Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 198 Angry Qing Xiangxi Dou Palace

The group of thieves followed the Partridge Whistle and were stunned when they saw this palace that was like a fairyland in a bottle. Their eyes were straight. Even though they had a big appetite, they never imagined that there would be such a big palace. In the Hades Palace, those ancient lamps alone are inexhaustible.

It had been less than half a year since Hua Ling came out to move mountains, and he had not seen much of the world. He only felt that the evil spirit was shrouded deep in the palace, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He grabbed Partridge Whistle's arm and hid behind him: "Senior Brother, that thousand people in front of me A strange place... It looks like a Taoist palace for alchemy, how could it be a palace of the underworld hiding the dead?"

When Partridge Shao was thirteen years old, he started to rob tombs with the Taoist monks of the previous generations. He also robbed large-scale imperial mausoleums and ancient tombs of princes and kings. Although the underground palace in the mountain mausoleum was luxurious and magnificent, it did not have the fairyland-like atmosphere in front of him. It was simply All the buildings from a famous Taoist mountain were moved into the cave, but the mountain was as heavy as a ghost palace, and apart from the evil spirit, there was no fairy spirit at all.

When asked by the flower spirit at this time, the partridge whistle casually replied: "Take food to seek immortality? Hehe... It's just a dream of the emperors. Later, the mountains and rivers were shattered. Wasn't this immortal palace and golden palace been destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty?" The general has used it as a tomb, so I will go over and take a look at the Xiangxi Corpse King in the Immortal Palace... to see whether it has three heads and six arms, or whether it is covered in copper and iron armor."

Partridge Shao, a Taoist priest who moved mountains, wanted to steal the ancient tomb of King Yelang in the border area of ​​Guizhou before, but he unexpectedly missed it all. He was feeling a little anxious. Now that he saw the ancient tomb in Pingshan, it was like a wonderland in a bottle. He didn't know what was hidden inside. Seeing the secret weapon of the previous dynasty, he couldn't help but get excited when he saw it. He was about to go to the underground palace alone to find out what it was.

Seeing that he was about to sell the goods, the Xiling bandits, the old foreigner, Hua Ling and others quickly picked up their weapons and wanted to fight with him. But as soon as they raised their feet, they found someone on the palace tower in front of them. There was a faint black air, and there seemed to be streams of black water flowing rapidly between the pillars on the top of the palace. Everyone was stunned at the time, wondering what was weird in the palace? Those with sharp eyes can see clearly, and they are surprised. There are many centipedes in the palace.

The Partridge Whistle knew that having the Angry Rooster by his side would be enough to control the poison in the tomb, but it could only ensure that there would be no worries within a few hundred steps. If these dozen people went there together, he would be alone and unable to sing, and he would inevitably not take good care of everyone. It was getting late at this time, and it was the time when the centipedes in the mountains were spitting poison. If those poisonous insects had a chance to take advantage of it, they would definitely lose their hands. The palace in the bottle mountain is too big. If you want to steal the treasure, you have to wait for Chen Xiazi first Bring a large group of people over to completely eliminate the poisonous insects in the tomb.

Entering Pingshan to rob the tomb was different from Partridge Post's previous experience of moving mountains and fighting against each other. First, a covenant was formed by moving mountains and unloading ridges. If you don't wait for the helm of Changsheng Mountain to come over, and rush to do it first, you will violate the covenant and lose. Loyalty; secondly, now that there are more than a dozen brothers following me, I can't do it alone as before, so I can't let them take risks just because of my own whim.

Thinking of this, Partridge Whistle had no choice but to be patient and carefully looked at the terrain and architectural structures inside the mountain. Then he and Miss Hong led everyone to withdraw from the robbery cave, leaving some people to attack the "Cave Mountain Mausoleum Armor" with their hands. The robbery hole was widened to clear the way for the large group of people behind.

The terrain around Pingshan Mountain was in danger of being cut off, so two gangsters were sent to contact Blind Man Chen on the mountain. This back and forth process could not be completed overnight. Partridge Post simply found a dry and flat area at the root of the mountain. In this place, he lay down and fell asleep. After he had regained his energy, he talked loudly with the group of thieves. Everyone was very proud and told some proud things about their past fighting activities.

Partridge Whistle remembered that when he was excavating the Tang Dynasty Tianling Palace in Shaanxi, he had met two sheep herders from Shaanxi. It happened that Chen Xiazi had business in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces at that time, so he entrusted these two sheep herder brothers to him. I gave it to Blind Man Chen. Now that he thought about it, he asked the thieves how the two brothers were doing now.

Mentioning them, the Xiling group of bandits were very disdainful. Lao Yangpi and Yang Erdan were cowardly and petty. Although they followed the tiller and joined the gang by planting incense sticks in Changsheng Mountain, they could only run away. They were running around to do some small things. The last time they fought upside down, these two pieces of material were so scary that they pissed their pants. This time they heard that they were here to dig out the Xiangxi Corpse King, and the four legs of these two became weak again, so they simply didn't let them go. Come on, I really don’t know why the tiller accepted them in the first place.

Partridge Whistle also found it funny after hearing this. The two sheepherders were both good citizens. They would not do anything illegal and would not eat anything illegal. However, they ended up planting incense and committing robbers on the way up the mountain. They committed rebellion, murder, and arson. It's hard for them, and I thought that if I can't do it, I will talk to Blind Man Chen in the future and let them wash their hands in the golden basin and give them money to start a serious business.

After waiting patiently for a long time, Chen Xiazi finally led his people to Shanyin. He told the Partridge Whistle that they had been bombing on the ridge for a whole day without achieving any success. Went in to rob the tomb, and then we went into the robber's cave together to look at the palace in the middle of the mountain.

It was almost the first time for Chen Xiazi, Luo Laowai and others to see such a majestic palace. They were all amazed and couldn't hold back the ecstasy in their hearts. In this world, only the emperor who is known as the True Dragon Emperor can live in the palace. In addition, only the saints of the three religions of "Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism" can have palaces, and most of them are built in the cave heaven paradise of gods, Buddhas, and Taoists. Don't look at the small area of ​​​​Pingshan Mountain, but the Dan Palace hidden in the mountain is much smaller than the palace. Those Buddhist and Taoist scenic spots and palaces in famous mountains and rivers are even better. They are truly worthy of being "reflections of the world of mortals, an illusionary realm of emptiness", and the treasures in them must be inexhaustible.

Luo Laowai raised his gun to the brim of his hat. He was so happy that his mouth was dry and he said happily: "Boss Chen, what are we waiting for? Let our brothers come on."

Blind Chen was almost shot to death in Wengcheng by the ghost army guarding the mausoleum last time, but now he learned a lesson. Seeing that the underground palace was astonishingly large, he was sure that it was not a trap for false tombs, but he still did not dare to act rashly, and he did not rush for quick success. If you take risks again, what if some poisonous dragon and fire traps ambush you, and you will fall into the trap of the owner of the tomb again?

He immediately ordered to go down and let a hundred brothers from the engineering battalion bring the chickens over to open the gates of the palace. If there were no accidents, he would then form a large group to search for treasures. He would also assign another two hundred engineers to separate at the base of the mountain. They built bamboo bridges in the stagnant mud and dug wide holes to transport the treasures in the tomb.

Luo Laowai was blind in one eye, and the injury had not yet healed. Blind Man Chen asked him to lead heavy troops and set up machine guns to guard the path outside the mountain to prevent the tomb-robbers from mutinying along the way. In addition, he had to cut a mountain road to facilitate the taking of the mules. When the horse came to carry things, Luo Laowai wanted to move the weapons himself, but then he thought about it. Although the troops entering the mountain this time were all confidants, there were still many money-minded soldiers among them, so he had to deal with them. Therefore, according to the instructions of the helmsman, he went to the back mountain to dispatch troops.

Chen Xiazi and Partridge Sentinel led the crowd to watch, and saw hundreds of engineers entering in front, driving a group of big roosters to smash open the gates of the mountain palace one by one. The centipedes were startled to jump around, creating a chaotic and noisy atmosphere. I didn't see any mechanism being touched.

Blind Chen was secretly happy. It seemed that he was sure of winning this time. He took the lead and covered his face with black gauze, covering his mouth and nose. This tradition of covering one's face with black gauze when robbing tombs originated from the thieves who killed people and set fires to hide the truth from the sky. When doing business, you are worried about being seen and your identity revealed, attracting officers and soldiers to come to arrest you. When fighting upside down, you are afraid of the ghosts in the tomb peeking. As long as your face is not seen through, you don't have to worry about being haunted by ghosts when you return home.

The group of thieves covered their faces with black gauze, tied their arms with cinnabar damasks, lit lanterns and torches, and resisted the "centipede hanging on the mountain ladder." At the leader's greeting, hundreds of people shouted and drove countless chickens and birds in.

In the past few days, Luo Laowai's troops have been collecting chickens everywhere, plundering all the chickens from all over the country. They also bought a large number from Xiangyin. Basically, they were all roosters, some old and some young, even half-grown chickens. They have all been brought, but when there are too many chickens, it is inevitable that there will be confusion. Some hens also got mixed in for some reason. At this time, as soon as they spread out in the underground palace, there were immediately many jealous big roosters. I pecked each other until we were all bloody. However, as soon as we encountered the centipedes in the palace, they all chased them with their eyes straight and fought for food. The chicken claws held down the centipedes, large and small, and died alive on the ground.

Chen Xiazi and other bandits from Xiling were all impressed when they saw that the art of moving mountains and filling seas was really no small feat. Although this art did not conform to the principles of the Five Elements, it could use the restraint of the nature of all things in the world to drive away chickens and centipedes. Finally, they were eliminated. This serious trouble, now the treasure in the tomb is really a smooth road.

Suddenly, the silent underground palace was filled with roosters crowing, and there were roosters chasing centipedes everywhere. In an instant, thousands of centipedes died. The species in the world are in conflict with each other because of God's creation, so they are called "natural enemies". Ordinary centipede venom It is black, but this ancient tomb in Pingshan is a mountain of medicinal herbs. The venom of the large and small centipedes living in it are all colorful. Some old centipedes are even more colorful. They are driven to nowhere by the chickens and birds, even in the face of natural enemies. Unable to spit out poison, they had no choice but to fight with their lives. In the continuous fierce fighting, dozens of old, weak, sick and disabled chickens and birds that were not strong enough were bitten to death by centipedes. Their feathers fell off and their bodies lay on the ground with hair all over their bodies. Black, slowly turned into a pool of blood.

Although the Pingshan Underground Palace is brightly lit, after all, it has not seen the sky all year round, and the Yin Qi is extremely heavy. The centipedes are so fat that they eat several other poisonous insects, making them extremely poisonous. There are too many centipedes in the palace, and they were initially killed by their natural enemies. They were chasing after each other, just running around, but being pushed too hard by the chickens, they actually started to fight like trapped animals, and they got out from the gaps in the palace pillars. Three or four centipedes fought together to fight a rooster, and several centipedes were trapped in the hall. The ground was covered with the corpses of dead chickens and dead centipedes, and the rest of the living ones were still fighting to the death with red eyes.

The thieves were all ruthless thieves, and there were many soldiers among the engineers who had been on the battlefield. However, the bloodshed they had seen in their lives did not seem to be as good as the fierce battle between the chickens and the tomb centipede in front of them. That was not it. One or two, not ten or eight, but thousands of centipedes and thousands of roosters fighting in a bloody battle, with murderous aura so intense that the lamps and candlelights dimmed for a while.

Those roosters are aggressive by nature. Maybe when they see their mortal enemy, they turn their crests upside down and have to kill the enemy. And the centipedes are also chased anxiously. As long as they hear the rooster crow, they will hide in the crevices of the rocks. They couldn't live in peace here, so they had no choice but to risk their lives to fight with their natural enemies. During the fierce fight under the flickering lights and shadows, neither of the two sides even took a step back, and the fight was difficult to solve for a while.

Some of the bandits were timid, and their faces turned pale when they saw this formation. Blind Chen felt bad. Looking at the momentum, Centipede and the chickens didn't know who would win and who would lose. If they had known better, they would have brought more roosters into the mountain. .

The partridge whistle has been watching from the side. The angry rooster he carried on his back has always been hidden in the bamboo house and refused to be released. The rooster with a golden crest and blood crest is the phoenix among chickens. He can't see the six-legged chicken that is about to become a sperm. The winged old centipede appeared and refused to let it go out to fight. It just trapped it in the bamboo basket to accumulate its anger.

The Nuqing chicken noticed that the chickens outside were fighting against the centipede, and it was really eager to try. It wanted to go out and peck it, but it was trapped in the bamboo basket. It was so anxious that it kept hitting the cage, ready to make a move.

But at this moment, the Partridge Whistle saw that the large group of chickens could not gain the upper hand. Instead, more and more of them were bitten and poisoned by centipedes. So he had no choice but to slap the bamboo basket behind him with his hand. The angry chickens inside were in a hurry and had nowhere to escape. , suddenly fluttered its wings and roared angrily, and the high-pitched crow of the golden rooster shrouded the surroundings of the hall. When the centipedes who fought hard with their lives heard this rooster crow, they were all frightened and trembled, as if they suddenly lost their souls, and they all froze. On the wood, their legs and feet were numb, and those who were climbing on the pillars and stone walls of the palace fell down, and were caught up and pecked to death by nearby roosters.

Seeing that the situation of strength and weakness was reversed, Chen Xiazi was overjoyed and praised the Partridge Whistle: "The skill of moving mountains is well-deserved, the matter is settled!" After saying that, he waved to the hundreds of men behind him and shouted: "Little You guys...if you want to make a fortune, just follow Grandpa and make a fortune!"

Nearly a thousand thieves and engineers followed behind the tiller, holding torches high and divided into several groups. Like flowing fire dragons, they stepped on the stone steps and stone bridge in front of the main hall and swarmed into the first major hall. Most of the centipedes here were All of them had been eliminated, and the chickens were driven in by the thieves who came in. They rushed into the palace at the back and continued to hunt down the remaining poisonous insects.

The thieves each pulled out their firearms, and when they saw the centipede was still alive, they shot it again, or smashed it into pieces with a shovel. The chaotic footsteps and gunshots resounded throughout the mountain, and they swarmed all the way into the temple. The pills in the bottle mountain were The palace is where the alchemists burned elixirs and refined elixirs for the emperors of the past dynasties. The palaces and pavilions rise slowly according to the sloping mountain. In some places, there are palaces in caves, and there are caves in the palaces. The natural topography is used to create Very clever.

Chen Xiazi, Partridge Whistle and others carried swords and guns and entered the outermost hall. They saw eight treasure glazed lamps hanging inside, about half of which were still burning. Under the fire lamps, the light and shadow in the hall were blurry. There is only one red lacquered pillar in this hall, supported by eighteen beams and citrons. It is a rare "one pillar and eighteen beams" in ancient palace architecture. The main hall in the "Dan Palace" should have pillars but no beams. , taking the meaning of "immeasurable" immortal magic, it is called "Infinite Palace".

In the front hall with one pillar and eighteen beams, there are many paintings of gods and goddesses on the walls, inlaid with many jewels and jade for decoration, which are reflected by the fire and look brilliant and shining. The thieves' eyes are straightened when they see it. Blind Man Chen said: "Now the world is in chaos. , how can there be any honest business in the world? In order to divide the evil and gather the righteousness, everything can be done, this is called - heroes everywhere, with a gun, he is the grass-headed king. It is the time when our Changsheng Mountain should prosper and prosper, we What we do is to unearth artifacts from ancient tombs. Now that we are here, we don’t have to worry about it. We will dig out everything valuable and don’t leave anything behind.”

The Xiling bandits were not like the gold captain who only took one or two things from a tomb. They also paid attention to the way of advance and retreat. There were hundreds of thousands of brothers in Changsheng Mountain. If they took too few bright weapons, they would not be enough to fill everyone's teeth. Yes, now that the helmsman has spoken, what do these thieves below have to be embarrassed about? They immediately divided their hands and used shovels to scrape the pearls on the wall.

In fact, the truly valuable treasures in this palace had already been looted by the Yuan soldiers. The rest seemed like nothing at the time, but as time passed, by the Republic of China, these antiquities from hundreds of years ago were also The treasures, including the crane-shaped copper stoves for burning incense and the gold decorations embedded on the central pillars of the palace, all that could be removed were knocked down by the thieves and taken away. The eight-treasure glazed lamps were left behind for lighting first. Pick it up when you get out.

There are several leaders among the thieves, who are the confidants of the bandit leader and veterans of back-and-forth fights. They separately direct their brothers to move the gold and beads. Although it is not messy, it is orderly.

As for Chen Xiazi and Partridge Shao, the two big bosses, naturally they couldn't be attracted by the things in a mere front hall. They didn't stay long, and then led a large group of people, roaring through the hall, and went straight to the back hall. Walking all the way through the palace, there were dead centipedes everywhere. Even if they were already dead, there were probably over 10,000 of them, which made everyone's hearts tremble.

But the crowd was particularly daring, and they swarmed up. After passing through several halls, they were already at the Wuliang Hall at the highest point. The hall was located in a cave. In front of the hall was a wide platform, surrounded by There is a hollow white marble fence, behind which is the dark blue rock in the mountain, sealing off the apse behind the main hall of Wuliang Palace. Based on the structure of the palace, the apse is where Chen Xiazi went down from the crack in the mountain when he first visited Pingshan.

There was no coffin for the tomb owner in any of these halls. It was expected that it must be in the Wuliang Hall of the Dan Palace in front of them. The thieves thought of the rumors of the Corpse King in Western Hunan, and Li Liu was unavoidable in their hearts. They moved their feet full and slowly gathered around Following Chen Xiazi and Partridge Whistle, he walked onto the platform in front of the hall.

I saw hundreds of big roosters covered in blood on the platform, fighting around the remaining centipedes. There happened to be an arch bridge next to it. Under the bridge was a bottomless pool. There should have been a fountain gushing out from it in the past. It flows through the pavilions and corridors to the outside of the mountain, adding the artistic conception of mountains, rivers, forests and springs to the Dan Palace. But now the spring water has dried up long ago, leaving only an empty pool and a black hole sinking on the hillside in front of the palace.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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