Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 274 Emergency Exit

In the "Cannon Temple" above, "ground-breaking cannons" exploded one after another in the temple, sending saltpeter, sulfur and earth debris flying everywhere. The ancient rotten wood in the tomb was impacted and broke one after another. All the bricks and wood collapsed for a while, and I He fell to the ground in a thick cloud of smoke and dust. He felt that the tomb would collapse at any time. He didn't have time to get up. He rolled towards the tomb door in the chaos. He bumped into his companions and couldn't tell which one it was. He could only fight with all his strength. Push him outside.

In my panic, I didn't have time to make a detailed analysis. I just saw that outside the wooden coffin room, there seemed to be a long and narrow tomb passage covered with blue bricks. I rushed out, my head and face were covered with bricks, mud and debris. When I saw that everyone around me was there, Only the fat man was hit on the head by a wooden stake. Although he was wearing a mountaineering helmet, his face still got a cut. He didn't care. He wiped it at random, but he couldn't tell whether it was mud or dirt. There was blood. Before I could check on the other people's condition, the coffin room at the rear had been completely buried by broken wood and soil. Even if I took even half a step, I would be suffocated inside. Just when everyone was in shock and undecided, Suddenly, at the far end of the dark tomb passage, clusters of pale light like will-o'-the-wisps lit up, making people's faces turn green.

The tomb bricks in the blue-brick tomb passage are engraved with the name of the craftsman, the name of the kiln where the bricks were produced, and "Sigengchen", which is an old saying. According to current parlance, it means "year, month, day, hour", which should all be from the Ming Dynasty. The entire tomb passage is narrow and long, with no end in sight at both ends. We had just come out of the coffin room with collapsed wooden piles. Before we could stand firm, we saw weak will-o'-wisps lighting up at the end of the tomb passage.

The flame was not much bigger than the flame of a match. It may contain phosphorus powder. The light that lit up was all dark green. It lit up like a row of candles, but the fluorescent green light was dim and dim. , we were about twenty meters away, beyond the lighting field of view of the "tactical spotlight".

Then there were bursts of strange sounds of teeth biting together, but she didn't know what was causing it. Shirley Yang then turned on a fluorescent tube and threw it towards the far end of the tomb passage. A bright green light suddenly bloomed in the darkness. This time she finally saw it. It was clear as day.

It turns out that the end of the tomb passage has changed from narrow to wide, and a gate tower has been revealed. In the middle are two stone arched "tomb gates" covered with copper nails and copper rings. The scale and shape are the same as those in the human world. Six dripping eaves poke out in front of the stone gate. The wooden dragon head, the dragon head's eyes flickered like candles. Maybe we suddenly broke into this place and accidentally triggered some mechanism in the chaos, causing the scale pins hidden in the wooden dragon's eye sockets to burn.

The five of us, except for the fat man, can probably guess the origin of this object. Just listening to the movements of the wooden dragon's mechanism, and the phosphorus fire burning inside the faucet, we know that it is most likely an extremely sharp rocket pin. "Swarm of bees".

The "swarm of bees" was a weapon used by the Ming Dynasty army to defeat the enemy in battle. It looks like a "divine crow or a fire dragon" and its overall shape is a long wooden box. It is fired using gunpowder or mechanical springs. When fired, it looks like a swarm of bees leaving the nest. Hence the name "swarm of bees". Sometimes the arrows are filled with fire or poison, which increases the range and power of the damage. Later, some people also used them to prevent tomb robbers. The most insidious way was to install several "swarm of bees" inside the coffin. "With the concealed crossbow, if the coffin opener is not careful, he will be killed on the spot. Hidden in such a narrow tomb passage, it is even more difficult to guard against.

From the moment Shirley Yang threw a fluorescent tube to light up the tomb door, to when we saw clearly the wooden box faucet under the eaves, in just a moment, the rockets hidden in the "swarm" were fired. There was no room for reflection and reaction. Flames suddenly burst out from the wooden dragon's mouth, the tomb passage shimmered like "flying fireflies", and hundreds of random arrows appeared like "a swarm of bees leaving the nest". Coming at you.

Countless rockets shot and flew in the long and narrow tomb passage, and the sound was particularly shocking. The roar of "Woo-Woo" made people's heads tighten. Thanks to Shirley Yang's sharp eyesight and quick hands, the "gold steel umbrella" was fully extended with a flick of the wave. He opened it and covered behind everyone, blocking all the locust-like arrows.

The gold steel umbrella can withstand "water, fire, poison, swords and guns". Although the "swarm" of rockets are powerful and the arrow clusters are burning, they can't resist this gold steel umbrella. It's just that the tomb passage is very narrow. If they are close to the tomb door, a gold steel umbrella cannot fully protect the five people lined up, so everyone has to keep retreating to the other end of the tomb passage.

The "nest rocket" has a simple structure and is easy to conceal and camouflage. It is a common "killing weapon" used in mausoleums to plot against tomb robbers. However, it is also a relatively stupid method. Although the rogue arrow is powerful, it can be concealed and blocked, and the most important thing is The problem is that the flying arrows in the box are limited, and after all, they are ignorant dead objects. After discovering the "hidden arrows", experienced tomb robbers can continuously trigger them to completely eliminate the mechanism.

However, the "Wooden Dragon Arrow Box" hidden in this tomb passage seems to be endless. The arrows come out like rain, but the momentum never weakens. The random arrows blocked by the gold steel umbrella continue to burn on the ground. We keep retreating towards In the distance, arrows were left all over the place behind him, as if a layer of dry firewood had been laid in the tomb passage, setting half of the tomb passage on fire.

Our rear team turned into the front team and retreated dozens of steps away. We were about to leave the range of the rocket launchers. Everyone couldn't help but secretly rejoice. If there were rocket launchers like "Swarm of Bees" hidden in the tomb passages at both ends, it would form Attacked from both sides, we will inevitably be shot into "hedgehogs" at this moment.

But at this moment, in the darkness at the end of the retreat, a dull roaring sound was heard, like "gold and wood mingling, thunder rolling", and like some giant beast breathing heavily, "huffing and puffing", I thought to myself: "This is such a big trouble. This is really unlucky for a person. He can't even get a mouthful of cold water without his fucking teeth."

Before I could throw out the lighting object to see what was hidden in front, I heard the "rumbling" sound resounding in the tomb passage, getting closer and closer to our position. In an instant, I rushed in front of me, and within a few seconds I was in front of me. In the flickering light of spotlights and flashlights, a huge white cow emerged from the darkness. It had a round head and a square body, and was unusually strong. The cow's head alone was as big as a "badou". The horns on its head shone with a cold light, sharp and sharp as a "sword and halberd". The bull's eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead, but there was no life or glory. It made a "clucking" sound, and it turned out to be a wooden cow with a pin in motion.

This long and narrow green brick tomb passage is full of traps, and every step is a trap that can lead to death. Everyone who saw the wooden bull charging towards it screamed in surprise.

Now this tomb passage is narrow and oppressive, with a width of less than two meters. There is no room for people to move around at all. Moreover, the wooden cow is heavy and solid. The sound is heard as being ejected through a collapsed spring, and the impact of the crash is extraordinary. The gold-steel arhat also has to be taught to knock it over, not to mention the cold light on the horns. I'm afraid it will be picked up by it on the spot and die.

At this time, a strong wind blew in my face, and the wooden cow rushed in front of me in the blink of an eye. Youdao was desperate, so I grabbed the "Guan Gong knife" dragged by the fat man. The two of them shouted in unison, pressed the knife and swung it. The tip of the Qinglong Yanyue knife, which weighed several tens of kilograms, flipped over and hit the wooden ox's head hard. There was a loud "snap" and the wooden ox cart was smashed in front of him.

The cow's head was cast with a copper cover and iron horns. The shock caused the fat man and I to have our hands and jaws broken, and both arms were numb. I lowered my head and looked at the wooden cow that had been split open by "Guan Gong"'s knife. I saw a few things hidden in the cow's belly. There was a skin bag, and wisps of yellow smoke came out from it. It was so thick that it seemed that it could not be melted away. I yelled that it was bad and told the other four people to put on gas masks quickly.

Everyone hurriedly held their breath and hurriedly put gas masks on their faces. Within a moment, the thick yellow smoke had spread, and the burning arrow cluster flames in the tomb passage were suppressed by the rising poisonous smoke and suddenly dimmed and extinguished. As soon as it was extinguished, the wooden dragon womb at the gatehouse also stopped.

I think the things in this tomb passage are all from the Ming Dynasty. During the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, only in the tombs of women were there "bronze oxen and wooden oxen", while in the tombs of men were mostly "rhinoceros", which had just collided The wooden ox that came out not only has a copper cover and iron horns that can hurt people, but also contains poisonous smoke in the belly of the cow. If the tomb robber avoids its impact, the wooden cow will hit the tomb door with its head, causing the poisonous smoke hidden in the body to escape. The poisonous smoke can also kill people. It is really a serial murderous intention, giving people no chance to take advantage of it.

The thick yellow poisonous mist in the tomb passage persisted, and with the gas mask in front of us, it almost brought people's vision to the lowest point. The situation behind, left and right were no longer discernible. In order to escape as soon as possible, the five of us had to stick together. Together, we touched the stone walls in the tomb passage and walked forward step by step in the thick fog.

I had just walked a few steps in the direction where the wooden ox mechanism appeared when I suddenly noticed a faint vibration in the distance of the tomb passage. It seemed that a heavy mechanism such as a "rolling stone" or a "thousand-pound hammer" had fallen. This type of mechanism uses a huge "stone". Balls, stone hammers" and other objects are used to block the tomb passages that have been opened by the tomb robbers. They are called "bone crushing piles" in the tomb-breaking industry. If a living person is crushed into them, they can be transformed on the spot. into pulp.

I secretly complained, turned around quickly, and patted the shoulders of the other people repeatedly, asking them to turn around and run back. I could still get a chance to survive by running to the arched tomb door.

Everyone also noticed the strange movement in front of the tomb passage. Beware of the rear team changing into the front team, they turned around and walked back the way they came. Fortunately, the terrain when they came was relatively familiar, and they no longer had to fumble step by step. However, there were many scattered arrows and arrows on the ground. There was a wooden board. Someone tripped after taking a few steps. At this time, it was impossible to tell who fell down in front. The fat man and I rushed behind, pulled the person up from the ground and ran away. The vibration in the tomb passage became more intense behind us. , the oppressive feeling of death is like a deadline, and I only regret that my parents have lost two legs.

In the thick smoke, I ran to the tomb door and saw a copper lock hanging between the two tomb doors. I didn't think about what would happen to the tomb inside, so I used Guan Gong's knife to cut off the big lock, and everyone pushed open the stone door together. , at the same time that the tomb door opened, a thousand-jin stone mill rolled towards the tomb passage.

The random arrows and wooden oxen on the ground of the tomb passage were all crushed to pieces. The situation at this time was unstoppable. When I saw that the tomb door had just been pushed open a gap, and people could get in, I pushed my companions who were pushing the stone door one by one. After pushing it in, he followed suit and ducked in. The huge stone mill immediately hit the tomb door, shaking the four walls and completely blocking the way in.

Fortunately, no one was left behind in the chaos, and they all escaped into the tomb. My blood surged all over my body, and I lay down in the tomb to take a few deep breaths. Since some poisonous smoke had flowed into the tomb, I didn’t dare to take off my poison mask. Mask, looked up and looked around, seeing sparse smoke floating in the dark chamber. The interior of the entire Ming Dynasty tomb was narrow and low, only slightly larger than an ordinary house. There was no coffin inside, and there was a nine-color statue. The golden bull is as big as an ordinary buffalo. Its whole body is covered with silver and gold, and it looks thick and luxurious. There is a female mummy lying on the back of the bull. It may be because it was stolen from outside and brought here. The ancient corpse shape has disappeared and the face is somewhat unrecognizable. He was dead, and the clothes he was wearing looked dirty and tattered. He held the mummy in his arms and held an exquisite gold-painted wooden box, which looked like a jewelry box.

I have heard Sun Jiuye mention it many times before that the "Guanshan Taibao" secretly robbed ancient tombs from various places. In the end, Dixian sealed Shigu and hid all the things in the tombs in the shady house of "Dixian Village", so I saw them underground. I was not very surprised when I saw "mummy corpses, naked objects, poisonous smoke from nests" and other objects. Maybe the entire "Dixian Village" was buried in ancient tombs from past dynasties. I just don’t understand why Feng Shigu took so much pains to build such an “ancient tomb museum” in Coffin Mountain? Looking at what he did, he looked like a lunatic.

Just when I was distracted for a moment, the eyes of the "nine-color golden bull" in front of me suddenly blinked. I thought I was dizzy because of the sight. When I tried to take a closer look, I saw the golden bull holding the mummy on its back. Hitting radially forward.

I quickly ducked to avoid it, and the "nine-color golden bull" flashed past me. The tomb chamber had four sides, and the arch blocked by the stone rollers was on one side. The bull's head was originally facing the tomb door, and it rushed towards a stone wall. It was hit hard, but the Taurus did not overturn because it hit the wall, and the mummy on its back did not even move. Instead, it pushed the tomb wall over and flipped open. There was another secret room behind the wall, and the Taurus was carrying the corpse. , and disappeared into the dark room behind the wall.

I was very curious, could it be possible that the Nine-Colored Golden Ox could be telepathic? Seeing an outsider enter the tomb, how could he carry the tomb owner's body and flee to another hidden tomb? I was startled for a moment, and suddenly remembered the record in the "Escape" scroll in "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique". I immediately realized that it turned out that the anti-theft mechanism of this ancient tomb was activated in a series. Once an outsider invaded the tomb, it would trigger the "escape" "Tool", this golden bull is like a walking coffin, which immediately transfers the remains of the tomb owner to another area, and after the tomb wall flips over and falls, "poisonous smoke" will immediately appear in the tomb chamber where we are. Mechanisms such as ", Fuhuo".

The tomb wall that is pushed open by the "Nine-Colored Golden Bull" is famously called the "Sky Cap". Once this wall is overturned, the tomb will immediately become a "death trap". Now the stone arch door of the tomb has been Qianjun is blocked by huge stones. If the secret room behind the tomb wall is closed again, there will be no way out.

When I woke up, the golden bull had already pushed up the "sky cover" and was about to rush into the dark room. As soon as the "nine-color golden bull" carrying the corpse got in, after the tomb wall fell to the ground, it would be forever. Don't let it turn on again, but I woke up later. No matter how fast I reacted, it was too late to rush over from behind.

In the blink of an eye, the fat man who was slightly closer to the wall suddenly thrust the "Guan Gong Sword" forward and stabbed it diagonally into the stone trough on the ground, just in time to catch the hoof of the "Nine-Colored Golden Ox". Although it was heavy, it could only move along a fixed route and could not leave the stone trough, nor could it break the goose egg-thick cast iron handle. It was stuck under the "sky cap" and could no longer move forward.

I breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thought I was lucky, but I didn’t know where Fatty Wang’s fault was. Why did he suddenly become so wise and decisive? It is really "the hand that reaches out to turn the tide and turns the river over, and turns the tide before it falls." At this time, I saw him getting up from the ground, swinging his arms and walking to the golden bull. He stretched out his hand and pulled out the golden box from the corpse's arms. He opened the lid of the box and took a look, then stuffed it into his carrying bag. inside.

Only then did I understand what was going on. It turned out that the fat man had not thought about anything else just now. He just saw the "Nine-Colored Golden Bull" escaping with the corpse of the tomb owner, and also saw that the corpse contained a "clear weapon" and a gold box. Naturally, it cannot be tolerated. It slipped away easily from under the nose, without even thinking about it in the brain. Due to the effect of neural reflex, he quickly handed out the "Guan Gong Sword" to block the nine-color golden bull that had entered the secret room, and then immediately started to "touch it". "Gold" and copied the "clear weapon" in Zongzi's arms.

At this time, Shirley Yang and Yao Meier had helped Professor Sun up. I found that at the stone arch door of the tomb, poisonous smoke was still pouring into the tomb from the gaps. "He crawled into the darkroom under his belly.

After the "Sky-turning Cover" is another dark and narrow tomb, with a thick wall hanging above it. There are several layers of animal skins between the walls. After the dark wall is turned over and sealed, it will fall down to top up the "Sky-turning Cover". "The strong double-layer tomb wall will trap the tomb robbers alive in the previous tomb chamber. Even the tombs of princes and nobles rarely have such ruthless and clever arrangements. I wonder who the tomb owner carried by the "nine-color golden bull" is. What was it once like?

I didn't want to think any more and searched around the tomb chamber behind the "Turn the Sky Cover". I saw a stone staircase on the side, which must be leading to the Yangzhai on the "Coffin Mountain". We had previously wanted to search through the underground tomb passage. Enter the "Feng Family Old Mansion", but now it seems that there are many mechanisms in the ancient tomb, and the tomb passage is low and narrow, and five people are squeezed in and cannot move. If there is an accident again, it is inevitable that there will be damage, but it is better to go to " You can get around in "Dixian Village".

I pointed to the stone steps in the tomb chamber, indicating that they should leave this so-called "ancient tomb museum" and move from above. Shirley Yang and others immediately nodded in agreement. The fat man took the lead and opened a copper cover, and the five people got out one by one. Looking around, I saw that I was in a private house. The furniture and furnishings in the house were all available, and everything was exquisite and exquisite. Looking at the scale, although it was not a luxurious aristocratic mansion, it could still be regarded as a "rich home" in the world. "This is not the case in ordinary people's homes.

The exit of the secret passage was under a carved water-wood gum bed. It was dark and quiet, and there was no one around. I struck a match and saw that there was no abnormality in the flame, so I took off my gas mask. All I could smell in my nose was the cold air. It was obvious that no one had moved around in the house for a long time.

This time I learned a good lesson and didn't wait for the people behind me to come out from the secret passage under the bed. I opened the door first and asked the fat man to drag a chair over to block the door so as not to be locked in the room again.

The wound on the fat man's face had stopped bleeding, but he was a little anxious because he was worried about his appearance. He asked me inexplicably: "Commander Hu, look at this bed, it's really exquisite. It's worth a lot of money if you take it apart and drag it to Panjiayuan." It's enough to shock Mr. Qiao. Do you think this is where the landowner's wife sleeps?" I said, "The furniture is good, but the courtyard is not big. It may be an outhouse of a wealthy family. I think it is the old landowner's house. And his concubine’s bed.” The fat man said angrily: “There may not be many men and few women in this world, but why are there so many bachelors? In the final analysis, it is the wealthy landlord class who want to keep warm and lustful, and every household Three wives and four concubines, so we, the proletariat, can’t even divide one husband and one wife. Why? As a result, the bachelors rose up and fought against all the landowners in the country. I think it is necessary for us to carry out this fine tradition Carrying it forward, there is nothing to be polite about with the grandsons of Guanshan Taibao..."

I didn't have a good impression of the "Guanshan Taibao" either, so I told the fat man, "You don't have to beat around the bush to make excuses. The Guanshan Taibao of the Ming Dynasty was the eagle dog of the imperial court. He had secretly tricked many craftsmen who were fighting in the past. For this one, we should also empty out all the bright weapons in Dixian Village, but those old grudges have long been the dust of history. We still have to get down to business this time, just find the Alchemy Cauldron Heavenly Book. , if the mistake has been made in vain... it is not too late to calculate the general ledger, and before leaving, set it on fire and leave no trace behind."

While talking, the other three people also came out of the secret passage one after another. Sun Jiuye seemed to be particularly tired, so he sat down on the water-wood carved tooth bed to rest. But after he sat down, he stopped moving, even the anti-toxic mask on his face The mask wasn't even taken off.

I saw something strange in his behavior, so I held down the "engineer shovel" tightly and walked to the bed, stretched out my hand and took off his gas mask. Everyone was surprised when they saw Sun Jiuye's face hidden under the gas mask. Move back together.

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