Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 236 Air Raid Alert

After walking like this for a while, I finally walked through this passage covered with snails, opened an iron door, and suddenly the inside opened up. Above my head, there were streaks of bright light from outside the mountain. The rain had stopped, and there were waves of cool and refreshing breath. Everyone let out a sigh of relief as they rushed forward. This is the connection at the end of the backup passage. You can quickly reach the west air raid shelter. This large area runs through the entire mountain. It used to be densely populated with mines, but now it is filled with reinforced concrete. .

I saw that Mr. Sun Jiu was in pain, his teeth were cracked, and his hands were bloody, so I told him to rest for a while before leaving and bandage the wounds on his hands.

Professor Sun put down his backpack and found a dry place to sit down. Shirley Yang took out the first aid kit to clean his wounds. Professor Sun sighed: "I can't stand it anymore. If I go back ten years, what does it matter if I fall?" Guoyanggou Labor Camp..."

When I sat down, I saw Mr. Sun Jiu showing off his old credentials again, not being able to do big things or small things. I was about to make fun of him, but when I raised my eyes, I saw a figure standing behind him and Shirley Yang. That dark figure Crouching on the ground, he secretly reached out to pinch the snails stuck on Professor Sun's back. When he picked one up, he put it into his mouth and ate it. The black shadow was silent, and neither Shirley Yang nor Professor Sun noticed it.

I was startled. I pulled Yao Meier behind me and yelled, "Something's happening." I immediately jumped up. I already had the "engineer shovel" in my hand. The fat man also reacted very quickly. He raised his hand and used the "shovel". Shooting out quickly, two short eagles with armor-piercing steel cones at the front were like two migratory locusts. They passed between Professor Sun and Shirley Yang with a "whoosh" sound, and grazed the shadow and nailed to the concrete wall. superior.

The black shadow in the corner was like a ghost. After being frightened, it ran away with unimaginable speed. The fat man was about to shoot it again with rapid fire, but he heard Professor Sun suddenly shout: "Don't shoot the arrow!" Then he shouted: "Lao Feng... don't run away, we are not here to catch you..."

Professor Sun's shouts echoed repeatedly in the empty and spacious air-raid shelter, but what answered him was not a human voice, but a series of shrill "air raid sirens" deep in the air-raid shelter.

The fat man and I were about to get up and chase the black shadow, when we suddenly heard the piercing air raid siren coming from the air raid shelter. The sound was very loud in the passage, and the long and shrill cry seemed to cause thousands of mountains and valleys to echo in unison, which was thrilling.

Everyone was shocked. How could an air raid alarm sound in the Qingxi air raid shelter tunnel that had been abandoned for many years? Could it be the fault of the missing Captain Feng? The fat man cursed: "The leader is a rabbit, how can he run so fast?" Yao Meier said: "Who can be so fast if not a human? I look like a monkey in Bashan..."

The scene just happened so fast. There were many skylight-like cracks in the tunnel, and a lot of light leaked in. Although it was not completely dark everywhere, the light and shadow were hazy, and it was impossible to tell whether the black shadow was a human or a monkey. I heard the air raid siren sounding strangely, and I was hesitating whether to go over and take a look.

Suddenly, Professor Sun jumped up and ran straight into the depths of the tunnel. As he ran, he shouted Captain Feng’s name. Shirley Yang and I wanted to reach out and grab him, but we failed. I shouted: " Mr. Sun Jiu, are you crazy?" He walked away and chased Professor Sun from behind, while calling the others to follow him as soon as possible.

Everyone ran dozens of meters along the tunnel and arrived in front of a huge arched cement door. Sun Jiuye in front stopped coldly. The bursts of air-raid sirens sounded from the words "prepare for war and prepare for famine." The slogan was emitted from the base of the wall, which was a blind spot where light could not reach. Something was moving in the corner, as if it was shaking a hand-cranked air defense siren.

I grabbed Professor Sun when he stopped. At the same time, I raised the "Wolf Eye Flashlight" and pushed the beam away to shine it in a dark corner. The thing in the corner felt the change in light and immediately raised its head. Plush has a strange face like a mountain ghost, with eyes as blue as a candle.

The mountain ghost-like monster was dazzled by the bright light of the "Wolf Eye". With a strange scream of panic, it dropped the "hand-cranked air defense siren" it was playing with, and the air raid siren resounded throughout the cave. It stopped and saw it raising its hand to shield its eyes from the dazzling light. The hand was covered with wrinkled black hair and extremely long nails. It was definitely not a human arm.

At this time, Shirley Yang, Yao Meier, Fatty and others also arrived one after another. Upon seeing this, Fatty immediately raised his "quick crossbow" to kill him. Sun Jiuye hurriedly pushed away his womb box and panted: "Don't... don't shoot the arrow, Lao Feng... it's... it's Lao Feng..."

Yao Meier didn't know who Professor Sun was talking about, Lao Feng. When she looked forward, she couldn't help but wonder: "Who is Lao Feng? This is the Bashan ape that is often seen in the mountains. No one in the mountains has ever seen it." ?”

The Bashan Monkey in the corner was close to the height of an ordinary person. When everyone was silent, he covered his eyes that were temporarily burned by the "Wolf Eye" light and flashed into the darkness behind the cement door. The sound of howling was heard in an instant. A hundred paces away, even "Lianzhu Kuaisi" can't catch it at this time.

I was afraid that Professor Sun would go crazy and chase the Bashan ape again, so I dared not let go. I still grabbed his arm and asked: "Master Sun, are you dazzled or have you lost your mind? You can't even tell the difference between a human and ape." Qing? Didn’t you see clearly? Where is Captain Feng?”

Professor Sun stamped his feet and said: "Do you think I am crazy like Old Chen because I can't help but attack? That is obviously the ape raised by Captain Feng. I saw it when I was in the labor camp. This guy is a clever old thief. , although it is not with its owner, it always steals things everywhere, and brings them to Lao Feng when no one is prepared, such as tobacco, alcohol, sugar, tea, eggs, fruits... it can’t steal anything, and I also got involved at that time. Less light.”

Shirley Yang said to Sun Jiuye: "Professor, are you sure? Bashan apes are found everywhere in the deep mountains and old forests. The one tamed by Captain Feng is not the only one in the world."

Professor Sun said: "Although my old eyes are dim, I can never see it wrong. Why? Because the old ape had a gold medal hanging around his neck. I saw it at a glance. In the past, Captain Feng was sent to a labor camp and was not allowed to bring any personal belongings. Among the items, he had a Guanshan Taibao waist badge handed down from his ancestors. It was a gift from Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. If it was discovered at that time, it would definitely be confiscated. Captain Feng was reluctant to part with this thing, so he hung it on the neck of the monkey, and he fled back. At that time, the monkey must have been brought back."

I said: "It seems that Captain Feng is also a legendary figure. If he can live to this day, I really want to meet this person."

The fat man picked up the "hand-cranked air defense siren" on the ground and said that this thing is a rare thing now. Panjiayuan has a special collection. He doesn't know where the ape stole it from and played with it. It would be a pity to leave it here. After that, he stuffed it into his bag and said: "Since it can understand human nature, we might as well catch up with the Nabashan monkey alive and force it to lead the imperial army to sweep Dixian Village. This guy must like to eat sweets. Emperor There are so many American chocolates here, why are you worried about not being able to find the entrance to the ancient tomb?"

Professor Sun said: "Although the Bashan Monkey is clever, it is still a beast. It is impossible to force it to lead the way. However, you can follow its tracks and maybe you can find the ancient tombs of Lao Feng and Dixian Village."

I nodded and said, "That's it. Fatty Wang, the captain of the Pig Head Team, don't you want to be a prince? You'll have to work for us to clear the way in front, so hurry up and set off."

Everyone was worried that the Bashan Monkey had escaped far away and could not be tracked. They immediately did not dare to delay and chased it along the tunnel. This tunnel ran through the entire mountain west of Qingxi Town. The ground was paved with tracks for transporting earth and stone. There were a large number of mines around it. The mine tunnel has hollowed out the mountain, and the air-raid shelters and regular tunnels are only a small part of it. The terrain inside is complex and there are many forks. After walking for several kilometers in the dark and long tunnel, the Bashan Monkey was nowhere to be seen. No trace, I don’t know where it escaped.

At present, it seems that if you want to visit Dixian, you should first look for the "Wuyang" instead of following the Bashan monkey wandering around in the maze-like tunnel. We have to continue walking towards the end of the air defense tunnel, which is close to a criss-crossing canyon. , which is beyond the reach of the Wuyan Mine, and it was also the area we originally planned to explore.

When we arrived at the end of the tunnel, we saw that the sides of the tunnel had collapsed, revealing a large cave. The cave was filled with broken earth and masonry, and the color of the bricks was ancient bricks. There was also a half-shaped black sheep stone beast inside. They are half hidden and half exposed in the soil of the cave. At a glance, there are quite a few of them.

I told the others that this might have been exposed by the landslide near the end of the project. This air-raid shelter is a special product of a special era. In fact, in a mountain like this that is full of ancient irregular mines, collapse and leakage are very serious. , no civil defense facilities can be built at all. As long as people are not buried alive inside, how can we expect to play the role of three defenses.

Professor Sun grabbed a flashlight and went into the cave exposed by the landslide to take a look: "Is this a burial pit for human figurines? But it doesn't look like..." Then he discovered that there was a half-carved "Wuyang Stone Beast" and a large number of stones. I guessed that it was probably a place where stone beasts were carved and made in ancient times. The inside of the cave is about the size of seven or eight private houses. The surface of the exposed rock formations is smooth and hard, and the rock veins are very special. The stones used to carve the "Wuyang Stone Beast" are all on-site. There is nothing special about mining, but there is no witch salt vein in this cave. If the engineering tunnel does not extend here, it will never be exposed.

Shirley Yang noticed that there was a cool breeze flowing on the mountain wall, and there seemed to be a small gap leading to the outside. She shoveled away the soil on the wall, revealing a brick wall that was not very tight. With a gentle push with her hand, the brick wall fell down. A large piece of bright light came in from outside. I leaned out and saw that the entrance of the cave was on the mountainside. There was a steep stone path in front of the cave, winding to the bottom of the valley, but the bottom of the valley could not be seen from here.

Opposite is a large cliff that touches the sky and touches the ground. It stands thousands of feet tall and is filled with misty clouds. Dozens of waterfalls formed after the rain rush out from the mountain and run straight to the valley bottom from the gaps in the cliff. Due to the extremely high mountain wall, the water pouring out, Like silver lines that go straight up and down, falling in the air between the lush and dangerous cliffs and ancient walls, it is a spectacular sight.

On the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, there are bird paths recessed in the mountain. They turn vertically and horizontally, and are as dense as a bead net. They all lead to unknown places. The section under the entrance of the "Wuyang Stone Beast" cave is only an insignificant section. I asked Yao Meier where this canyon is? Yao Meier said that it is "Coffin Gorge" and there are hanging coffins everywhere. A long time ago, there was an ancient custom here of "hanging coffins to bring good luck and falling trees to bring good luck". However, that was already a custom many generations ago. Many canyons nearby have hanging coffins. There are hanging coffins, but "Coffin Gorge" got its name because of the many hanging coffins.

I thought to myself that the legend of the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" did not mention hanging coffins on the walls. The "Guanshan Taibao" would not choose such an exposed place exposed to wind and rain as a ghost house, so I asked again. Sister, what’s at the bottom of the gorge? Has anyone been there?

Yao Mei'er shook her head and said she couldn't explain clearly, because most locals knew that "Coffin Gorge" did not refer to just one gorge, but more than a dozen deep and dangerous gorges crisscrossed in one place. Viewed from a high point, the terrain was Like the word "Witch", it is also called "Little Wu Gorge". On most of the cliffs, there are suspended plank roads carved by the ancients. However, because they are too old, these plank roads have become lost, and many places are halfway through. There is no way out, and there is no road to get in from the outside. Even the local mountain people should know very few people about the path, because in addition to the difficult and dangerous roads, the "Coffin Gorge" is also densely covered with hanging coffins, all of which hide the bones of the dead. Who knows? You have nothing to do and you want to come here? I once heard the old people say something like this: "Coffin Gorge, a thin line of sky, ten people will see nine sorrows."

Sun Jiuye said: "That's right. Today's local people no longer know the difference between the ancient plank road hanging over the mountain and the bird path embedded in the mountain. In fact, the Coffin Gorge ancient path is embedded inside the cliff. There are shallow caves every other section, and they are all like birds. Living in a nest is like a bird's nest. The saying that the bird path is criss-crossed and has nine turns in a hundred steps must be referring to this criss-crossed bird path. The hundred-step bird path should be one of them. As long as you find a way to find this path, you will be far away from the immortal world. The entrance to the ancient tomb is not far away.”

Shirley Yang looked at it for a while and said: "The height of the towering cliffs is no less than a thousand meters. The bird paths between the walls are intricate and can be said to be a thousand turns. Some of the mountains are rugged and hazy, and the surrounding clouds and fog block them. How to judge which section is the nine turns in a hundred steps?" Where?"

I saw that the "Coffin Gorge" is indeed an extraordinary situation. What is the concept of a drop of more than a thousand meters? It is equivalent to stacking several skyscrapers with dozens of floors together, and each canyon stretches and surrounds it. Clouds and mist rise in the mountains, rapids roll, and the weather is mysterious and majestic. It is not enough to see, but more than enough to see.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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