Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 237 Coffin Gorge

No "forest and dangerous" place I have ever seen in my life can compare to this place. Even if a hundred thousand troops were hidden in this "Coffin Gorge", there would be absolutely no traces of it. If the "Dixian Ancient Tomb" was built in it, Outsiders don't know the details and secrets, and they are afraid that even gods can't find it.

I told everyone that if you want to "search the mountains to find dragons and divide gold to find caves" here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky. You should find a way to find the "hundred-step bird path" first. Now it seems that what Captain Feng left behind A few hints have many correspondences. We are currently located outside the "Coffin Gorge". We will wait until we get in to see the situation before making any calculations. We will just adapt accordingly.

When the fat man heard that he was probably going to go up the "Thousand-Ren Bird Road", he was dizzy when he looked up and dizzy when he looked down. It was too high and too dangerous, so he immediately backed down and made an excuse, saying that the Guanshan Taibao must not be here. Coffin Gorge", it would be better to retreat to the Qingxi Air Raid Shelter to catch the monkeys and lead the way.

I resorted to provocation, patted the fat man's belly, and asked him if he had lost the courage to enjoy himself recently. The place "Coffin Gorge" is indeed a dangerous and dangerous place that "even a great hero would be trembling with fear", but if not for this, it would be impossible for the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" to be preserved to this day without being robbed. , the owner of the tomb buried in it is the giant bandit who robbed the tomb in Guanshan. The amount of gold, jewels and jade hidden in it is almost countless. If you, Commander Wang, don't go to collect it as soon as possible, sooner or later it will be someone else's bag. thing.

The fat man was touched by my words. When he heard the word "gold, jewels and jade", his "eyes lit up and his heart became angry". He gritted his teeth and made up his mind for a long time, and said harshly: "I will show you today. Fatty, I haven’t retired yet. Fatty, I just dare to fight and win. If I didn’t have the courage and courage to stand on the Diaoyutai despite the storm, I wouldn’t be worthy of this career.”

Everyone packed up and tidily. Seeing that this place was close to the bottom of the gorge, and that this dangerous bird path only led to the bottom of the gorge, they had no choice but to descend from the nearly vertical cliff bird path. They walked along the road and found that The ancient walls are full of very primitive rock paintings, probably thousands of years old. We looked at several of them in the bird path and couldn't help but look at each other. The ancient remnants of the rock paintings that have been eroded by wind and rain all depict scenes. A hellish scene.

The rock paintings on the ancient cliffs are like totems and legends, with strange and rare styles. After passing through the Qianrenniao Road, you can see that they are all over the mountains. It is not known when they were left to this day. Almost all the scenes depicted in them are There are all kinds of horrific disasters, including locusts covering up the sun, flooding, mountain fires, landslides, and humans and beasts killing each other...

I find it strange, why do so many great disasters that destroy the world and destroy the world come to Qingxi Coffin Gorge? It can be said that the water is "deep and hot", but I look at this criss-crossed canyon, like old dragons circling and lurking, the clouds and smoke in the mountains are ethereal, and the cliffs and waterfalls are like the Milky Way falling from the sky. Most of them are "hiding and hiding immortals" in the Feng Shui situation. "Could it be that this place was the Abi Hell in ancient times?

Shirley Yang said: "Rivers gushing with blood, overflowing with frogs, swarms of lice, plagues of wild beasts, spreading plagues, skin rot, hail and fire, locusts descending from the sky, invasion of darkness, and the tragic death of the eldest son are the ten types of divine punishment recorded in the Bible. Although there are differences between Chinese and Western cultures, I think this place is just like what was mentioned in the Bible, it was once a lost land forgotten by the gods."

Professor Sun did not agree with our view. He immediately pointed out: "Don't idealistically believe in gods and divine punishment. Based on my experience, I speculate that these rock paintings are relics older than the Warring States Period. The Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project was built in the Pre-Qin Dynasty. In the past, there were frequent disasters in Bashan and Shushui, and there were frequent wildfires and floods. This is not a myth."

I wanted to argue with him for a few words, but the Bird Trail became more and more dangerous. I could no longer talk distractedly or pay attention to the rock paintings on the cliff. Everyone had to put their backs against the wall and move gradually, including the fat man. His face was pale and he didn't dare to look down with his eyes closed. The surroundings were filled with hazy smoke and mist, and he felt as if he was in clouds and mist, unable to tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

Everyone had been walking on the bird path for a long time when they suddenly heard the sound of water rolling and thundering right below their feet. The cold rock walls were covered with water droplets. It seemed that they were not far from the bottom of the canyon. At this time, Shirley Yang, who was walking at the front, stopped. Footsteps, the bird path is cut off, and there is no way left, but the height from here to the ground is only about three meters.

Shirley Yang said that he could stay down below, so he put down the "Flying Tiger Claw" and asked everyone to grab the stainless steel chains one by one and go down to the bottom of the canyon. The bottom of the canyon is a turbulent river with many natural bluestone beaches on both sides. There are several twists and turns of stone plank roads that can be passed between the dangerous shoals of "rocks through the sky and stormy waves and rapids".

The fat man kept his feet on the ground and rested peacefully: "Old Hu, where are we? Is the Earthly Immortal's Ancient Tomb Museum hidden in this canyon?"

I looked around. The top of my head was covered with mist that suddenly dispersed. The bottom of the canyon was filled with splashing water vapor. What I saw in my eyes was mostly a vast mountain. I really didn’t know where I was. I don't know how to answer the fat man's question.

But we heard Shirley Yang say: "Look behind you..." We hurriedly turned around and saw that the bottom of the cliff behind us was full of fallen gravel. There were several traces of buildings similar to stone beams and stone gates exposed among the rocks. It looked like they had been there before. There is a large Shimen Cave at the bottom of the cliff, but it has been completely blocked by falling rocks.

Shirley Yang said: "Yao Mei said that this place is the edge of Coffin Gorge. The tunnel behind the stone gate may be the way in from outside the gorge. We have now reached the gate of Coffin Gorge."

Sun Jiuye and I both felt that this was most likely the case, but the terrain of "Coffin Gorge" was steep, and I didn't know if there were any veins or mines. It seemed that the Qingxi air raid shelter did not extend in, and the maps found in the town had all been lost. As a result, although I entered the mountain gate, facing this mysterious deep mountain canyon, I really don’t know where to go next.

After some discussion on the spot, everyone decided to go into the depths of the canyon based on the direction of the stone gate at the mouth of the gorge. The dry food we carried with us was sufficient to meet our short-term needs, but the "Coffin Gorge" was isolated from the outside world. , it was deep and desolate inside, I was afraid that I might encounter unexpected dangers, and the equipment was a little thin. I saw that although Yao Meier was very courageous and accustomed to climbing mountains and ridges, she lacked experience after all, so I asked Shirley Yang to take care of her. Be kind to her, don't let her go in front, and don't let her fall behind.

The fat man was thinking about the "gold, jewels and jade" in the ancient tomb museum. He immediately carried Kuai Er in front of him to clear the way. As he walked, he asked Master Sun Jiu: "Master Jiu, please give us some inside information first. Are the gold beads pure?" Gold? How precious is the jade?"

Professor Sun heard that what he said was wrong and quickly said: "You fat man, why do you want to change your mind again? We agreed that you only want the elixir cauldron and the Dragon Bone Diagram to be mine, and the rest was discovered by us together. If you report it, the credit must be considerable." Why did you come up with other ideas again?"

The fat man said: "Don't talk nonsense. The people are the masters of the country now. We have your pigtails in our hands. It's not just that the fat man can do whatever he wants. How can you have any room to bargain? What do you want from that work notebook?" Don’t want it anymore?”

Professor Sun said: "Okay, okay, I just want the Dragon Bone Diagram. Other things... you can do whatever you like. But in the future, you must not tell others that I found the Dragon Bone Diagram in an ancient tomb. I am not coveting it." I just can’t bear to keep this thing buried underground forever, so I can take this opportunity to get ahead..."

The fat man said: "Master Sun, don't be embarrassed. Isn't it just a few pieces of tortoise shell? Do you still remember what Mr. Lu Xun said? A scholar stealing a book is not considered stealing. Master Jiu, you drank a lot of ink, go now." What else is there to be embarrassed about when it comes to robbing tombs and stealing heavenly books? Just be shameless and do it openly. Go back and destroy those reactionary academic authorities who look down on others, and it will be a long time for us to touch Xiaowei Jin. prestige."

Although everything the fat man said was joking, it was all related to today's illness. Hearing Professor Sun's face turn green and red, he felt embarrassed and murmured in his heart: "A scholar who steals a book is not stealing..." Mr. Lu Xun said that?" He seemed to feel depressed and couldn't help but sigh up to the sky. He suddenly pointed to the sky and said to us: "Look, look, there is really a hanging coffin!"

We raised our eyes and looked up, and sure enough we saw many coffins hanging on the cliffs on both sides. They were distributed at random heights and in extremely scattered positions. The highest point was so small that there was only a black dot. There were so many coffins that it was impossible to count them in detail. It was roughly estimated that there were There are tens of thousands of them, which is simply a rare spectacle.

And the deep Grand Canyon has gradually closed in since then. Looking up, there is only a thin line of clouds in the sky, as if it is infinitely far away from where we set foot. If a small stone falls from a high place, it can kill someone if it hits the head. Being among such deep mountains and steep gorges, everyone felt a sense of fear.

Although I knew this place was called "Coffin Gorge" and I expected to see hanging coffins on the wall, but now I saw an amazing number of hanging coffins on the opposite cliff, I couldn't help but become curious. I stood still and watched for a long time. The fat man wanted to tell me to climb up. I went up the cliff to see what was in the hanging coffin. I said: "The hanging coffin is not a burial, and there is no emphasis on being buried in the ground. You see, these coffins have been exposed to wind and rain for a long time, and most of them are in a state of decay. Moreover, the craftsmanship is crude. The natives cut down the wood that grew in the nearby virgin forest, directly hollowed out the tree core, hid the deceased's bones in it, and covered it with a bark coffin board. There were no valuable "clear objects" buried with him. Since ancient times, Tomb robbing is prevalent, but few people are willing to steal hanging coffins because there is really no profit to be made.”

Professor Sun said: "This may not be the case. According to different forms, hanging coffins can be divided into three types: cave type, rock gap type, and pile rock type. Just like regular tombs, they are classified into high and low. This large hanging coffin belongs to the pile rock type. They should all be the burial places of poor people..." When he said this, he suddenly said: "Something's not right...Do you think it's a little strange...Why are the hanging coffins concentrated on one side? There are not even a few hanging coffins on the other side. Not one of them..." Before he could finish his words, Shirley Yang suddenly interjected: "Everyone, take a closer look at the outline of those hanging coffins... what do they look like?"

At this time, we were walking to the bottom of the cliff with the hanging coffin. I didn’t know what Shirley Yang meant by what she said, so I followed her prompts and looked up. It happened that the clouds in the mountains started to disperse, and from this angle, I could only see the stars above. The hanging coffins scattered all over the place suddenly seemed denser, and the outline of the place where the coffins were concentrated vaguely outlined the figure of a tall and majestic giant.

The longer you stare at it, the clearer the blurry outline of the large hanging coffin becomes. The figure sitting upright in the front is extremely realistic, with flat shoulders, hands on knees, and two giant feet stepping on the rushing water at the bottom of the canyon. However, this piece of coffin looks like a human form. Although its outline is lifelike, it does not have a head. It is like a tall and majestic headless god, embedded motionless on a thousand-foot cliff. The five of us are as small as ants on the soles of its feet.

I was stunned until I felt an unbearable soreness in my neck, and then I came back to my senses. When I saw Master Sun and others around me, they were still looking up at the hanging coffins on the wall, their mouths wide open and they kept saying: Surprisingly, in addition to "exclamation" in everyone's mind at this time, they should also invariably think of the hint of "What a great king, with a body and no head".

This headless figure composed of countless hanging coffins would not appear so lifelike from any other angle if it were not looked up from the soles of the feet of the colossus. It is as if the ancients deliberately arranged it this way so that everyone who came here would look up and worship.

Professor Sun was overjoyed: "The shape hidden in the riddle of Ten Thousand Coffins is majestic and majestic, just like an ancient king, and the outline of the head is missing, which also corresponds to the saying of body and headless. As expected, Captain Feng, a fellow inmate at that time, did not Lied to me……"

Although I stood at the foot of this headless god-like silhouette, I also knew that these thousands of mysterious hanging coffins were closely related to the hint left by Captain Feng, but I did not feel any sense of joy. Instead, I felt that "Dixian Village" The mystery of the "Ancient Tomb" is by no means easy to solve.

It is said that before the Earth Immortal was buried, some people in the family did not believe in his "subtle mysteries" and were unwilling to enter the ancient tomb to become immortals. Therefore, as the head of the "Guanshan Taibao", the Earth Immortal Zhenjun left a hint to his descendants. , as long as you follow this clue, you can enter the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" at any time to refining your body, ascend and become immortal, and become a great avenue that will live as long as the sun and the moon.

Captain Feng is the one who holds this secret, but how can such a secret be revealed so easily? He wanted to persuade Professor Sun to abscond with him, so he said one of the paragraphs. The content was extremely limited, just the first few sentences. Since we entered Qingxi, we have seen things corresponding to this suggestion one after another. Not only does the local area have the "Wushan Salt Mine" ", and even the "Black Sheep Stone Beast", and now we see a large number of hanging coffins arranged like a "Headless King".

Although these clues all prove from one aspect that the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" is in Qingxi, things are not as smooth as what you see in front of you. The most important thing is the "Wushan Salt Mine Vein, Black Sheep Stone Beast, and Headless Stone Beast". There is no connection at all between the clues such as "King of the King", which makes people confused and at a loss.

When I told everyone these worries, even Sun Jiuye couldn't be happy anymore: "This old Feng... has been playing riddles with me for more than ten years, and it's still hard to figure out. Ever since he entered the Coffin Gorge, Things seemed to be going incredibly smoothly, but now that I think about it... none of the clues I found were useful."

I nodded and said: "I have indeed made the mistake of blind optimism... I used to think that Guanshan Taibao was just a landowner, so what is it worth? Now it seems that I am afraid that I really have some brilliant skills." There was something in my mind. In the chaos, seeing the mountains and rivers in the canyon ahead, and no clues to be found, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Fortunately, there was an understanding person like Shirley Yang to help me with advice, so I asked her opinion. According to military regulations, the staff made a specific decision on the commander. You have the right to make three suggestions, so don’t waste it.

Shirley Yang looked at the cliff and thought for a while before saying: "All assumptions and inferences must first be based on the truth of the hints left by Captain Feng. I think the Wu Salt Mine, the Black Sheep Stone Beast, and the Headless The outlines of the king's figure are all real historical sites in the Qingxi area. From this point of view, it can be completely ruled out that this paragraph is a vague riddle such as crossword puzzles and acrostic poems. It is probably related to an ancient local legend, and The entrance to the ancient tomb in Dixian Village is hidden in this legend.”

Sun Jiuye said: "What Miss Yang said is reasonable and to the point, but what kind of legend is this? The king's figure formed by the hanging coffin on the ancient wall must be a hint to the Wu mentioned in the first sentence. The king of heads, but is this headless king just a totem relic left by the ancients to control the mountains and gorges, or was there really such a king in ancient times?"

What Shirley Yang and Professor Sun just said, although there is no clear result, it inspired me a lot. I ruled out that the content mentioned in the hint was a riddle, but thought about it from the perspective of ancient legends. , these seemingly unintelligible words may contain content that is neither a legend nor a riddle.

I asked my heart from my heart and replayed those few hints in my mind several times, "What a great king, but he has a body and no head; if his wife does not come, the mountains will not bloom; he will burn firewood and cook the liver and lungs; he will dig wells and cut down salt." , asking ghosts for money; the bird path is criss-crossed, nine times a hundred steps; if you want to visit the immortals, first look for the black sheep..." I raised my head again to carefully look at the countless hanging coffins on the dangerous cliffs, and suddenly I thought of it. One of the most important links, but one that has never attracted attention, is the hint of finding the entrance to the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb". The mystery contained in it must be here.

I secretly cursed myself for getting more and more confused. I kept ignoring such an important thing. I quickly asked everyone: "What is Guanshan Taibao's best thing?"

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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