The wormhole of Ji Jiaotong was blown up 16 hours ago, and the star field monitoring of Su Jiaotong discovered a large wormhole in the star field 3 minutes ago.

The military strength of Su Jiaotong and Ji Jiaotong is definitely not at the same level.

Once the wormhole was discovered, the ground ion cannons on Su Jiaotong began to bombard the wormhole.

After a round of military expenditure, the wormhole in the star field was blown up.

Although the wormhole was blown up in time, a group of worm vanguard troops, who were lucky enough not to be killed, broke into the star field of Su Jiaotong.

The starry sky troops, which had long been prepared for war, have begun to clean up the escaped fish.

Just when Tang Ranran thought that there should be nothing serious in their third galaxy, from the perspective of Tang Xuanhao, the starry sky worms in the Ji Jiaotong star field began to march on a large scale, all heading towards... the galaxy channel!

The galaxy channel leading to the third galaxy!

Without caring about anything else, Tang Ranran, who was outside the video, spoke directly, "Qi Xingyuan, quickly notify the army of star bugs in the Ji Jiaotong star field, prepare to enter our third star system through the star system space channel!"

Qi Xingyuan, who was still on a video call with Kang Chen: ? ?

His head was a little confused, but the sense of absolute conviction in following orders made him act instantly. With the authority of the command center, he issued news and orders to prepare for battle to the commanders of the various fleets of the star force.

The star system channel from Ji Jiaotong Star to Su Jiaotong Star was originally heavily guarded, and as soon as the notice was received, all the troops entered a state of readiness.

It didn't take long, just a few minutes, and star bugs poured out of the star system channel.

With the two major advantages of geography and firepower, the star bugs pouring out of the channel became live targets as soon as they appeared.

The situation was a one-sided victory, and Qi Xingyuan became confused after letting go of his nervous mood.

After explaining the latest battle situation to Kang Chen, Qi Xingyuan couldn't help but ask, "Just now, was it the boss?"

Kang Chen said directly, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

Qi Xingyuan: Damn!


How could a wormhole suddenly appear in the third galaxy? With many doubts, Tang Ranran studied the first-hand information Qi Xingyuan sent to Kang Chen.

The star field is very large, but Su Jiaotong's star field has almost no blind spots.

That wormhole, as if it came out of thin air, suddenly appeared just like that, without any preparation.

Such a big wormhole!

Such a big project!

This is really incredible!

Even for a high-level array master, it takes time to open a large teleportation array!

It can only be done so silently with a ready-made large teleportation array.

Only on the existing basis, when the 'switch' is pressed, can it suddenly appear.

Tang Ranran believes that the power systems are similar, so this wormhole is likely to have a foundation!

Tang Ranran looked over and over again... her eyes were dazzled, and finally, she found it.

There was a black meteorite at the location of the wormhole!

Oh, it wasn't a meteorite, I don't know what it was, anyway, it was just a big black mass, and the black suddenly exploded, and a huge wormhole appeared.

After various comparisons, Tang Ranran was almost certain that it was the black mass that turned into a big wormhole.

As for what the black was?

Tang Ranran estimated that it might be a special bug disguised as a meteorite, a space bug? Or, like Yan Qian's clone, is it the spiritual power condensation of the wormhole opener?

If so, it can be explained.

Tang Ranran sent the relevant findings to Kang Chen, who forwarded it to Qi Xingyuan for investigation by the military.

The exchange of fire at the third galaxy's traffic star space channel lasted only two hours. Obviously realizing the strong firepower of the third galaxy, the Zerg gave up attacking the third galaxy, and the space bugs still in the Ji traffic star field turned to rush to various galaxy channels.

Realizing that the Zerg were preparing to land on the planet in large numbers and change the interstellar war to a planetary war, the command center of the thirteen star systems made a painful decision.

Blow up the space channel from Ji Jiaotong to the administrative planets in the star system.

After the administrative planets of the thirteen star systems blew up the star system channel, they could not go to other planets. The Zerg command spacecraft led a group of star bugs to land on Ji Jiaotong.

The armed forces of Ji Jiaotong, which were already at the end of their strength, were defeated within a day and could only change from overall defense to guerrilla warfare mode.

Ji Jiaotong, as the transportation star of the thirteen star systems, has convenient transportation and people coming and going. It is also a developed planet in the thirteen star systems, with a total population of about 2 billion.

Once the armed forces were dispersed, the ordinary residents on the planet immediately fell into dire straits.

Forwarded by Qi Xingyuan, Tang Ranran also saw the miserable situation of Ji Jiaotong planet. Although the military was constantly reinforcing, the parasites and virus bugs of the Zerg were like cockroaches. If there was only one left, it would be a large group in two or three days.

The situation in the thirteen star systems is not optimistic.

In the third star system, although the main force of the Zerg Army has not invaded, they are still clearing out the escaped Zerg. The star system is so large, and it is difficult to eliminate the scattered starry sky Zerg.

These days, for fear that the starry sky Zerg will sneak in, Tang Ranran simply closed the entrance to the planet, and then worked overtime to enchant. If she works hard, she can give the starship a temporary enchantment of defense and invisibility in about four hours.

As for the mecha, it will be even faster, and it will be OK in half an hour.

However, even if Tang Ranran works on both at the same time, the progress of the project is still a bit slow.

As for relying on others?


The vegetable plate 2.0 has not been developed yet, and this more complicated enchantment, those elementary school chickens will probably need three to five years to learn.

On the military side, combat meetings are held one after another.

Tang Ranran sometimes hangs up to listen, but there is no substantial content. After two days of discussion, in addition to basic reinforcements, the military decided to launch a major counterattack to recapture Ji Jiaotong Star. In addition to the mecha troops, a high-level superpower combat team will also be dispatched.

Soldier against soldier, king against king, just do it directly.

Tang Ranran did not comment on this major counterattack plan, because Xie Yan and Lu Shao would go, Tang Ranran skipped the military and contacted the two directly, saying that she would go too.

The high-level superpower combat team went to deal with the Zerg command, while she, Tang Ranran, fished in troubled waters and tried to control it.

There are many ways to control the system, but so far, the beastmasters of the human control system have been unable to control the Zerg. Research has found that there is such a line engraved in the genes of the Zerg, and once controlled, they will commit suicide immediately.

Among the immortal cultivation techniques, there is a technique called corpse puppet, which can control corpses, but they claim to be a famous and upright sect, and their Dan Sect does not have such a technique. Tang Ranran can only make a contract, and the premise of the contract is a living thing.

She is unlikely to be able to make a contract with the Zerg, but she can't do it, she has the Sea Spirit King!

After the Sea Spirits control it, even if the host commits suicide, it will not affect it.

So, Tang Ranran wants to give it a try.

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