Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1012: Be injured【1】

"Although I agree to let you stay here for one night, I hope you'd better not make any bad ideas or bully Yingying, otherwise I won't make you feel better!" Chief Ke coldly threw a word and turned around Leave.

Murderous intent flashed in Mu Rutian's eyes, Mo Shang Fengling's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent and discomfort, Mu Qianyue's two wrists also had a cold, bloodthirsty aura. It was Xiao Xuan'er and Bing. Homura's anger.

Ke Yingying's complexion changed, and she quickly said, "Brother Rutian, Sister Fengling, don't be angry, my father is very good, he just hates humans, so he said that. Don't take it to your heart."

"It's okay." Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and glared at Mu Rutian's people. Mu Rutian hummed softly and restrained his murderous aura.

Regardless of the attitude of the patriarch Ke, she will sell it to Ke Yingying, and she promised Ke Yingying not to fight with her father and patriarch before coming.

Just bear with it for the time being, and go to the forbidden area tomorrow morning.

That night Mu Qianyue and her party were arranged to live in Ke Yingying's home.

After having dinner, Ke Yingying looked at Mu Qianyue and said, "Sister Yue, I'm going to Sister Meng Ran, let her refine the pill for my mother."

He turned around and left.

A group of light red light drilled down from Mu Qianyue's wrist, quickly plunged into the darkness, and quietly followed Ke Yingying's back.

Needless to say, I also knew that this pale red light was Xiao Xuan'er.

Mu Qianyue wanted to stop, but Xiao Xuan'er ran fast. In a blink of an eye, there was no shadow. She sighed and let her go. It is estimated that Xiao Xuan'er was too curious. But Mu Qianyue did not suspect that Ke Yingying would be disadvantageous to them.


Ke Yingying was holding a wooden sandal box with Yunronghua in her hands, walking briskly under the moonlight, towards a courtyard at the foot of the mountain ahead.

"Sister Meng Ran, Sister Meng Ran..."

After shouting for a few times, there was no response, Ke Yingying's eyes were filled with doubts, isn't sister Meng Ran not at home?

She walked into the yard and searched it again. She didn't see Zhou Mengran's figure. Ke Yingying's eyes showed disappointment. As if thinking of something, the corners of her lips couldn't help but smile, "Yes, maybe a dream Sister Ran is with Brother Mu Ze! Well, I just came back and don't have time to see Brother Mu Ze. Maybe Brother Mu Ze will be very happy to see me!"

Afterwards, Ke Yingying went to Mu Ze’s house again, and walked into the Zeyuan where Mu Ze lived. She has not come here once or twice, so everything here is very familiar, even if you close your eyes, you can’t go wrong. .

It's just that she just walked into Zeyuan and saw the two familiar figures standing under the tree. Before she could shout out, the sharp and harsh sound penetrated the air and fell into her ears, making her on the spot. Just be there!

"Muze, don't be stupid! Ke Yingying is dead long ago! Even if you wait for her forever here, she will never come back!" Zhou Mengran said angrily.

Mu Ze ignored her at all. Instead, he drank the wine in his hand. The strong, cold and scorching wine fell down his throat, swallowing his heart, his reason, and his narrow A faint sadness surged in his eyes.

"Muze, did you hear me talking to you? Why is there only Ke Yingying in your eyes? What is good about her? Am I wrong to you? Over the years, don't you understand my affection? ?" Zhou Mengran continued to say without giving up.

Only then did Mu Ze's ashen eyes gradually pick up color, looking down at Zhou Mengran, a touch of coldness and disgust rushed into his eyes, "You deliberately said that Yun Ronghua could refine the pill, right? Yingying would do this. Recklessly go to the Forbidden Mountain to gather medicine? Right?"

Because of Wucheng, only the Forbidden Mountain has Yunronghua.

Zhou Mengran was taken aback, and a cold smile appeared on her beautiful face, "Yes! I said that on purpose! Yun Ronghua can't refine the pill at all, and I don't have the pill to wake up her mother at all. I just lied to her! Haha... She is really stupid, she believed so! She ran to the Forbidden Mountain alone even stupid!"

"Why? Why are you doing this? She has always regarded you as the most trusted sister!" Mu Ze's face was full of anger, and she reached out and strangled Zhou Mengran's throat.

Standing in the dark, Ke Yingying's face instantly turned pale and bloodless. She bit her teeth and couldn't help but clenched the wooden sandal box in her hand. There was a touch of anger in her eyes, she worked so hard and even died. There, just for Yun Ronghua!

Just because Zhou Mengran said that Yun Ronghua could refine the pill and wake up her mother, she believed it!

But she never thought Zhou Mengran was lying to her!

When she was about to lift up and walk out, only Zhou Mengran's voice continued to ring in the dark night, with strong disdain and anger.

"Heh...why? All this is about to ask you! I love you to the bone, but you only have Ke Yingying in your eyes! So she damn! As long as she dies, no one will **** you from me! I am Pharmacist, I'm the pride of the entire Yuren race. I don't know how many men adore me, but why can't you see me?"

"There is only Yingying in my heart!" Mu Ze's cold voice sounded.

Zhou Mengran sneered when she heard the words. She raised her head to look at Mu Ze, her eyes full of tenderness, gently stretched out her hand to caress his face, the corner of her lips raised a charming smile, "Really? If you really only love Ke Yingying one, then why did you want me last night? Did you know that you were so violent, so domineering, and so gentle last night, so I couldn't help but indulge in your beauty and couldn't help myself... Muze, I It's already your woman...Are you going to kill your wife now?"

Mu Ze's face turned pale, and the fingers that held Zhou Mengran could not help loosening, and his hands slowly fell weakly.

"Haha..." Zhou Mengran chuckled triumphantly.


There was a muffled noise in the darkness.

The wooden sandalwood box fell on the ground, and the snow-white Rapaceae flowers fell out of the box and fell to the ground. The snow-white petals were stained with dirty soil.

Ke Yingying’s beautiful little face was pale. When she heard Zhou Mengran cheated on herself, she was sad, disappointed and angry, but when she heard Mu Ze said that she only loved her, she got a touch of comfort in her heart. .

But at this moment, hearing Zhou Mengran's words, she was no longer able to pretend to be strong, and the last strong line of defense instantly collapsed and shattered...

Tears suddenly poured down like rain.

"Yingying?" Mu Ze turned his head to look, his eyes widened incredibly, his eyes filled with surprise and excitement. Zhou Mengran's face was also full of horror on the side, her eyes staring incredibly big, isn't Ke Yingying dead?

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