The grand counterattack plan was passed, each system began to increase its troops, the space system built a space channel, and the mecha troops went to the base.

After gathering a large force of 100,000 mechas, the high-level superpower combat team took the lead in landing on the planet as a cover. A space channel was created in space, and the mecha force entered the planet.

The counterattack begins in an instant.

Before the counterattack began, Ares opened the way, and Tang Ranran took Lan Suqiao with him on the Tang Xuan account, plus Lan Baobao in the spirit state.

Blue Baby is the second generation of Sea Spirit King that Tang Ranran worked overtime and quickly cultivated during this period.

Although it is a water-injected and elevated parallel-imported baby, it is still a 5S level, and the Hailing Tribe still has the innate skill of parasitism.

Tang Ranran joined the battlefield with a driver and two controls.

At the very end of the battlefield, many SSS-level, 4S-level, and even a few 5S-level mental powers were intertwined and fighting each other.

Generally speaking, the Zerg follow the rule that the stronger they are, the bigger they are. Although there are occasional exceptions, most of them follow this rule.

Its large size and mental strength make it easy for Tang Ranran to identify enemy insects.

We have three 5S levels, Xie Yan, Lu Shao, and Yuan Wei, but the enemy has four 5S level mental bugs.

One on one, the other one was dealt with by five 4S-level personnel.

Even though they had the advantage in terms of numbers, due to the level difference and because the bugs were all a combination of magic and combat, their defense was not generally high, so the five of them were now at a disadvantage.

‘Leave this to me! ’

After notifying the five people with his mental power, Tang Ranran joined the battlefield and launched a sword attack at the large insect that looked like an ancient giant spider.

'careful! ’

Regarding the sudden appearance of Tang Ranran, everyone was shocked and thought, how could Tang Xuan set foot in such a dangerous place as the battlefield!

The commanders who were always paying attention to the battlefield were also frightened. Although everyone knows that Tang Xuan has high combat effectiveness, he is a technical and national treasure-like talent. If something happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

Tang Ranran appeared so suddenly, with a lot of mental energy, "go quickly" and "be careful".

‘I have my own sense of proportion! ’5S-level mental power was unleashed. Tang Ranran held a counterfeit version of the Qingxiao Divine Sword in his hand, and used two sword moves against the two SS-level rookie bugs surrounding him.

With one sword kill, Tang Ranran cleared the monster in an instant.

Then, Tang Ranran focused on dealing with the big spider, using continuous sword attacks.

After a few rounds of fighting, she estimated that the big insect had lost a lot of its health bar. Tang Ranran immediately said, "Blue Tuan Tuan, go!"

As soon as Lan Tuantuan takes action, he will know if there is one.

The big spider immediately fell into a state of chaos, running around and beating itself up. The mental energy in its body was like the wind and waves on the sea, attacking all nearby creatures indiscriminately, and it was extremely chaotic.

Obviously because of the same level, Lan Tuantuan's parasitism did not go so smoothly.

The two started a life and death battle.

Before Lan Tuantuan could decide the winner, Xie Yan over there called with a contract, ‘This! ! ’

Tang Ranran did not hide their plans. Xie Yan and Lu Shao naturally cooperated with "controlling the Zerg with sea spirits".

When Xie Yan shouted, Tang Ranran understood that the time was ripe for him.

Facing the 5S-level bug that was fighting Xie Yan, Tang Ranran took action simply, Blue Baby, come on!

After the two controls were released, Tang Ranran immediately used the etheric virtual mirror to hide himself together with Ares.

As a stealth assassin, Tang Ranran killed several SSS and 4S levels. After the battery was less than 10%, "Change the battery!"

Tang Ranran gave an order, and Ares, who had been trained and put on the job, acted quickly and replaced the spirit stone on the Tang Xuan in less than three seconds.

Tang Ranran, who was fully charged, regained strength and continued his journey as an assassin.

Beat, beat, beat...

Because of Tang Ranran, an invisible assassin who followed the obscene route and was completely unable to be tracked by enemy insects, the empire gradually gained the upper hand in the king-versus-king battlefield at the rear.

After once again relying on a sneak attack to kill a big insect with 4S level mental power, Tang Ranran was shocked and broke!

A contract was broken!

It's Baby Blue!

Xie Yan's opponent was a giant insect like a giant beetle. At this moment, Tang Ranran could no longer feel the presence of Baby Blue at all.

Although Baby Blue failed to parasitize and died, the big beetle also did not get any benefits and fell into a state of mental violence.

'Failed. ’

Tang Ranran informed Xie Yan, and then the two of them were very unanimous. When the insect was killing the insect, they both hit it and sent it on its way.

This side is solved, and on the other side, Lan Tuantuan's control is coming to an end. Because it has been born for a long time and has many parasitic targets, although Lan Tuantuan's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the wild Sea Spirit Tribe, it is much more powerful than the pure parallel import Blue Baby.

No, it was successful!

The big spider fell down suddenly, and the next second, when it stood up again with its claws, the mental power that originally belonged to the Zerg had disappeared without a trace.

'round and round? ’

The Supreme Insect obviously has a high IQ, so the parasitized Lan Tuantuan also had a high IQ and answered Tang Ranran's call clearly, 'Master, I am here, I succeeded! ’

'Well, good job. ’

After a few words of communication through the contract, Tang Ranran quickly sent a message, saying that the big spider was already her pet, so don't hurt her accidentally.

Two of the four 5S-level supreme insects died at once, and the two 5S-level BOSS insects that were still fighting with Lu Shao and Yuan Wei no longer wanted to fight.

The silent insect chirping that could not be caught by the ears and was not in the human frequency, the insect soldiers in front who were originally fighting with the mecha, rushed towards this side like moths to a flame.

The fearless attitude of the insect soldiers who were ready to die suddenly disrupted the battle in the rear.

A group of high-level psychics had to clear the insect soldiers first.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a 4S-level mental power fluctuation, a space channel was formed in the rear, including two 5S-level BOSS, and a group of high-level insects quickly retreated through the space channel.

When Tang Ranran relied on invisibility to rush out of the encirclement of the insect soldiers and broke the space channel, most of the high-level insects had already withdrawn.

Don't chase the desperate enemy, but those who are intercepted will naturally be killed.

The BOSS who was in charge ran away, and the remaining insect soldiers were in a mess, and were soon crushed by the mecha troops that caught up.

The overall situation has been decided.

The battlefield is still in the process of clearing up the mess, and Tang Ranran, who came without permission, also received a call from the battlefield commander.

After a phone call to explain the situation, Lan·Big Spider·Tuantuan became the focus of attention. Big Spider, originally could spray venom and spider silk, and had the innate skills of binding web, ice system, and earth system.

After several hours of fusion, Lan Tuantuan lost most of his skills and only mastered one skill, spraying venom.

But the good news is that the most practical Zerg gene suppression has been retained.

The Big Spider is a Krefen Zerg, which is under the Supreme Queen and is at the level of the King Zerg. As long as it is below the King Zerg of the Krefen Zerg, it is all suppressed by its genes.

In other words, within the same Krefen Zerg, it can suppress the intelligent Zerg and turn the brainless Zerg against it!

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