Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 296 Millennium Immortal Grass

Things have developed to this point, which has already exceeded the scope of Sun Jiuye's imagination and prediction. He did not expect that everything he did was calculated by Earth Immortal Sealed Master Gu during his lifetime. He couldn't help but despair, thinking that the corpse in the tomb was dead. The immortal must have escaped from the mountain to cause a large-scale corpse plague. No matter how many people died in the disaster, the final evil karma was caused by him. When he was under Jiuquan, he would be ashamed of his ancestors. His mental state Almost ready to collapse.

Who knows that in the end, there will be twists and turns at the end of the mountain. This may be where God has an eye. The so-called "the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind" is not only the group of people who entered the mountain to fight, but also the ancient Earth Immortal Feng Shigu. The guardians of the "Wuyang King Ancient Tomb" were tricked. It can be said that the Guanshan Taibao and Mojin Xiaowei were not as profound and vicious as the witchcraft survivors who guarded the secrets of "Coffin Mountain". It is shocking to think about it. The hairy bones stood upright.

The criminals deduced the omens before they died, so that "Coffin Mountain" was finally burned by thunder and fire after leaving the underground, and the dead in "Di Xian Village" were burned until not even ashes were left. It seems that all this is going on. It has long been doomed that all the wishful thinking in the world is just a passing cloud.

Sun Jiuye fell from the cliff and landed among the dead in "Coffin Mountain". In the darkness, he was lucky enough not to hit a stone and fall to pieces. Then there was thunder and lightning in the canyon, and "Dixian Village" was caught in a fire. Among them, Sun Jiuye, who was "neither human nor ghost", was able to escape the thunderbolt and lightning, and was rescued by the Bashan Ape who came looking for the sound. He climbed up the cliff and escaped far away in the pouring rain.

Later, he mentioned in the letter that the "Guixu Bronze Mirror" is an ancient treasure and must not be lost just because the copper gas dissipates. In a courtyard in Xicheng, Beijing, there is a long-abandoned dry well, and there is something hidden in it. , you can find the location according to the map drawn in the letter and excavate it, and then combine this object with the hexagram diagram on the back of the "ancient bronze mirror", maybe you can find the long-lost "Zhou Tianlao hexagram".

Sun Jiuye was born in a family. Although he did not learn even 10% of the craftsmanship from his ancestor "Daming Guanshan Taibao", he could still be considered to have learned all kinds of "insects, fish, large seal scripts, and snail ancient talismans" since he was a child. He was taken from Guoyuangou After being released from the labor camp, he resumed his work and studied the Dragon Bone Book from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties all year round. In recent years, he came into contact with a large number of inscriptions on bone armor and bronze vessels, but his mind was not on work, and because he could not handle it well Due to interpersonal relationships, Sun Jiuye has been suppressed by some authority figures all year round and has never had a chance to stand out.

Therefore, although Sun Jiuye has achieved some results, he has not reported them for a long time. Instead, he has hidden them in private to study. Over time, the scale has become considerable. The so-called "Zhoutian Lao Gua" is "the hub of Yin and Yang, the link between heaven and earth". "Trajectory" cannot be easily and comprehensively deciphered by relying on scattered hexagram diagrams and ancient seal scripts.

After getting the "Guixu Bronze Mirror", Sun Jiuye discovered that the "Bronze Gua Diagram" on the back of the ancient mirror is infinitely mysterious. If he can give time and combine it with his research results on Zhou Tianlao Gua, he may be able to make the extinct "Zhou Tianquan Gua" "Reappear in the world.

But compared to the "Zhou Tianlao Gua" that has been lost for thousands of years, Sun Jiuye has more important things to do. The Year of the Gopher, which occurs once in twelve years, is approaching, and the matter of the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" has already There was no need to delay, and he could not allow him to spend another seven or eight years studying the sixteen-character hexagrams. At that time, he planned to bring the ancient mirror to the tomb to bury the body, so he had to bury the research materials and the hexagrams and hexagrams he had collected in the tomb. In the tunnel at the bottom of the dry well.

In 1971, the whole country prepared for war and famine, and carried out an extensive campaign of "digging holes deeply and accumulating grain". At that time, Beijing also expanded the underground civil air defense project. The dry well where things were hidden led to a section of underground tunnel that had long been closed and abandoned. Sun Jiu I drew a simple diagram in the letter, indicating the location and various entrances. He hoped that we could go back to Beijing and dig out the things. If we have the chance in the future, we might be able to master the entire "Zhou Tianlao Gua". This is his A kind of compensation and repayment.

Later, he said in the letter that his co-worker had sent several things. One was the "Bronze Dragon Talisman" that was lost in Coffin Gorge. The "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" was destroyed by thunder and fire. It may be that the sea air in the Dragon Talisman was too strong. It may also be due to the large changes in Feng Shui and Qi regulation in the Pangu vein of Coffin Mountain, but in any case, the two talismans, one mirror and the three "Guixu Bronze Ancient Artifacts" brought from Beijing were finally intact.

In addition, "Coffin Mountain" was a forbidden place for witches and evil spirits to worship ghosts in ancient times, and the air of decay in it was particularly heavy. The "Old Tomb of the Wuyang King" at the corpse's head vein also fell into this category. Although it was protected by a gas mask, it was difficult to protect it completely. , exposed skin will also be contaminated with a sinister and corrupt atmosphere, and even some extremely corrupt underground water contains a substance called "corpse ink". "Contains mercury, arsenic, corpse liquid, and a variety of putrid substances, all of which are very poisonous. In addition, it is made from the rotten internal organs of the corpse and is mixed with retting. It will penetrate into the skin of a living person immediately when it touches the skin. I don't feel any pain or itchiness at all, because the toxicity is so strong that my skin and flesh have become numb and have lost all feeling. Even if the corpse ink is very small, it has penetrated into the heart and brain, making it difficult to treat. If you use herbal medicine to hang yourself, it can last for up to a year, and eventually you will vomit black blood and die.

Therefore, black bruises will appear on everyone's body one after another, and they will vomit blood and cough up black phlegm later. Although it is not fatal, over time, it will still leave roots of the disease in the body that are difficult to remove.

Therefore, I sent you a few "Nine Death Resurrection Plants", whose scientific name is Selaginella cypress. This plant is specially grown in the "deep mountains and poor valleys". When the water and soil nutrients are insufficient, it will wither and pretend to be dead, and the metabolism of all cells will stop. But it can return to life soon, so it is named "nine-death resurrecting grass". It is also called "immortal grass" or "thousand-year-old grass" among the people. It can be used as a sore medicine for external use, and can dissolve stasis and poison when taken internally, and can be used for digestion. The gloomy and rotten air that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

Go to the traditional Chinese medicine shop in the county town to buy phlegm-reducing crocodile meat jerky and other traditional Chinese medicines. Incinerate the whole plant of "immortality grass" into ashes, mix it and take it for three days, and you can completely cure the disease. There are many kinds of this thousand-year-old longevity grass growing, all with nine whiskers and nine leaves, which is different from the ordinary "Selaginella", but it is not easy to see now. Although these few herbs are few, they are enough for five or six people.

Sun Jiuye finally said in the letter, now that our previous accounts are evened, I no longer have any worries about external affairs, and after the bone needle pricks my head, my soul will disappear. After death, I am afraid that I will not be able to even act as a ghost. Now There is not much time left. After burying the bodies of my father and brother, I plan to stay in "Coffin Gap" to wait for death. I never want to meet outsiders. By the time you read this letter, my bones may be cold. He was buried by Bashan Monkey in a secret place. This "Coffin Gorge" is full of high mountains and steep cliffs. Even if he hides his army of hundreds of thousands, there will be no trace at all, so don't waste your efforts to enter. Shan came to see me, and please do not reveal my affairs to anyone.

We have read this letter sent by Bashan Yuanxi, and we are mostly half-believing and half-disbelieving. Since experiencing the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb" incident, everyone's views on Sun Jiuye have changed subversively. In the past, I felt that this person was just an ancient writing expert who was "selfish, stubborn, extreme, and unkind." However, in hindsight, I found that Sun Laojiu not only had a special life experience, but was also very good at hiding himself and was extremely smart. As the saying goes, "an elephant is invisible, and his wisdom is like a fool." I wonder if it has something to do with his ancestor being a "Guanshan Taibao". His actions are completely traceless, and even gods can't figure him out.

We pride ourselves on being well-informed and experienced, but we all fell in love with him. Before entering "Coffin Mountain", no one could see through his disguise. Just as Houheixue said, "The heart is black and colorless, and the face is thick." "Intangible", who can see through him with the naked eye? This is the brilliance of Sun Jiuye that ordinary people cannot match.

If they are all like Uncle Ming, a farmer from Hong Kong, although he seems to be shrewd and cunning, his level is too low, and people know that he is not trustworthy before he even speaks, then who will believe him? Anyone who knows something about accidents cannot be fooled by a passerby like Uncle Ming. I think compared with the secretive Sun Jiuye, little Zhuge Uncle Ming can be regarded as a real person.

Yao Meier is a local mountain person and knows some medicinal herb habits. She said that the nine-death resurrecting grass growing in the "Coffin Gorge" is almost extinct. These immortal grasses are extremely rare and can indeed detoxify the poison. I am still worried. I also found an old Chinese medicine doctor in the county town and found out that there was no deviation in the prescription of the medicine. Only then did I take it according to the law.

Within a few days, everyone's health improved. After discussing their future plans, they felt that they should still try to find Sun Jiuye. However, the terrain of "Coffin Gorge" was complex, steep and deep, and the canyon was shrouded in mist all year round, hiding countless things. There are countless hanging coffins, and Sun Jiuye is surrounded by Bashan Monkeys to help us. We are clearly aware that he is hiding, and it is not easy to find him.

We went into the mountains again to look for him, but to no avail. Seeing that it was impossible to find Sun Jiuye hiding in the "Coffin Gorge" waiting to die alone, everyone had no choice but to prepare to return to Beijing.

Before leaving, we had dinner in the county town. The fat man and I started to pack our bags. Although we didn’t find the Ancient Corpse Pill Cauldron when we went into the mountains, we found nothing. First of all, we brought out a few pictures from the "Dixian Village", all of which were from the perspective of the viewer. Authentic hand-painted works by Shan Taibao Feng Shigu. Although this person is not famous for his calligraphy and painting, several scrolls such as "Guanshan Xiangzhai Picture" are rare in history and have rare handwriting and themes. You can get it from Liulichang. Mr. Qiao" give me a price.

In addition, there is a gold-painted box that the fat man picked up and poured out from the Yin Zhai ancient tomb in "Dixian Village". At that time, he saw a female corpse being carried by a golden bull in the ancient tomb, holding such a bright box in her arms. That tomb was moved to the "Dixian Village" by Guanshan Taibao from the outside world. The mechanism of the "Golden Bull Carrying Corpse" was very cleverly designed. Once a tomb robber breaks into the main chamber, the hidden pin of the Golden Bull will be triggered. With the expansion movement, the golden bull immediately slammed into the tomb wall and escaped into the back room with the tomb owner's corpse.

We can only judge that this "Golden Bull Tomb" was built in the Ming Dynasty, but we cannot confirm the name of the tomb owner, his origins, and why there is such a sophisticated structure of the ancient tomb.

Out of the old rule of "Thieves never steal anything", the fat man copied an obvious weapon in his hand. However, when he encountered various dangers later, he had long forgotten about it in the East Sea. He only remembered it when he was packing his things and hurriedly I took it out and wanted to open it to see what was inside.

The gold-painted box is extremely exquisite, and the owner of the tomb is a woman, so we guess that it may contain gold and silver jewelry buried with him, or there may also be pearls and gems such as jade bracelets. Judging from the clever mechanisms in the tomb, the identity of the tomb owner must be extraordinary. Naturally, the bright utensil was very valuable, and it made no sound when I shook it with my hand. The fat man and I wanted to see it first. When we saw that the box was locked, we did not dare to open it for fear of damaging the valuable things inside, so we invited Yao Meier. helper.

After Yaomei'er opened the silver lock, we looked into the box together and saw clearly what was inside. We were half surprised and half disappointed. There was not half a piece of pearls, jade, gold and silver in the gold box, but a thick There were several old books with mostly dark yellow pages. I opened them and looked at them. They didn't look like scriptures. The books were full of strange illustrations and the textual annotations were incomprehensible, like a book from heaven.

But as the saying goes, "The Book of Heaven has no words," because the real "Book of Heaven" is full of hexagrams and hexagrams. They all look like mysterious symbols like tadpoles and fish. There are never words. Those with words are all books of later generations to interpret the hexagrams. But I dare to conclude that these thick volumes are definitely not the I Ching that I often come into contact with. If I look at it carefully, I find that it looks very much like a diagram of the ancient structure of "mechanisms and pins".

There is a saying that "every line is separated by a mountain." This was the first time I saw this kind of ancient book, so I didn't dare to confirm it easily. Fortunately, Yao Mei'er learned the skill of being covered with honeycomb mountains, so I asked her to take a good look at it to see if she could understand it. What exactly is recorded in this book?

Yao Mei'er flipped through a few pages, with a look of surprise on her face. This set of ancient books seemed to be "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of the Marquis of Wu". "Fengwo Mountain" has been full of skilled craftsmen since ancient times, specializing in making various hidden weapons and mechanisms. "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of the Marquis of Wu" Although it was written by the descendants in the name of "Zhuge Wuhou" and was first seen in the Tang and Song Dynasties, the various "sales mechanisms" recorded in it are extremely mysterious and exquisite, compared with the legendary "wooden ox and flowing horse" during the Three Kingdoms period of the Later Han Dynasty. , and it’s even worse.

"The Picture of the Hidden Soldiers of the Marquis of Wu" is the most important treasure of the ancient industry of "Fengfeng Mountain". It can be said to be equivalent to the "Sixteen-Character Yin and Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" written by Mo Jinxiaowei. This set of maps is a unique skill. Unfortunately, it has been lost for a long time. Yao Meier's godfather sold Qi Li. Although he was very skilled in craftsmanship and could deceive ghosts and gods, he could not learn the three or four skills in "The Map of Wuhou Hidden Soldiers". .

Those unique skills have always been the foundation for each "mountain" to settle down and make a living. Most masters pass down apprenticeships to "cats teach tigers", leaving behind the life-saving skills of climbing trees. In addition, there is such a thing as "passing on to men but not to women". Rules such as "Don't pass on the skills to the young" have led to the spread of various skills becoming increasingly weak, often failing, and even losing their popularity.

Over the past century, all kinds of science and technology in the world have been advancing rapidly, and China's traditional industries have inevitably become a bit "vomiting and diarrhea". The loss of things in the early years was too serious, and in modern times, the only remaining inheritance cannot be improved, and it is still being lost. The hidden weapon skills of the box-makers in "Fengwo Mountain" are one example of the continuous loss. Therefore, "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" seems to be too difficult for Yao Meier, and she can't understand much at all.

When the fat man saw that the "excellent objects" contained in the gold-painted box were a few broken books, he immediately lost interest. He only kept the box and planned to take it to Panjiayuan, so he asked me what to do with the remaining atlases.

I said that the "Picture of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" is by no means an ordinary thing, but it is completely incomprehensible to outsiders. As the saying goes, "Everything has its own owner." If this thing falls into the hands of ordinary people, it is considered a waste of nature. Let's go to Coffin Gorge to look for it this time. In Dixian Village, Yaomei'er has helped us a lot. Why don't we give "The Map of Hidden Soldiers by Marquis Wu" to Mr. Li as a favor to him? Maybe Mr. Li can also know the origin of the Map of Hidden Soldiers. As for the source, we can also gain some insights along the way.

The fat man readily agreed. He said that if we leave this thing in our hands, it will be idle. When we take it to Shopkeeper Li's grocery store, we can replace it with three or five "gold steel umbrellas". Even if we don't fight back in the future, when we get there, California can be used as a parasol on the beach. Maybe it can lead the trend in the United States and even the world.

While we were talking, Shirley Yang came to discuss with me again. Duoling's life was at stake right now, but everyone wasted no time at the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb". It was better to take a detour to Hunan to find the fortune teller Chen Xiazi, who was one of the bandits from Xiling. The leader has extraordinary experience and knowledge, so we can only ask him to help find a way.

I thought to myself, this is fine. Chen Xiazi, the bandit who ruled the 613 provinces in the south, seven and north, was really a man who wanted wind and rain. Until the tomb robbery started in Pingshan, western Hunan, I don’t know what happened. Not only did he fail to make a comeback, but he suffered a series of setbacks and suffered a lot of losses. Later, he took dozens of his men to Yunnan to steal the "Xianwang Tomb", but the road was extremely unsatisfactory. , many people were killed before they passed Zhelong Mountain, and the remaining people were all handed over to the mountain. He was the only one who escaped by chance, and survived to this day incognito by breaking a pair of tricks.

But Chen Xiazi was very familiar with the "Mausoleum Book" at that time. He had many eyes and ears, and he knew a lot of information about ancient tombs in various places. He even knew about the Huangpizi Tomb in Northeast China that few people in the Guan Dynasty knew about. Now we have to let him search the intestines and stomach again. Reminiscing about memories - which ancient tomb may still contain the "Alchemy Cauldron" buried in the barren tomb.

Xiangyin, where he is now, was once the home base of the bandits in the "Everlasting Victory Mountain". According to Chen Xiazi, it is customary for groups of robbers to rob tombs for profit, and clues about the tombs of past dynasties in various places must be recorded in detail. If you are lucky, Maybe we can find relevant information left before liberation, which is better than our aimless search.

Although this matter may not be feasible, no one has a better way now. He immediately made up his mind to go straight to Hunan. Unexpectedly, at this moment, bad news came that Duo Ling had died. America.

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