Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 241 Invisible natural dangers

If you want to visit the immortals, you should first look for Wuyang; in front of the frightening platform, the Yin River flows across the sky; the fairy bridge is invisible and hard to find with the naked eye; you sacrifice your body after falling on a rock and reach the sky in one step; the universe is numbered on the iron wall and silver screen; the black mountain cave is the wonderland of the gods. There are hundreds of coffins in the bronze tower, and Lord Wa comes to the door; he kowtows eight hundred times and is granted immortality. "

We read it several times, but most of the time we couldn't figure it out. Based on our previous experience, we walked along the road and saw the difference for ourselves, so we copied down the "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" written on the remaining stele.

Professor Sun said to everyone: "This is great. After many years, today I finally saw the full view of Guanshan Zhimifu in Dixian Village. The cave at the end of the Hundred-step Bird Path may be the path to the tomb of King Wuyang." It's the old site." He then mused: "In front of the Frightening Stage, the Yin River is crossing the sky... Next, we may have to cross a high platform and an underground river, so we have to be mentally prepared."

The fat man said: "In this riddle poem, does it mention some kind of golden cow or some precious treasure? These two words sound somewhat useful. The whole path of Coffin Gorge is a path to the sky. It is too dangerous. I still feel that I have a sprained calf. If there really is a golden bull carrying a treasure in the tomb, the fat man will not be frightened for nothing."

Yaomei'er had heard the legend about the local demon immortal's grave. After hearing what the fat man said, she asked everyone: "Kowtow to the earth immortal and you will live forever? Do you believe it?"

Professor Sun said: "Can this be believed? How can there be immortal people in the world? Ridiculous claims such as summoning gods and ghosts are mostly made up of nonsense by Shinto priests. Of course, they cannot be believed."

I could hear Sun Jiuye, Fatty and others discussing in my ears. I lowered my head and looked at the unknown corpse, and then at the tombstone engraved with "Guanshan Zhimi Fu". I thought about something terrible. Regarding the matter, he immediately interjected: "We haven't entered the mountain gate yet, so don't worry about being the abbot. The situation in the ancient tomb of Dixian Village is not too late to worry about after entering. Have you ever thought that this matter before you is a bit strange... "

The cave at the end of the Baibu Bird Path is wide open, and the "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" is clearly displayed here, just like the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" is afraid that others will not find it. Although the maze of turning around is difficult and complicated, people who are proficient in numerology have existed in all dynasties, and they were even more prosperous in the Qing Dynasty. If there is a real master of inversion fighting, it will be easy to get here.

The ancients said: "The tombs are hidden, and people want to hide them." Most of the "Guanshan Taibao" are veterans of tomb robbers. How could they be so childish as to erect a monument at the entrance of the cave to guide the way? In addition, only the descendants of the Feng family know the content of Guanshan Zhimi Fu. Who is the corpse in front of the ruined monument? Could it be that there is some fraud involved?

My words immediately made everyone confused. Professor Sun thought for a while and expressed his disagreement: "The Earth Immortal should be a person who thinks very highly of himself. Ever since he got a glimpse of the secret of heaven, his whole temperament has changed drastically, so he Building tombs in the mountains to hide the truth, and observing the mountains to point out mysteries, obviously have the meaning of immortals guiding the way. Judging from these arrangements, the tombs of the earthly immortals are deliberately intended to save people and achieve enlightenment. It cannot be judged from the ordinary tombs where bones are buried and treasures are hidden. , and Guanshan Zhimifu is not something that ordinary tomb robbers can easily decipher. People who truly understand astrology and numerology, such as Liao Ruochenxing in modern times, would definitely not be able to find the ancient tomb without special opportunities. There were so many rogues back then, and they couldn't. Digging up the Heavenly Book in Dixian Village is the best evidence."

Professor Sun added: "We happened to take advantage of the idea of ​​the Earth Immortal trying to save people and achieve enlightenment during their lifetime. Otherwise, the terrain in the Coffin Gorge is so dangerous that it would be difficult to find this place. This unknown corpse..." He hesitated before speaking, obviously unable to think. How to explain the corpse in front of the ruined monument? Since this mysterious deceased could find this place and saw the "Guanshan Zhimifu", why didn't he enter the ancient tomb? But die in front of the monument?

At this time, Shirley Yang had carefully examined the mummy. When she saw Professor Sun was speechless, she expressed her opinion: "The environment in this cave is gloomy. It is impossible to tell how long the corpse has been dead, but there are several volumes in its arms." According to the bamboo slips of Daozang, I think the unknown deceased may be a member of the Taoist sect. If it knew the ritual of Guanshan Zhimi Fu but failed to enter the ancient tomb when it was alive, there is a possibility that should not be ignored."

I quickly asked what the possibility was? Shirley Yang said: "Perhaps the second half of Guanshan Zhimifu was an insurmountable chasm that he couldn't cross, or he couldn't understand it thoroughly, and he was unwilling to leave just like that, which made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he finally sat here. But he There may be other reasons for dying here, and what I just mentioned is just one of them."

Professor Sun recited the last half of "Guanshan Zhimi Fu" twice, and continued to say that Shirley and Yang's words were reasonable. In religious legends, there are three levels of enlightenment and immortality, upper, middle and lower, and lower immortality must be transformed after death. Before attaining the Tao of Zhongxian, one must first experience serious illness, disaster, danger, and catastrophe. "In front of the frightening stage, the dark river flows across the sky; the immortal bridge has no shadow, and is hard to find with the naked eye; falling on a rock and sacrificing one's life, one step reaches the sky." These words, It must be referring to a dangerous test. I am afraid that if you are less courageous and less lucky, you will not be able to enter the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb".

When the fat man heard this, he immediately boasted: "Even the King of Heaven is not afraid of me if I dare to do things like fighting for gold. I don't believe it. What kind of natural dangers can't be overcome? What's the use of talking here? Come and see Only by looking can you tell." After saying that, he raised his flashlight and walked deeper into the tunnel.

I thought to myself: "Fat Wang often says stupid things, but what he said just now is to the point. How can you know what it is like if you don't see it with your own eyes?" Everyone left.

The cliffs are covered with dangerous bird paths. This huge mountain is as tall as the sky. The cliffs cut straight for thousands of feet on both sides. It is impossible to see the end, and I don’t know how big the mountain is. I just keep moving forward in the ancient tunnel. , what I saw in my eyes was that there was no branch road, it was a straight road running from the mountain to the end. After walking for an unknown amount of time, my eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a strange terrain. The tunnel entrance is opening halfway up the mountainside. In front of it is an inverted "T" shaped canyon. The exit is located at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical "T" shaped canyons. Point.

Opposite is a high mountain stuck in the clouds and mist, as if cut by a heavenly sword, split straight up and down. At the bottom of the longitudinal canyon, there is a "Dragon Gate", with hundreds of "Black Sheep Stone Beasts" standing facing each other on both sides. , it seems that the underground palace of King Wuyang is inside. The monuments of "Wuyang Stone Beast" can be seen everywhere near Qingxi, which also shows from one side that the scale of the underground mausoleum is very large. A piece of natural stone is also seen under the dragon gate. The waterfall hangs in mid-air. The stone surface is smooth and clean, and there are all kinds of strange things, like it is made of solidified ambergris saliva. Two snail stars and large seals are carved on it to "scare the soul".

This gantry built in a narrow and steep canyon is exactly parallel to the exit of the tunnel where we are standing, and the horizontal canyon cuts straight down, cutting off the road in front of the gantry. There are clouds and fog below, and it is bottomless. .

Professor Sun said to himself: "It seems that this is the frightening platform where the ape is in danger. It is really a place of miraculous craftsmanship. What does Yinhe Hengkong mean? There is a river in the sky? Where is the Shadowless Immortal Bridge?"

I saw that this natural hazard is indeed dangerous. There is no bridge between the tunnel entrance and the gantry. Although the distance is less than 20 meters and only a thin line of sky and sky is visible, it is difficult to cross it without the help of special tools such as rope guns. Do this deep ravine, the Yin River and the Immortal Bridge mentioned in "Guanshan Zhimei Fu" refer to the abyss in front of the frightening stage? Is there really a Yin River hanging in the sky?

I planned to get closer to explore, but as soon as I took a step, I was pulled back by Shirley Yang. Shirley Yang said, "Don't go over there. What sound do you hear in front of me?"

I listened carefully, and at the intersection of the "T"-shaped canyon, there was a faint sound of wind, as if there were countless resentful souls crying, and it was continuous. I asked Shirley Yang: "Is it the sound of wind?"

Shirley Yang did not answer, but picked up a stone and threw it into the deep valley in front of the dragon gate. Everyone looked up and were stunned. They saw the stone flying into the air, suddenly stopped, and then seemed to fall into the "eye of the storm." "In the air, it floated in the air and started to spin. Then it shook a few times and was carried away by the mysterious vortex.

When we saw this situation, we were all shocked. The inverted "T" shaped canyon seemed quiet and normal, but in fact, murderous intent lurked. No one thought in advance that there was such an unpredictable and dangerous airflow. It may be the special terrain that made the mountain The wind gathered in the middle of the canyon, forming a shadowless vortex. Except for the faint and abnormal trembling sound of the air, no other signs of danger could be detected in the surroundings. I am afraid this is the so-called "Yinhe Hengkong".

Professor Sun shook his head and said: "If you can't get through, even the winged gods can't get through. The soul-scare platform is not a natural hazard, but a natural barrier. If you use a rope or hook to pass, you will be caught in the turbulent current in an instant. It seems that this way It doesn't work, but it doesn't matter. I firmly believe that with hard work, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle. We worked hard and found a way around the back mountain to get in."

I stopped Professor Sun and said: "Near the Coffin Gorge, there are mostly lofty mountains with an altitude of more than 1,500 meters. If you go around it, you won't be able to get around it in ten days and a half. The Yin River in front of Duantou Cliff flows turbulently." Although it is powerful, in Qingwu Feng Shui, this is the place where wind and energy are stored. It is not a place with good Feng Shui conditions. There will never be such a strange phenomenon. Although Mojin Xiaowei is good at dividing gold and fixing acupoints, if he is not From a high place with an unobstructed view, the dragon energy situation in this mountain range cannot be seen. The Wushan Mountains are blurred by clouds and mist, and the technique of dividing gold and fixing acupoints must be impossible, so I can't tell how many such wind eyes there are. Maybe There are also such natural dangers in the back mountain and the mouth of the gorge, but now that we have discovered the place where the wind and energy are stored, it means that we have entered the mausoleum area where the ancient tombs are hidden. It is not too early to say that we have entered the tomb, but it can be said that we have already taken control of it. Touching the door."

When Professor Sun became anxious, his thinking became rigid and he said worriedly: "Now that the fake letter of introduction has been issued, what else can I think of?"

I said, "Master Jiu, you see you get confused when you get anxious. If you want to enter this place, no letter of introduction will work."

Professor Sun quickly explained: "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I was anxious to call Guanshan Zhimi Fu a letter of introduction, and now I have also seen Guanshan Zhimi Fu..."

I interrupted him and said, "Actually, you are right. Guanshan Zhimifu is the letter of introduction from Di Xiankai. As long as his letter of introduction is not fake, we will definitely be able to find a way to overcome this natural danger."

Shirley Yang said: "In front of the Haunting Platform, the Yin River flows across the sky; the Immortal Bridge has no shadow and is hard to find with the naked eye; falling on a rock and sacrificing one's life, one step to the sky... I wonder if these three sentences all refer to the natural dangers of the Haunting Platform, and the Immortal Bridge has no shadow. The shadow should refer to a bridge that ordinary people can't see, but I don't understand the last sentence. How can I climb to the sky in one step even if I sacrifice my life? Where is the bridge?"

I pondered for a moment and reminded everyone: "Do you still remember the unknown deceased in front of the ruined monument? That man may be looking for the ancient tomb of Dixian Village like us, but he should not be a tombstone or an amateur archaeologist. I It is estimated that he may be a cultivator seeking immortality. It is hard to say how he died, but this person did not enter the ancient tomb of Dixian Village. He must have been frightened by this invisible natural danger, and even hesitated for many years without daring. Be determined to get through.”

The fat man said: "Commander Hu, after your analysis, I feel that I can understand this comrade's mood very well. This road... is really not meant for people to cross. Seeing that the treasure house is right in front of us, I dare not cross it." , You can’t touch an egg against a stone, otherwise no one will have a bad temper.”

I said: "I'm not asking you to experience how the explorer felt back then. What I mean is to ask you to imagine, was that person scared away by the dangers of nature, or... by the bridge? Why am I like this?" What do you mean? Because we didn’t see the body of Captain Feng along the way, but his domesticated Bashan ape was always wandering nearby. This shows that he must have fled to Qingxi back then, and probably entered the ancient Dixian Village. Tomb, but...why didn’t Bashan Yuanpi go in with him?”

Professor Sun seemed to have some enlightenment: "Oh... you are saying that the Bashan ape, like the unknown dead in front of the ruined monument, did not dare to risk his life to cross the fairy bridge? But Captain Feng was brave and knew the hints left by his ancestors. Is it credible that he just broke through? But look at this deep canyon with an unobstructed view of the valley. Is there any bridge in front of the frightening stage? "

Professor Sun immediately said that it is believeable to say that there are vortices formed by airflow in the place where the wind is hidden, because it is a special physical phenomenon, but it is absolutely not credible that the "immortal bridge has no shadow". How can there be such a thing in the world? The missing bridge? Optical effect? Visual blind spots? It's impossible. Treat the facts correctly and objectively - it's a matter of principle and never compromise.

He also quoted the original words of an authoritative person who criticized him at that time - this kind of folklore is extremely unreliable. It is a primitive fantasy derived from "lack of knowledge, excessive superstition, and wishful thinking". It is simply indescribable childishness. Imagine, anyone who believes that is a complete lunatic. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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