Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 199 Angry Qing Xiangxi powerful enemy

The group of thieves were about to go forward and kill the remaining centipedes, big and small, when Partridge Whistle suddenly realized that something was wrong. He was busy grabbing something in his sleeves, knowing that there was a murderous intention ahead. He looked up and saw several thieves walking onto the bridge, and quickly called out Said: "Quickly retreat!"

Blind Chen also heard something strange in the depths of the dry pool, but it was too late when he and Partridge Whistle warned him. He suddenly heard a burst of "crash" sound below, and the six-winged centipede had already moved along the stone wall. After swimming up, it turned out that it seemed to sense that a natural enemy had entered the Pingshan Mountain. Due to its physical nature, it was so frightened that it hid in the deep stream and did not dare to move. However, seeing that its great-grandchildren were almost being driven away by the chickens, it could not bear it any longer. He rushed up to the stone bridge in front of Wuliang Hall.

Lao Yang and Hua Ling, two newly minted mountain movers, happened to be walking on the bridge with a few thieves. Unexpectedly, the centipede came so fast that it was too late for others to save them. They only saw the six-winged centipede climbing up. Under the bridge, he bent forward and suddenly leaned out from the bridge railing. All the claws under his tawny belly were moving, and he was extremely ferocious.

Although the thieves came well prepared, something happened suddenly. Seeing the big centipede suddenly appearing from the ground, they even forgot to dodge. The old foreigner and the other two thieves were swept under the bridge by the six-winged centipede on the spot. He screamed and fell to death among the rocks at the bottom of the dry pool.

The shrill screams and the sound of bones breaking came from underneath, echoing repeatedly in the palace caves. The faces of the thieves suddenly changed in horror. The thieves standing in the front row shouted and wanted to raise their guns to shoot. When they entered the ancient tomb, , the bullets in the gun were already loaded. This row of random guns fired at it, and at least a few holes were shot out of it.

But the Partridge Whistle saw a six-winged centipede crawling on the side of the stone bridge. If the guns were fired randomly, not only would it be difficult to kill the big centipede, but the few surviving people on the bridge, including Hua Ling, would become victims. It was a shield. He must not shoot randomly at this time. He quickly raised his hand to deflect the muzzles of the thieves in the front row. There was really no time to shoot. "Bah, bang, bang!" A row of random guns hit the people on the bridge. His head was shot over.

Blind Chen also yelled: "Don't shoot and hurt your brother!" The thieves heard the leader's greeting, and then they suppressed the muzzles of their guns. Some of the less courageous engineers saw the reason and turned around and ran away. The pistol company mixed with the group of thieves was responsible for shooting these deserters. Several of the first ones to escape were shot dead on the spot, and there was a sudden chaos in the crowd.

Seeing that the old foreigner had died so mysteriously, Partridge Whistle felt anxious and hateful in his heart. He raised his hand and pushed away the few people blocking him, and rushed to the bridge head, hoping to rescue his junior sister Hua Ling from the bridge, but he couldn't. At the same time, the six-winged centipede suddenly jumped up under the stone bridge. It grabbed the flower spirit with its two clawed feet, vibrated its six-winged centipede, and dragged it up to the double eaves of the Wuliang Hall.

The movement of the centipede was so fast that no one had any room to resist or dodge. The red girl was also eager to save people. Even though a few sleeve arrows came out of her hand, the centipede's huge body advanced and retreated faster than lightning, and the black shadow Flashing in front of the hall, although those sleeve arrows were extremely accurate and powerful, they were actually slow for a moment, and they were all nailed to the door pillars of the hall, without even touching the centipede's shadow.

Partridge Whistle saw that the flower spirit was not sure whether it was alive or dead, so he didn't care to think about it. He also relied on his strong skills to grab a "centipede hanging mountain ladder" from the person next to him, and hooked it to the ridge of the top of the mountain at the corner of the palace. , leaping three times and two vertically, he followed the six-winged centipede to the top of the hall with its front and rear legs.

Partridge Whistle stepped on the slippery long tiles, and heard the crashing of bricks and tiles in front of it. When he looked up, it turned out that the centipede stretched out its feet and scratched the glazed tiles on the roof of the hall, causing them to slide down. It was crawling at a speed of It suddenly slowed down.

His Highness' group of thieves, under the leadership of Chen Xiazi, stabilized their position and raised their guns to aim at the roof of the palace. However, firstly, the partridge whistle was also on the room, and secondly, the centipede lay between the double eaves and vertical ridges on the roof of the palace, which was exposed. There were very few parts. For a moment, no one dared to shoot easily. Suddenly they heard the sound of tiles, and everyone hurriedly stepped back. Dozens of large tiles slid down and fell to the ground.

The thieves saw that the six-winged centipede was so powerful that they almost became a spirit. However, Partridge Whistle, the Taoist monk who moved the mountain, dared to go to the palace to chase him. He was really desperate for his life. Many people cherished his talent and pinched him Khan, everyone shouted, asking him to retreat quickly, no matter how tight they were, they were not as important as their wealth and life.

But Partridge Whistle was accustomed to fighting against the wind and waves, and regarded all difficulties and dangers as nothing. He was not willing to listen to the words of the bandits from the Xiling Mountain. He ducked to avoid the tiles sliding down from above, and made a circle on the roof of the palace. , detoured back to the centipede, and saw the six-winged centipede hugging the flower spirit with its palate legs, saliva flowing from its mouth.

When the Partridge Whistle saw this, he immediately woke up. This centipede has been entrenched in the medicine mountain all year round. It likes the strange flowers and herbs that are used to make elixirs the most. The flower spirit has been collecting medicine in the mountain since he was a child, and he often keeps company with medicinal stones, Zhicao and other things. That's why the six-winged centipede plundered her, intending to drag her back to its nest and slowly devour her.

This thought flashed through Partridge Whistle's mind, but he did not stop. Taking advantage of the centipede's unstable footing on the glazed tiles on the roof of the hall, he stepped forward, reached out and snatched the flower spirit from the centipede's head, and held it in his arms. She then rolled down the slope of the eaves.

The centipede was about to jump from the roof of the palace to the cave wall, and grabbed the flower spirit's jaw and legs to pull it free a little. Who would have thought that someone was following so close, and in a flash, it snatched away the living person in its mouth? , it was already driven into a rage and rage, how could it be willing to give up? He immediately turned around and swung his tail, soared into the air amidst the noise of glazed tiles, and swooped down after the partridge whistle.

The Xieling group of thieves saw clearly from below. They saw the partridge whistle holding Hua Ling and sliding down the roof of the hall. The centipede suddenly fluttered its wings and chased after it. The momentum was as fierce as thunder. They all opened their mouths in shock and shouted at the same time. No, everyone’s hearts were in their throats.

Partridge Whistle heard the bad wind behind him and knew that it was impossible to avoid it, so he had to find a way to block its edge. He exerted strength in his waist and eyes, hugged Hua Ling and turned around fiercely. He put his back on the roof of the hall and turned around, sliding to the top of the hall. He stopped on the sloping ridge at the corner, with two German weapons already in his hands.

The group of thieves below the palace, who were looking up with their necks raised, could only see their eyes blurred. No one could clearly see how he turned around on the top of the palace to draw his gun, or how he turned the nose of the machine. When they could see clearly, the sound of gunshots had already sounded.

The two mirror boxes in the Partridge Whistle's hands were set to the quick release. With a click of the trigger, the forty rounds of bullets loaded into the two guns were like two strings of meteors shooting out. In a flash of lightning, all the bullets were fired. It hit the mouth of the six-winged centipede that then pounced.

The six-winged centipede's momentum of swooping down suddenly stopped. Every time it was hit by a bullet, it was knocked back by the powerful strike of the Mauser gun. After being hit by the first shot, it could not dodge the second shot. Forty rounds of bullets Without wasting any hair, he had pierced forty holes in his body, and thick white silk juice gushed out from them. He was seriously injured, and he turned over and fell on the ridge of the roof of the palace. He struggled and twisted in pain, shaking the tiles. There was a loud crashing sound.

All this happened very quickly. Before His Highness's thieves even had time to set up a bamboo ladder to help them, the fight was already going on at the top of the palace. The group of thieves below were stunned to see it, until the gunfire sounded like thunder. There was a roar of applause. The mountain-moving Taoist Partridge Whistle was indeed a man with big tricks. But before the cheers fell, the centipede twisted its strange body, threw it out and jumped down in the air. It suddenly came back, Those forty bullets failed to kill it.

Partridge Whistle fired all the bullets from both guns, and before he had time to change the magazines, he rushed to see Hua Ling's injuries. He saw that several holes had been poked through her body by the centipede's jaw legs. Blood was flowing, and her face was like gold paper. It was really "The body is like the five drums holding the moon in the mountain, and the life is like the oil lamp running out at the third watch." There is less air in and more air out. Seeing that the fragrance disappears and the jade is damaged, there is no way to save it. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the last three mountain-moving Taoists in the world will , Partridge Whistle himself was the only one left. For a moment, he felt so empty that he completely forgot where he was.

Suddenly, he heard a group of thieves making a noise at His Highness, shouting that it was not good. Partridge Whistle suddenly woke up and saw the six-winged centipede swooping from mid-air. His eyes suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth. His heart was full of murderous intent. He had always been there just now. He couldn't free his hands to tear open the bamboo basket and release the Angry Chicken. At this time, veins were popping on his forehead. He jumped up from the glazed tiles as soon as he hit the ground and cursed: "What an evil beast, just take the magic weapon!"

While shouting, he tore off the seal of the bamboo basket and kicked the bamboo basket towards the big centipede. The bamboo basket flew out in the wind. The Angry Chicken inside had already noticed that its mortal enemy was outside and took advantage of the situation. From the center of the jump, the red-crested colorful feathers fluttered and landed on the head of the six-winged centipede.

The centipede was already seriously injured and wanted to hurt someone out of anger. But suddenly it saw a rooster with colorful feathers and golden claws flying towards it. It was its natural enemy. It was immediately frightened and hurriedly shouted. Shake your head to dodge.

The Nu Qing Chicken could not let it move in a flash. Although it landed unsteadily on the centipede's head, it still nodded like a "Golden Rooster" and gave it a dozen bites. At this time, the centipede suddenly jumped up and the Nu Qing Chicken turned red. Looking directly at the opponent who was about to die, the centipede's body suddenly shook, and then slipped from the top of its head. The golden claws of the chicken feet were deeply grasped into the centipede shell, and stopped at the back of its wings. The golden rooster crows angrily, A transparent wing on the centipede's back had already been torn off.

The Partridge Whistle saw a ball of colorful energy and a ball of black mist intertwined on the top of the palace, fighting inextricably. From time to time, colorful feathers from roosters and broken wings and legs from centipedes were scattered from the sky. He I know that although the Angry Chicken is not a mortal thing, the centipede has been lurking in the medicine mountain for many years, and it is almost perfect. Although it is controlled by natural enemies and does not dare to spit out poisonous mist, its vitality seems to be particularly tenacious. , if you really want to kill it, it is not that simple. This is what happened now. In more than ten years, I am afraid that nothing in the world can hurt it at all. If it is allowed to escape, it will be a big trouble in the future.

So Partridge Whistle was determined to get rid of the monster as soon as possible to prevent Ye Changmengduo from escaping it. He immediately reloaded the magazines of the two twenty-gun rings and jumped close to the horizontal ridge at the top of the palace, hoping to attack the Nuqing Chicken twice. , killed the six-winged centipede in one fell swoop, and here Chen Xiazi also led his men to set up a bamboo ladder and climb up to the top of the palace.

But at this time, the six-winged centipede was struggling to death, and it suddenly turned over on the top of the palace, throwing away the angry chicken that was fighting in one place, and it itself fell heavily. This Wuliang Palace is actually a "Liangless Palace" "There is not a single load-bearing beam, and it is all supported by citron pillars. Although it is extremely strong, it is not as stable as four beams and eight pillars. The roof of the palace was repeatedly hit by the giant centipede, and it could no longer bear it. Finally, After being hit by the centipede from above, the loose citron wood and tiles suddenly collapsed, and a big hole collapsed on the top of Wuliang Hall.

Partridge Whistle was walking halfway when his feet suddenly collapsed. There is a saying that "power comes from the ground." No matter how he moved his hands and feet, the force was generated from the ground. No matter how capable he was, he could not fly in the air. With the roar, With a sound, the partridge whistle and the centipede followed the broken citron and dug it down randomly.

Partridge Whistle suddenly felt that there was no root under his feet, his vision went dark, and his body had fallen into the hall. Unexpectedly, there was a bottomless hole like a deep well in the hall, with an unusually large diameter. There was a jade cover on it. When it fell on it, it was immediately smashed through. The pain all over my body was piercing to the bones, but the falling momentum did not stop. It continued to fall with broken bricks and broken wood.

That is to say, Partridge Whistle has extraordinary skills and is experienced in many dangerous dangers. He has the ability to stay calm in the face of danger. Although his body is hurting, his mind is not disturbed. As he is falling, he suddenly sees a bright light in front of his eyes and quickly throws away the gun in his hand. , stretched out his hand to push it over. There was just a small hollow on the cliff that went straight up and down. He actually grabbed it with his hand. His ability to turn his head upward was no less than that of Xiling Pirate Leader Chen Xiazi. Although a piece of flesh was peeled off from his fingers, he was still hanging on his body in mid-air.

At this time, there were only a few muffled booms above the head, and another burst of sand and dust fell one after another. Several bright pillars in the original hall also fell down, and the mouth of the deep well in the hall was tightly pressed. Even if the Xiling group of thieves immediately started Even if we dig to save people, we can't dig out the collapsed Dan Palace Wuliang Hall.

Partridge Whistle took a deep breath, and used his other hand to grab the groove on the wall. At this moment, he was hanging in the air, and he didn't know where he was. He endured the pain in his body and looked around. It turned out that he was hanging on a On the wall of the huge well, it may not be accurate to say that it is a well. The wall of the cave can be more than ten feet wide, but it looks like a huge vertical cave. The four walls are smooth and flat. At intervals, there are depressions cut into the cliff. But they are not used for people to climb. There are stone lamps in those caves held by a god in golden armor. They are all immortal. This kind of lamp is used in the emperor's ancestral temple and ancestral mausoleum. It is filled with stone lamps. The recesses in the lamp are all lamp troughs.

I saw that in this earth cave, the walls were dotted with such stone lanterns, and there were countless of them. Partridge Whistle had to desperately grab one of the lamp troughs to avoid falling directly to his death, but the stone lanterns As time goes by, the oil will dry up, and the lights are extremely dim. You can't see the bottom, only layers of hazy yellow halos.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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