Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 279 Avoid Fire

Sun Jiuye said with a nervous expression: "Fat Wang, you are tired of living, you can't light candles in Dixian Village!"

I stopped the fat man and said to Mr. Sun Jiu: "Didn't you ask me to light the candle before? Why did you suddenly change your mind and blow out the candle? Where is your heart? Where do you mean it?" Mr. Sun shook his head first, and then immediately Nodding, he said: "It was my idea to light the candles, but I was too anxious today, as if my brain was blinded by lard, and I always ignored a very important thing. Ever since I entered this coffin mountain, I I just felt that something was wrong around me, it was really abnormal, but I couldn’t tell what was wrong. It wasn’t until I lit a candle just now that I suddenly remembered.”

Shirley Yang asked: "Professor Sun, the abnormality you are referring to is... Dengzhu?" Sun Jiuye nodded: "Yes, it seems that Miss Yang has also noticed the layout of Dixian Village in Coffin Mountain. Everything is consistent with Qingxi Ancient Town. Every house and house is no different from the human world, but there is still a very secret difference. In all the houses here... there are no candles, lampstands, lamp oil, and even no firewood in the kitchen stove. "

I didn't immediately understand the meaning of Sun Jiuye's words, and wondered: "There are two layers of Yin and Yang in Dixian Village, and there are no candles or lamps in the Yang house. What does this mean? Could it be that those Guanshan Taibao were transformed from mice into spirits? People—the darker it is underground, the clearer you can see?”

Sun Jiuye said: "Although there are no lamps and candles, there is a kind of sun marrow lamp in the bone building and various houses. Yang marrow is a kind of ore that can emit light. People in those days should have used mineral light sources for lighting. . According to what has been passed down from our ancestors, there has never been a custom of using Yang pith to light up the candles in Qingxi Ancient Town. It is possible that there is some kind of taboo in Dixian Village, and candles cannot be lit in Coffin Mountain."

Shirley Yang said: "Among the several pictures left by Feng Shigu, one is called "Walking with Candles at Night". The scene depicted in the picture is that many people enter the ancient tomb with lights and candles. If there is a fire ban in Coffin Mountain, Regarding candles, why do those people light candles in the tomb?”

When I heard this, my heart sank, and I vaguely felt that the people who were hiding in the "Dixian Village" used to light "dark candles". It was an old custom in which the victims died holding candles, and they were doing so. They all went to the tomb to be buried. How did they die after entering the tomb?

Sun Jiuye asked us to take out "Walking at Night with a Candle". He looked at it again and became even more convinced: "Look, the picture is very clear. The martyrs who entered the tomb were all walking on the underground stone steps. Only those who are high up have lighted candles and torches in their hands; while those in front of the high tomb doors have all their candles extinguished.”

I asked Mr. Sun Jiu: "Even if it is true that there is a custom in Coffin Mountain not to use candles, but I don't know what will happen if I light candles? I don't see any signs of abnormality nearby, so don't scare yourself."

Sun Jiuye said: "I have been dealing with antiquities and ancient books all my life. Weird things have never happened before. I was tested during the class struggle. I am not inferior to you in terms of courage and knowledge. I am not trying to scare myself. We I was afraid I was going to get into big trouble if I lit that candle just now.”

The fat man and I didn’t agree with this and said to him: “Any trouble is caused by you. Besides, the trouble we are facing now is still small. If there are too many lice, we won’t bite you. If we have too many accounts, we won’t worry about them. It’s no big deal if we get rid of them. This guy specializes in the business of making money and fighting, so what big deal is lighting a candle?"

Shirley Yang said: "Lao Hu, don't take it lightly. Let Professor Sun finish his words first. If a candle is lit, what will happen in Coffin Mountain?"

Sun Jiuye said: "The layout of Dixian Village is like a lighthouse without fire. I know a little about ancient Feng Shui, so this should be a layout that avoids fire."

Everything I have learned in my life comes from Mojin Xiaowei's Sixteen-Character Feng Shui, which is a "Qingwu Feng Shui" that uses ancient Feng Shui as its bones and integrates the Jiangxi Situation Sect's secret techniques as its flesh and blood. The Mountain Viewing Technique of Guanshan Taibao, Its origin is from the bone armor from the hanging coffin in Coffin Gorge, which is an ancient Feng Shui technique. Although it comes from the same lineage as Qingwu Feng Shui, there are many differences, so I don't quite understand the theory of "avoiding fire". , just looking at the outline of Dixian Village in "Coffin Mountain Xiangzhai Picture", it is indeed like a fireless copper lamp.

Only Sun Jiuye said again: "The Feng Shui thing is only one of them. The second is that the layout of Dixian Village is similar to the Qingxi Ancient Town in the late Ming Dynasty. The Feng family received the emperor's favor and became prosperous in the early Ming Dynasty. It lasted for more than two hundred years during the Ming Dynasty. , and constantly expanded the ancestral home, so the foundation of the situation of Qingxi Ancient Town was determined from that period. Later generations experienced the Manchu and Republic of China, and until the liberation, there was not much change. I had never thought about Qingxi carefully before Why did the town have to be designed to avoid fire and extinguish candles? In other words, it didn't even think about that level. If you think about it in depth - this must be related to the Guanshan Feng family's design to destroy the Faqiu seal and touch the gold talisman during the Yongle period. related."

According to legend, during the Later Han Dynasty, in order to obtain military pay, Cao Cao once led his troops to steal the tomb of King Xiao of Liang. Explosives had not been invented at that time, and the tomb of King Xiao of Liang was hidden deep in the heart of the stone mountain. With the equipment and means at that time, even tens of thousands of soldiers and horses could not evacuate it. It was easy to excavate such giant mountain tombs, so Cao Cao deliberately recruited a group of people from the civilian population who were proficient in the secret techniques of reverse fighting, and recruited them into the army, giving them the positions of "Captain Touching Gold and Lieutenant Commander Faqiu".

The titles of ancient military establishments are similar to modern ones. The military ranks of the modern army include "general, colonel, lieutenant, and scholar", and each level is divided into "younger, middle, senior, and senior", such as "major general, lieutenant general, and general" . In ancient times, "general" belonged to senior officers, and "xiaowei" belonged to mid-level officers. Cao Cao's tomb-robbing troops were headed by General Faqiu Zhonglang, also known as "Tianguan", and under him were the captain Mojin and It was paired with a talisman as a token, so the "Faqiu Seal and Gold Touching Talisman" were left. After the troubled times in the late Han Dynasty, the people who made the hills and touched gold flowed into the people, no longer engaged in official and thief business, and devoted themselves to Fight for wealth to help the poor in the world.

Chinese people have attached great importance to reputation since ancient times. As the saying goes, "If you are not honest, your words will not be correct." Therefore, the set of official titles of "Fa Qiu, Touching Gold" has been used for thousands of years. "The eight-character Faqiu Seal and the ancient talisman that goes through the mountain to touch gold are all tokens passed down from generation to generation, with a total of "nine talismans and one seal".

Since the skill of Mojin Xiaowei's inverted fighting comes from the "Yi", which is also the ancestor of the group of classics, he is good at identifying the earth's veins of the stars with the "Wang" formula. It is the most traditional branch of the inverted fighting industry, so it has always been a folk tradition. There is a saying that "Seventy-two lines, gold is the king", and the leader of the gold-touching school captain is "Faqiu Tianguan". However, during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the royal family wanted to stabilize the imperial mausoleum, and the Guanshan Taibao set up a The trick destroyed the Faqiu seal and the six gold-touching talismans.

Perhaps it was God's will, and the art of gold-touching and fighting was discontinued. In the end, there were still three gold-touching talismans missing. There is a saying that "one day's control of the enemy will lead to eternal troubles." The Guanshan Feng family was worried that this matter would be exposed. If we go out, sooner or later Captain Mojin will come back and take revenge, especially since the ancestral graves of the Feng family are buried in Coffin Gorge, so thinking about it, I always have trouble sleeping and eating. However, the matter did not come to light in the end, and then gradually not worried.

Sun Jiuye said that now that he thinks about it, what the "Guanshan Taibao" is most afraid of is always touching Captain Jin. The architectural layout of "Dixian Village" coincides with the principle of nine palaces and eight gates, and its outline also has the symbol of "taboo for fire". In the Feng Shui of Guanshan, candles cannot be lit in places where fire is forbidden, and if a candle is lit, the door to life will become the door to death. Isn't this specifically designed to deal with the golden captain?

I said to Mr. Sun Jiu: "I think you are a little over-sensitive. Any grudges between Captain Jin and the Guanshan Feng family in the past have long since been dusted by history. There is no need to settle old scores again." The debt between us and you has already been settled. Now let’s not think about unnecessary things. We should first find a way to dig out the Earth Immortal Feng Shigu from the coffin mountain.”

Sun Jiuye saw that I didn't believe it, so he had to say: "I hope I'm worrying too much. You guys first look at the map to find out the route of action, and then I'll look through this book "Guanshan Dicailu". There's a picture of Coffin Mountain in it. In the chapter, there are detailed records of the major and minor events in Dixian Village, and maybe you can find something else."

I also had this idea, so I went on to look at the picture classics left by Feng Shigu. The coffin mountain buried deep in the ground is a "corpse vein". This kind of vein only exists in the oldest Feng Shui legends, and Qing Qing Wu Fengshui has a "name and no explanation" for the veins of the leaderless corpse. It is difficult to say whether it is true or not that the Earth Immortal used the corpse to "transform". However, Shirley Yang and I discussed the matters in the "Earth Immortal Tomb" and both felt that Feng Shigu has far-reaching plans, and the things he does are unpredictable. As for the words of the immortals coming out of the mountain, we "rather believe that they exist than believe that they don't exist." We must never let the ancient corpse in this tomb see the light of day again, otherwise we will definitely have to Big trouble.

Just as he was talking, Yao Meier, who was guarding the window, suddenly said: "There seems to be something moving in the yard..." At this time, the air was filled with blood mist, but the mountain was still pitch black, and there was something in the distance. I could only hear the sound with my ears. I went to the window and listened carefully. Sure enough, there was something strange. The sound was dense and complicated. It was just that it was not in the yard, but came from near the coffin cliff outside Dixian Village. It seemed like a rolling billowing sound. The tide is surging towards the Ossuary Building.

The other people also felt strange: "There is not even a single living person in Coffin Mountain, how could such a movement suddenly appear? It sounds like a large number, and it is not the sound of copper corrosion and friction like the Nine Death Jingling Armor, although the source is unknown , but the visitor must be evil, and some very scary things are about to pour into Dixian Village."

Sun Jiuye heard it clearly, as if he suddenly remembered something, he hurriedly turned the book forward two pages, stood up from the ground suddenly, and shouted out loud: "We have to find a place to hide quickly, this sound... It must be the coffin worm mentioned in "Guanshan Excavation Record"!"

This "Coffin Mountain" is a wonder of nature. The "Pangu Vein" in the mountain is shaped like a corpse, just like those hills that resemble the "Reclining Buddha", but there is no head lying flat in the coffin. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a corpse. It is a dangerous place for beheading, but it is actually a "strange pulse" with hidden dangers.

Oddly enough, there is a hidden spring flowing in the soil here, and the spring water smells like corpse blood. In the industry of "inverted bucket", the phenomenon of clear water flowing out of the coffin is called "coffin gush", and the presence of a spring in the tomb is even more special. It is a treasure place that hides wind and gathers water, so "Coffin Mountain" is a unique place. It is exactly the same as a real coffin. Since there is a "coffin surge" that is turbid and blood-like, it is natural for "coffin worms" to appear between the coffin walls. .

"Coffin worm", also known as "Coffin worm", is a transformation of the maggots that grow on the walls of coffins. It has a color like pine bark, a body with fleshy wings, and seven pairs of claws, which are dedicated to gnawing decay. The smallest ones are like Rice grains, but the largest ones, can grow to the size of a seven or eight-year-old child's hand. Most people who have done this have seen this thing. However, in ordinary ancient tombs, even if there are many corpses in one tomb, the number of coffins is relatively limited. So even if "coffin bugs" appear, there are never too many.

However, according to the records of "Guanshan Excavation Record", there are natural texture patterns on the stone walls of Coffin Mountain, which are similar to the simple decoration of climbing dragons and phoenixes. There are many wooden hanging coffins hidden in these rock gaps, filling the pits and valleys. It is full of "silk vines, mud moss, rotten wood and corpses", among which there are many parasitic "coffin worms" that eat the mud moss and broken wood. Due to their large number, it was difficult for the "Guanshan Taibao" to eradicate them all. Fortunately, they did not leave the hanging coffins on the mountain wall and were not in the way of the ancient tombs of "Dixian Village".

But today is probably not an "auspicious day". Various abnormal phenomena have appeared in Coffin Mountain. The surrounding "Nine Death Jingling Armors" penetrated the rock formations and penetrated the thin coffin walls, forcing out all the "coffin worms" hidden in the rock crevices. , at this moment, when I heard the sound of "coffins" crawling outside the building, I knew that there were thousands of coffin insects pouring into the "Di Xian Village" from all directions.

Sun Jiuye said urgently: "The coffin worms are not like the corpse worms in the Wuyang King's underground palace. Even the bones and dregs are not left after being eaten by them. We have to find a place to hide quickly. I know you are all brave." You are a person who doesn’t take life and death seriously, but this girl Yaomei’er is irrelevant, so don’t drag her into dying with her.”

The fat man snorted coldly and said, "Old Hu, listen to what he said. It's so touching. It seems that we all misunderstood before. It turns out that Mr. Sun Jiu... also has a bright heart."

At this time, I knew that the situation was extremely urgent and that being blocked by thousands of coffin bugs would lead to death. However, "if you can't make a step, you can't make every step". The result of rash actions will only make the situation worse, so I said to the fat man: "Based on what Mr. Sun Jiu said just now, I almost thought he was someone sent by Comrade Mao." But I was thinking in my heart: "Every house in Dixian Village is different from ordinary ones." Just like everyone else, there is no iron wall, so where is there a place where people can hide and avoid trouble?"

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