-level monster!

This is also related to his current 25-star Fire Skull suit.

Zhang Yi quickly went to the auction house to buy a large number of strengthening stones, synthesize and upgrade them.

Then use the obtained large amount of 29-level strengthening stones, combined with God-level strengthening, to strengthen the top 29 Starry Night Skull Suit and replace it for the Soul Reaper.

29 Starry Night Skull Suit Skill [The Body of Darkness is turned on.


A strong dark breath bloomed all over Soul Reaper's body.

Holding the Night Skull Warblade, his eyes flashed with cold light.

This god-level ghost monster seems to have an aura of death that is close to the ghost, as if it came out of hell!

At this moment, standing at the entrance of the auction house, the casual players who entered and exited the auction house could not help but feel intimidated.

This is the aura that a god-level monster should have!

By the way, Zhang Yi opened the status bar of Soul Reaper and took a look:

[Soul Reaper (Assassin, lv158 god-level ghost monster):

Talent: Soul Hunting (God level. Get 100 layers of Soul Hunting buff/permanently effective. Each time you kill an enemy, an extra layer of Soul Hunting buff is added, up to 100 additional layers/The Soul Hunting buff obtained by killing lasts for 30 minutes. Each layer of Soul Hunting buff provides Soul Reaper with 1% attack speed, movement speed, 0.5% damage, and 0.1% bloodsteal bonus)

Star rating: 15 stars

Attack: 425w

Physical defense: 140w

Magic Defense: 125w

HP: 9800w

Energy: 300w...

good guy! This data has surpassed the master of Zhang Yi!

More than 4 million attack power, combined with a god-level talent hunting soul, and more than 300% of the damage bonus effect of Warcraft.

Plus 29 stars [Effect of Dark Body: Consumes 5900 energy per second to obtain Dark Body, increases skill damage by 120%, reduces skill cooldown by 20% and skill consumption by 20%.

Soul Reaper is going down with this knife now, and I don't know how much damage it can break out!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi also put on the Promise suit for the Dragon Blood Knight.

Although there are only three sets.

However, it includes three parts: clothes, shoes, and rings, life, defense, attack attributes, and balanced development.

The 29-star dragon suit also gave the Dragon Blood Knight a lot of improvement——

[Dragon Blood Knight (lv158 Legendary Warcraft):

Stars: 15

Physical attack: 180w

Physical Defense: 220w

Magic Defense: 200w

Health: 17200w

Energy value: 550w...

The 170 million HP, combined with the 29-star Hell Shield skill Hell's Breath, the Dragon Blood Knight's counter-injury will be able to reach the level of defying the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi used a ghost talisman.

Each player can get the most valuable reward only when he uses the Ghost Talisman for the first time, and the reward must be bound.

Zhang Yi in the previous life obtained a special treasure-like artifact that could locate monsters through the ghost talisman.

In this life, it should not be the same item again.

Because the time and place of use, as well as the way to obtain ghost charms, are different.

Zhang Yi uses ghost talismans.

"Ding~ As the first player in Apocalypse World to use the ultra-rare special item [Ghost Talisman], you will be blessed by the God of Luck, and the value of this reward will be increased tenfold!"


Congratulations on getting [Dragon Blood Scroll (Binding Super Artifact) +1! "

Hearing this prompt, Zhang Yi was stunned.

Through the ghost talisman, I actually got a super artifact dragon that Zhang Yi, Mu Chen and countless other players from the previous life worked hard to hunt down the top seventh-order dragon emperor of the nine-headed dark dragon clan. Blood Scroll! !

Even if it is the first to use the Ghost Talisman, the reward value is increased tenfold.

This reward is also unexpected!

However, the things that come out from the ghost talisman are bound.

This dragon blood scroll can only be used by Zhang Yi himself or by Warcraft.

Zhang Yi already has dragon blood.

So, the use of Warcraft.

"Ding~ Congratulations on using the Dragon Blood Scroll to make your Warcraft [Dragon Blood Knight] obtain the blood of the dragon family!"

While delighted, Zhang Yi opened the status bar to take a look.

Discover the dragon blood knights who have obtained dragon blood, and the data skyrockets!

The blood volume has exceeded 200 million, reaching 225 million!

The numerical value of all aspects of defense has also increased greatly!

Because of the dragon blood itself, the growth of the basic attributes of the dragon blood knights can be improved. In addition, the use of dragon equipment by the dragon blood can get an additional 20% attribute bonus!

Equivalent to [the attribute bonus of the Promise suit, increased by 20%!

Warcraft is not the same as the player.

Warcraft obtains dragon bloodline, and cannot possess bloodline level and skills, so as to further cross into the dragon camp.

Soul Reaper, a two-way promotion of the Dragon Blood Knight.

This wave of soaring, plus the help of the adjudicator Fatty.

It seems that in the past two days, Zhang Yi will be able to perform the Dragon Soul Master transfer task [The Eighth Ring of the Dragon Master: The Dragon Travels the World!

Think so.

Zhang Yi was ready to rest and recharge for the next job transfer task.

Night fell, and darkness enveloped the earth.

Outside Liuguang City, in a secluded bamboo forest.

A silver-armored general and a golden-armored warrior each rode a skeleton warhorse, facing each other in the forest.

"Unexpectedly, Liuguang City can survive this crisis and kill the Skeleton King."

As the candle dragon's voice just fell.

Ghost King Buye raised his [Ghost Sword, a pair of sharp eyes glowing with cold light, staring straight at Liuguang City in the dark in the distance, and said calmly: "Don't worry, they can't escape the Skeleton King's attack. Invasion, you can't escape the punishment of the ghost sword."

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