Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 295 Silent Friend

I saw something leaping over the cliff. Its body was as light and fast as an ape. It made people's eyes blurred. I thought it could be the Bashan ape trained and raised by the Feng family in Guanshan, but "Qingxi Air Raid Shelter" "The apes in Liba Mountain don't seem to be that big. Is there any remaining "Corpse Fairy" in "Coffin Mountain"?

At this moment, the figure climbing up the wall suddenly stopped beside us. I quickly rubbed my eyes, and when I looked again, I was even more surprised. Fatty and others were in a narrow and steep bird path. There were several wooden stakes nailed to the cliff tens of meters apart, specially used to hold hanging coffins. The Bashan Ape was carrying Professor Sun on its back. They stopped there motionless in the heavy rain. The ape turned its head and stared at us expressionlessly.

My guess is that the Bashan Monkey Piper did not follow the crowd into the "Coffin Mountain", but it was very spiritual. It wandered in the canyon and sensed the movement of landslides and ground cracks underground, so it came all the way over the mountains and ridges, where it was about to be destroyed. In the "Coffin Mountain", we found Sun Jiuye, carried him on his back and came up the cliff, and met us here.

I saw that Mr. Sun Jiu had one arm drooped, and his body was covered with black mud. His face was washed by the rain and looked extremely pale. He didn't speak, but I felt that he just wanted to see if anything happened to us, and then he didn't know. Where are you going to run away to, never to see anyone again?

We looked at each other from a distance with Sun Jiuye and Bashan Yuanpi on the cliff, but no one made a sound for several minutes. The cliff in "Coffin Gorge" was extremely steep, and it was impossible for me to get closer to him.

We came back with our lives from the "Dixian Village" this time. Fortunately, several of our companions were not injured. Thinking about this encounter feels like a nightmare, and we can see things in the past. , I felt that what Sun Jiuye did could be said to be "emotionally excusable but rationally intolerable". Although he and the fat man had harsh words, they didn't really want to pursue anything further from him.

At this moment, I saw with my own eyes that Mr. Sun Jiu was rescued from the "Coffin Mountain" by the Naba Mountain Monkey. A stone fell in my heart. But seeing that he seemed to be running away from afar, I didn't know when I would bump into him again next time. , I remembered that I still had something to say to him, so I put my hands around my mouth and shouted to him in the rain and fog: "Master Sun Jiu, the debt between us has not been settled yet, but I hope that God will bless you and be safe." Well, at least until you run into me next time."

Sun Jiuye was indifferent after hearing these words. He stared at us closely for a while. An unintentional sneer flashed across his bloodless face. He lightly patted the Bashan Ape on the shoulder. The Ape would feel sorry for himself. Without even looking at us, it stretched out its ape arms and climbed up the cliff. It was carrying a person, but it was still able to move up and down the cliff without any hindrance. It flickered and climbed higher and higher, and actually disappeared in the heavy rain.

The fat man and I and others leaned out from the bird path and looked up at the top of the cliff. We saw only rain and fog, and there was no trace of human beings. We felt empty and at a loss what to do, so we had to take back our bodies and continue to stay in the cave to take shelter from the rain.

At this time, the wind and rain were blowing in the Coffin Gorge. We did not dare to risk climbing the slippery and steep cliffs, so we had to wait patiently for the heavy rain to stop. However, the "Coffin Mountain" hanging in the canyon had completely collapsed and split into countless huge rock blocks. , was washed into the river by the waterfall. It is now the flood season, and the water in the mountains is extremely strong. The various relics of the Earth Immortal Tomb Lingxing Hall fell into the water and were immediately swallowed up.

Everyone ate some dry food to wrap their bellies, and then sat down hugging their knees, each thinking silently. Tiredness came over him due to overwork, and they fell asleep one after another without realizing it.

Wushan has always been famous for the deepness of morning clouds and dusk rains. When I woke up, the rain in the mountains had not stopped. It was not until the next morning that the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. I was able to cross the mountains and leave the "Coffin Gorge". Along the way, there were only They picked wild fruits from the nearby forest to satisfy their hunger, and drank some mountain springs to quench their thirst. Then, in order to find a road, they went far around the back mountain. They said they were digging vines to find the road, but there was no road in the deep mountains and wild ridges. From the view of Yashan The journey was not far, but we still walked for nearly a day through the woods and ditches. There was no trace of anyone along the way, and there was no trace of Sun Jiuye. I wonder if he is still hiding in the gorge or has escaped somewhere else. somewhere.

The next night we arrived at the deserted Qingxi Ancient Town. The rare clouds in the mountains cleared and the fog dispersed. We could see the stars twinkling in the night sky. The Milky Way was clearly visible in the sky. Most of the people were covered in colorful clothes. It was difficult to stay longer, so he left the mountain from the ancient plank road immediately after dawn. He first went to the health center in Wushan County for treatment. At the same time, they discussed the whereabouts of Sun Jiuye. The fat man said that Sun Laojiu was too hateful and deserved to be punished by a thousand cuts. Damn, but don’t be in a hurry. If you can run away, the monk can’t run away from the temple. Go back to Beijing and raid his old home. The sky will chase him to the Lingxiao Palace, and the sea will chase him to the Crystal Palace. He is a golden-winged bird beside the Tathagata Buddha, and he will be there. Xitian plucked all his bird feathers, and it would not be complete until he had eaten back the Man-Han banquet in Zhengyangju.

What I'm most worried about is that Mr. Sun Jiu has other plans. This is mainly because he has many strange phenomena that are difficult to understand. The more I think about it, the more I feel that this old guy is not an ordinary person. If we unintentionally help the evildoer, it will be a serious sin. It's too big, I have to find a way to find him no matter what.

However, I think it is meaningless for the fat man to return to Beijing and steal his old home. Compared with his ancestors' group of "Daming Guanshan Taibao", Sun Jiuye's methods are definitely more secretive. If there is no clue, It turns out that before he set off from Beijing with us, he had already made up his mind to abandon his family and career and not plan to go back again.

Shirley Yang and I hung up a long-distance call in the county town that day and called Professor Chen's home in Beijing. We tentatively inquired about Mr. Sun Jiu. As expected, Mr. Sun Jiu had already finished his job and retired early to return to his hometown due to illness. Even his dormitory in Tongzilou was handed back, and now people in Beijing only know so much about the situation.

Seeing that this matter was fruitless, it was useless to think about it, so I had to put it behind me for the time being and calm down to recuperate my body. The yin energy in the "Wuyang King Tomb" and "Coffin Mountain" was too strong, and the four of us were A lot of corpse poison had accumulated in them. First, they kept coughing and had difficulty breathing, and then they often vomited black blood. They were delayed in the hospital for nearly a week and never recovered.

That night, just after nightfall, I was lying on the hospital bed receiving an infusion. I had a nightmare without realizing it. The scene in the dream was trance-like. I vaguely returned to the Fairy Village in Coffin Mountain. When I walked to the main hall of the old house of the Feng family, I saw cigarettes in the hall. Surrounded by a statue of Hades hanging on the wall, there is an altar table in front of it. There are seven plates and eight bowls on the table, containing various fruits and snacks, as well as the bloody heads of pigs, cattle and sheep. The white paper flags are shaking back and forth, as if This is where the Mingtang, a water and land dojo, was opened.

I walked to the altar table to see who was painted in the statue. Through the dim candlelight in the hall, I could vaguely make out the figure of a mixed-race girl. I thought to myself: "Isn't this Duoling? Why is she dead? ...and who enshrined her soul in Dixian Village?" Just as he was in a state of shock, he suddenly heard a sound of "Xilihulu" on the altar table, the sound was like a pig eating swill.

I hurriedly looked down and saw that the pig's head placed on the plate on the altar table had somehow come to life and was greedily devouring various fruits and snacks. Blood and saliva were splashing everywhere, making it look extremely hideous and terrifying.

When I saw this, I felt angry and indescribably bored. I immediately picked up the pole for hanging paper flags by the table and held it in my hand to poke the pig's head. Unexpectedly, the pole of the paper flags was too soft and could not be used at all. He was so exhausted that he couldn't help but sweat all over his head. When he was anxious, he felt someone push him on the shoulder a few times, and he suddenly woke up from his dream.

When I saw that it was Shirley Yang and others who woke me up, I realized that it was a dream. However, this dream was so weird, and the dream was extremely real. My whole body was soaked in cold sweat. I secretly felt that this dream was ominous, and I still felt... Waves of panic.

Yao Meier curiously asked me what I dreamed about? How could I scare you into this? If you have a nightmare, you should tell it immediately. If you tell it, it won't work.

The fat man was also surprised: "Old Hu, you have always been very courageous. There is no stick that long in the world. If I gave you a long stick, you would dare to poke a hole in the sky. How could you still be scared in a dream?" To achieve this kind of virtue?"

I said, don’t talk nonsense. As the saying goes, dreams are thoughts in the mind, and they have no influence on good or bad luck. Maybe it’s because I’ve been thinking about Duo Ling too much recently, which is why I had such a mindless nightmare. As I said that, I changed the dream He told everyone what he saw.

Everyone had an ominous premonition after hearing this. I was afraid that Duoling's life could not be saved. Although we felt sorry for the ship boss Ruan Hei's request on his deathbed, we had tried our best and could not find the inner elixir of the thousand-year-old corpse. Duoling finally Whether she lives or dies depends entirely on her own destiny.

We mentioned that Duoling fell into the head-dropping spell cast by her biological father. It was really a twist of fate and unpredictable providence. But in the final analysis, the Nanhai incident is still the responsibility of Sun Jiuye. In recent days, he has not been able to get it. There is no news about him, and I don’t know where he is hiding.

I speculated that Mr. Sun Jiuye would not leave the Qingxi area. After all, this was his ancestral home and the bodies of his father and brother were left here. So I planned to wait for his injuries to recover a little and then immediately go into the "Coffin Gorge" to find him again.

We were discussing how to find Mr. Sun Jiu, when suddenly a package was thrown out of the window. The contents did not seem to be heavy. It fell to the ground with a soft "pop". The fat man immediately got up and looked out the window. There was something new in the county. In the old two urban areas, the health center is located on the edge of the ancient city, and the population is not dense. It is midsummer, and the air is humid and hot. Although mosquito coils are lit at night, the windows in the ward are still open to keep cool, and there is only a few zeros outside. There were a few street lights on here and there, but not a single person could be seen. The fat man had to close the windows first to prevent any accidents.

Shirley Yang picked up the package, opened it, and saw several bunches of strange-shaped weeds wrapped inside, as well as a stack of letter paper. The eyeless bronze dragon charm was also wrapped in it. She took it over and handed it to me and said, "It should be It was Mr. Sun Jiu who asked Bashan Yuanpi to sneak into the county and deliver a letter to us, take a look at what is written in this letter."

Eager to see what was going on, I quickly unfolded the letter and read it to the other three people while reading it. The letter was written by Sun Jiuye himself and was signed by his real name "Feng Xuewu". Unfortunately for everyone, I have no face to see each other again, but this fight in the "Coffin Mountain Fairy Village" depends entirely on the help of Colonel Mo Jin. Although the reunion may be indefinite, there are many things that have to be explained.

Sun Jiuye said in the letter that he had never been at ease in his life, and that there was always a big mountain weighing on his heart. His family background and various "internal and external factors" meant that he didn't even have a friend who could confide in him. The only one he could trust was , is just the "Bashan Monkey" hiding in the Coffin Gorge, but although this old guy is absolutely loyal, reliable, and quite spiritual, he can't speak human words after all, just like a movie with a wolf dog as the protagonist. Romanian film, it will always be a "silent friend".

Over time, Sun Jiuye developed a gloomy and cold character. In his world view, apart from the affairs of the Guanshan Feng family, there was no second major event in the world. Jingling Armor of Nine Deaths, so only during certain days in the Year of the Gopher, which occurs once in twelve years, when Jingling Armor is dormant and dormant, outsiders can have the opportunity to enter Coffin Mountain, so Feng Shiqi's descendants repeatedly missed it It was a good opportunity. Captain Feng missed the date because he contracted an illness on the way. He was so angry that his legs were paralyzed, and he died in front of the "Nine Palaces Chihu Lock".

Sun Jiuye saw that his family was withering away. If he couldn't find the entrance this summer, he might be hopeless for the rest of his life. After years of careful planning and arrangements, he finally caught up with the "right time, right place, and right people". Although the plan was careful, it couldn't be done after all. Unexpectedly, since entering the "Coffin Gorge", many unexpected things have happened.

It turned out that Sun Jiuye had mastered the real "Guanshan Zhimi Fu", but he was worried that the "Captain Touching the Gold" would abandon him to go it alone, so he always concealed it and made several rounds in advance to let everyone come into contact with the real thing in different locations. True and false information, plus some tricks, in order to confuse the audience, and he will break it down bit by bit at the critical moment. In fact, the real secret language of "watching the mountain and pointing out the mystery" already contains how to open the "Jiugong Chi". The only obstacle to the information about "Tiger Lock" was the splicing of the fragments of the "Porcelain Screen Feng Shui Map". However, the descendant of Honeycomb Mountain joined the expedition halfway, which was unexpected by him. Many plans that had been laid out had to be changed at the last minute. The situation gradually became chaotic and out of control.

What made Sun Jiuye most unexpected was a series of things that happened under the "Scare Bridge" composed of golden swifts. His original intention was to use the "Golden Armored Immortal" ambushed in the canyon to distract everyone's attention. , then click the exit path and escape from the fossil waterfall to the wooden beam.

The reason for this arrangement is that soon after descending this canyon, he will enter the Wuyang King's underground palace. Before that, he needs to perform an "operation" on his body. This so-called "surgery" is actually a "witchcraft" passed down from ancient times. The Guanshan Feng family made their fortune by stealing the hanging coffins of ancient hermits, and discovered many witchcraft and sorcery that had been lost for thousands of years.

One of them uses bone needles to pierce the brain, which is said to extinguish the true fire of samadhi in the human body, because there are three lamps on a living person, which are symbols of the living person's yang energy. The light and dark of these three lamps indicate the main energy. The decline and prosperity of luck and character cannot be seen by the naked eye. Only ghosts and zombies can see it. By inserting bone needles at the acupuncture points in the back of the head, the three life lamps can be extinguished, and they can be avoided when robbing tombs. However, when using this technique, you must not explain it to others. You can only know it in your own heart. Once you tell it, your soul will immediately fly away, and you will not be able to become a ghost after death.

This kind of evil magic originated from the ancient Shu land in Cuba. It is actually the predecessor of acupuncture. The murals and rock paintings left by the Wu-Chu civilization once described similar situations in detail. The shaman performed magic and was pricked by bone needles. Those who arrive will be like ghosts, climbing mountains of swords and seas of fire, unaware of pain, because the acupuncture points punctured by bone needles are exactly the nerve centers in the brain that are responsible for pain perception. Ancient people did not understand the mystery, so they thought it was... "Witchcraft".

But Sun Jiuye lost control of the development of the situation in front of the dragon gate of the Fossil Waterfall. When he fell on the wooden beam, he was hit on the head. The bone needle that had just penetrated into the brain disappeared without knowing where it was, and it may have disappeared into the back of the head. , or maybe he fell somewhere in the chaos. After entering the "Wuyang King's Underground Palace", he found that his nerves were gradually numb, and his body was bitten by corpse insects. He didn't feel anything at all, but it was irreversible. I'm afraid he would die in his lifetime. He would be a mindless "walking zombie", and once he was too nervous and excited, he would feel that the blood vessels in his body were swollen, and it was estimated that his blood vessels might burst and die at any time.

Sun Jiuye's heart was as strong as iron. When things happened, he had no choice but to accept his fate and did not complain too much. He was indifferent by nature and regarded other people's and his own life very lightly. However, at that time, he only planned to enter " "Di Xian Village", relying on extinguishing three life lamps and having the bronze mirror of Guixu to ward off evil spirits, once the tomb of Di Xian is found, it should be enough to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, by chance, the signs of corpse transformation on his body aroused everyone's suspicion, so his identity was revealed in advance. In order to enter Dixian Village before the "Nine Death Jingling Armor" sealed Coffin Mountain, he knowingly entered Coffin Mountain and There was no return, so he had no choice but to use another trick to get everyone to go together.

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