Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 200 Nu Qing Xiangxi fakes death

Partridge Whistle fell on the wall of the well with one arm. After seeing the terrain clearly, he adjusted his breathing and stretched his legs and feet slightly. It was known that he had not suffered any serious injuries. He was full of courage and was calm and calm even in danger. He looked above his head. Not far from Wuliang Hall, I planned to climb the extremely steep cliff back.

Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly heard the sound of centipedes swimming in the deep well. Partridge Whistle's whole body shivered, and he secretly cursed that guy's life was really tough. He had just thrown away his two most handy mirror box guns. The Nu Qing Chicken was blocked outside the cave again. Even if he wanted to kill the thief, he could not save himself. He could not help but cry secretly. When he looked for the sound, he saw the six-winged centipede circling around the wall of the well and running towards him. Come crawling.

The centipede had a hundred legs and was born to be a pioneer in climbing walls. Although it was injured, it was still very fast. It circled the wall in an instant and did not allow the partridge sentry to prepare any more. It turned three or two and was already close to it. The scratched palate and scars all over the body are clearly visible.

Partridge Whistle knew that this time he was forced to a dead end. Either the fish died or the net was broken. So far, all he had to do was attack the wave and immediately shouted: "Well done!" He let go of the light trough. With his fingers, he kicked his feet on the wall of the well to avoid the centipede's sudden rush. Amidst the roaring sound, he jumped down into the abyss.

Partridge Whistle was also in a hurry. In order to avoid the six-winged centipede's rapid approach, he kicked off the well wall with his feet and jumped down into the deep well. However, although he was fast, the centipede was even faster. , seeing that he was in the air, he danced his tentacles, palate and legs, and suddenly stretched out half of his body on the steep wall, like a black dragon looking back for pearls, and went straight to the partridge whistle in mid-air.

Partridge Whistle was not an ordinary man's bravery. He moved with determination. He knew that there would be such a moment after the centipede flew into the air. When he jumped away from the wall of the well, he exerted enough force on his feet and turned around in mid-air, tearing off his Taoist robe. He dropped it, swung out the bag head, and hit the head of the six-winged centipede just in time with the precise strength of his hand.

The centipede's tentacles, palates, and feet were suddenly covered by a Taoist robe. It didn't know what it was, so it couldn't help but panic. It hung on the wall and shook its head and tail desperately, trying to tear the Taoist robe away, but the more it struggled, the more it struggled. The tighter the hook becomes, the harder it is to get rid of it for a while.

Although Partridge Whistle used his Taoist robe to stop the centipede in mid-air, he took off his armor and threw away the Taoist robe in the air. He had done his best in his life. After throwing the Taoist robe, his body immediately fell down. In front of his eyes, he could only see stars on the wall of the well. The lights are like flowers blooming.

His Highness Wuliang's well cave filled with stone lanterns was bottomless, and he didn't know whether it was water or stone. If he fell directly, even the copper skin and iron bones around him would be shattered. However, Partridge Whistle jumped down risking his life, and It’s not asking for death, it’s actually seeking survival from death.

He wears a Taoist robe on the outside, and on the inside is a "digger mountain climbing armor" that can withstand water and fire. This set of digger armor is made of earth shark skin, and the seams are connected with shark tendons. The "elbows, wrists, ankles, There are many small barbs on the inside of the "knee". They usually lie in the nail groove, and the machine spring is set at the back of the waist. When using it, pull the tendons behind you, and the climbing hook will pop out of the nail groove immediately. The so-called Baizi hook The "baizi" in hook means "hundred" means numerous, and "zi" means small. Many tomb robbing tools have tools with a "baizi" structure. Hidden in the armor of mountain climbers are all these thin and tough fine hooks. .

There is a different open space in the deep well, and there is airflow inside, so the speed of the body falling is a little slower than usual. At this time, the partridge whistle pulls the tendons in the air, uses the airflow in the well to open its arms, and glides to the ground like a flying bird. He reached the nearest well wall and pressed the hook on his wrist on the steep and straight cliff. The falling momentum immediately slowed down and he clung to the wall as nimbly as a gecko.

Partridge Whistle stuck to the cliff and let out a sigh of relief. He just tore off his monk's robe, covered the centipede's head, and then used the digging armor to hang it on the wall of the well. These actions were done in one go, and he used all his unique skills at the bottom of the box. If there was even the slightest mistake, he would either feed the centipede or fall to pieces. No matter how brave he was, his heart would beat like a ball.

But before the partridge whistle could take another breath, the sound of a centipede climbing up the wall was heard above the head. The six-winged centipede had got rid of the entanglement of the Taoist robe and climbed down around the well wall again. It was also covered with bruises after repeated fierce battles. , got angry and had to go to Partridge Whistle to die.

Before Partridge Whistle entered Pingshan Mountain, he originally planned to use Ang Qing Chicken to deal with this old centipede that had become a spirit. However, unexpectedly, he and it fell into the big well of His Highness Wuliang, and the exit was sealed tightly. In fact, I knew that I was in a dangerous situation and encountered a powerful enemy that I had never seen before in my life. I didn't dare to be too confident at the moment, so I quickly took a deep breath, used the mountain-climbing digger armor to hang on the well wall, and performed the trick of a gecko walking on the wall. Means, quickly climb to the bottom of the well.

Although Partridge Whistle climbed down step by step, it was extremely fast, but the centipede was chasing too fast from top to bottom, so he had to let go of the wall of the well and moved down in leaps and bounds, barely stopping on the wall and just falling. During the process, he used his digging armor to scrape against the steep wall from time to time to slow down the force of the fall, so as to avoid falling directly to the ground and falling to his death.

The well can be tens of feet deep, and the terrain goes straight up and down, almost to the bottom of the mountain. The partridge whistles like falling leaves. In the blink of an eye, the situation at the bottom of the well has already appeared in the eyes. I saw several piles of things piled up at the bottom of the well. There are hundreds of coffins, including coffins, coffins, and pottery ossuaries. They are all very old and very old, and their styles and ages are very different. From the luxurious lacquer coffins inlaid with gold and jade, to the maggot-eaten cypress coffins, it seems that They belong to both high-ranking officials and the poor and lowly people. They are piled up like mountains, and it is impossible to count how many there are.

Partridge Whistle was an expert in inverted fighting, but when he saw the coffins mixed up at the bottom of the well, he couldn't help but feel surprised. Before he could take a closer look, he climbed up the wall of the well and fell to the bottom. Only then did he see numerous coffins and countless corpses surrounding them. Withered bones, some were dead but not stiff and looked as if they were alive, and some were just skulls. Judging from the appearance and clothing of the corpses, the differences were even greater. They were a mixture of Yi and Han people, and their ages ranged from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties.

The partridge sentry stood on a jade coffin and looked around. He was really confused and cursed secretly. What is the secret of Pingshan? Looking up, he saw a huge bronze alchemy furnace among the coffins and corpses piled up like a hill. The copper was peeling off, and it was cast with many inscriptions on birds and beasts. Although I had no time to identify them in detail, I could tell that it must be an ancient artifact from the Qin and Han Dynasties. .

Partridge Whistle has extensive experience, and Taoist Banshan has been traveling around the world pretending to be a Taoist priest for many years, and he also knows some of Huang Lao's methods. When he saw the huge bronze alchemy furnace, he immediately understood that this deep well was in the Pingshan Alchemy Palace. The elixir wells where the elixir fire ascends to refine the Yin elixir need such a place, and those ancient coffins were secretly dug up by alchemists from various places to burn the elixirs. In ancient times, people believed that zombie meat could be used as medicine. , called "suffocating fragrance", because zombies that die without decay borrow the dragon's energy from the earth's veins. The dragon's energy is invisible and difficult to capture, but the dragon's energy in the corpse can be extracted by cooking the zombie meat.

The coffin containing the corpse's bones is made of "wood, stone, jade, copper..." and other materials. It has been buried underground for many years and has also absorbed the spiritual energy of the earth's veins. It can be used as a furnace when refining elixirs to burn elixirs. The matter of eating food and becoming an immortal has been around since ancient times. Who doesn’t want to seek the path of an immortal that “refreshes the void and is quiet, goes in and out of nothingness, transcends the world and ascends, and is the same as heaven and earth without growing old”? There are also differences in elixir methods. Most alchemists are unwilling to use dead people to refine Yin elixirs. Unexpectedly, although Pingshan is an elixir palace for the royal family, it is actually a place full of dirt and evil. In order to burn real elixirs , to be so unscrupulous is really outrageous.

Partridge Whistle glanced at it and knew what was going on. There were many rock cracks and holes around the bottom of the well, which were all caused by the slope of Pingshan Mountain. The six-winged centipede could use these to scurry between the various halls, but Being down in a well is like sitting in a well looking at the sky. You can't distinguish between east, west, north and south, and you don't know which rock crevice is the same as the outside. Just as you are about to go in and take shelter, you hear the sound of hundreds of feet scratching the wall high up on the well wall getting closer and closer. It is the six-winged centipede. Hot pursuit.

The partridge whistle saw the centipede coming so quickly, how could it deal with it at the bottom of a well like a bucket hole? If you want to hide in a rock crevice, you may not have enough time, not to mention that once the centipede chases into the mountain crevice, it will inevitably die.

He was so anxious that he looked around, jumped out of the jade coffin, rolled into the pile of dead people below, and pulled a mummy to block it. The ancient corpse was covered in purple withered skin, and there were two empty rows of missing teeth. , his eyes were sunken deeply, and his head and chin still had gray hair and beard that had not fallen off, making him look very ferocious and strange.

But Partridge Whistle was full of courage and dared to hide in the pile of dead people and pretend to be dead. He put the mummy on the side of the jade coffin, just enough to cover himself underneath. He was surrounded by the jagged bones of other dead people. He hid among the bones. In the pile, using the Turtle Breathing Technique, his breathing and heart rate suddenly slowed down.

Moving Mountains and Dou Dou often travel back and forth in underground tombs with poor air circulation. In such places, the Yin Qi and corpse Qi are extremely strong. The way to deal with this is, in addition to taking medicine, you must also learn how to hold your breath. Those who are proficient in this technique , the most you can practice is to leave a little more vitality than a dead person, because the breathing speed and heartbeat of the earth turtle living underground are abnormally slow, but they can live for hundreds of years. Someone once dug out a tombstone, and there was a head of ground under the tombstone. The turtle has been pressed underground for hundreds of years. It only survives on the air in the cracks in the ground. It has not eaten anything and only drinks rainwater that seeps into the soil. When it is hungry, it devours the air in the cracks at an extremely slow speed. , until it was dug out from under the stele hundreds of years later, the stele was in dilapidated condition, but it was still alive. Therefore, the method used by tomb robbers to breathe underground is also called the method of turtle breathing.

Partridge Whistle used this method and hid under the mummy with all his strength. He was vigilantly aware of the disturbance outside. He only heard a "swish, swish" sound on the wall of the Danjing, and the six-winged centipede had crawled from the wall. To the bottom of the well.

Partridge Whistle quietly took a peek and saw the centipede crawling and spinning at the bottom of the well where the coffins and mummies were piled up. From time to time, it thrust its two long tentacles into the pile of dead people, as if trying to find the living person who had hurt it just now. It was hit by a random shot, and was pecked by the Angry Chicken. Half of its six transparent demon wings were torn off, and its whole body was about to fall apart. However, it remained ferocious, full of energy, and its whiskers and claws were trembling. Swimming back and forth at the bottom of the well is extremely fast.

Partridge Whistle was secretly alarmed. Could it be that this guy had really reached the peak of his physical form? How come he was so seriously injured but didn't show signs of decay at all? Just as he was wondering, his vision suddenly went dark. The centipede just happened to crawl over his body. The segments of its abdominal armor like dry leaves were close to his eyes. Fortunately, there was a mummy blocking it. The centipede turned around several times without noticing it. Traces of Partridge Whistle.

The Partridge Whistle originally thought that the six-winged centipede was injured and was about to die. He wanted to hide in the pile of mummies for a while, waiting for the wound to occur and die on the spot before taking care of it. However, he never thought that the centipede was so vicious by nature, with its body covered with holes and still able to swim. He kept walking, but he didn't know that although the centipede was powerful, it didn't care about the seriousness of its injuries. It was actually because there were a group of chickens making noise in Pingshan, which made it restless, crazy and unwilling to rest for a moment.

The six-winged centipede turned around several times, but failed to find anyone alive, so it crawled to the edge of the Danjing and rubbed its body back and forth against the wall. Partridge Whistle felt strange and took a peek, only to see that in the corner of the Danjing, there were piles of There were many medicinal stones, Zhicao, and many elixir bottles and shakers, all of which were broken to pieces on the floor. Various elixirs were scattered everywhere. The old centipede was rubbing its wounds on the medicinal stones, actually healing its own wounds.

The Partridge Whistle secretly cursed, "What an evil beast, it still refuses to die." Although he had deliberately killed it, Naihe was now bare-handed, and the two mirror boxes he had thrown away were nowhere to be found. He thought of his junior brothers and sisters. He died tragically in its hands. I couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred. I also thought that the Banshan tribe was now all sick and weak women and children. In the past, the Banshan Taoist who migrated from the Kongque River in the Shuangheishan Desert to the inland and passed down the tradition for thousands of years, now only the Banshan Taoist remains. Alone, he was so desperate that he couldn't help but want to push away the mummy and go out to fight to the death with the centipede. But he also knew very well that if he succeeded in being brave and made a mistake here, the mountain-moving Taoist would be completely defeated. I had no choice but to endure it, hiding under the smelly mummies and waiting for the opportunity. I would never act rashly if I was not completely sure.

Just as Partridge Whistle's thoughts were rising and falling, he suddenly felt a numbness in his ears, and almost broke out in a white sweat. It turned out that there was a three-inch long centipede in the pile of dead people, swimming from the eye socket of a skull under him. When he came out, it seemed to realize that the partridge whistle was a living thing, and actually climbed up from his ears to his face.

The partridge whistled in its heart and said: "Bitter, I think I fell into the centipede's nest, what should I do?" I felt the centipede climb up from the ears to the forehead, and then swim to the nose with dozens of claws, and the two centipedes The tentacles that branched one by one were sweeping back and forth flexibly. The feeling was really itchy and unbearable. What was even more unbearable was the numbness in my heart. The turtle breath technique was about to break.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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