Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1013: Be injured【2】

How could she appear here? I obviously saw her fall down the black hole with my own eyes...

Falling into the black hole, even the emperor martial artist was jealous of the brutal space-time storm, Ke Yingying didn't even die? !

I thought that Ke Yingying had been missing for more than a month, even if he did not die, she would definitely not be able to return! But now she suddenly appeared in front of her, how could Zhou Mengran not be shocked?

"Yingying..." Mu Ze's face was filled with joy. He couldn't help but stepped towards her, but Zhou Mengran hugged his waist from behind, "Mu Ze, you are my man now! Don't forget. After that night, how the two of us are loving and lingering people, my body has long been burned with your mark, and your body has already been branded with my Zhou Mengran's mark!"

"Yingying..." Mu Ze paused, a trace of sadness and helplessness in his eyes.

Ke Yingying glared at the two of them angrily, said nothing, and ran away crying.

Seeing her sadly leaving, Mu Ze felt that his heart was instantly empty. He pulled Zhou Mengran's hand away, turned his head and looked at her coldly and mercilessly, his voice was also very strange, "Zhou Mengran , You almost killed Yingying, and then climbed onto my bed with that despicable means, thinking I would like you? I won't like you in this life!!!"

If she hadn't used Lost Feelings, how could she mistakenly recognize her as Yingying?

After that, strode away, chasing Ke Yingying's figure.

Seeing Mu Ze's leaving figure, Zhou Mengran's face turned gloomy in an instant, her eyes were filled with anger and hatred, Ke Yingying, it would be great if you didn't come back, how great you would never come back, why did you come back!

Mu Ze, I will not let you and Ke Yingying be together!


In the yard, just as Mu Qianyue was about to go back to the room to rest, she saw Ke Yingying ran in from outside with red eyes, tears on her beautiful face.

"Yingying, what's the matter?" Mu Qianyue frowned slightly. When she went out just now, she was still fine. Why did she look so desolate and sad when she came back.

Gentle and caring words are like the last straw to defeat Ke Yingying's pretending to be strong.

"Sister Yue..." At this moment, Ke Yingying looked at Mu Qianyue as if she had seen someone close to her, she couldn't help but threw herself into her arms, sobbing loudly, the cry of sorrow. It is distressing.

At this time, Xiao Xuan'er also came back, transformed into a human form, walked to the chair next to him and sat down, raised her legs, grabbed the apple on the table with an angry look and bite, anger, "Meet a man and a dog!"

"What's the matter?" Nalan Xueling asked, her brows narrowed.

So Xiao Xuan'er said everything he saw.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a trace of coldness in their eyes when they heard the words, but they didn't expect that the woman named Zhou Mengran had such a deep heart! The reason why Yingying fell outside and experienced nine deaths was all designed by her, because of her jealousy!

Jealousy is terrible! It can make a person crazy, can make a person do many terrible things, even childhood sweethearts can design and frame!

If it hadn't been for this time that Ke Yingying met Mu Qianyue and the others, she would have died long ago.

Because of jealousy, you can easily destroy the happiness of another person, or the happiness of a good friend...

"Okay, don't be sad, you still have us, we will be by your side." Mu Qianyue comforted.

Ke Yingying raised her head and wiped her red and swollen eyes, "Well, fortunately, I have sister Yue, thank you for taking care of me like a sister..."

If it hadn't been for Sister Yue who had saved herself and cured her dantian, it would be impossible for her to return to Wucheng unharmed, let alone see everything with her own eyes, let alone know the truth!

"That's also because of your trust in us." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly.

It is because of her trust, her kindness, and her innocence that I think of her as a good friend.

"In the situation just now, it seems that the man named Mu Ze doesn't like Zhou Mengran at all. Yingying, do you want to ask Mu Ze to ask?" Xiao Xuan'er thought, raising her head, her eyes falling on Ke Yingying.

Ke Yingying was taken aback. She was very angry and angry just now. She didn't think about it at all. She only felt that her sanity was gone, and the whole mind was filled with endless anger and sadness...

Now that Xiao Xuan'er suddenly asked such a question, even she herself was stunned.

She frowned tightly, her eyes filled with tangled sadness, Mu Qianyue shook her hand, "Yingying, do you still like Muze?"

"I don't know." Ke Yingying shook her head, "I just feel sad."

"Then you go back to the house and go to sleep, don't think about anything, nothing will happen when you get up tomorrow morning." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"En." Ke Yingying nodded obediently, and then went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ke Yingying's face no longer had the sadness of last night, perhaps because she cried too long last night, or she slept late, so her eyes were still slightly red and swollen.

When she saw Mu Qianyue, she smiled and said hello, "Sister Yue, Sister Fengling, Xiaoling, you are early."

"Mother, sister Yingying's eyes are swollen, you can treat her with the realm of life, otherwise when we go out, others will think we bullied her." Nalan Xueling quipped.

Mu Qianyue curled the corners of her lips speechlessly, but still displayed the realm of life. In the next moment, Ke Yingying's face and eyes returned to normal.

"I will take you to the forbidden area while my dad is away." Ke Yingying said softly.

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise from the door, and dozens of sharks surrounded the door, blocking the door.

"Ke Yingying, our Jangren clan has regulations. You cannot bring humans into Wucheng without permission. Even if you are the daughter of the patriarch, you can't violate the Jangren clan's regulations!" There was a sneer from the crowd, and only one body was in flames. The spicy woman walked over with contempt.

She raised her head, her eyes fell coldly on Ke Yingying's body, and there was a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"Zhou Mengran, do you have a face to come over?" Ke Yingying stared at her angrily.

"Why don't I have a face? I didn't bring these humans." Zhou Mengran's lips curled up with a sneer, and his eyes swept across the faces of Mu Qianyue and others with contempt and disdain.

"Miss Meng Ran is right! You brought humans back privately, you should be the one who has no face!"

"Yes! You have violated the rules of the Shark Race! Do you want to bring disaster to everyone?"

"You are not worthy of being a shark! You get out of Wucheng with these people!"

Everyone scolded Ke Yingying one after another.

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