Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1019: God tree【3】

With the words just now, Mu Qianyue took a trace of shock, so she immediately shocked Zhou Mengran's soul, making her not stunned for a long time, and she has been immersed in the heart-pounding shock!

Mu Qianyue did this on purpose.

Who makes this woman so annoying!

Without giving her a lesson, I really thought I was a bully!

I am afraid that after today, Zhou Mengran's soul will be greatly affected, whether it is her strength or her alchemy, it will be difficult to improve in the future!

Mu Qianyue crossed Zhou Mengran directly to the sacred tree, looked at the sharks, and said firmly, word by word, "If I can't cure the sacred tree, I will kill you to deal with it."

Patriarch Ke's face showed a look of embarrassment, the sacred tree is already like this, if you toss again, will it directly wither?

Hey, forget it, it's already like this anyway, and I'm not afraid of withering again.

"Everyone is quiet. Since it's a competition, Zhou Mengran has already tried it, and it's Mu Qianyue's turn next. If Mu Qianyue's qualification for the competition is cancelled directly, it would be unfair to her." Patriarch Ke said, turning her head to look. Xiang Mu Qianyue, "Go ahead."

Since the patriarchs all spoke, even if they were no longer dissatisfied, the people did not speak any more.


A strong breath of life erupted from Mu Qianyue's body, and saw that the withered and yellow branches of the sacred tree gradually turned green, and finally turned into fresh green, just like the one just grown. Full of infinite vitality!

The realm of life can make dead wood come in spring!

At this moment, the sacred tree was full of vigor, vitality, and vigor, just like a dying old man, instantly returning to its young state!

In this scene, Patriarch Ke was shocked, his eyes widened incredibly, and his face was full of excitement, "The realm of life? No wonder, no wonder she said she cured the sacred tree!"

The faces of the sharks also showed excitement, "The sacred tree is ready!"

"She really cured the sacred tree!"

"Yes! She cured the sacred tree, she didn't lie to us!"

The scene was full of cheers and excitement. This time they looked at Mu Qianyue not with disgust, but with gratitude and awe.

She did not lie to this human being!

Zhou Mengran's eyes widened in disbelief, and her face was full of shock. At this moment, her face was pale and she shouted in disbelief, "Impossible! Never! She is just a human being, how could she heal the sacred tree? !"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is true. Sister Yue just cured the sacred tree! She didn't even use a medicinal plant or a pill! Her domain is the domain of life, which can bring all things back to life. Dead wood comes in spring!" Ke Yingying looked at her coldly, disdainfully said.

The realm of life, the realm of life...

Zhou Mengran's eyes were full of unwillingness, and she roared at Mu Qianyue, "You already calculated all this, haven't you?"

"Calculate? I don't understand what you're talking about. Didn't you agree to compare yourself with it?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly, and while playing with her fingers casually, she said lightly, "Now you lose, you should kneel I apologized to Yingying."

Huh! !

Zhou Mengran's face instantly turned pale, ugly, and the body under the robe trembled uncontrollably. She raised her head and gave Mu Qianyue a fierce look, then looked at Ke Yingying fiercely, asking her to kneel to Ke Yingying. Apologize, this is absolutely impossible!

"I didn't lose, I didn't lose..."

She roared and turned to run, but suddenly felt a spiritual force pressing on her body, confining her body in place, and then her legs shook uncontrollably, and she knelt down to Ke Yingying .

Ke Yingying was taken aback, her eyes filled with surprise, she didn't seem to expect Zhou Mengran to kneel and apologize! How could a selfish and proud person like her kneel down and apologize easily?

Ke Yingying turned her head and looked at Mu Qianyue next to her, her eyes could not help but a touch of emotion, and she knew that she must have done this without looking at it! Sister Yue is trying to avenge herself!

Seeing Mu Qianyue's delicate side face, at this moment, Ke Yingying made a solemn decision in her heart.

The majestic mountain-like coercion slammed Zhou Mengran's body so hard that she didn't even have the strength to raise her head, and she couldn't even think of resisting in her heart. She could only kneel in humiliation, with her head down, but her heart Full of infinite anger and hatred.

Ah ah ah, this **** human being, it was her appearance that ruined her plan, and it made herself suffer so much humiliation! She will definitely not let her go!

"Miss Mu, you are the benefactor of our Yuren clan! How disrespectful you were before, and you still look at Haihan." Chief Ke bowed his hand to Mu Qianyue, saying sincerely and respectfully.

If Mu Qianyue had saved his wife before, and his heart was filled with gratitude, then now there is more awe.

Saving the sacred tree, this is not something anyone can do!

Ten thousand years have passed. I don’t know how many strong people or excellent pill masters have been produced, but no one can save the sacred tree, but she did it easily! Although all these are the contributions of the field of life, the field of life is also her ability!

If she did not comprehend the field of birth, she would not be able to do it at this moment.

"Yes! Girl Mu, you are the benefactor of our Jade Human Race. You have misunderstood what you have done before. Don't be surprised!"

"Yeah, yeah, girl Mu, please stay, let us treat you as much as we can and express our gratitude."

"The sacred tree is alive, we no longer have to worry that Wucheng's aura will dry up."

"Yes! I already feel the strong breath of life now!"

The people said one after another, their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

Mu Qianyue's lips raised a faint smile, "Yingying is my friend. She invited me to come back and heal the sacred tree."

Ke Yingying's heart is full of touch, sister Yue is so kind! She proposed to compete with Zhou Mengran, just to help herself out, and now she helped herself to speak, and all the credit was given to her.

It is said that human beings are selfish, but Sister Yue is so touched by love and righteousness. She is very touched. Meeting Sister Yue is the greatest luck in her life!

Even Patriarch Ke's eyes also had a touch of emotion. It seemed that she had really misunderstood them before, but Yingying persuaded herself to keep her.

"Thank you Miss Yingying."

"Miss Yingying is also the great benefactor of our scorpion race!"

"Yes! If Miss Yingying had not found such a powerful doctor, I am afraid that the sacred tree would not be able to recover so quickly!"

Hearing everyone's praise of Mu Qianyue and Ke Yingying, Zhou Mengran's eyes filled with deep jealousy and anger.

Why, why do everyone praise them so much!

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