Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 239 Headless King

Shirley Yang said: "There is a mysterious carving of the head of a black sheep in front of the door. I think this place may be related to the black sheep. If you want to visit the immortals, you should first look for the black sheep. There is a cave inside. It seems to be quite big. Why not go in and take a look. ?" After saying that, he raised the "gold steel umbrella" to protect himself, put the "wolf-eye flashlight" on the umbrella, and first entered through the narrow passage where the monkey heads were piled up. There was a hole between the two stone walls, and the inside was rugged and jagged. The stalactite hangs upside down and turns out to be a natural cave made of limestone.

Seeing the ominous atmosphere in the cave in "Coffin Gorge", I was worried that something might happen to her and Yao Meier in front, so I hurriedly made a gesture and led Fatty and Sun Jiuye to follow closely. The space inside the cave appeared. It was unexpectedly large. The limited beam of the wolf-eye flashlight could not immediately detect the surrounding terrain. All we could see was a flat open land in front of us, more than ten meters above the stalactite above our heads.

Everyone did not dare to take it lightly, so they formed a team and groped forward, shining their flashlights around from time to time, but the light seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness. They could not see anything beyond a few steps, and there seemed to be nothing in the cave. Fatty He pulled out a cold firework and flicked it in his hand with a "chi" sound. The red light suddenly illuminated the surrounding area.

I saw a large bluestone like a giant monument, lying on its side dozens of meters in front of us. There was a tall and strong jade woman on the stone, the color of the jade was as red as blood, wearing a python robe with hooks, and a head as big as a bucket. , sitting on a white stage in the center, but he was far away and could not see his face clearly. He also saw dozens of slave men and women kneeling around, all holding lamps, candles and wine vessels.

Seeing that we had discovered something, we walked over to look at the stone beam first, then climbed up the stone platform and took a closer look. It turned out that the beautiful woman in the middle wore a copper mask like a copper cauldron on her head, but there was no outline of the facial features, and there was not even a breathtaking look. There are no holes in the object. When you tap the copper cover with your finger, it makes a sharp sound. It is a serious ancient bronze object.

Professor Sun asked curiously: "Could it be that he was buried with a hood?" As he spoke, he raised his flashlight and shone it closely on the faceless copper hood.

The fat man reached out and touched the beauty. He felt that it was a pity that he could not move it back. He muttered that it was not easy to move the beauty's head back, so he raised his hand to grab the bronze mask of the beauty. Unexpectedly, he pulled it but it did not move.

Professor Sun saw that he was not in the right mood and quickly stopped him. He grabbed the fat man's arm with one hand and held down the other side of the bronze mask with the other hand to prevent the fat man from really pulling off the bronze mask.

Unexpectedly, the two of them competed and turned the bronze mask in a circle, turning the back of his head to the front. Professor Sun screamed in pain and hurriedly checked to see if the bronze mask was damaged. Who knew? You can look at it, but when you look at it, you suddenly break into a cold sweat and almost throw away the "Wolf Eye Flashlight" you are holding.

Shirley Yang, Yao Mei'er, I, and I were looking at the nearby stone figures holding lamps and candles from behind. Suddenly we noticed that Mr. Sun Jiu shrank back and was about to collapse on the ground, so we stretched out our hands to support him and said, Asking: "What's going on?" He also looked up at the same time.

This is also a big surprise. Why are you so surprised? It turns out that the bronze mask on the back of the beautiful woman's head has facial features, her eyebrows, mouth and nose are all there, and her expression is serious, but it is not a human face, but a "black sheep" face. At this time, the bronze mask was turned by the fat man and Professor Sun. Come over, and the jade statue is already fat and tall, it looks like an old "black sheep" demon wearing a python robe.

Everyone was surprised: "Is this jade man a headless king? Why is he said to have a body but no head? Doesn't he clearly have a pig's head? The cave does not look like an ancient cemetery. Why is this weird jade statue erected?"

Although Yao Mei'er was bold and clever, she had little knowledge after all. Seeing how weird the "black sheep" mask was, she couldn't help but feel a little panicked and asked Professor Sun: "Since ancient times in our Qingxi, no one is willing to eat black sheep meat, why? Putting on such a terrifying head?"

Professor Sun was startled when he heard this and asked Yao Meier: "Girl, are you talking nonsense? Isn't it the custom here in ancient times not to eat black sheep?" Without waiting for Yao Meier's reply, he said to himself: "What a good person. The great king is headless. If he wants to see the Earthly Immortal, he must first look for Wuyang. Could it be that the headless king... is the King of Wuyang?"

The fat man just failed to succeed, and after only one turn, he found that the mask was empty and there was no beauty's head. He felt very unhappy. At this moment, he saw Professor Sun talking to himself, and the content was incomprehensible, so he said: "Fat Master is alive." After more than thirty years, I have never heard of a Wuyang King in any country, have you heard of it, Lao Hu?"

I shook my head. I had never heard of the "King of Wuyang". Shirley Yang also said: "I have seen a piece of news. Last year, China and Japan jointly conducted archaeological searches for the remains of Cuban culture in the wild. The location was in Wushan. Although no results were found, it was mentioned many times that the Ba people worshiped the tiger totem in ancient times, but nothing related to the black sheep was mentioned.”

I saw Master Sun Jiu looking at the "Black Sheep" mask in a daze, thinking that maybe he had found some clues, and was thinking hard, please don't disturb him. I also saw everyone walking on the dangerous path of the bird path in the mountains for a day. , were all a little tired, so they asked everyone to rest for a while before deciding where to go.

The jade statue wearing a bronze "Wuyang" mask on its head is half sitting on a white platform. I have never cared about the ancient "emperors, generals and ministers", so I don't care whether the "Wuyang King" is a human or a monster. , and said to it: "You have been sitting here for thousands of years, while the working people have been kneeling for thousands of years... Don't you feel ashamed?" Then he sat next to the beautiful statue.

The fat man sat on the back of the half-kneeling stone man nearby and chatted a few nonsense to me. Yao Meier sat on the backpack and listened. However, we were all discussing some relatively professional content, which ordinary laymen could not understand. , For example, is a jade woman valuable as a whole, or in pieces? Without the original jade skull, does it lack artistic aesthetics and collection value?

Just as I was talking about the matter, I suddenly felt something was wrong under my butt. I was about to stand up and take a look when I heard the fat man say from the side: "Commander Hu, your expression is neither yin nor yang. Is it from the King of Wuyang?" The seat is not comfortable enough? Is it that comfortable to sit in the kind of seat you are a senior leader in? It must be cold and hard. How do you say that? It's cold at high places. Be careful if you get cold and your stomach will ache... "

I patted the beauty next to me and said to the fat man: "Why is it so cold at a high place? It's so damn hard to accompany you like a tiger. But don't tell me, it's really weird. It's not uncomfortable to sit here, but... It’s so comfortable, a bit like a sofa, a bit colder...but not hard.”

When Fatty and Yao Meier heard this, they both felt strange. There were only stones in the cave. Even if it was a jade platform, it might be warm jade that wouldn't make people feel cold, but how could there be any sofas?

I was even more surprised. I subconsciously touched it with my hands. The surface was covered with a layer of dust, but the bottom was smooth and soft, like leather. I didn’t know what it was. When I lowered my head and looked at it, I saw that they were all pillow-shaped rectangular white bricks with edges. It was a long black spike. I was puzzled, so I pushed it aside with my hands. It was as dry as linen, like the hair of a dead person. I couldn't help but wonder: "Where did all these hairs come out?"

At this moment, Shirley Yang suddenly pulled me back. I saw that her expression was wrong and knew that the situation had changed. I hurriedly followed her pull and stood up. At the same time, I also held the "Stainless Steel Emei Thorn" in my hand. , turned back and followed the beam of her flashlight, and saw a woman's face quietly revealed on the side of the white stone platform at some point. That face was definitely not carved from jade, but was dripping with blood from the mouth and eyes. A zombie face.

I was not mentally prepared. I suddenly felt a chill surge down my spine. I felt the roots of my hair suddenly stand up. I quickly blocked Sun Jiuye and Yao Meier behind me. The fat man was also unprepared. Suddenly, Seeing a face with no human color and dripping blood under the flashlight beam, I couldn't help but feel a little confused. I didn't bother to copy the "Lianzhu Kuaiji" behind me, so I hurriedly dug out the black donkey's hoof with one hand and wheeled the wheel with the other. Engineers set up shovels to smash them,

Shirley Yang said hurriedly: "Don't panic, it won't move!" I calmed down and looked carefully at the head on the side of the white stone platform. It turned out to be a real dead body, with its mouth and eyes open, looking weird and hideous in the darkness. , but what dripped out of its face was not blood, but something filled from its mouth. I carefully scraped off a little bit with Emei thorn, and it was full of blood-red sand. I don’t know what kind of medicine it was given while it was alive. , the whole cavity was filled.

And it’s not just this corpse. The entire white platform under the bronze-faced beauty is actually the backs of six naked corpses. The female corpses are kneeling on the ground in two rows, some with their heads lowered, and some with their faces turned sideways. Come, there are various terrifying expressions, but all of them have their backs exposed above. The six female corpses are similar in size and high and low, like a platform as soft as leather, and the beautiful woman with a black sheep bronze mask on her head is Sitting on a soft mat made of dead bodies.

Professor Sun put on his glasses and stared for a long time. His face suddenly changed color and he said to us: "There is no need to verify it. I dare to guarantee it with my reputation. This is a human... human stool. It is a veritable human stool. It is recorded in history books. Unexpectedly." There will be something real here! The red sand poured into the female corpse may be a medicine used to keep the flesh and blood from becoming stiff or stiff after death."

I thought about sitting on the back of the ancient corpse and felt extremely comfortable. I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. My heart was beating wildly for a while: "What the hell is this human stool? They killed living people and used them as furniture... It's hard work." Can the public not fucking rebel?”

Professor Sun explained: "The name human stool was added by later scholars themselves. The real name cannot be verified until now. This thing did exist in the slave society three generations ago. It is said that Xia Jie, the last king of Xia Dynasty, was a famous tyrant. He was extravagant and lustful, and compared himself to the sun, calling himself the sun in the sky. Female slaves had to lie on the ground to serve as a stool for him, as well as male slaves. He invented people, chariots, and horses for him to ride on, and so on. Later, this extremely cruel system continued for many dynasties. It is said that it existed until the Yuan Dynasty. From ancient times, there was a custom of death as life, and the king was alive. The items that you enjoy and use during your time must also be prepared after death. This...corpse stool should be the substitute of the human stool in the afterlife."

I felt angry and asked Professor Sun: "So... this corpse bench is the burial tool for King Wuyang? But why is King Wuyang's coffin and body not seen?"

Professor Sun shook his head and said: "I have said it before, but none of you listened. This is not the ancient tomb underworld at all, but a sacrificial place similar to the food hall. King Wuyang's tomb has long been gone. His coffin and body, because... Guanshan Taibao had already stolen the ancient tomb of King Wuyang, and built the Dixian Village in that huge tomb as a place to hide the truth. If you want to visit the Dixian, Looking for Wuyang first, wouldn’t it correspond to this?”

I feel that this matter is becoming more and more confusing. Was there really a "King of Black Sheep" in ancient times? The phrase "What a great king, he has a body but no head", is he referring to King Wuyang? I didn’t have any clue just now. How did Sun Jiuye find out in this moment?

Shirley Yang told me: "When you were sitting... on the bench just now, Professor Sun discovered that the large stone beams underground were full of ancient relics of insects and fish, as well as many ancient symbols that resembled the sun, moon and stars. I couldn't see I don’t know much about it, but Professor Sun is an expert in deciphering various ancient texts. The stone beams are engraved with legends from before Coffin Gorge. Although I don’t know whether the legend is true or false, I am sure that there is an extraordinary ancient mausoleum hidden in the gorge. .”

Professor Sun nodded and said: "Yes, the jade statue of King Wuyang has not been destroyed. It may be intentional by the Guanshan Taibao. The headless king is the true body of this jade statue, but it should not be called Wuyang." The King of Sheep, his real title should be "King of Wuling Yishan", but don't think that King Wuling is a human. According to this ancient legend, King Wuling is actually... an amazingly large black sheep. "

Professor Sun said that this cave was originally a place to worship King Wu Ling who moved mountains, and the tomb of King Wu Ling should be hidden in the deepest part of the "Coffin Gorge". What is even more incredible is that this king is not a human being, but It is a "black sheep" that is completely black and weighs a thousand kilograms.

It was difficult for me to understand, and when I was about to ask again, Master Sun Jiu was just lying on the stone tablet and couldn't stop looking at it. I had no choice but to hold back my questions and took Fatty around to check the terrain. The caves in the mountains were extremely deep and wide. The howling of the evil wind in the distance was like the howling of ghosts and gods. It was expected that the cave went through the mountain and there should be an exit leading to the canyon on the other side.

After finally waiting until Sun Jiuye had copied out all the words recording the deeds of the "Wuyang King", it was already mid-night, so we had to find a safe corner, light a fire, and sleep in the cave that night.

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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