Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 280 The ghost hidden in ancient paintings

Mr. Sun Jiuye ignored the sarcasm of me and the fat man, and hurriedly stuffed a few booklets written by Feng Shigu into his bag, pointed downstairs and said: "There is a ghost house below the Dixian Village... There must be a ghost house below this ossuary building. In the tomb, let’s hide underground. Not only can we avoid the coffin bugs, but we can also follow the tomb passage to find the tomb of the Earthly Immortal. Otherwise, what’s the point of being trapped in the building?”

Shirley Yang stopped Sun Jiuye and said, "It's more dangerous in the tomb passage. I saw before that there are many gaps in the tomb wall of the Yin House in Dixian Village. Coffin insects can penetrate everywhere, so it may not be able to block them."

I heard what Shirley Yang said makes sense. The tombs in "Coffin Mountain" are connected vertically and horizontally. Ancient tombs from different dynasties are stacked underground. The structure and building materials of each tomb are different, resulting in gaps between the tomb passages. Loopholes, if a large number of "coffin bugs" arrive overwhelmingly, it will be difficult to cope with it in a narrow and closed tomb.

I heard the sound of insects crawling in the distance gradually approaching, which made me more and more panicked. I calmed down and thought for a while. The "Picture of Xiangzhai on Coffin Mountain" depicts the topography of Coffin Mountain in detail. At the entrance of Dixian Tomb , there are several marks surrounded by metal rings. Although the exact meaning cannot be seen in the picture, it is located at the entrance of the tomb. In ancient times, there was the concept of "a round sky and a square place". Circles represent life and squares represent death. The arcs in the hexagram diagram imply the meaning of "life". Logically speaking, these rings should be used to "break off insects and prevent theft" in front of the tomb. Retreating into them may be able to avoid the attack of coffin insects. Doing so is also a "retreat as a means of protection". The strategy of "advance" is better than being trapped in a lonely house.

At this time, I didn't care whether there really was an old rule of "taboo against fire" in Dixian Village. I immediately called on the fat man and others to work together. I opened the shovel and dismantled a few wooden tables and chairs, and tore some strips of cloth to wrap them. Lit as a torch to repel insects.

Seeing this, Sun Jiuye was so anxious that his voice became hoarse. He grabbed my arm and said hoarsely: "You can't light the fire. The wood in the houses in Dixian Village is all old mourning trees. If the fire starts, it will scare the nine dead people in the ground." Lingjia cannot be brought in."

Sun Jiuye looked through "Guanshan Digging Records" and learned that all the buildings in Coffin Mountain are made of "old mourning trees", which is related to the Feng Shui layout of the Yin and Yang houses in "Di Xian Village".

"Old mourning tree" is a kind of fierce tree. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. If it is used as a coffin, the dead will have no peace underground. It mostly grows in deep mountains and poor valleys. However, the wood contains the air of yin and decay, and both yin and yang The prime minister's Hunyuan house was inseparable from this thing. In order to restore the Pangu Divine Vein in the Coffin Mountain to its original state, Feng Shigu specially ordered people to cut down a large number of "mourn trees" and build a Yangzhai after the original shape of the ancient town.

Although "Dixian Village" looks like a Yang house, if you look closely at its origin in Feng Shui, it is a "Shadow House". In the past, when the dead were buried, they often used white paper to tie up oxen, carriages, sedans and servants, and there were also white paper to tie up watches. The buildings and palaces were all burned to provide the dead with ghostly objects to be used in the underworld. This village built underground also has this meaning. It is specially designed to house the souls of the deceased. Because "ghosts never see the ground" and ghosts have no flesh and blood form, it is called "Shadow House".

The reason why Dixian Village "avoids fire and avoids candles" is precisely because of the "Nine Death Jingling Armor" buried outside the Coffin Mountain. This extremely terrifying Jingling Armor has the property of "holding the Yin and seeking the Yang". If the Yang Qi in the mountain is too high, If it is heavy, the bronze blood erosion that is as dense as a cocoon around it will penetrate the wall and enter the mountain; the "Guanshan Taibao" in the late Ming Dynasty used old wine wood as building materials in order to prevent the self-proliferating "Jingling Armor" from approaching the mountain. Ley Lines.

I didn't want to go into details at the moment, but I quickly understood eighty-nine points of what Sun Jiuye said. All the abnormal signs in "Coffin Mountain" indicate that a huge change will take place in the mountain. Investigating the root cause, I'm afraid it was caused by us entering Dixian Village. When it comes to candlelight and dragon energy, just lighting a candle may not be a big deal. The most terrible thing is that the "Guixu Ancient Mirror" was not properly stored. "Bronze mirrors and bronze talismans" are all tempered and forged by the dragon fire of the South China Sea. Although the dragon aura in the ancient mirror is about to disappear, it is the aura of the dragon fire after all. It finally attracted the Jingling Armor to crawl into the mountain wall and first A large number of "coffin insects" were driven out of the cliff crevices.

Shirley Yang said: "Without flames, we will definitely be surrounded by coffin insects and unable to escape. Although fire is forbidden in Dixian Village, there are fire extinguishers hidden in the tomb passages of the underground tombs. We should be able to light fires in the tombs for self-defense. Let's quickly get torches to avoid them." Only in the tomb."

Everyone claimed that they had taken away all the things that could ignite the fire in the "Guanshan Ossuary Building", and then immediately rushed downstairs to find the entrance to the Yin House. The passages of the Yin and Yang Houses were different everywhere. "The middle one is near the shrine. In the folk houses, there are some under the stove and some under the bed. They are all hidden according to the principle of "Eight House Mirrors". I have seen several of them before. Since I have seen through the mystery, the Eight Houses have mirrors. Naturally, Ming Jing could not resist the "secret technique of touching gold", and soon led everyone to find the tomb passage in the Feng family's ancestral hall.

We pried open the floor tiles, and felt the cold wind and fog under the ground. At this time, many "coffin bugs" had poured in from the cracks in the doors and windows. No one dared to hesitate anymore, and hurriedly went down the tomb passage, and then The passage was re-blocked, and in just a blink of an eye, several coffin worms had followed them into the ancient tomb, and they were all beaten to death on the spot by us with an engineering shovel.

Shirley Yang and Yao Meier lit two torches. Although "Coffin Mountain" is buried deep underground, it is a strange vein where dragons are intertwined. There are some gaps in the tomb wall. If there is air circulation, although it will feel difficult to breathe. Smooth, the fire light also dimmed, but as long as the flames did not go out, it was not necessary to wear gas masks. I did not dare to be careless and reminded everyone to hang the gas mask carrying bag on their chests for use at any time.

The Yin and Yang houses in Dixian Village are stacked on top of each other. There are houses on the top and tombs on the bottom. However, they are all different, ranging in size from large to small, but they are all tombs of great nobles and some noble hermits. In this connected "ancient" In the "Tomb Museum", all kinds of rare and rare "coffins, tripods, ancient corpse beads and jade", and ghostly objects from the past dynasties are all hidden, and they have become part of the "Pangu Feng Shui" of Dixian Village.

The tomb chamber located under the "Ossuary Building" is a tomb from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The coffin chamber is mainly made of "copper and wood" structure. The four tomb walls are made of dark ebony. There are many bamboo slips piled in the tomb chamber, and there are many more. Most of the ancient weapons such as swords, swords, and shields have been rusted and cannot be used anymore. Among them is a well-preserved "bronze coffin of Fuhu Fuhu", which is a copper coffin hidden in a mercury-burning furnace. The crouching tiger beast heads are exposed at both ends, and the dark mercury furnace is filled with mercury. If a tomb robber breaks down the furnace wall, mercury will gush out of the tomb and injure people. It is not surprising.

I looked around in the light of the torch and saw that this ancient tomb from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period was not strong. The tomb chamber was too old, and most of the wood was broken and rotten. I couldn't stay here for a long time. I quickly called the fat man to pry open the tomb door. In order to allow everyone to fight for a way out, who knew that although the ebony on the tomb wall was rotten and decayed, it was very thick, so they had to do their best to use the engineer shovel to dig out layer by layer.

Just when I was "anxious and sweating profusely", I heard Shirley Yang and others behind me shouting "no good". I hurriedly looked back and saw that there seemed to be a turbid current surging between the gaps in the tomb wall, and countless "coffin worms" were flowing continuously. The ground crawled out of the wall. The "coffin worm" in this ancient tomb is extraordinary. In the countryside, there is also a strange little insect called the coffin worm. It secretes acid and rots wherever it crawls. And in the cemetery The coffin bug inside is even more powerful. If it bites the skin, it will immediately cause a high degree of ulceration. It will be numb and itchy at first, and then it will bleed and pus, which can be rotten to the bone.

Professor Sun also picked up a torch, connected it to the torch in Shirley Yang's hand and lit it, plus one from Yao Meier, and the three torches waved back and forth like meteors, driving away the coffin insects that were approaching. The torches were tied with a few bandages and cloth, and some compressed fuel was poured into them to ignite the fire. The burning time was not short. However, the darkness in the ancient tomb was extremely dark, and the fire was not strong. Some coffin bugs were thinking about it. They were not afraid of fire, so the three of them poked them on the ground with torches and burned them to death. As more and more insects were burned to death, a strong burning smell came out.

The coffin chamber of this ancient tomb of the Warring States Period is made of thick square logs. After the giant logs were moved from their original location, "rotten worms and rotten maggots" have been born. They usually hide in the gaps and lurk. At this moment, the coffin worms got in. Alarmed, they all wriggled their clumsy bodies and escaped from the holes in the tomb wall.

Some of the maggots born in the wooden coffins have mutated due to the Yin Qi in the tomb. The strange maggots, which are as thick as a human finger, can scream "squeak" and make a desperate struggling sound after being bitten by the coffin bug, like The baby's cry of blood and blood, heard in this dark and cold ancient tomb, is enough to make one's heart beat with fear, almost going crazy, and the hands holding the engineer's shovel and torch are trembling.

Seeing that I could no longer hold on, thanks to Shirley Yang's quick wit, she pulled out Feng Shigu's sword from my back, took two steps forward, raised the sword and thrust it into the beast's mouth of the burning furnace and the tiger coffin, triggering the furnace. When the mechanism was opened, streams of mercury water suddenly poured out, swallowing up all the swarms of coffin worms and maggots near the coffin.

This sword should be the sharp blade that Feng Shigu used to stab the "Wuyang King" to death when he met the immortal in Coffin Mountain. I brought this sword out from the Guanshan Ossuary Building with the intention of using it against him. "Earth Immortal Feng Shigu" was taken by Shirley Yang and inserted into the "Fuhu Coffin". At this time, it was invaded by mercury and could not be retrieved.

I am also in a hurry to obey the authority, and I can't think about the future for the time being. I can only take one step at a time. The mercury gas in the tomb is filled with mercury gas, and the flames have become weaker. However, the coffin insects swarming in are afraid of the mercury poison, and they are like a tide. After retreating and fleeing, everyone put on gas masks, and together they moved away the rotten wood blocking the tomb door, then pried open the incomplete copper door, and rushed into the tomb passage one after another.

Each relatively independent tomb has the same tomb passages connecting each other, criss-crossing like streets. The brick walls are relatively solid and complete, not as gloomy and heavy as the tomb chamber. The flame on the torch in the hand burns normally again. After everyone figured out the direction, they took advantage of the opportunity before a large number of coffin insects came in, and quickly walked through the tomb passage to the location of the "Tomb of the Earth Immortal".

The Pangu Corpse Vein in the "Coffin Mountain" is shaped like a headless ancient corpse lying on its back. The Dixian Village is built on the chest of the ancient corpse according to the mountain. The Dixian Tomb, which is sunken into a deep ravine, is located in the belly of the Pangu Vein. The tomb passage is winding. The surrounding tombs and pits are staggered one after another, and it seems that they will never end.

Everyone ran in a hurry for a while, but there was still no trace of the "Earth Immortal Tomb". The fat man muttered: "Old Hu, did you take the wrong route? Why can't you reach the end after running for so long? Ours The principle has always been - don't brag and don't brag, don't walk too far..."

Yao Meier couldn't hold on any longer and asked me how far the road was. I have no choice but to use a quote I heard from Shirley Yang in the past to support it: "Don't be discouraged. Don't ask how far the road is, but ask yourself - do you have the confidence and courage to finish this road?" No matter how far the road is.”

The fat man said: "Let's take a break. Don't forget that the earth is round. If you just walk forward blindly without asking for directions, wouldn't that make you a melon?"

At this moment, I was unsure, so I told everyone frankly: "The tomb passage is dark and winding. To be honest, I'm a little confused. Looking at the compass, we are definitely heading in the right direction, but we can't be prepared." Lived and passed.”

After some discussion, everyone decided to take a look at the "Picture of the House on Coffin Mountain" first to confirm where it was, otherwise it wouldn't make sense to go around in the ancient tomb, so they lit two more torches and cleared a path in the tomb passage. He came to a small safe area, took out the volumes of ancient paintings from his backpack, and unfolded them one by one, trying to find the picture of the Yin House in Dixian Village.

I saw that the first painting I opened was "Viewing the Mountains and Encountering Immortals", so I handed it to the fat man to put it away. As soon as I opened the second volume of ancient paintings, it was the "Night Walk with a Candle" depicting the scene of entering a tomb and being buried. 》. I became more and more anxious. The several broken paintings painted by the "Earth Immortal" were all exactly the same, and they were all the same. After they were rolled up, it was impossible to tell them apart. When I was about to take out the third ancient painting, I discovered this "Walking at Night with a Candle". "Picture" is different from what I have seen in "The Ossuary Tower" before.

I remember very clearly that in the original "Walking with Candles at Night", many people lit lanterns and torches and walked into a cave with jade and bronze wares buried in the ground. However, the ancient painting in front of me now has more " "Things", among the vessels for offering sacrifices to the mountain, many vague black shadows appeared, which looked like ferocious "ghosts" upon closer inspection. They also seemed to be ghosts in the underworld, peeping into the underworld. The fresh lives of the people buried in the ancient tombs give people a "shuddering" feeling at a glance.

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