Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1010: Enter Wucheng

After the boat drove a little further, Mu Qianyue asked Jun Lintian to take Xu Yurong and the others back, because if they continued to move forward, there would be greater danger, and they could still cope with them now.

But if they go back to King Lintian, they may be in trouble.

Jun Lintian didn't insist anymore. After all, he is now the head of the Tianyu Group, and everyone's lives are in his hands. He can't cause everyone to lose their lives because of his own interests.

The rest was Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling and the others, who took a boat to the small island in the central waters.

Although there was no King Lintian to lead the way, there was Ke Yingying. She was a shark, and she went out from here. Naturally, she knew a lot about this sea area. It didn't take long before she saw a small island looming in front.

After Mu Qianyue and others got on the shore, they collected the ship into the space of Tongtian Tower.

Stepping on the familiar land, Ke Yingying's eyes flashed with emotion, her voice was beautiful and beautiful, with a touch of sadness, "Wucheng still has to return to the mainland of Huanzhou? If you can choose, I hope Wu The city is always an independent space."

"Our space is called Wucheng, and the aura is more than three times that of the Huanzhou mainland. However, our Jangren tribe is very slow to multiply children, so the population is not large. Later, the greedy humans were hunted and killed, and the Jangren tribe's population rapidly decreased. ,"

Wucheng is the space where the Kairen clan lives.

"Do you know? In fact, Wucheng was a part of the Dead Sea thousands of years ago. It was on this central sea area. It was an island covering hundreds of miles. At that time, Wucheng was not independent. Space, at that time, the mackerel people often played and practiced in the sea, and life was very good."

"Suddenly, one day, the scorpion tribe rescued a severely injured and unconscious human in the sea, and brought him back. After the human was wounded, he left Wucheng thankfully. However, half a month later, the human brought him back. A group of humans were killed in Wucheng, so that the beauty of our sharks could be condensed into tears of pearls... The blood flowed into a river, and there were countless deaths and injuries. The few sharks who were originally few died, because of that battle. Clan..."

"It's the selfish greed of mankind, the gratitude and revenge, killing so many innocent lives! In the end, our clan tried our best and finally drove all mankind out of Wucheng. In order to protect future generations from being violated by humans, He led the rest of the clansmen together to create an independent space, and stripped Wucheng from the Huanzhou Continent. The beginning **** of our clan fell like this... He protected all of us with his life... "

"After thousands of years of living and multiplying, our Jangren clan has finally gradually developed. And humans can no longer find our Jangren clan, and can no longer find the door to the space of our Jangren clan. It is as if we have completely disappeared from the world. Gradually, we have completely faded from the eyes of human beings, become history, and become legend. In fact, we have always existed, but we exist in another dimension, and we don’t want to be human. disturb."

Mu Qianyue and others stood quietly beside Ke Yingying, listening to her narrate the past of the Shark tribe.

It turns out that the shark race hates mankind so much because of human kindness and revenge, mankind's betrayal...

Yes, human beings are always selfish and greedy, but they still have high-sounding slogans.

"There are no more islands in this sea area, only the vast sea. And this small island that suddenly appeared was originally a mountain range of our clan." Ke Yingying continued.

This island probably only has

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue squinted slightly. This point was heard by Jun Lintian a long time ago, and it seemed to have appeared suddenly.

"Then why does the mountain range of your Jangren clan appear here?" Xiao Xuan'er asked.

"Originally, the gate of space leading to Wucheng was hidden in the air. Without the secret method of our mackerel clan, humans would not be able to open it. But more than a month ago, there was a loud noise in the forbidden area. At that time, we The whole Wucheng was almost shattered. Fortunately, my father and the people suppressed it with their strength, but it was still greatly affected. The door of this space was exposed from the invisible air. I happened to be there at the time. The mountain range fell out with one piece." Ke Yingying frowned, her eyes were also full of doubts at this time.

"Forbidden land? The forbidden land that can lead to Nether Prison?" Mu Qianyue asked quickly with a tight heart.

"I don't know if it can lead to the Netherworld Prison, but the movement did come from there." Ke Yingying said, her cyan eyes narrowed slightly and thought, "Sister Yue, you are sure you are going. Nether Prison? I can take you in, but my daddy and the people will definitely prevent you from entering the forbidden area, and you will have to rely on yourself."

"Well, you are already extremely grateful for you to take us in. We will do the rest by ourselves. Don't worry, I won't do it with your father and the people." Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with determination.

Ke Yingying's willingness to bring herself in had already destroyed Wucheng's rules, and the rest of her naturally couldn't make Ke Yingying embarrassed.

During this time of getting along, Mu Qianyue and others couldn't help but fall in love with Ke Yingying, a cute and innocent shark man, perhaps because she had lived in Wucheng since she was a child, and she has never been to other places or contacted. What a human being, so her mind is very simple.

"Okay." Ke Yingying nodded, and saw her pinch the tactics with both hands, and suddenly pinched out a series of strange tactics, bounced in the air, and saw the air move like water waves, and a magic formation slowly rose from the ground. The center of the circle is a row of stone ladders, winding down, submerged in endless darkness...

"Sister Yue, come with me." Ke Yingying smiled, beckoning towards Mu Qianyue and others.

A look of surprise flashed in Mu Qianyue's eyes. Is this space gate going down?

Although she was very confused in her heart, she kept following her. Tian Shuo followed her closely and held her for a long time. Moshang Fengchi protected Nalan Xueling, Mu Rutian and Bing Yan were behind her.

After Mu Qianyue and the others walked into the stone ladder, the magic circle behind him disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, and there was still a green grass warbler on the island, with boundless fragrance.

All the way down, the air became more and more cold and humid, and it seemed that it would never end.

"Yingying, you are curious about the spatial passage of Wucheng, how it descends, it feels as if you have reached the depths of the seabed." Xiao Xuan'er said in doubt.

"It wasn't like this before. Since the movement more than a month ago, the door of space has changed and it has become like this. Before, I entered directly and reached Wucheng." In the dim, Ke Yingying revealed A small smile.

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