Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 294 The Wrath of Heaven

Whenever I think of the Bronze Hexagram Talisman, the tragic scene of being burned by thunder and fire after the transformation of the old sheepskin corpse more than ten years ago seems like it was just yesterday. "Dragon Vision" is of course also a corpse-transformed creature. Things with flesh and moss are the most rotten and gloomy. Ordinary flames cannot burn them at all. Maybe this "Bronze Dragon Talisman" in my arms is our only one. Opportunity.

As soon as this idea came to my mind, I immediately tore open the sealed bag that I was carrying tightly and took out the "Bronze Dragon Talisman" in the bag. The fat man next to me seemed to suddenly understand my intention and hurriedly shouted: "This can't be done, it's already..." Nothing real was poured out, but a bronze divination talisman was put in it. Corruption and waste are a huge crime. Don’t do business at a loss..."

I know that this bronze talisman is of great significance to us, but of the three Guixu bronzes we obtained, the remaining two were eroded by fire paint and all the copper was removed. Only this dragon talisman is the first of the four talismans, and it is buried in the "Hundred Eyes" "The Cave" has been in its middle age for a long time, and the sea air in the copper has penetrated into it. After weighing the pros and cons, only by making up one's mind to let go of this thing can it be possible to completely destroy the "Di Xian Village". Now, are the four of us alive or dead? , are all tied into it.

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth and saw the headless corpse under the cliff very close. I immediately raised my hand and threw the dragon talisman down. The copper of the bronze dragon talisman was filled with sea air, and it has persisted for thousands of years. Only the deceased could be seen. The "Pangu Corpse Moss" in the body had already wrapped the dragon talisman in its body when it swallowed the black mist.

Almost at the same time, black fog covered the sky in the canyon. It was so dark that no one could even see the silhouette of a person facing each other. A burst of muffled thunder rolled in the clouds and fog. I knew this was a precursor to the coming thunder and fire, so I quickly moved the rest of the people. Several people were pushed to the ground, and before I could lean down to hide, I saw a bolt of lightning that was as powerful as a thunderous dragon passing by in front of my eyes, and suddenly the two cliffs were reflected in a dazzling white, and thunder and lightning flashed around me. , the deafening sound of thunder and thunder caused thousands of coffins in the Coffin Gorge to tremble at the same time.

The guardian of the "Wuyang King Ancient Tomb" who was imprisoned by the Guanshan Taibao once calculated the "heavenly secret" for the Earth Immortal Feng Shigu, and finally it came true like a god. The "coffin mountain" was washed into the canyon from the ground by the flood, and it flew across the sky. Standing on top of the roaring river, countless corpse immortals in the mountains took the opportunity to escape, which was completely consistent with the phenomenon of "breaking through the mountains and coming out to kill" described in the celestial omen.

We were trapped on the cliff in the canyon with no way out. When we were desperate, we grabbed a life-saving straw. Maybe the "Guixu Bronze Ware" could turn things around. Those bronze talisman mirrors are all ancient Feng Shui secrets. In addition to fortune-telling, In addition to "feng shui and hexagrams", the sea energy contained in copper is also absolutely extraordinary.

When Lao Yangpi died violently in a yurt on the grassland, he secretly swallowed the hexagram talisman into his body before he died, leading the Huangpizi cave to steal the body, and by some strange combination of circumstances, he was dug out of the soil again, and was eventually struck by a thunder. Sheeppi's body and the weasel who came to steal the talisman were both struck by thunder and fire and burned into a pile of charcoal.

But the person in the past has passed away, and I will never know Lao Yangpi’s true intention. Many years later, I heard more or less from the mouths of Chen Xiazi and Sun Jiuye. Based on this, I speculated that Lao Yangpi did have some intentions at that time. Fei Feng, he had heard that the Eyeless Dragon Talisman was a secret weapon of Feng Shui in his early years, and wanted to keep it for himself after his death to bless future generations, so he arranged the strange incident of "naked corpse buried upside down", but he didn't know what he was doing. , are most likely to be tabooed by ghosts and gods, and will end up with "useless schemes and tricks".

Before I found the body of Captain Feng in the "Coffin Gorge" this time, I had seen the body of the immortal hermit in the coffin hanging on the cliff. The "thousand-year-old corpse" should also be a zombie that survived ancient times. At that time, I was preparing to use the bronze talisman and bronze mirror next to the hanging coffin to guess the location of the "Earth Immortal Tomb". As a result, a thunderstorm fell nearby, which shocked everyone. A fright.

After these two encounters, I vaguely felt that there are still many secrets hidden in the "Bronze Dragon Talisman". According to superstition, this may be a "Thunder Talisman". In fact, when the zombie transforms into a corpse, There are many extremely yin qi. When encountering yang qi in the outside world, the yin and yang will interact with each other, and then be attracted by the ancient and unknown chaotic gas in Guixu bronze, which will form cloud discharges at low altitudes. In a very short period of time, Thunder and thunderbolts are produced within a time period.

Ancient people believed in the myth that "there is a god of thunder in Lei Ze, with a dragon's head and a human cheek, and when its belly is bulging, thunder will come". They mistakenly believed that thunder and lightning destroying houses and striking people was God's anger and punishing people. In the Han Dynasty, people began to explain the phenomenon of thunder and lightning based on the theory of the interaction of yin and yang. They proposed that "yin and yang are thin, causing thunder when touched, and thunder when excited." In other words, yin and yang qi come into contact and oscillate. It forms thunder, and when the vibration is violent, it forms thunderbolts.

Although I have had this thought, I am not sure what the real situation is. At this moment, I have reached the end of my rope and there is nothing I can do. I finally came up with a way. I believe that there is no way out, so I don’t care whether it works or not. , and immediately threw the "Bronze Dragon Talisman" at Pangu's corpse, and it happened to land in the cavity of Feng Shigu's decapitated corpse.

Unexpectedly, the corpse fog surging in the "coffin mountain" was too heavy. According to Feng Shui, it was called "breaking the mountain to penetrate the cave, and the dragons were awakened". It was an extremely bad omen, and it immediately caused lightning and thunder among the cliffs of the deep gorge. , these thunderbolts of lightning did not originate from the clouds in the sky, but were generated in the black mist at the bottom of the canyon near the water.

As the saying goes, "Thunder can't cover the ears as fast as lightning." The thunder and lightning in the canyon came at a moment's notice. During the previous bursts of muffled thunder, the surroundings were as black as the bottom of a pot, but with a very long branch-shaped lightning across the canyon, Just like a startling dragon suddenly appeared, the dazzling lightning immediately illuminated the cliffs as bright as frost.

The bird path cave where we were hiding was extremely narrow and steep, and most of the area was no more than a foot wide. When the lightning flashed past me, before I could duck down to avoid it, I could see the surrounding cliffs through the bright light of the lightning. The corpses of countless dead people in Dixian Village are covered with "Pangu Corpse Immortals". Most of them have been torn apart, revealing large areas of dark and crawling corpse moss in various shapes. They are bloody and adsorbed on the stone walls, and they are crowded and crawling to higher places.

The lightning that shook the sky was fleeting, and the "Coffin Gorge" immediately fell into the diffuse black mist. The canyon turned from black to light, and then back to darkness again, but in an instant, My eyes were flashed by lightning, and before I could blink, I heard a thunderbolt. Before the thunder could even fall, countless fireballs suddenly appeared from the dark valley bottom. All the "Pangu Corpse Immortals" were hit by thunder and fire, as if even the surrounding The thick corpse fog was also ignited, burning the air together.

The thunder and fire spread between the two cliffs near "Coffin Mountain", as if being caught by an extremely hot but eerie hurricane. I never dreamed that there would be such a big movement, and I saw large and small "corpses and flesh" all around. "Moss", all of them were wrapped in balls of fire, and they kept struggling and rolling on the cliff. I quickly fell down to avoid it. At this time, I didn't know that my ears were damaged by the thunder, but I actually heard that the canyon seemed to be full of shrill and unusual sharp sounds. Called the sound of mourning.

In the conventional theory of "Qingwu Feng Shui", it is always said that in addition to the mysterious "wisp fire", there are three other types of fire in the world, namely "human fire, dragon fire, and sky fire". Dragon fire can sneak in the water. Burning; human fire is the eternal fire that burns fuel and cuts marrow; and "heavenly fire" is thunder fire, which is called the fire of hatred. If the world's moral deeds fail, or things become old and strange, it will easily lead to the thunder and fire phase. People say that it is because of the evil spirit of Lei Gong, who specializes in punishing evil spirits. In fact, it is the change of "Qi" in the four doors of Feng Shui "Shape, Potential, Reason and Qi", which leads to the imbalance of heaven and earth, which causes the clouds and mist. Thunder and lightning.

The air was filled with burning ozone and the stench of burning corpses, which made people almost suffocate. The eyes turned black for a while. The four of us quickly covered our faces with "gas masks" and lay on the ground without daring to do anything. Fortunately, the clothes he wore were made of fire-resistant and waterproof materials, and the gas mask blocked the breath of living people, so he was able to survive. Otherwise, he would have been burned to death by thunder and fire in the coffin gorge in a matter of seconds.

I don't know how much time passed in my heart and mind. I peeked out through the gas mask and saw that the fog of corpses burned in the thunder and fire had disappeared. The skylight in the deep gorge fell again, and countless dark ashes were flying all over the sky, among which there were still There was still a spark, and it seemed that the catastrophe was over. I took off my gas mask, and a gust of cold mountain wind blew in. Although the thick burnt smell had not yet dissipated, the feeling of disgust and disgust in my chest suddenly became stronger. ease.

Everyone raised their eyes on the cliff and looked around. What they saw before their eyes were all shocking scenes. After a hundred deaths, it was even more embarrassing. The "Coffin Mountain Immortal Village" was hit by thunder and fire, and the ancient Earth Immortal Sealed Master was "broken." The plot of "killing people out of the mountain" disappeared like ice and clouds. In an instant, it disappeared into ashes. A ray of skylight on the top of the canyon was revealed again. Except for the scorched marks on the cliffs, there were no bones left, only the darkness formed after countless thunder and fire burned the corpses. The broken ash was floating all over the sky with the mountain wind, and it was like an overwhelming black snow fell in the canyon.

The "Coffin Mountain" is tilted between two cliffs. The surrounding stone walls have begun to gradually crumble. The Pangu Vein and Dixian Village in the mountain have been devoured by water and fire. Only broken bricks and tiles are left in the muddy water. , the jade and Lingxing rocks inside are falling apart, and there is no trace of life. The scattered stones and tiles are falling into the river.

The most unexpected thing is that the "Dixian Village" really responded to the omen of Poshan's killing, and what was destined to happen in the sky finally happened. These are the guardians of the "Wuyang King Tomb", who are here to save the earth. Xianfeng Shigu used the ancient hexagram to deduce the true result, but this apocalyptic hexagram was deeply buried with the vicious curse of the tomb keeper.

Even the "Earth Immortal Feng Shigu", a strange man with extraordinary powers, failed to realize that there was a hidden danger hidden in this. The tomb guardians, who had been tortured by the "Guanshan Taibao", could only speculate. The "Breaking Mountains and Killings" appeared as the final sign of the celestial phenomenon, but it hid the consequences that would follow, causing the "Earth Immortal Tomb" that Feng Shigu had tried his best to build to be destroyed by thunder and fire.

After experiencing all this, we have to believe that there is indeed God's arrangement in the dark. In fact, the ancient sages and sages have already made it clear that "the deep and subtle are the laws of heaven; the changes in nature are the principles of heaven." That’s right; it’s okay to talk about heaven’s principles in order to respond to people; it’s okay to reveal heaven’s secrets to deceive people, and heaven will definitely punish you.”

We can use the principles of the changes of heaven and earth to guide people, so that they can live endlessly, be generous and tolerant; but the secrets of heaven are subtle and profound, and ordinary people with the naked eyes of the world should not pry into its secrets, otherwise it will definitely cause disaster and harm others and ourselves. . Maybe the art of refining alchemy and cultivating immortality is real, and it may not be a miraculous art passed down from ancient times, but it must be done with a calm mind and no desires. If you practice it in the gold, water, elixir and fire for a long time, you can strengthen your muscles and bones and prolong your life. However, the Earth Immortal Sealed Master was originally a peerless genius in ancient times, but he was obsessed with the method of seeking immortality to save the world and save people. He also harbored evil delusions and forced the witchcraft remnants to deduce the heavenly hexagrams in order to refine the corpse immortal, but he was deceived by it. , set himself on fire, and ended up with no body left.

The clouds and rain in Coffin Gorge were unpredictable. As soon as the sky appeared, clouds and mist suddenly gathered at high places. In a moment, it rained heavily, and the sky poured down, washing away all the fly ash in the air. We were soaked by the rain. , only then did he completely wake up from his trance, relax his spirit from the state of high tension, and suddenly feel that his whole body was weak, and there were more than 36,000 cold pores all over his body, and none of them were in pain, so he had to stay at the place where the hanging coffin was placed on the cliff. Rest in a cave.

Although everyone was exhausted, they all felt lucky to have survived the disaster and see the light of day again. The local specialty Pangu Corpse Immortal in the "Coffin Mountain Fairy Village" was also destroyed.

Fatty and I talked about how Sun Jiuye tricked him into coming to "Coffin Mountain" to fight upside down, which was a big mistake. This time, he was completely used as a weapon. Although there was an ancient elixir in the veins of Pangu's corpse, it was not what we thought. The inner elixir that was found to save Duo Ling's life was completely different, and in the end Sun Jiuye's whereabouts were still unknown. It would be difficult to find him to accuse him, but if he could come out with all his arms and legs, he could be regarded as an ancestor. The Master appears, and we should have endless energy to touch gold.

The fat man and I grew more and more hateful as we talked, with poison in our mouths. We said all the cruel words we could think of. Seeing before our eyes that Dixian Village no longer existed, if Mr. Sun Jiu was here right now, we would eat him on the spot. The heart is ready to hide its skin.

Yao Mei'er didn't know about the "Pearl Fishing in the South China Sea" thing, and she didn't understand why we were so angry. She felt that it was a surprise that she still came out alive after walking away from Feng Shigu's tomb. Then he asked the whole story.

The fat man immediately counted out the top ten crimes of Master Sun Jiu on his fingers, including his work style back then. Of course, this was just hearsay. It was said that when Master Sun Jiu just came back from the farm renovation, he took advantage of a certain field archaeological event to participate in it. By chance, he secretly had an affair with a local landlady, but he was caught by the farmers in the village. This was a big deal at the time, and he was beaten with sticks on the spot. If his colleagues hadn't spoken up for him, He was almost turned away by the villagers and sent to the public security department for the good words of the carriage.

Afterwards, the organization asked Sun Jiuye to write a review. As a result, Sun Jiuye argued that he and the rural woman had nothing to do with their work style. This matter was very special because there were so many fleas and lice in the adobe house of the rural farmhouse at that time that they could gnaw all over the body. It was all. He and the landlady had nothing to do at night, so they stripped naked on the bed and caught lice from each other. Other than that, they did nothing else. Sun Jiuye was extremely stubborn about this matter and refused to admit it. The truth, tell the facts.

The fat man said that people like Sun Laojiu, who took advantage of the loopholes of reform and opening up to revitalize the economy, could actually get the false title of professor. In fact, in private, he didn’t know how many reactionary crimes were not exposed, so he should be shot. It was only after eight chapters that I was very happy. The fat man had always disliked Professor Sun, so he slipped his mouth and made up all kinds of accusations imaginable on Mr. Sun Jiu.

The fat man's words were outrageous. Both Shirley Yang and Yao Meier shook their heads in disbelief. Shirley Yang said: "Professor Sun can never be a spy of the CIA, but he is a descendant of the Guanshan Feng family, and he is not an ordinary person." An archaeologist. His identity as an expert in deciphering dragon bone riddles should be regarded as a disguise. What he wants to do in his life is probably to enter Dixian Village to find Feng Shigu. His stoic and cold nature His character is almost a little distorted, which is not what ordinary people can do. This is probably related to his experience. At this point, it is useless no matter how much you hate him. Now listen to my advice and treat others with mercy. Forgive me."

I recalled Shirley Yang's words: "You have to be merciful, but merciful, but Mr. Sun Jiu... is he a human? There are traces of corpse insect bites on his body, and his shoulder was pierced by the Nine Death Jingling Armor. Like no one else, Pangu Corpse Immortal can't feel his existence at all. What on earth is this shadow-like nothingness?"

While we were bandaging our wounds, we were discussing in low voices the various unbelievable omens that had happened to Mr. Sun Jiu, but we still couldn't figure it out. No one could figure out the secret of him, the last descendant of the "Guanshan Feng Family". Suddenly, they saw a huge black shadow jumping over the cliff next to them. Everyone was startled. In a blink of an eye, they saw that this thing was surprisingly big. It was wrapped in a black robe and climbed up the cliff as if it were on the ground. The figure that broke through the clouds and mist and climbed up the wall was so fast that it was unimaginable.

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