Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 273 Cannon Temple

I nodded in agreement. Anyway, there was no "opportunity" now. I had to go see the "Earth Immortal" sooner or later, so I decided to take action immediately, leading everyone down the wooden ladder and straight to the door of the main hall.

The door of the Demon-Suppressing Lord's Palace was closed after we entered, but when we pushed it, it didn't move at all. I tried harder and didn't push the door open. I don't know when, but the door was hidden. "Ji Kuo" is closed.

The fat man saw that I couldn't push the door open, so he came over to help. He took out his "engineer shovel" and pried open the crack in the door. I felt something strange in my heart. I was afraid that there was something weird in this hall. I subconsciously turned around and glanced behind me. The beam of the "tactical spotlight" above my head flickered, and I saw that the Martial Saint True Lord who was sitting in the hall suddenly changed. His face was no longer that of Mr. Guan, who had "crouching silkworm eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, a face as heavy as jujubes, and a fluttering beard". Instead, he was a black and stocky evil ghost with angry eyes, holding a piece of dead wood in his arms. The black "Flangji", the clay statue's eyes were as red as blood, looking down, staring at the gate in front of the temple, and it was falling on the few of us. I felt an extremely ominous feeling in my heart, even though I had never seen it before. There are many temples and Taoist temples, but they cannot identify which "fierce gods and evil spirits" are enshrined in these temples.

I was shocked. I didn't expect that the "Earth Immortal" Feng Shigu would be so blasphemous. He even dared to set up a temple of Guandi, but I didn't know which evil god's "temple" it was. It was completely different from the previous solemn atmosphere. This one was a real one. There is a huge difference between evil and evil. It is true that "crows and magpies coexist, it is difficult to determine good or bad luck". I am afraid it is not a good thing.

With a thought in my mind, I hurriedly grabbed the fat man who was trying to pry open the door: "Don't touch the door. There is a vicious god here. It is definitely not the Palace of the Demon-Suppressing Lord. Be careful that there is a pin on the door wall to ambush you."

Then everyone stood still and took flashlights to look around the hall. They found that not only the main statue in the shrine, but also the "Zhou Cang and Guan Ping" standing on both sides of the Martial Saint had turned into human beings at some point. The ghost servant in the underworld is covered in red robes and has a "high braid" on his head, and his face is frightening.

We thought we had seen it wrong. When we rubbed our eyes again and took a closer look, it turned out that the previous clay statues were covered with a layer of "cloth tent paint shell". At this time, they were all pulled up by thin ropes hidden behind the shrine. Kongluoluo hung high on the temple beam, and then the true form of the evil god in the temple was revealed.

Our attention had just been attracted by the strange omens in the "Coffin Mountain", but no one paid attention to the movement in the temple. In fact, before entering, we had already checked that there was no "disposer machine" outside the building. , but did not expect that the "Guandi Temple" would be a trap. Although I was extremely careful in advance, I still couldn't help but be fooled when I encountered this "weird" temple that was completely beyond common sense.

There was a dead silence in the hall, but for the time being there was no movement, but the atmosphere seemed very wrong. I felt more and more bad and had to get away as soon as possible. I looked around with the beam of the "tactical spotlight" and saw the cold and heavy "Qinglong Yanyue Sword" still mounted on the cloud platform. I couldn't help but have an idea. An "idea" came up.

In the old society of China, the custom of worshiping civil and military sages has been spread since ancient times. If the "Guandi Temple" is relatively large, there will often be a separate "Knife Hall" set up in the side compartment, dedicated to the "Guan Gong Sword"; Small temples are either built with "Zhoucang" swords or placed flat on Jinyun brackets.

I saw that the "Guan Gong Sword" was extremely heavy, and I thought that there might be a "mechanism" connecting the palace door. Even though it would be effortless to break through the door, it might be an act of "digging one's own grave". Why not use this sword? A ten-pound sword used as a "wall-breaking lock" to break through the wall and get out? So he immediately called the fat man to come forward and raise the knife.

Everyone had just taken a few steps closer when they saw a wooden plaque behind the ghost-like clay statue of the evil god. It had gold characters on a black background and the three characters "Pao Temple" written on it. Yao Meier seemed to recognize this thing and even said it was terrible. , not only the doors, windows and walls of this temple, but also the roof and beams covered with glazed tiles cannot be touched. There must be a "ground-breaking firecracker" hidden inside. Once triggered, the entire temple will be "burned to the ground" and everyone will be bombed. For the powder.

The fat man had originally planned to sneak into the "Feng Family's Old Mansion" to fight for gold due to his strong momentum. But when he saw that his start was not going well, he couldn't help complaining about his bad luck. He probably forgot to burn incense for the "ancestral master" before going out.

I shook my head helplessly and said, it's not that we are "memorizing", but the landlord class is too cunning. But I have never heard of any "gun temple" in the world. Is this temple a big powder keg? Is this really a "knocking down the door from a desperate situation" where you can get in but can't get out?

Shirley Yang also asked Yao Meier: "What is the Cannon Temple? And how to determine that there are floor-standing cannons hidden in the temple?"

After hearing what Yao Meier said, we understood what was going on. It turned out that the folk custom of worshiping the "God of Guns" originated from "Qingxi" in Wushan. It was originally caused by the use of homemade explosives when digging the Wuyan salt veins. The conditions were extremely primitive and simple, and mine slaves were often killed by explosions. So the people secretly built the "Gun Temple", which was a "Shinto" dedicated to worship in the mine. At first, it was only similar to the low earth temple. Usually, those All the saltpeter and gunpowder used for blasting mountains are stored in this kind of temple, and its function is similar to that of an explosives warehouse.

Over time, people discovered that the "gun god" in the temple often performed supernatural things, whether it was blowing up the mine tunnels and burying many miners alive; or there was water leakage in the explosives warehouse, but a large number of explosives were not detonated. Detonators and other such things are all said by the workers who work in the mines that the "gun god" Grandpa has appeared. It is just like worshiping Mazu when going out to sea. It is an ancient industry worship that should have been practiced in China since the Ming Dynasty. Yes.

Later, a trend gradually formed. Except for those who worked in the mining industry, the firearms battalion of the company's officers and soldiers, including the red barbarian cannon later introduced from the "Portuguese Red Hair Country", had to worship the "gun god" wherever gunpowder was involved. Firearms began to develop in the Ming Dynasty, but the concepts were still relatively conservative and superstitious. The main "Hongyi artillery" used in the army would be assigned the title of general, such as "Shenwu, Shenwei, Zhenwei" generals, etc. After the cannon is aged or damaged, it cannot be recast and decomposed. Instead, it must be buried in a grave. All of these are extended from the custom of worshiping the "God of Guns".

Later, because Nurhaci, the founder of the Qing Dynasty, was injured by artillery bombardment outside the city of "Ningyuan" and eventually died of his injuries, the Manchu and Qing dynasties completely banned "Pao Temples", and all "Pao King Tombs and Pao Ye Temples" were demolished and destroyed. , only in its birthplace there are still people who secretly worship the "God of Guns". Most of the temples are built in underground caves. It is difficult for outsiders to know these things. The people in Qingxi area make a living by mining gunpowder. This is an old saying. Everyone knows it since childhood. Since it is a secret offering, the "Pao Temple" in Qingxi has often been disguised as other temples since the Qing Dynasty, mostly "Yaowang Temple" or "Tudi Temple", but no one has ever dared to pretend to be "Guandi Temple". Pretense.

In addition, in "Fengsheishan", which specializes in making pins, there are many traditions of worshiping the "God of Guns" because they often make some gunpowder equipment, such as "the crow flying fire, the fire dragon coming out of the water", etc. The statues have different shapes, but the real body must be holding "Flangji" in his arms, with "boys in red robes and fire clothes" standing on both sides.

"Flangji" is the name for Western artillery in ancient times. It has been named after Portuguese artillery was introduced to China during the Ming Dynasty and Zhengde years. It has always been the "magical weapon" of the artillery god. Although Shirley Yang and others did not know about the "God of Artillery", we were aware of it. We had seen many old weapons atlases in Panjiayuan, Beijing, which included such firearms.

The "firearms" placed in the arms of the clay statue of the gun god are naturally fake, but there is a special point here. The "Flangji" held by the gun god worshiped by the people are all red, which means red clothes and red medicine; there is another point. The black "Flang machine" means that there are fire weapons to kill people in the cannon temple, most of which are "five thunder and flower cannons" or "landing flower cannons".

Because this type of explosive device is called a "fire pin" in "Fengfeng Mountain", the "Flang Machine" held by the gun god is painted black, which is a "secret code" used by the box makers of Fengfeng Mountain. Except for the craftsmen who lay the cannon pin springs, outsiders have never known the difference. Although Yao Meier has learned these tasks, she has never really seen them. She lacks the necessary experience until she saw the black Franco machine and the clay statue. Only then did Gu Bian suddenly remember this matter.

In this "Temple of Guns", there must have been countless "fire-killing gunpowder" deployed. Fortunately, I didn't break down the door and demolish the wall rashly. Otherwise, if the cannon was triggered, everyone would have been blown to pieces at this moment.

Most of the "booby traps" in the temple are hidden in the beams and pillars of the door walls. The doors, windows and pavilions of the temple can be closed but not opened. If the four walls are stressed, explosives will be triggered. Although the booby traps are all buried hundreds of years ago. Homemade explosives, but in "Coffin Mountain", a place where wind and energy are hidden, may still explode to this day. Once the fire pin is about to explode, it is definitely not something that flesh and blood can withstand.

I think gunpowder was one of the four great inventions in ancient times. In history, by the Ming Dynasty, the application of gunpowder and firearms had become mature and perfect. Although the power of original home-made explosives was not as powerful as modern ones, their lethality should not be underestimated. , "Floating Cannons" are similar to "Cluster Bombs". As the name suggests, after the gunpowder explodes, the iron nails and iron pieces hidden inside will cover and kill the surroundings like a goddess scattering flowers, while "Five Thunder Cannons" Will explode continuously.

After hearing this, everyone felt helpless. Once the door was opened, the entire temple would probably explode into the sky. But if they couldn't find a way out, wouldn't they be trapped here alive? This time, everyone has become a "caged bird" in the Cannon Temple. Even if they can't get their wings, they can't escape. Thinking of the "cannon pins" all around them, it makes people feel confused, like centipedes on hot ground, unable to stand for a moment. indefinite.

I couldn't restrain my anxiety, and after calming down, I thought about it. This time I went to Qingxi to look for the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb". Almost every step I took was far from what I expected. This was all thanks to Professor Sun's refusal. Telling the truth finally dragged everyone into a desperate situation, but blaming anyone is useless now. The only meaningful thing now is to do everything possible to deal with the crisis at hand.

I was about to discuss with Shirley Yang whether it would be feasible to take the risk of dismantling the cannon guide, but Sun Jiuye on the side suddenly said: "I almost forgot, Dixian Village is full of yin and yang houses!"

We didn't understand the meaning and wondered: "What is Yin Yang House? Isn't Dixian Village an ancient tomb Yin Yang House?" Sun Jiuye said: "No, no, there are too many things that happened today. I was very confused, but I ignored it. After this festival, I remember hearing my brother say that all the houses in Dixian Village are Yin and Yang houses."

The so-called yangzhai is the residence of the living, while the yinzhai is the tomb where the dead are buried. Earth Immortal Fengshi has been addicted to collecting treasures from ancient tombs in ancient times, and there is another weird thing. Not only the rare artifacts buried in the tomb, but also the Coffins, ancient corpses, tomb bricks, murals and other objects must also be taken as their own and treated as if they were property and life.

When he was building the Dixian Village in Coffin Mountain, he built all the ancient tombs stolen by the "Guanshan Taibao" underground as they were, with the yang house on top and the yin house on the bottom. All the houses, courtyards and lower floors were real tombs. The types of tombs range from those of the Three Dynasties to the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Those tombs also have their own portals and tomb passages underneath, just like the streets of Yangzhai, but no one knows why he did what he did.

There will definitely be a "ground cellar"-like tomb underground in this "Cannon Temple". From the tomb passage, you can also lead to the "Feng Family Old Residence", but I wonder if there will also be a "ground-breaking cannon" hidden underground. " Logically speaking... it shouldn't be possible, because "Earth Immortal" Feng Shigu will never destroy the Yin Mansion easily. However, it is said that all the hidden weapons in the tomb chamber are set up according to the old law. If you want to go through the tomb passage, you have to find a way. Deal with various mechanisms in the ancient tombs of the past dynasties.

As the saying goes, "Don't doubt those who employ them, and those who doubt them," after Professor Sun swore a poisonous oath in the name of the spirits of his ancestors in heaven, and confirmed by all the events before and after, I have temporarily given up my doubts about him, otherwise It was bound to be difficult to move forward, so he agreed and said: "This is a way, it is better than being trapped here and suffering. The right way is - only heroes can drive away tigers and leopards, and there are no heroes who are afraid of bear bears. What are the craftsmen who are trying to find gold and fight against it? Are you afraid to enter the tomb?"

The "Cannon Temple" seemed quiet, but in fact it was surrounded by dangers. With no way to advance or retreat, everyone immediately decided to make a desperate move and prepared to escape from the underground tomb passage. However, Professor Sun's family had secrets passed down from generation to generation, and even he himself did not dare to do so. It is guaranteed to be true. It is hard to say whether there are ancient tombs under the temple.

So the five people lined up in a row and carefully used engineering shovels and fine steel Emei thorns to pry open the floor tiles one by one. They found that there were artillery pins on the floor facing the wall in the hall, hidden in rows and densely packed. "It's not a landmine. There is no way to remove the fuse, so we can only try to avoid it. There is only a circle around the statue of the God of Fire in the entire temple, and there are no hidden fire pins buried there.

Everyone was afraid of touching the fire pin, and no one dared to use excessive force. They slowly moved away the top few green bricks. They saw that there was a layer of clear mud and rammed earth under the bricks. The length of the engineer's shovel was too short, and they could not use enough force to dig into the rammed earth. Moreover, the rammed soil may have been mixed with glutinous rice and children's urine. The soil was dense and tough, and we were already sweating on our foreheads after just a few digs with the shovel.

I had no choice but to carry the "Guan Gong Sword" with the fat man. According to the ancient Xunling formula in the "cut" formula left by Taoist Banshan, we first poured some shochu that we brought with us on the ground and soaked the rammed earth to make it looser. , then turned the knife head upside down and stabbed the ground with the triangular cast-iron "sword". This Guan Gong knife was like an iron drill weighing tens of kilograms, and it was very good at chipping away at the hard mud layer.

After digging out a layer of rammed earth, it turned out to be a layer of plaster mud more than a foot thick. There was another layer of sleepers under the mud. Excavation to this point was enough to prove that there was indeed a "tomb chamber" under the temple. The wood used was about They are all from real "ancient tombs". The square pillar-like wood has been half-decayed and is full of bad luck. After a few pokes with Guan Gong's knife, the neatly arranged rotten wood will sink in, revealing a dark hole, and the inside will swish outward. The ground is braving the cold wind.

The fat man said happily: "It seems that the militiamen have connected the tunnels in the village..." Before he could finish his words, he heard the clay statue in the "Cannon Temple" rumbling and shaking. It turned out that the sleepers under the ground had long been in place at the original location. It had been soaked by groundwater and was so rotten that it could not bear the weight. A wooden pile sank, causing several nearby crossbars to break.

Several broken and dented sleepers were just at the bottom of the clay statue of the God of Artillery holding "Fo Lang Ji". The statue shook and the heavy statue hit the back wall. The God of Artillery's head was knocked off on the spot. The body and head were separated and crashed to the ground, and a strange "click" sound was heard from the back wall.

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank, knowing that this was the pin spring of the "falling firecracker". I quickly pushed and stayed in place. Sun Jiuye said: "Let's go, what are you waiting for?"

At this time, there was the sound of cannons moving among the pillars on the walls of the temple. While I greeted him, I didn’t care about what was going on in the tomb. I pushed and pulled Professor Sun down, followed by several others. He also jumped into the tomb chamber. The fat man felt that the "Guan Gong Dao" was heavy and strong, and it was very easy to use. Although it was definitely not able to be wielded by one person, it was very useful for chopping coffins. He was reluctant to throw it away and did not forget it in a hurry. Drag this big knife.

The tomb, which was made up of hundreds of sleepers, was very narrow and one could not stand up straight inside. There was also a large ancient wooden coffin inside. I was the last one to jump in and landed on the lid of the wooden coffin. Before the force of landing disappeared, I heard thunderous roars above my head one after another, and pieces of earth and wood continued to fall on me.

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