Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 293 Long Vision

I felt bad. All the corpses in the "Dixian Village" had escaped. The omens deduced by the guardians of the "Wuyang King Ancient Tomb" turned out to be true in the end. It's too late to say anything now. What is destined to happen is something that no one can change.

The corpses crawling out of the "coffin mountain" almost covered the dark blue cliff. Looking at the darkness, the corpse of Earth Immortal Feng Shigu with his head split in two was also mixed in among the crowd. Surrounded by corpses, they were getting closer and closer to us. We couldn't see clearly how they were moving in the chaos, but they were at our feet in just a blink of an eye.

Things developed so fast that no one could think about it anymore. I quickly climbed up from the wall-mounted bird path, just to get as far away from Feng Shigu who had turned into a "corpse fairy", but my legs were like water. It was full of lead water. Even though I was impatient, it was extremely difficult and slow to move along the steep bird path.

Sun Jiuye was heartbroken. His shoulder was seriously injured and one of his arms could no longer move at all. He threw himself in the narrow rock path and never wanted to escape. Seeing the corpse of Earth Immortal Feng Shigu swimming up the wall like a gecko, wrapped in A black mist with extremely putrid smell was hitting Sun Jiuye from bottom to top.

I didn't have time to save him, and my whole body went cold. I thought that this time Sun Jiuye was finished, and I was about to continue running for my life, but an incredible scene appeared in my eyes. The corpse immortal turned a blind eye to Sun Jiuye and passed by him. It pounced directly on the fat man who was further away from its position.

The fat man shouted loudly, and immediately turned around and jumped towards a hanging coffin on a rock pile in the diagonal spur. He was desperate and didn't care about the height. The hanging coffin protruded from the cliff like a wooden nail. He jumped and smashed a hole in the hanging coffin board. One of the wooden stakes supporting it was immediately broken. The remaining wooden stakes could not bear the weight and made a "clicking" sound. About to break.

The fat man was lying on the coffin, not daring to get up for a moment, for fear that if he made another move, he would immediately follow the coffin and fall into the rolling river. His escape was equivalent to placing himself on an isolated island with no one around. When he escaped, he fully expected to be able to catch the edge of the wall, but unexpectedly, the "Corpse Immortal" followed him like a shadow on the cliff and chased after him.

I could see it clearly from the sidelines, and a flash of thought flashed through my mind, why did the "Corpse Immortal" Fengshi Gushe seek the far side, bypassing Sun Jiuye and go straight to Fatty? Could it be that Feng Shigu could still recognize the descendants of the Guanshan Feng family after his death? I don't know anything else, but the business of fighting upside down is naturally inseparable from the matter of "ancient corpses, exposed objects, and coffins." I have been exposed to it over the years, and I know a lot. As far as I know, all corpses are Jumping at people must be attracted by the yang energy of the living person, which is called "dragon vision" among the people and Taoists.

Dragon eyes can only see things with life and soul, and the eyes of zombies are useless. They can only rely on the electrical induction transmitted by living creatures or spiritual mediums. Therefore, there is a saying of "dragon vision" among the people. Kai Sun Jiuye, what does this mean? Could it be that Master Sun Jiu is neither a "walking corpse" nor a "living person", nor does he even have a soul? He is just a "shadow" in our eyes?

Sun Jiuye had a deep heart and seemed to have completely inherited the tradition of the "Guanshan Taibao" who acted secretly and abnormally. He was indifferent when he saw the corpses of his father and brother in the "Coffin Gorge", and spent almost a lifetime planning to enter "Coffin Gorge". "Dixian Village" robbed tombs and destroyed corpses, all kinds of actions are not easily done by ordinary people, but these are still within reason, and the real abnormal phenomena in Sun Jiuye all appeared when we entered "Wuyang King" "After the ancient tomb.

It was also in the ancient cemetery palace where the "Wuyang King" was buried that the secrets hidden in Sun Jiuye were gradually revealed. As an archaeologist, he actually possessed the long-lost evil skills. This was just the "tip of the iceberg." , and then everyone also discovered that corpse insects appeared on his body, and he looked extremely afraid of the black donkey's hooves, making him look like a walking corpse. However, he had no reaction in front of the "Guixu Ancient Mirror". Candles also have no effect on Sun Jiuye. It seems that this person is nothing, neither a ghost, nor a human, nor a walking corpse. If these possibilities are eliminated, what will he be? He has form and substance, flesh and blood, shadows in his steps, and seams in his clothes. Could this person be the real "Corpse Immortal" in Coffin Mountain?

I have made such guesses before, but I am not sure about confirming it. I also want to take him out of the mountain and investigate carefully, but now I see something strange in Sun Jiuye again. Existences that go beyond common sense are often the easiest to make people... I felt scared. Subconsciously, I was planning to believe such a weird thing, but you couldn't help but believe it when it happened. Thinking of this, my head went numb like an electric shock.

There was no room for me to think too much in the flash of lightning. I was slightly startled when I was on the bird path on the cliff. I saw that the fat man was trapped in an isolated and helpless place. The situation was extremely dangerous. I immediately threw away these chaotic thoughts and refused to go. Paying attention to Sun Jiuye who was lying motionless on the ground, he hurriedly gestured to Shirley Yang, who had climbed to a higher place earlier, asking her to come to the rescue quickly.

Since our communication methods have always been relatively backward, when we are far apart, we basically rely on shouting to communicate with each other, and communication basically relies on hands. However, after getting along for a long time, we have a tacit understanding with each other, and a simple gesture can convey the intention. Shirley Yang is here The person above leaned out to see clearly. She also knew that this was a critical moment and it was too late to leave the "Flying Tiger Claw" behind. Fortunately, there were hanging coffins everywhere in the canyon. She immediately called Yaomei'er, and the two of them worked together to remove the "Flying Tiger Claw". A hanging coffin in front of him was pushed down the cliff.

When the fat man saw a hanging coffin falling from above his head, he quickly ducked to avoid it. The hanging coffin whizzed down from beside him and fell right on Feng Shigu's head. It hit him squarely and broke his mouth. Kai Lai's head was slapped directly from the neck, leaving only a headless body still attached to the cliff.

Shirley Yang wanted to take the opportunity to put down the "Flying Tiger Claw" to respond, but at this time, there was an endless stream of corpses crawling out of the coffin mountain, and they had formed a trap on everyone on the cliff. Shirley Yang and Yao Meier had to keep pushing down the "Flying Tiger Claw" "Hanging coffins, stone slabs, wooden piles", but there were only three or four broken hanging coffins near them, which could not prevent the corpses from coming out of the "Dixian Village".

I knew in my heart that it was the last moment, so I pressed Sun Jiuye and said, "Now that all the corpse immortals in Coffin Mountain have escaped, you should tell us what you want to do now, and don't let us die like fools." .”

Sun Jiuye was in a trance and his face was as heavy as water. He did not look at me. He just kept staring at the headless body left by Feng Shigu on the cliff. He said coldly: "What do I want to do? I want to..." He didn't finish his sentence. Falling down, the bird path we were standing on suddenly collapsed. Sun Jiuye also knew that something was wrong. He shouted "Ouch" and lost control of his body in the bird path that was no more than a foot wide. This was so sudden that I even I didn't have time to react. By the time I realized what was happening, he had already slid down the cliff along with the rubble, and fell directly into the black clouds and mist pouring out of "Coffin Mountain", and was no longer seen.

I hurriedly leaned over to take a look. I didn't see where Sun Jiuye fell, but I saw a group of dark things squirming out of the neck cavity of Feng Shigu's headless corpse. It seemed to be full of short and Thin black corpse hair. If the ancient corpse has been hidden in an absolutely closed coffin for many years, when it is suddenly exposed to the flowing air from the outside, the skin of the corpse will undergo an intensified change, collapse and shrink in an instant, and develop a layer of mildew. However, except for Feng Shigu, most of the dead corpses in Dixian Village had been exposed underground for hundreds of years, and there were no coffins to contain them. It seemed very abnormal that such a transformation would occur.

The black fog in the canyon gradually increased, and the intermittent ray of skylight was extremely dim. But this time I was very close to Feng Shigu's body, and I could see it very clearly. The black substance hidden in Feng Shigu's body was previously in Lingxing Hall. In the former Jade Grottoes, we have seen human-like "ghost shadows" hidden in the chalcedony rock formations. This ghostly black substance is also secretly depicted in "Walking with Candles at Night".

They seem to be able to cling to cliffs and move quickly, exuding a strange corpse odor. Their appearance is not fixed, and they are not afraid of water, fire, swords and guns. The corpse possessed by this object can neither rot nor freeze, and even the blood in the body can It has never been silted up. During the witchcraft period, it was regarded as corpse-suppressing wudan, while Guanshan Taibao Feng Shigu regarded it as a sign that the corpse would become immortal.

In addition to the pictures painted by the Earthly Immortal, as well as the Lingxing Palace and the bodies in the tombs, I should have seen this object in some places, it seems that it is in the "Coffin Mountain", and even in the "Wuyang King" ancient tomb and I have seen them near the hanging coffins in the canyon, but my preconceptions were that they were some kind of refined "corpse immortal", but I ignored the countless details I saw. This black substance should be a kind of thing that survives in the decaying environment. The "moss", or the "corpse moss" mentioned in Feng Shui.

The witch evil culture and the Guanshan Fengshui technique mastered by the Guanshan Feng family are all derived from the ancient Fengshui method, of which Tianxing Fengshui accounts for a large proportion. However, these things are actually different from the Yin and Yang Fengshui taught by Mojin Xiaowei. They are all branches of Zhoutian ancient hexagrams, completely from the same origin, and their purpose is to be within nature and to unite heaven and man. However, ancient Feng Shui is more profound and obscure, and there are many unrealistic theories in it. Most of them were developed after the Han Dynasty. It is no longer used, but the Guanshan Feng family learned the magic by robbing tombs in Coffin Gorge. The content of the study is still the ancient method of three generations. There are many differences from the Feng Shui of the situation that I have always been exposed to, so I have never changed it in my mind. After passing this corner, I suddenly woke up and understood seven or eight points.

There are thousands of various hanging coffins hidden in the "Coffin Gorge", and the Pangu Vein of Coffin Mountain is an extremely shady place where wind and energy are stored. Countless small coffins are buried inside, and the organs of those corpses are aged in the mountains. After a long period of transformation, a layer of black-green moss grows, which can parasitize the body of the living or the dead. This kind of flesh moss is the "living elixir" used by shamans to embalm the dead during the period of King Wuyang.

Later, the Wuxie people discovered that although this thing could keep the ancient corpse unchanged for thousands of years, it could not let it leave the Coffin Mountain. Once this "Pangu Corpse Moss" leaves the place where wind and water are hidden, it will breed and spread through the host's body. , many humans and animals in the world suffered from it, so the memorial tablet mentioned the matter of "digging out the earth's veins and sealing the mountain to hide it", and Coffin Mountain became an ancient forbidden place.

Most of the strange arts that Master Feng learned in ancient times came from the "Coffin Mountain". In addition, he was obsessed with understanding the secrets of heaven to prove the Tao, so he had delusions about the "living elixir" hidden in the mountain, intending to use this object to refine himself into an immortal. , built the ancient tomb of Dixian Village to restore the dragon energy of the earth veins. In fact, it cannot be said that Feng Shigu’s judgment was wrong. The cause and effect cycle has continued so far, and everything has appeared according to his calculations and arrangements during his lifetime. If the "Pangu Corpse Immortal" flows into various places from now on, I don’t know how many living people would have to be “converted” by it.

In the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" that I am familiar with, the word "thing" once recorded items such as "corpse moss, corpse moss", saying that "there is no good luck under the evil veins, and the corpse moss is old and Raw flesh, formed into human form over time, chasing after the yang energy of living people, leaving the grave to control the great epidemic in the world." These are all ominous and obscure things that appear in the tombs of mausoleums. To a certain extent, some Like the "Nine Deaths Jingling Tomb Armor" that guards tombs, it is only one steel and one soft, and the "corpse moss" has almost no weaknesses to be found.

The "cliff-hanging coffins and ancient cemetery palaces" in Coffin Gorge are full of decayed moss, but only the ones buried in the Pangu veins are "corpse moss". However, I am blind and mistakenly thought that Coffin Gorge's feng shui concealment was a fairy. The treasure land where Yi people buried their bones did not expect that the legendary "Corpse Immortal" turned out to be "Pangu Corpse Moss".

Although I discerned the truth about the "Corpse Immortal" between the cliffs of the canyon, it didn't help at all. The "Pangu Corpse Moss" parasitic in the dead corpse was basically consistent with the legend about the "Corpse Immortal" in the Earth Immortal Tomb. At this time, I saw Come on, all the dead people in the "Dixian Village" have this kind of thing in their bodies. As the "Coffin Mountain" leaves the ground and is exposed in the canyon, these black corpse moss attached to the dead people's bodies will squirm out of the host's body and absorb it. Crawling around on the cliffs to allow them to escape from the canyon would be a disaster.

Seeing that it was hard to achieve anything if I tried hard at this time, I took advantage of the coffin board pushed down by Shirley Yang to knock down the two Pangu corpses nearby. I hurriedly moved my body to the top of the fat man's head, and then put down the flying tiger with Shirley Yang and Yaomei. With his claws, he pulled the fat man back from the crumbling hanging coffin. The fat man spun around in front of the gate of hell, raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his face, and asked me hastily: "Is Sun Laojiu just giving up?"

I nodded: "Maybe he fell into the river and was swept away, or maybe he fell into the coffin mountain and was smashed to pieces. I can't confirm it at the moment. It's a pity that I had something important to say before I had time to tell him. It seems like No chance to say..."

Shirley Yang and Yao Meier couldn't help but look sad when they saw that Master Sun Jiu was missing. However, Shirley Yang had a very strong psychological quality and she could still remain calm at this time. She asked me, "Old Hu, it seems that all the corpses in Dixian Village are..." It’s been parasitized by some kind of creature, it seems we can’t stop them, what should we do now?”

Shirley Yang is quick-witted and reacts faster. After seeing the appearance of the "Corpse Fairy", she had the same idea as me. Although she didn't understand the principles of Feng Shui, she immediately judged that there were parasites hidden in the corpses. , but in a desperate situation, it is difficult to escape, and there is no way to deal with the "Pangu Corpse Moss" in the coffin mountain.

The Coffin Mountain lying across the canyon gradually collapsed, but the gloomy atmosphere in the mountain lingered for a long time. There seemed to be endless black fog, and waves of misty and circling dark clouds and mist made the light in the canyon more and more bright. Dark, in this situation, I can only feel anxious and helpless. If I continue to go up the Bird Trail Plank Road, I don’t know when I will be able to climb this dangerous cliff with a thousand-meter-high wall. Moreover, everyone is at their mental and physical limits. I’m afraid they will go up. Less than half of it will be overtaken by the rapidly growing "Pangu Corpse Moss" and die.

Seeing my hesitation, Yao Meier quickly begged me not to think of jumping into the water to escape. She is not afraid of climbing over mountains and ridges, but she does not know the nature of water and has a deep-rooted fear of the vast water.

I told her that there was no need to worry, the waterway would not be considered at all. The water flow in this canyon was so fast that no matter how good the water quality was, she would not survive if she jumped in. But I was so worried that the "Pangu Corpse Moss" around me would be gone in a few minutes. They will rush to the front. In such a situation, unless one has wings and flies into the sky, how can one escape from this catastrophe?

The fat man looked down and said: "The waterway is dangerous, but there is probably no chance of running on two legs. Now we can only imitate Sun Laojiu and dive into the Dragon Palace to escape..."

I know Fatty better than anyone else. He is a talkative master. The words he just said must be to embolden him. But the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. These words are heard in my ears. In particular, the words "Sun Laojiu" and "Dragon Palace" were particularly abrupt, and I felt something move in my heart...

There were all kinds of incomprehensible signs on Sun Jiuye's body. He was able to avoid the "Pangu Corpse Moss" even though he was on the cliff. This made me suspect that the corpse immortal had opened his dragon eyes and could not catch him in the dragon's vision. Although I have heard this legend about this non-human and non-ghost existence a long time ago, I still learned the saying from Zhang Yingchuan that "people cannot see the wind, ghosts cannot see the ground, fish cannot see the water, and dragons cannot see everything" , which is exactly the mystery of the "Guixu Ancient Mirror" and the two "Bronze Hexagram Talismans".

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