Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 240 The deceased—unidentified

While sorting out the information collected today in front of the campfire, Professor Sun told us intermittently the legends recorded on the inscriptions. The stone pillars under the Wuyang King's stool were left over from the flood control period. The carvings were extremely detailed, and the pattern was " "Light and Heavy Thunder Patterns", the seal script is "Snail Cicada Ancient Seal Script". Casual people can't understand these strange-shaped snail seal scripts that are like heavenly books. However, Professor Sun has been immersed in this art for decades and devoted endless efforts. His attainments are extraordinary. It is accessible to ordinary scholars and experts, and it is easy to understand 70% to 80% of it.

I was secretly glad in my heart. If I hadn't brought Mr. Sun Jiu to Qingxi alive and well, Shirley Yang, Fatty, I, Shirley Yang, Fatty, etc., even if we saw these ancient riddles, we would have to treat them as invisible, and we would not stop now. Talk more and listen carefully to Professor Sun's story. It turns out that the hint of finding the entrance to the ancient tomb of Dixian, in addition to hiding the secret of Qingwu Feng Shui, is also related to the ancient legend in "Coffin Gorge".

In the early years, due to the unique topography of the Wushan Mountains, which did not benefit from the water diversion by Yin Yang fish, floods raged in this mountainous area, and natural disasters continued year after year. Every year, countless people and livestock were swallowed up by the floods and became food for fish and fish in the river.

Just when everyone was helpless, a hermit appeared in the mountains. He was a tall man with a beard and a black robe. He called himself the "King of Wuling". He had the ability to move mountains and drive the Yin soldiers to dredge the river.

But he also put forward two conditions. First, while the project of moving mountains and opening rivers was in progress, wine, meat and food must be offered in the place. When it was time to eat, wine, meat and food would be piled at the entrance of the cave. There was a big cauldron in front of the cave, and the person who brought the food was The people rang their cauldrons three times in advance and then hurried out of the mountains to escape.

The second condition was to ask the emperor to grant him an official title in recognition of his merits. At that time, the project was so huge that even if he was willing to pay for food and food, he could not move mountains and divert rivers. Agree immediately.

So King Wuling spent the whole day driving the Yin soldiers and Yin generals to divert the rivers. From then on, the mountains were clouded and gloomy every day, and the sound of attacking the mountains and cutting rocks was like thunder. The local people felt his virtue and chose a woman named Li. After marrying to the King of Wuling, she personally supervised and led all the food preparations for Kaihe Yin soldiers.

The water control project was difficult and long-term. One day, it suddenly rained heavily. The king of Wuling commanded the Yin soldiers to cut down the river, which was not successful. The food and wine he sent remained intact for two days. His wife became worried and took people into the mountains.

Everyone was shocked when they arrived at the site of cutting the river. In the canyon, a big black pig was arching its head over the mountain in the water. Behind it were countless mountain ghosts and mandrills carrying earth and rocks. It turned out that the Wuling King who moved the mountain was the black sheep in the mountain. He wants to show his true form and use the power of ghosts and gods to open rivers, so he never lets people go into the mountains to meet him.

Seeing that his true colors had been revealed, King Wuling hid in the mountains and refused to open the river again. He was even more ashamed to see his wife again. She knelt in front of the mountain and begged to no avail, so she had no choice but to throw herself off a cliff and die. King Wuling felt ashamed. For his wife, he led the Yin soldiers to dredge the last section of the river and completely eliminated the flood.

The court awarded a heavy reward and asked True Lord Wuling to go control another section of the river that was seriously flooded. If he could receive full credit, he would be crowned king and prime minister. However, King Wuling said that he would go into seclusion in the deep gorge from now on, unless his wife Resurrection, otherwise the mountain will never be opened. On the day of farewell, all the people will send you off.

The King of Wuling was so drunk that he mistakenly walked to Xiling Mountain and found his true form, sound asleep. As a result, he was captured by the unsuspecting local mountain people. He was immediately tied up tightly and a cauldron was set on fire. The process involved hair removal and bloodletting. Busy at work, by the time his men found the whereabouts of King Yishan Wuling, the king's sesame had been cooked for a long time.

Then there was a plague in the area, and then locusts covered the sky. People said that this was the ghost of King Wuling, so they built a large tomb in the gorge and collected his remaining corpses for burial, but only his skin and flesh were left. The bones, heads and heads were probably eaten and could never be recovered. A feast hall was built to offer sacrifices year after year, and a jade body and a bronze head were made for worship.

The criss-crossing canyons of "Coffin Gorge" and the dangerous bird paths all over the walls are the relics of the time when King Wuling used Yin soldiers to open the river. The natives who died in the process of opening the river and controlling the water in the past dynasties were included in the hanging coffins. As the flood gradually decreased, they were buried layer by layer on the cliff. It was originally done unintentionally, but unexpectedly they formed a giant headless figure. I am afraid it was also a harbinger of the death of King Wuling. Before King Wuling came out of the mountain, he had brought The Yin soldiers were digging Wu salt veins in the mountains. The salt well cave in the "Coffin Gorge" is where his mausoleum is located. From the dining hall to the king's tomb, one has to go through a dangerous "hundred-step bird path" to reach the entrance of the tomb passage.

Professor Sun told us this record in its entirety, and I suddenly realized: "It turns out that only the last sentence of this paragraph left by Captain Feng is actually useful, or it may be just the first paragraph, which means that the ground The entrance to the ancient tomb of the Immortal may be hidden in the original tomb of King Wuyang, so if you want to visit the Immortal, you must first look for Wuyang. The legend that King Wuyang opened mountains and led rivers is an important clue to find the king's tomb, but this knowledge The first step to find Dixian Village, there must be some hints next, but we don’t know now.”

Shirley Yang was also puzzled by the legend of "Wuyang King" and asked Professor Sun: "This legend does not sound like historical facts. According to this theory, King Wuling should be a virtuous man who opened mountains and controlled floods and made contributions to the people." Sir, the corpse bench in the cave is so violent, but it is completely different from the deeds on the inscription. Is there really an ancient tomb of King Guangde in the Coffin Gorge?"

Professor Sun said: "The inscriptions on the bell and tripod stele are mostly words of praise and virtue, which cannot be fully believed. However, the existence of ancient relics here makes people not believe that the tomb of King Wuling is hidden in Coffin Gorge, but the real deeds are not This may not necessarily be the case. The legend of King Wuyang appearing in his original form and creating a mountain mostly contains the color of creating gods, so naturally it cannot be taken seriously." In addition, this matter is not recorded in various local chronicles and historical materials. The secrets of witchcraft culture are ancient, and many things are unknown. It has been lost in the long river of history and cannot be verified now.

The fat man interjected: "I think the Coffin Gorge is so precipitous that it doesn't seem like it could have been dug through by the primitive labor force in ancient times. Maybe he just wants to put money on his face. This headless king must be full of evil and is afraid of death." After being knocked down in a fight, someone set up a monument in front of the tomb. But then again, no matter how violent King Wuling was during his lifetime, his head was made into pork head meat, stewed and burned, which was considered retribution. ”

Professor Sun said: "There is a certain truth to this statement. According to my experience, King Wuling may not really be a black sheep. There have been too many attempts to overturn the verdict in ancient Chinese history. Turning your hands over will turn into clouds, and turning over your hands will turn into rain. It’s hard to say anything with certainty. I remember that historical materials mentioned the deeds of a similar king, but it was not Wuling, but Longchuan. It is said that King Longshan was cruel and extravagant, but However, he dredged rivers and cured floods. He was a man whose merits and demerits are difficult to evaluate. When he died, he was cut into pieces with a knife. His descendants were worried that someone would steal the royal tomb in revenge for him, so they changed his name when he was buried. They also used various means to cover up people's eyes and ears. As for which region King Longshan was the ruler, there are still different opinions. Judging from the ruins in Coffin Gorge, I think King Longchuan is probably King Wuling of Yishan."

Sun Jiuye never dared to talk much at work, but he didn't have to worry about making mistakes in front of us, so as soon as he started talking, he couldn't control himself. He talked endlessly about Pang Zhengbo, and then talked about King Longchuan. People can understand the art of astrology, and in ancient times, it is inseparable from alchemy to control floods and create mountains. If you don't understand the layout and direction of mountains, rivers and rivers, you will not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also have endless troubles. When I was studying the dragon bone riddle, I discovered many facts about floods and earthquakes. record...

I said to Professor Sun: "It doesn't matter whether King Wuyang or King Longchuan, his tomb has been stolen for hundreds of years, and success or failure has nothing to do with it, so we don't need to examine the merits and demerits in history. Now we should first find a way to find the hundred-step bird path. If the cave with the human stool and the jade statue is really a place for tomb worship, according to the layout of the Feng Shui burial system, the entrance to the tomb path must be behind the jade statue, so it won't be too difficult. The search, what I’m worried about is that it’s not over until we enter the tomb passage.”

Professor Sun and Shirley Yang were also deeply worried. The only hint left by Captain Feng was the first paragraph. After finding the entrance to the Tomb of King Wuyang, we had no reference at all. We could only take one step at a time. Everyone knew how far away it was from the ancient tomb in Dixian Village. Everyone had been debating for a long time, but all they thought was that the future was uncertain and the future was uncertain.

I rested in the cave until early in the morning, then cheered up and continued to the end of the cave. When I got to the cave, I saw that I had come through the mountain. This is another canyon of the "Coffin Gorge", although it is smaller than the one full of hanging coffins. The area is much wider, but there is also a dangerous situation.

The mountain peaks are misty and misty, and the vast expanse of sky is endless. The water at the bottom of the gorge is surging. It is impacted by the cliff and forms an "A"-shaped turn. In the distance upstream, there is a roaring waterfall. The rapids "suddenly dropped and turned" in the canyon, stirring up water mist all over the sky, just like a giant dragon with silver scales flying down into the sky, drilling into the depths of the canyon, and hitting the cliffs on both sides.

I took a few glances into the rapids at the bottom of the canyon. Although I was not afraid of heights, I still felt extremely dizzy. Then I looked at the cliff opposite. Sure enough, there were many winding bird paths, like a huge spider web, inlaid with On top of the thousand-foot cliff, there are so many confusing paths that it dazzles the eyes for a while.

Shirley Yang held up the telescope and looked at it for a while, then hesitated and said: "There are hundreds of dangerous trails in the mountains on the opposite side. In addition to many dead ends, there are many caves at the end. How do you know what the Baibu Bird Path is?" Which section?"

I said don't worry, Mr. Sun Jiu helped a lot last night, otherwise how would we know the origin of the Headless King? But the credit cannot be given to him alone. Today, I will let the comrades see the method of "touching the gold captain". I confirmed with Professor Sun again whether Captain Feng's original words were "The bird path is vertical and horizontal, and the hundred is the same." "Nine Steps"?

Professor Sun immediately vouched for his reputation. He has been repeating this sentence in his mind for more than ten years, and it is definitely correct.

I nodded secretly and already had an idea in my mind. The key word of the sentence "bird paths are criss-crossed, nine times a hundred steps" should be "nine". Looking at the bird paths on the opposite cliff, it looks like "dragons entwining the mountain." "No matter who left the ancient ruins in the canyon, they are definitely not randomly constructed. It may be difficult for others to see this mystery, but this pattern of star-extrapolation and divination has hit the secret art of gold-touching. On the tip of the knife.

Generally, the part or the whole of ancient tombs must be in the number "nine", which means "long-lasting". The "Xunlong Jue" in "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" says: "A group of dragons are entangled" Sichuan makes nine tunes, and the tunes are all nine loops; beyond the nine loops, there are nine more loops, nine loops and nine circles around the Dragon Tower; ninety-nine circles finally come to one, entering the Lingshan Mountain in twos and threes..."

The fat man wondered: "Commander Hu, you are pretty good at math, you can read ninety-nine and eighty-one, but you have been doing it for a long time, and I can't figure out which way should we go?"

I explained: "Since when did we say ninety-nine and eighty-one? It's still three-nine and seventy-two. This is called the Secret of Seeking the Dragon and Entering the Potential. The secrets of the Nine Palaces and Bagua are all in it. If even a rough guy like you can do it, Understand, I might as well tear up this tattered book passed down from my family and throw it into the river. You see, the bird paths on the mountain are as dense as a spider web. In fact, there is only one real path. As long as you go up from the tenth path at the bottom, every time Take a turn on the three forked roads. After turning twice, turn again on the three forked roads. Go down instead of up, go left instead of right. Repeat this nine times until you can enter the cave you see. It is estimated that there is Wuyang. This is the entrance to the King’s Tomb Road.”

Professor Sun found it even more strange. Due to his work habits, he likes to get to the root of everything, so he asked me: "Back then, Zhuge Liang almost trapped the Soochow general Lu Xun with the eight formations. It seemed that the five elements were used to create and restrain. The principle, these are things that have been lost for many years, how do you still know about them? I heard from Lao Chen that this set of things of yours was passed down by your elders in the family? What do your elders do? "

I glanced at Shirley Yang and thought that Shirley Yang's grandfather was the leader of the Mountain Relocation. How famous is he? Her grandfather's side was also from a scholarly family, and he could tell anyone to do something. Even Yao Meier's godfather was an old veteran in "Fengwo Mountain".

Why is it that my old Hu family, my grandfather's generation, set up a stall to tell fortunes and promote feudal superstition? My consciousness was so low that I was embarrassed to say it, so I whispered in Professor Sun’s ear: “My grandfather was a kite who traveled across mountains and seas in those days. He was famous all over the world. He participated in the revolution relatively early, but he participated in the Revolution of 1911. , the old man’s trade is called Golden Point in the world, these skills of mine are inherited from my family, I haven’t learned them even 10% or 20%, I’ll make you laugh.”

On the way, Professor Sun often asked Shirley Yang about the incisions of the Shan Sutra. After hearing what he said, he realized something and praised: "No wonder, no wonder, if he was not from the Green Forest family, he would not have such a genius."

I was worried that Mr. Sun Jiu would continue to ask questions, so I quickly took the lead in finding a dangerous path to go down the mountain. Between the two seemingly endless cliffs, there were several iron-locked wooden bridges connected to each other. When walking on them, people would follow the swing of the bridge, and the water would rush under their feet. The river was inevitably thrilling, and it was hard to turn back at this point. Everyone had to bite the bullet and reach the other side.

Clouds and rain suddenly rose in the canyon. In the rain and fog, the surrounding scenery became blurry. Fortunately, I had spotted the path correctly and found the entrance to the Xuanshan Bird Trail. I followed the formula of "Looking for the Dragon and Entering the Power" to go up. This section of the road was soaked by rain, and it was almost impossible to walk without having your head shaved. People walking behind could see the feet of the people in front of them right on their heads.

I secretly recited "Searching for the Dragon" and meandered all the way up the dangerous cliffs. I was worried that I would lead the wrong way, so I couldn't help but be distracted from time to time. As the saying goes, "It's easier to go up the mountain than it is to go down the mountain." What you see when you go up is what you see in front of you. Even a fat man can persevere on this road, but if he walks down, what he sees is the frightening mist of the deep canyon. If someone doesn't pay attention and slips and falls, even the body cannot be recovered. But The bird path goes up and down, turning a thousand times, with no definite number.

When we reached the end of the bird path that made nine turns in a hundred steps, a strangely deep and unpredictable tunnel appeared on the mountain wall. I climbed in first and reached out with my arms to help the other four people in one by one. Then I took a closer look at the situation in the cave. , the fog here is so thick that it makes breathing difficult, and there are traces of stone mother in the rock formations. It is completely different from the previous Qingxi Air Raid Shelter Tunnel. It should be an ancient tunnel, and I don’t know where it leads.

I was not sure whether the path was correct. Maybe I had taken a wrong turn on the cliff just now. I felt a little dazed. I took a few steps inside with my wolf-eye flashlight. Suddenly I saw a tombstone standing next to me. I was sitting cross-legged in front of it. There was a dead body, its face and clothes were weathered, and much of the flesh had been disintegrated. I didn’t know how long it had been dead. I quickly called Master Sun Jiu from behind to come over and let him see if this was the body of Captain Feng.

When Sun Jiuye saw the mummy, he immediately became a little excited. He put on a mask and gloves tremblingly, held up the deceased's head and looked at it carefully: "It doesn't look like... it doesn't look like..., I remember that before Captain Feng fled, He was injured in the quarry and had several teeth knocked out. This corpse has all the teeth, so it shouldn't be Lao Feng, but who is this person? No... Come and see what this is?"

We thought Professor Sun was talking about the "unknown corpse", and when we were about to take a look, we heard Professor Sun say: "It's not a mummy, it's this tombstone. It is indeed the road sign of Dixian Village."

My spirits were lifted, and I quickly carried the "unnamed corpse" away with the fat man. I saw that there was no name of the deceased on the tombstone that was originally blocked by the corpse. Instead, there were five vigorous strokes of "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" engraved on it. There are several lines of small characters on both sides of the concave characters. I glanced at it and saw that it was the hint for finding the ancient tomb: "What a great king, he is pregnant but without a head; if his wife does not come, the mountains will not open..."

When I saw that the several hints on the broken stele were far more complete than those revealed by Captain Feng to Sun Jiuye, I couldn't help but feel happy: "It turns out that this hint about the secret of the entrance to Dixian Village is called the Guanshan Guide. Mi Fu, these next few sentences are...

(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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