Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1020: The body of Shenger【1】

All these compliments before belonged to her!

Since Mu Qianyue came, all this has changed!

Zhou Mengran's heart was full of anger, and the anger seemed to have broken through her chest like lava.

Suddenly, she found that she was able to move, and quickly got up from the ground, with a sense of hatred and humiliation in her eyes, "You said she cured the sacred tree, I am not convinced!"

"Regardless of whether you accept it or not, my mother saved the sacred tree. This is a fact, and it is useless if you refuse to accept it." Nalan Xueling snorted coldly.

"Miss Xue Ling is right. Girl Mu's rescue of the sacred tree is enough to prove Girl Mu's medical skills." Chief Ke said with a cold face.

He already knew what Zhou Mengran did to Yingying, so he would not be kind to Zhou Mengran.

It would be light to make her kneel and apologize to Yingying, otherwise he really wanted to kill her.

If it weren't for her, how could his daughter almost never come back?

It's just that Zhou Mengran didn't have enough evidence, and Zhou Mengran guessed this point, so he was more confident.

"Ten thousand years ago, the sacred tree was alive, able to speak, and imaginary human form. Since the battle between the gods and demons thousands of years ago, the sacred tree withered and almost died. Later, countless ancestors used countless heaven and earth spirit treasures. Saved the life of the sacred tree, and the sacred tree would never speak again, and had long lost the aura of the beginning of the year. Mu Qianyue just kept the sacred tree from dying for the time being, and this state can only maintain a thousand at most year."

"After a thousand years, the sacred tree will continue to wither unless the spirit of the sacred tree returns! Mu Qianyue, if you save the spirit of the sacred tree, I will count as a loser! Otherwise, I will never give up! "Zhou Mengran's eyes gleamed with deep calculations.

The spirit of the sacred tree died as early as ten thousand years ago, it is impossible to save the spirit of the sacred tree!

When everyone heard this, there was a flash of shock and surprise in their eyes. It is impossible to save the spirit of the sacred tree~

Legend has it that the spirit of the sacred tree died out thousands of years ago!

Patriarch Ke's eyes also showed a look of anger, "Zhou Mengran, you are clearly troubled by strong people! You know that the spirit of the village has died thousands of years ago, how can you be saved?"

"Yes, yeah, the spirit of the tree of gods was originally born by gathering the aura of heaven and earth. The battle ten thousand years ago has exhausted all her power. She has turned into dust and disappeared forever in the long river of history... …Even if the ancient **** of war is resurrected, it is impossible to save the spirit of the sacred tree!"

"Zhou Mengran is clearly jealous, deliberately embarrassing the girl!"

"Yes! I didn't expect Zhou Mengran to be such a person!"

"I saw her gentle and generous, kind-hearted and beautiful before. Is it all in disguise?"

The people all talked and sighed and said that because they hated humans, they had a hatred of Mu Qianyue and others. After Mu Qianyue saved the sacred tree, they had changed their views on Mu Qianyue and others.

They are already content if they can continue to live for a thousand years!

And Mu Qianyue didn't ask for anything!

Hearing everyone talking about himself like this, Zhou Mengran's eyes were filled with unwillingness and anger, and he was so angry that he almost never gave up!

"Sister Yue, don't pay attention to her, you have saved the sacred tree. This is a testimony that everyone can see! Now you are the benefactors of my scorpion race." Ke Yingying said.

Everyone looked at Zhou Mengran like a clown.

Mu Ze didn't even bother to look at her, as if looking at her more would dirty his eyes.

Just when everyone thought Mu Qianyue would not agree, they saw Mu Qianyue walk towards the sacred tree again.

I don't know why, a familiar feeling rose in her heart, it seemed that someone was calling her invisibly, and she couldn't help but approach the sacred tree.

Where does that invisible call come from?

Dai Mei frowned slightly, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up, the ring of life!

Yes, the ring of life!

That kind of calling, that kind of familiar feeling, comes from the Ring of Life!

The palm of the hand wearing the ring of life gently supported the sacred tree, a faint green light was shining from the ring of life, and the ring of life was automatically separated from the fingers and flew towards the sacred tree, enveloped in the gods. Above the tree.

The faint green light is like crystal emerald, exuding a soft light, and the endless rich vitality radiates from the ring of life.

Everyone bathed in the breath of life, and felt that they were all relaxed and happy, as if all their worries and sorrows had disappeared in an instant...

Mu Qianyue blinked her eyes differently. How did this scene come back? The summoning and the familiar breath just now were all because of Sheng'er?

Is the body of Sheng'er the sacred tree in front of you?

Just as Mu Qianyue was puzzled, Sheng'er's long-lost voice rang in her mind, "Master, I didn't expect you to come to the Jade Human Race! The sacred tree in front of me is my main body. Now I am combined with my main body and need to sleep deeply. a period of time."

"Okay, Sheng'er, just go to sleep." Mu Qianyue said.

"Next time when Sheng'er wakes up, you can accompany the master and the lord." Sheng'er's voice continued to ring in his mind.


Unexpectedly, the body of Sheng'er turned out to be the sacred tree of the Yaoren tribe's day and night payment! This is really a surprise!

When Sheng'er wakes up, her strength will increase again.

A faint green light the size of a fist flew out from the ring of life and slowly flew into the sacred tree, followed by all the faint green rays of light being converged in, and finally disappeared in the sacred tree.

Patriarch Ke and others reacted, with a horrified expression in their eyes, "Miss Mu, what happened just now?"

"It's the spirit of the sacred tree, she just said that she will still need to sleep for a while before she wakes up." A small smile curled up at the corner of her lips. Hearing Sheng'er's sound like a yellow kingfisher, her heart could not help but surge With joy, Sheng'er must be an extremely beautiful woman, looking forward to her rebirth!

Patriarch Ke was overjoyed when he heard this, his face was filled with excitement and surprise, "Is it true? Will the spirit of the **** tree really wake up?"

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded.

After hearing this, the shark people showed joy and excitement on their faces.


"The spirit of the **** tree is not dead, the spirit of the **** tree is about to wake up!"

"Ms. Mu's medical skills are really amazing, she's really a god!"

Ke Yingying's beautiful and exquisite little face also has a happy and charming smile, "Sister Yue, you are really the lucky star of our scorpion race! Not only has the sacred tree healed, but now even the spirit of the sacred tree must be awakened. I don’t know how to thank you anymore."

"Impossible! She's lying!" Zhou Mengran stared at Mu Qianyue, eyes full of jealousy and anger.

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