Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 201 Nu Qing Xiangxi Dan Furnace

Partridge Whistle knew that if his breathing rhythm was disordered, he would be noticed by the six-winged centipede, so he had no choice but to hold back, letting the little centipede crawl around between his eyebrows and forehead, without daring to move at all, thanks to the roosters crowing in the mountains. In chaos, all the centipedes have lost their normal nature and are unwilling to spit poison easily. Otherwise, if they are exposed to the poison of the Pingshan Centipede, their abilities and their lives will be ruined here.

The crawling centipede just swam back and forth on the face, which really made people all over the body tremble. That is to say, the partridge whistle has amazing concentration. It was just like a dead corpse. It didn't even move its brows, but it was also afraid. Come on, the centipede crawled back and forth several times, trying to get in through the mouth of the partridge whistle.

There were mountains of corpses piled up in the deep well of Dan Palace. This centipede was used to drilling in and out. It felt that the corpse seemed to be still alive, but it was difficult to be sure, so it crawled towards the partridge whistle without thinking.

Partridge Whistle's whole body tensed up, how could he do it if a centipede got into his mouth? Moreover, this happened too suddenly, and I had never expected such an encounter in advance. Now I couldn't resist pretending to die, but if my body moved a little bit louder, it would definitely alarm the six-winged centipede.

The Partridge Whistle reacts extremely quickly and makes decisions immediately. It specializes in doing things that ordinary people dare not even think about. It immediately made up its mind and opened the partridge whistle before the centipede could reach in. Teeth, bite it hard with your teeth.

A group of thieves brought a large number of roosters into the mountain to rob the tomb. Roosters and centipedes are natural enemies. Centipedes of all sizes in the ancient cemetery first hid for their lives. Later, those who were not morally virtuous could not stand the clucking of roosters. They all went out to fight for their lives, fighting to die together, but they fell into the trap of restraint in life on the mountain. The only survivors were the six-winged centipede that had been transformed into a shape, and some people who were so shocked that their livers and gallbladders were split. centipede cub.

The large swarm of centipedes in Pingshan Mountain are probably dead. This three-inch centipede hidden in the pile of dead people in Danjing was even frightened by the crowing of chickens in the mountain. It darted in and out of its eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, refusing to have a moment of peace, and happened to get into the mouth of the partridge whistle that was pretending to die.

Although the Partridge Whistle is very courageous and intelligent, if it disturbs the six-winged centipede that cannot be killed or smashed, it will definitely be a dead end in the Danjing. But if this little centipede is allowed to swim into the entrance, it will be waiting for death. , he could only wait for the centipede to crawl to his mouth. As soon as the two tentacles touched his tongue, he raised his head and suddenly opened his teeth to bite it, and actually took the three-inch long centipede in one bite. Bite into two halves.

The force of the partridge whistle was just right. The bite was silent and there was only a soft "click" sound. However, although the bitten centipede head was separated from the body, it did not die immediately. , struggled two more times in his mouth, and all the palates, teeth, and tentacles were opened, and then he stopped moving.

Partridge Whistle felt that the tip of his tongue was numb and he knew that the centipede spit out poison when it was about to die. Although the centipede did not bite the mouth and its poison would not melt flesh and blood, it was not a solution after all, holding the poison in the mouth, so he hurriedly turned around. The head vomited the centipede head and a mouthful of thick blood into the pile of bones, but the numbness in his mouth and tongue still lingered, and he couldn't help but secretly feel scared, he must have been poisoned.

Unexpectedly, the partridge whistle just made such a slight sound, but it alerted the six-winged centipede. It was rubbing the wounds on its body in the pile of medicinal gypsum and sesame. It didn't know what rare materials the medicinal powder was made of. It has a miraculous effect of stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth. I saw the centipede fluttering its wings and turning its body. After rubbing the medicinal powder all over its body, the sieve-like wounds on its body healed and condensed immediately. It seemed to be aware of the movement in the alchemy well, and suddenly He twisted his body, his palate tentacles swaying wildly, then flexed his paws and crawled over the pile of dead people.

The partridge whistle was worried about being poisoned by a centipede, when suddenly it heard a six-winged centipede in the corner crawling over quickly. It thought to itself that "the thick frost only attacks the rootless grass, and the misfortunes only benefit the young." Hua Ling and The old foreigners had all died in Pingshan. Unexpectedly, they were also in doom now. It turned out that Master Banshan was actually here!

But Partridge Whistle quickly calmed down. He held his breath and gently touched a dead man's arm bone in his hand. One end of the arm bone was broken. It was quite sharp and could be used as a thorn-like bone awl. He made up his mind. The idea is, since you are cheating to death, cheat to the end, and give it a "If you don't touch me, I won't touch you", if you really want to be dug out of the dead by the six-winged centipede, and fight to death, you have to use this arm. The bone stabbed into its forehead.

Determined to die, Partridge Whistle lay motionless in the pile of dead people. He took a peek and saw the big centipede swarming on top of the heap of corpse coffins, and actually ran to the other side of the Danjing. His heart stirred, and he thought to himself: "What's the weird thing again? Now I have to keep the same in response to all changes, and watch it with a cold eye, see what it wants to do, and then make some rational decisions."

But I saw the centipede crawling in front of a lacquer coffin painted with colors and inlaid with gold, suddenly stopped, curled up and opened its mouth, and squirmed towards the lacquer coffin like opening its teeth and claws. The partridge whistle became more and more strange as it looked at it. Under the star-like lights, one can see that the paintings on the huge lacquer coffin are still there. They are several graceful women in ancient costumes. They are in the Xiangyun Palace, playing the pipa and the harp. It seems that they are all fairies in the sky, and they are definitely not. Human climate.

In ancient times, there were often pictures of immortals inlaid with gold and colors on coffins, which were used to entrust the fate of the deceased in the underworld. This lacquer coffin was made by unknown craftsmen of which dynasty and generation, and the expressions of the fairies are lifelike. , the artistic conception in the painting is so vivid that once you see it, you can't help but feel the otherworldly feeling of hearing the heavenly music in the fairy palace.

The six-winged centipede circled in front of the lacquer coffin for several times and refused to leave for a long time. It seemed to be worshiping the fairy in the painting. Suddenly, it spit out a red pill the size of a longan eye from the centipede's mouth. It was as bright red as blood and faintly visible outside. There is a layer of halo wrapped around it, which is spit out and sucked in again by the centipede, dancing over and over again.

The Partridge Whistle suddenly saw a centipede spitting out red pills, and was very surprised. He also smelled the sudden fragrance in the Danjing, and couldn't help but feel a hair in his heart. It turned out that the six-winged centipede was indeed a perfect shape, and its external injuries were healed. Take in and out the inner elixir to heal your own internal injuries. Otherwise, no matter what kind of creature it is, when the inner elixir is formed in the body and inhaled in the mountains, it will only be at the moment when "Ziwu intersects and Yin and Yang separate".

Partridge Whistle understands in his heart that everything in this world is a destiny in the great road, with two poles of yin and yang. As the saying goes, "it is a matter of creation, yin and yang are the same." No matter what living things, they have their birth and death, only Only the gods who exist in mythical legends can attain the great truth and completely transcend the cycle of life and death.

No matter human beings or other living beings, once they are born in the world, they will inevitably suffer from "birth, old age, illness and death". Therefore, since ancient times, there have been many people who have abandoned their family and relatives and spent their lives seeking immortality and refining elixirs, just to "ascend and become immortals, and become golden bodies and immortals." "Eternal life, living and coexisting with the heaven, earth, sun and moon." This idea may be due to fear of the cruel laws of nature.

In fact, not only humans have this kind of fear, but other living beings in the world are also greedy for life and afraid of death, trying to gain insights into the secrets of heaven and achieve the great road. Over thousands of years, the way for these living beings to seek immortality is nothing more than internal and external. The outer elixir is made by smelting medicine, mercury, gold and stone, while the inner elixir is even more mysterious, including the collection of yin and yang, and the refining of qi and breathing.

Speaking of this method of Qi training alone, it is actually to cultivate the inner elixir in the body by swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon. There are so many methods, and they are so complicated and mysterious that it is difficult to describe them all. However, most of them are just tricks to bluff people, whether in heaven or on earth. What kind of creature can never achieve anything unless it encounters a very special opportunity?

On the contrary, stupid animals such as cows, horses, pigs and sheep often unknowingly produce stones like "bezoar and dog treasure" that are close to inner elixirs, simply because they are far less distracted than other creatures, but that's not the case. Precisely because they are all idiots, they can hardly tell if they have elixirs in their bodies, let alone practice breathing and practice. In the end, they all take advantage of the butchers who slaughter pigs and sheep. If you pick up "bezoars and donkey treasures" and sell them to people who buy medicinal materials, you can get a windfall from them.

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, there has been such a family of internal alchemy that builds Kanli. Both men and women practice it. In fact, it is based on the principle of "cows give birth to yellow and dogs produce treasures." This set of alchemy believes that all living things in the world, The reason why we cannot escape from birth, old age, illness and death is because there is a muscle knot in the body, which is in charge of life span. By inhaling and swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, this muscle muscle can be turned into true courage. When the physical refinement is completed, you can escape from the cycle of life and death. To become Daluo Jinxian, this breath-taking qigong has been passed down for thousands of years. There are indeed a few people who have practiced it. In the end, they can form blood pills in their Dantian, but they still died when they deserved it. They lived for more than a hundred years. There seems to be no old ones, and it's hard to say whether they will become immortals or not after death.

Unexpectedly, the six-winged centipede had been hiding in the elixir well for many years, swallowed the remaining elixirs in the underground palace, and actually refined the inner elixir like a red pill. Judging from its actions, it looked like it was about to spit out a few pills in the elixir well. After going back and forth, I gathered enough energy to go out and fight the Angry Chicken.

Partridge Whistle suddenly thought, "This red pill is the six-winged centipede's life. All its energy is concentrated in it. Now is the opportunity. Why not risk your life to get the pill? Otherwise, it will swallow the red pill." , I don’t know when it will be vomited out again. If I don’t break it into pieces, it will be impossible to kill it.”

Partridge Whistle felt that the sensation on the tip of his tongue was gradually losing, and he knew that if he hesitated for a moment, he would definitely be attacked by poisonous energy. At that time, he could only watch the six-winged centipede fly up to the Danjing, so he didn't think much about it, and saw the right opportunity to take advantage of the centipede's back. When he turned around and spit out the red pill, he quickly pushed away the mummy covering his body, jumped up from the pile of dead people, raised his foot and kicked a skull towards the six-winged centipede.

This move was a blow in the east and west. The skeleton he kicked out passed over the six-winged centipede's head with a "whoosh", hit the well wall hard and fell into pieces. The sudden movement really shocked the big centipede's whole body. Trembling, a burst of elixir energy was cut off, and the red pill that was being sucked in the air immediately fell on the dark coffin lid, spinning around.

Partridge Whistle Qiankun threw, and when he kicked out the skull, his body immediately bounced out, as fast as if he didn't even touch the ground. When the Centipede Pill hit the ground, he had already rushed forward several times, and before he could wait for Red The pill rolled off the coffin board, and he bent down and grabbed it in his hand.

The six-winged centipede regarded this pill as life, but despite being seriously injured, it also became a frightened bird. It was frightened by the skull hitting the wall of the well. When it was distracted, it dropped the red pill to the ground and hurriedly bowed and dropped it. Turning around, he wanted to immediately suck the red pill and hide it in his body. Unexpectedly, in such a blink of an eye, the inner pill was stolen. It went crazy with anxiety, trembled with beards and claws all over its body, and whistled at the partridge. flutter.

As soon as Partridge Whistle leaned over and grabbed the red pill in his hand, his feet did not stop at all. He continued to run forward with the help of inertia. At the same time, he lifted up the coffin board on the ground and stopped it in front of the six-winged centipede.

By the time the centipede opened the lid of the rotten coffin, the partridge whistle had already circled half a circle in the alchemy well, running diagonally towards the bronze alchemy furnace in the middle of the well. He knew that no matter how fast he was, he would still find it difficult to move around the iron barrel. In a deep well like that, dealing with the six-winged centipede, the only option is to find a place to avoid its sharp edge. The centipede will not be able to survive for an hour or three if it loses its inner elixir. Looking around while running, it is only the alchemy furnace that is a perfect place to stay.

The Partridge Whistle had no time to look back at where the centipede was chasing behind him. He took a breath and threw himself into the alchemy furnace. He took six feet in one step and one foot and two in two steps. While his body was shaking, he jumped to the front of the furnace in a few steps. , then he tore open the Yizhima, made a Kuixing kick, and used his feet to open a gap in the lid of the bronze alchemy furnace, which weighed more than 200 kilograms, towards the sky. Just enough to accommodate a person, he turned over in the air and volleyed from the alchemy furnace. Roll it into the furnace through the gap in the furnace lid.

Suddenly I heard the lid of the copper stove falling with a clang, and then I heard a six-winged centipede pounce on the bronze pill stove, making a sudden muffled sound. All of this happened in a flash of light, and the partridge whistle turned over and hid in the pill stove. Before his body hit the furnace wall, he heard the alchemy furnace above his head closing, and the sound of the centipede catching up and hitting the alchemy furnace came at the same time.

There was an unusual sound in the belly of the bronze alchemy furnace. The sound was like the sound of striking a copper bell. It buzzed back and forth in my ears. The partridge whistle hurriedly opened its mouth and covered its ears. At this time, I heard the centipede scratching the copper skin outside the furnace. , making bursts of "chichicha" noises. No matter how tightly he covered his ears, the dense sounds seemed to be unblocked and forced into his head.

Partridge Whistle took the centipede pill and took advantage of the situation to hide in the bronze pill furnace. He was in the furnace, but he could hear clearly what was going on outside. He only heard the six-winged centipede chasing after him, unable to knock the pill furnace open, so he It coiled tightly around the outside of the furnace and scratched the outer wall of the copper furnace with its claws. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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