Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1014: Bet【1】

Ke Yingying's face turned pale, facing the anger of the crowd, she was unable to explain for a while, and their hatred and angry eyes made her very sad.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down the anger in her heart, and her beautiful little face showed a calm and calm look.

"Yes! They were indeed brought in by me. Although they are human, they are good people. This time they sent me back. They will leave in a few days and will not disturb everyone. Don't worry, I dare you. Use my life as a guarantee!"

Everyone suddenly showed hesitation on their faces upon hearing this.

Zhou Mengran sneered disdainfully, "You said they are good people, are they good people? It's really funny, who knows what they are thinking! Besides, can your life alone be worth everyone else's life? You take this with you now Some humans get out!"

"Not bad! Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!!"

Everyone shouted, with angry expressions on their faces again, it was obvious that the emotions of this group of people were controlled by this Zhou Mengran.

"Zhou Mengran, don't go too far!" Ke Yingying clenched her hands into fists under her sleeves, her immature face full of anger.

Zhou Mengran stepped forward slowly, walked in front of Ke Yingying, and sneered softly, "Why are you coming back? If you don't come back, you don't have to be so embarrassed at this moment. Muze will forget you and love me..."

Ke Yingying's face turned white, her body trembled and trembled uncontrollably, her eyes red, and she looked very angry.

"What are you doing here?" At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and it was Patriarch Ke who was speaking. He had just returned from the outside when he saw many clansmen surrounded here, with a touch of anger on his face. .

Zhou Mengran raised her head and slowly looked at Patriarch Ke, who was approaching with a cold and displeased face. The corners of her lips raised a touch of sarcasm, "It turns out that the Patriarch is back. Patriarch, you came just right, Yingying, she violated the rules of the Shaman Clan, so she must suffer Punishment, either she leaves Wucheng with these humans and cannot return forever, or she goes to guard the forbidden area for life."

Patriarch Ke's eyes flashed coldly, "I will arrange all of this myself."

"Patriarch, you can’t protect Yingying just because you are Yingying’s father, otherwise, wouldn’t the rules of the scorpion clan be abolished? The prince breaks the law and commits the same crimes with the common people. The same is true here. You shouldn’t be the patriarch. Understand?" Zhou Mengran didn't seem to fear Patriarch Ke, and said coldly.

"Yes! You can't favor her just because you are her father!"

"Even if the daughter of the patriarch makes a mistake, she must be punished in the same way!"

The shark people were furious and shouted.

Zhou Mengran's lips raised a triumphant and elegant smile.

Patriarch Ke's face became very difficult to look, "I will drive these humans out of Wucheng."

"Heh, is it useful to drive out of Wucheng now? Who knows if they will spread the news of entering Wucheng after they go out? By that time, our horren will suffer another catastrophe like thousands of years ago!" Zhou Mengran sneered.

"Then what do you want?" Patriarch Ke said with a sullen face. Although he is the leader of the clan, his responsibility is to protect the peace of the clan.

"Kill them. Only if they die, the news of our clan will not leak out, and Ke Yingying must also be punished, staying in the forbidden ground for life, and not leaving for half a step!" Zhou Mengran said, her deep eyes surged. Moving the calculated light.

The forbidden area is full of yin and death, and one step closer will make people feel very uncomfortable.

If you stay there all the year round, your body will be eroded by Yin Qi, and eventually you will become a monster with neither humans nor ghosts, and finally to death.

This week Mengran is really cruel!

"Zhou Mengran, you are so cruel!" Ke Yingying said angrily. She moved her body and stood in front of Mu Qianyue and others without hesitation. "They are my saviors, and none of you are allowed to hurt them! "

Patriarch Ke looked back at Mu Qianyue and the others, with a look of embarrassment in his eyes. At the beginning, he also hated these humans, but last night Yingying came back with a sad face. It was Mu Qianyue who comforted her. To make her less sad.

He could see that Mu Qianyue's concern for Yingying came from their sincerity, not falsehood.

Mu Qianyue, Mu Rutian, and Moshang Fengling have been standing beside Ke Yingying, without speaking, with a leisurely and indifferent expression. It seems that everything has nothing to do with them, and they seem to be waiting for Patriarch Ke's decision.

The corners of Nalan Xueling's lips raised a cold arc, and the woman in front of her looked really annoying!

Jiujiu's gaze is also full of disdain, anyone who calculates his mother will not end well!

My mother is not talking now, it doesn't mean that my mother is good at talking and bullying...

The more indifferent the mother, the more indifferent, the more terrifying.

After pondering for a moment, there was a firmness in Patriarch Ke's eyes, "As the patriarch, I should consider everything about the Shaman Race! But they are Yingying's lifesavers, so I won't hurt them, I can only send them out of Wucheng! As for Yingying, I will let her accept severe punishment and will never tolerate it!"

Hearing that, Ke Yingying was relieved. She was so afraid that her father would order Sister Yue to kill them, but her father did not disappoint her.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and her gaze at Patriarch Ke changed slightly. She thought he would abandon them, but he didn't expect that he would make such a decision. It was really surprising. After all, he hates humans very much.

Yes, Yingying is so kind and innocent, how could her father be a bad person?

Zhou Mengran's face showed a touch of anger, "Patriarch, are you insisting on favoring these humans and your daughter? Ha... As the head of a clan, you are not abiding! You really don't deserve to be our head! "

A cold light flashed quickly in Patriarch Ke's eyes, "Zhou Mengran, whether this patriarch deserves to be the patriarch here is not your decision, it is the will of the sacred tree, are you questioning the decision of the sacred tree?"

Hearing the word sacred tree, Zhou Mengran's face changed, and the faces of all the sharks showed respect. Without the arrogance and domineering before, there was a trace of awe in their eyes.

"Heh... the sacred tree... the sacred tree has begun to wither. It has long lost the aura of thousands of years ago. I am afraid that it will not take long for the sacred tree to die. What is the purpose of the sacred tree? A withered **** Tree, why do you decide the affairs of the Shaman Race?" Zhou Mengran sneered disdainfully.

God tree? Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, and a look of doubt appeared in her eyes.

Is it the tree I saw last night? She couldn't sleep last night, so she wandered around in Wucheng at random, and found a towering old tree in the east of the city, with luxuriant branches and leaves, which looked vigorous, but the inside was already dry.

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