Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1011: Enter Wucheng【2】

I don't know how long it took, and finally my eyes lit up, passing through a light blue light circle, Mu Qianyue and the others only felt that their eyes lit up, and the next moment, they had entered Wucheng.

The scenery here is beautiful, rich in spirit, and fresh. Different from the breath of Huanzhou mainland, the breath here is very clean and pure. After taking a sip, I feel full of relaxation and comfort.

As Ke Yingying continued to walk forward for a while, she saw an ancient village full of characteristics and antiques appearing in front of Mu Qianyue and the others.

Rows of neatly built wooden houses are neatly built, without gorgeous decorations, and without all kinds of marbles. It is like a paradise, full of harmony.

Behind the village is a blue lake. The turquoise water of the lake is rippling with the wind. Several little sharks who cannot distinguish their gender are playing in the lake. They have different eyes, elf-like. The ears, the flowing hair, and the beautiful face are like a beautiful picture scroll, which is shocking.

"Sister Yingying, Sister Yingying is back!"

"Sister Yingying, where did you go before, suddenly disappeared for a month, the patriarch is looking for you everywhere."

Seeing Ke Yingying, the few little sharks greeted them with excitement one by one, removed the mackerel tails, revealing their cute little feet, greeted them, and said in a rush.

"Huh? Who are these people? It looks like they are not sharks, they seem to be humans..." A little shark looked at Mu Qianyue and the others warily.

"Yes, they are humans, but they are all good people, and they are my good friends." Ke Yingying smiled softly, and the vigilance on the faces of the few Xiaoyu people only faded a bit after hearing this.

"But the patriarch said that you can't bring humans in, sister Yingying, you take them away quickly, otherwise the patriarch knows that he will be angry."

"I will tell my father myself about this." Ke Yingying said, and after bidding farewell to a few little sharks, she walked towards the village with Mu Qianyue and her party.

Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo entered the Tongtian Pagoda space when they were in the stone ladder tunnel, while Xiao Xuan'er and Bing Yan turned into bracelets and wrapped around her wrists. At this time, only Mu Qianyue was left beside her. After Mu Rutian, Moshang Fengchi, plus Jiujiu and Xiaoling.

Jiujiu and Xiao Ling are children, so they won't attract the jealousy of the sharks.

After entering the village, the people saw Ke Yingying bringing five humans back, all of them showed displeased expressions, and their eyes were extremely alert.

However, the expression on Ke Yingying's face is still consistent. She didn't show Mu Qianyue and the others, but explained to Mu Qianyue, "Sister Yue, don't mind, because everyone doesn't understand you, wait for them. After knowing that you are good people, you won’t do this to you."

"It's okay." Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly. Naturally, she wouldn't care about these people's gazes. What she is most anxious about right now is the forbidden area, especially the forbidden area that Ke Yingying said a month ago. A loud noise...

If the place connected by the forbidden area is really a nether hell, would that loud noise be...

A faint light flashed quickly in the black phoenix eyes.

Walking to the last wooden courtyard in the village, Ke Yingying showed joy on her face and ran into the courtyard, "Father, I'm back!"

"Yingying?" A young man walked out in a hurry. His face was very handsome. It can be seen that most of Ke Yingying's features have inherited his characteristics, and he also has a pair of blue pupils.

"Father! I miss you so much!" Ke Yingying rushed forward and threw herself into Patriarch Ke's arms. Two tears fell on her beautiful little face. She almost couldn't come back, and she almost never saw it again. Daddy...

"Yingying, where have you been for more than a month?" Patriarch Ke asked, and then his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue and the others behind her. He couldn't help but squint, his eyes filled with a trace of anger and vigilance, "You Is it a human? How did you get into Wucheng?"

"Father, they are all my friends, they saved me, and they sent me back..." Ke Yingying said quickly, and then said everything that happened during the month.

When Chief Ke heard what Ke Yingying said, his face sank and he was slightly angry, "Didn’t I tell you earlier? You are not allowed to go to the forbidden area, even if you just go there! Fortunately, you didn’t get out. What is it? If you have something, how can I explain it to your mother!"

"I went there just to gather some medicine for my mother. Sister Meng Ran said that she found a pill. As long as the mother took the pill, she would wake up, but I didn't expect that I would fall into the black hole... Ke Yingying lowered her head, her eyes filled with self-blame and guilt, "I'm sorry, daddy, I worried you."

When Patriarch Ke heard this, he felt a pain in his heart and sighed slowly, "It's okay, don't go there again next time."

"Well, I won't!" Ke Yingying's eyes flickered with tears, she nodded her head, stretched out her hand to carefully take out a medicinal plant from the space ring, her beautiful little face showed a happy smile, "Daddy, This is Yun Ronghua. Sister Meng Ran said that the refining pill is inferior to this kind of medicine. Later I will go to Sister Meng Ran and ask her to refine the pill for my mother."

Mu Qianyue, who was standing on the side, flashed her eyes when she heard the words, and a faint light flashed in her eyes.

Patriarch Ke's eyes overflowed with distress, and he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Ke Yingying's head. This silly boy ran to the forbidden area to gather a medicinal plant. Even if he was caught by those humans, he tightly protected Yun Ronghua. !

"Daddy, how about Brother Mu Ze? I didn't even see him when I came in just now." Ke Yingying asked.

A cold light flashed in Patriarch Ke's eyes, "Don't look for him anymore."

"Why?" Ke Yingying's eyes were filled with confusion.

Patriarch Ke sighed quietly and did not answer. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Mu Qianyue and the others with a bad expression, "Since Yingying has returned safely, you can go."

"Daddy, they just sent me back. It's not early today, so let them stay here for a few days. Anyway, they also saved me. Why should I thank them too!" Ke Yingying said spoiledly.

"Well, let them stay overnight and leave early tomorrow morning. We are not allowed to bring humans in. You should be very clear about this. You have violated the rules now, so they will be early tomorrow morning. Must leave!" Patriarch Ke said in a commanding tone, his tone was cold and beyond doubt.

"En En." Ke Yingying nodded, and tomorrow she will find a way to keep Sister Yue and the others staying, and then take them to the forbidden area quietly.

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