Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 297 Golden Points

In the Guixu ruins of the Coral Spiral in the South China Sea, the ship owner Ruan Hei was unfortunately killed. Before he died, I personally promised to take good care of Duoling and Guchai. Unexpectedly, Duoling accidentally picked up the broken pieces of the captain of the "Mary Sennu". The gold watch on my wrist was bewitched by a head-dropping enchantment, and we later confirmed through many sources that the French captain who smuggled antiques in Southeast Asia was none other than Yu Duoling’s biological father who was separated during the Vietnam War. , this has to be said to be "God's will is the most clever, but God is ruthless."

We tried every means to save her life, but she had been drifting at sea for too long. When we returned to Coral Temple Island, the poison of corpse drop had penetrated deeply into her bones. If it were not for the "Emerald Heavenly Clothes", Duoling would have lost her life. Her corpse had long since decomposed, but in the end we couldn’t find the ancient corpse inner elixir that could save her life, and we still couldn’t keep her.

When I heard the news from the telegram sent by Da Jinya, I felt as if a stone had been blocked in my heart. I felt guilty at first and felt ashamed of the spirit of the ship's boss, Ruan Hei Zaitian. Although I knew that manpower was limited, some things could be done. Some things are impossible to do no matter what, the wish to come back to life has become a piece of cake, and it is really hard to accept the thought that the world is as cold as ice.

Everyone sighed, saying that life and death depended on heaven, and manpower could not force it. At this point, there was nothing they could do, so they had to change their itinerary plan and return to the United States to attend Duo Ling's funeral. Most of the Nanhai egg people were superstitious. According to their customs, After a person dies, a boat is sent to send the Five Saints out to sea, while Danmin’s bones are laid to rest in the earth. They also perform rituals in the water and land ashram for three consecutive days to perform a meditative ritual and save her from the suffering of reincarnation as soon as possible after her death.

We first went to the grocery store in that unknown town to say goodbye to Mr. Li, the shopkeeper of "Honeycomb Mountain". The old shopkeeper quickly closed the shop door and brought everyone in to ask questions: "Looking at your frown, I must have gone to the mountains to do something that didn't go well. Anyway, we have a long time ahead, so even if there are any difficulties, don't worry too much." As he spoke, he took out two bottles of wine from the cabinet and wanted to have a few drinks with me and the fat man.

We couldn't refuse, so we had to obey. Unexpectedly, although the old shopkeeper was old, his drinking capacity was not reduced. The three of us drank half a bottle of Laojiao, so we started chatting. I went into the "Coffin Gorge" to search for the inner elixir but failed. After explaining the matter, he took out the "Picture of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" that was dumped from the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb".

I said to the old shopkeeper: "If you have the right, everything should return to its owner. This set of "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of the Marquis of Wu" has a total of eight volumes. It is of no use in the modernization construction. Except for the master box-maker who is proficient in the machine-locking mechanism, there may be no one left. Others can understand it, but it may still be of some use if it falls into your hands."

The old shopkeeper was really surprised when he heard this. He quickly took his reading glasses and couldn't stop flipping through the pages as if he were holding a treasure. As he read, he kept chanting: "The ancestor has appeared. It's really the ancestor who has appeared!" This atlas is The ancient box-maker's manual, the clockwork and eight-treasure screws that appeared in later generations, are not as clever as the mechanisms in them. Most of the contents have been lost for many years. Seeing that the craftsmanship in "Honeycomb Mountain" is about to decline and become extinct, he Old Master Feng never dreamed that he could find the complete set of "The Map of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" in the ancient tomb. He was grateful and kept the map properly.

I asked the old shopkeeper why the "Picture of the Hidden Soldiers of Marquis Wu" appeared in the "Dixian Village Ancient Tomb"? Could it be that the owner of the female tomb with the golden bull carrying the corpse was also a figure in "Honeycomb Mountain" in the Ming Dynasty?

Shopkeeper Li is also an old man. He talked about some past events based on this, which made me think of some clues. I speculated that the female corpse in the Ming Dynasty might be that of Liu Bingzhong, a prodigy in numerology. Although the Liu family is not a craftsman in "Fengfeng Mountain" about pin spring mechanisms, the Liu family has a deep relationship with the bee heads of the past generations, so it is not surprising that this set of mechanism diagrams is passed down in the family.

The Liu family and the Guanshan Feng family were officials in the same dynasty and were at odds with each other. The Earthly Immortal Feng Shigu focused on the Liu family's artifact atlas and secretly stole the tomb of the Taurus Carrying Corpse. However, although Feng Shigu had great magical powers, , but is good at heretical magic. Even if you get the "Picture of Wuhou Hiding Soldiers", it is difficult to fully understand its secrets. Therefore, the mechanism of Wuhou Hiding Soldiers in "The Tomb of King Wuyang" is only a fictitious one, and it was never completed in the end. And this atlas was also placed intact in the shady house of "Dixian Village" along with various corpses and artifacts stolen by the "Guanshan Taibao".

Of course, this is just my conjecture. With the collapse of "Coffin Mountain", its true situation can no longer be verified. The three of them changed cups and changed cups. After being dazzled, they poured out their heart and said many heartfelt words. I told the old shopkeeper As for Yaomei'er, I can't learn anything about the art of reverse fighting. In fact, it won't be of much use if I learn it. Moreover, once you get stuck in the gold-fishing business, it will be even more difficult to get out.

I am an example. When Fatty and I went to Yerengou in the Northeast, we wanted to make a fortune to help our poor friends. We didn’t have much pursuit. But since we got a pair of chibi from the tomb of the general of the Jin Kingdom, there was no end to those. Trouble began to come to your doorstep. You suffered a lot and suffered a lot. It is not easy to live to this day without having arms or legs. Who didn't have a few scars on his body during this period? The fat man's nose was cut off in the Kunlun Mountains, and his appearance was damaged. Thanks to our quick retreat and the blessing of our ancestors, we were able to break out of the gate of hell again and again. But Yaomeier, a girl from the mountains, couldn't learn from it. The business of fighting for money is by no means a suitable destination for her.

Having said that, I turned around and looked outside the house. Shirley Yang and Yao Meier were talking outside. They couldn't hear the content of our conversation, so they lowered their voices and said to the old shopkeeper: "As a woman, the key is to marry a good family. I used to have a lot of comrades in the army, most of whom were singles, so you don’t have to worry about this, it’s all taken care of by me. I asked Yao Meier two days ago and she didn’t want to go abroad, but she really wanted to go to Beijing. Look, Fatty and I both have some respect in Panjiayuan Liulichang in Beijing. We can let her work in Mr. Qiao’s antique shop, learn some skills in identifying antiques, and then marry a reliable man and live happily and peacefully. In this life, you can also enjoy happiness."

The old shopkeeper nodded and said: "I never make mistakes when looking at people. You are definitely right. I am plagued by old illnesses and my health is getting worse day by day. Maybe one day I will let go and close my eyes. If this child Yao Meier can find a good home, I will die with peace of mind.”

Later, Mr. Li, the shopkeeper, said that when he first saw us getting to know the "King Kong Umbrella", he had already guessed that we were all "Mojin Colonels" who hang talismans and fight upside down. He is from the old society, so of course he knows how to fight upside down. The gold-touching secrets in the industry are very convinced of the yin and yang of Feng Shui, and he wanted to ask me to help select a cemetery as a "yin house" after his death.

I persuaded him that I was not proficient in Feng Shui, I only knew a little bit about it. I only relied on the ancestral "Long Seeking Technique" and "Dividing Gold to Fix Acupoints" to make a living. What I had seen and heard in my life was indeed true. There are many things related to Feng Shui, but I also found that Feng Shui cannot influence good or bad luck, it is just a geographical ecology.

In order to convince Shopkeeper Li, I told him an incident that my grandfather had personally experienced. Before liberation, my grandfather Hu Guohua made a living by measuring Chinese characters, reading Feng Shui, and reading geographies. He used numerology to predict good and bad luck for others, because The content of knowledge is relatively high, so he is often honored as the "Golden Point". Mr. Hu's skills are derived from half of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique". With the title of "Mr. Dot", the family property purchased is considered a relatively wealthy family in the local area.

"Golden Point" Mr. Hu sits in the hall every day and talks about numerology and geography for all kinds of people coming from north to south. One day it rained like a rain, there were few pedestrians on the street, business was deserted, and many shops pretended to close their doors in advance. Mr. Hu I was sitting in the pavilion drinking tea when I suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves on the street. Immediately, the passenger came to the door of Jindian Gua Shop, suddenly reined in the reins, jumped off the horse, and hurried into the shop.

Mr. Hu quickly stood up to greet him, and at the same time looked around at the incoming man. He saw that the man was in his forties or fifties, with a tall and muscular body. He looked like a rich and powerful tycoon. He acted in such a flamboyant manner that he should not be a robber, but his expression was extremely gloomy. , with a dejected look on his face as he came to the door. I wonder if a relative died in the family.

Mr. Hu did not dare to be disrespectful, so he invited the guest to sit down, served tea, and said nothing more than: "A distinguished guest is here, what do you want to say?"

The local tycoon cupped his fists and said, "We have all heard of Mr. Jin Pin's name. We came here in the rain today, so of course we went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I would like to ask Mr. Hu if he knows how to match the land and the house?"

Mr. Hu pointed out that this kind of business is to support his family. How could he say that he didn't understand it when he met a layman? He immediately boasted about his worth and said: "It's not Xiaoke's boasting. Xiaoke had an adventure in his early years. He worshiped Master Tianmu as his wife in Yandang Mountain. Master, I have received many teachings, including those about house scriptures, burial scriptures, Qingnang Aoyu, Lingcheng essence, Jiguanfawei and other commentaries. , of course it’s no problem.”

The local tycoon was overjoyed when he heard this, and then he told the reason. It turned out that his surname was Ma, and his ancestral home was Tongling. The thieves monopolized many local businesses. When they had more money, they wanted to build a mansion and estate. They hired a Feng Shui master to show off and chose a treasure land. Then they occupied the land by force and built a mansion, which cost a lot of money. Money can create a "high family, a deep house and a wide courtyard", which is extravagant.

Ma Liuhe is a believer in Feng Shui. He chose this land because it would bring in wealth. All courtyard layouts in the house, regardless of size, were arranged by a skilled land master. After the new house is completed, the whole family will be happy. I was excited to move in, but as soon as I moved in, Mr. Ma slipped in the courtyard. His arms and legs couldn't bear the fall. He didn't survive for a long time before he died.

The happy event turned into a funeral. Before Mr. Ma could be buried, Ma Liuhe's eldest son was kidnapped and killed by enemies in another place. In short, since moving to the Ma family's new house, there have been a series of deaths in the family, including the servants. A helper, a large family with a family of more than 70 people, in less than a year, thirteen people died inside and outside.

Especially when the old man of the Ma family died, he was sitting in the yard playing mahjong alone in the middle of the night, mumbling something as if there were ghosts sitting in the other three houses. This extremely weird behavior frightened the female relatives of the family. Everyone looked pale, what happened to the old man? Could it be that the ghost has defeated him? But Mr. Ma usually dominates the house and says the same thing. Everyone murmurs in their hearts, but no one dares to speak out under the influence. Unexpectedly, he died at home within a few days. Someone came to do an autopsy and found that he was neither poisoned nor sick. In short, he died in an unknown manner, and there is no result yet. Now when the whole Ma family thinks about this, they still feel a little embarrassed. The bones are stunned.

But strangely enough, the more people died, the more prosperous the Ma family's business was, and the money they made was dizzying. Ma Liuhe was greedy for money and wealth, and refused to move. However, although his wealth was prosperous, his family suffered. After the catastrophe, seeing that people were still dying violently, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had to find someone to change the feng shui. I called in all the geomasters nearby, but it still didn't work at all.

After being introduced to Ma Liuhe, he learned that there was a Mr. Hu with a golden point in the city who was good at "finding the land", so he rushed over and asked Mr. Hu to show him where the Feng Shui treasure of Ma's house was. Except for mistakes, the population has been lost in this way. If there are any results, I will not hesitate to thank you in large sums of money.

When Mr. Hu heard this, he also felt that this matter was extraordinary. He could not have imagined that so many people died. What kind of "ferocious place" could be so powerful? He was cautious by nature, fearing that he would not be able to solve the problem and would have difficulty explaining to the Ma family. He was about to find an excuse to refuse, when he saw Ma Liuhe took out four gold bars from his arms and placed them in front of him. These four "big yellow croakers" were only a deposit. , there must be ten times more love than this.

Mr. Hu's eyes were dazzled by the gold, and he thought, "You have to look at the situation of Ma Zhai to know. This is the money I earned by myself, so what's the problem? Could it be that the business that will be delivered to my door is over?" Can't you turn it down? Besides, Ma Liuhe came here in the rain, and I can't let him down." I immediately accepted the deposit, packed up the things for use, and brought "yellow paper, cinnabar, compass, short iron sword, and horse lantern" He hired a donkey cart to ride on "looking at the wind and water" and other utensils for "looking at the wind and water", such as oil, wind nails, duck tongue spades, and peppercorns, and followed Ma Liuhe back to Xiangzhai.

It was already late at night when we arrived at Dema's house. We had dinner and wine outside first, and then stayed in the inn. When the weather came around, Ma Liuhe accompanied Mr. Hu to "compare the ground" from the inside out. Mr. Hu In the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" passed down by the master, there is the method of "Eight House Mirrors", which can distinguish the good and bad fortunes of the house layout. It has never failed over the years.

After Mr. Hu entered the house, he took out a small bronze mirror and looked at the sun's shadow to identify the direction and angle. The art of touching gold originated from the Three Kingdoms period of the Later Han Dynasty. In fact, it originated from the ancient magic spells of the Western Zhou Dynasty, whether it was looking for dragons or divining acupoints. , or observe the situation, never use a compass, the use of a compass is not an ancient method.

Mr. Hu followed Ma Liuhe all the way in, passed through the house to transfer ownership, and looked at the furnishings in each room. He felt that it was well organized. Although it could not be said to be very clever, the layout should be considered impressive. However, being well organized is one factor, and it must also be based on " The method of "Eight Houses and Mirrors" continues to be calculated, because ancient books say that "the husband's house is also a person's foundation, which varies in size, and the yin and yang are different. If you don't search for it all, it will not be used enough."

Since the Song Dynasty, the Yin and Yang houses have been based on the sounds of the five surnames. According to the pronunciation of the surnames, they are divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the house is arranged according to the orientation of the five elements. The Ma Liuhe family's surname does not conflict with this house, and it is Li. Wealth is prosperous, so this reason was quickly ruled out by Mr. Hu.

Then he discussed the Tao of Yellow and White, speculating on details such as "sun and moon, heaven and earth, cold and heat, male and female, day and night, yin and yang", etc. It can be seen that Ma Zhai "uses the situation as the body, wells and springs as the blood, bricks and tiles as the skin and flesh, and vegetation as the "For the hair, and the door as the crown", there is nothing inappropriate about any "situation system".

But it is said that the horse house with high walls and deep courtyard is elegantly furnished and magnificent. The simple sandalwood door frames and window edges are inlaid with black marble as decoration. In the hall, there is an arty hanging saying "Poetry and calligraphy are passed down to the family, filial piety is the basis". The inscriptions like these all show the Ma family's wealthy and prominent family background. However, due to the frequent and unexplained deaths of people in the family recently, the luxurious and aristocratic style of Ma Zhai has been given a bit of a gloomy air. Some of the timid maids and servants in the family did not dare to stay in the courtyard when it was time to turn on the lamps. Whenever they walked around, they felt like the yard was leaking.

Mr. Hu also proposed to meet everyone in Ma's house one by one, so Ma Liuhe passed on the message. After receiving Master Ma's instructions, no one in the family dared to neglect. They stood on both sides in order of generation and greeted each other respectfully. Meet Mr. Hu. The local customs favor boys over girls. As long as they are female relatives, including several aunts and grandmothers, they can only "depend on the pillars and stand on the broken bricks" at any time. They cannot show their faces easily on weekdays. This time, they can It is rare for them to participate, so the female relatives of the family, regardless of seniority, stand at the end.

Mr. Hu walked around three times, looked at the faces one by one, and asked several people about their birthdays and horoscopes, but he did not find any "evil" people among them. At this point, Mr. Hu couldn't help but sweating on his forehead. He didn't know who the Ma family was. What evil happened? The house is auspicious, the place is auspicious, and the family seems to be rich. Why do people in the family often die of sudden illness and death?

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