Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1023: Forbidden area【2】

Hearing this, Mu Ze shook his body like an electric shock.

His eyes stared incredibly big, and his handsome face became deeper and deeper from the shock.

"What are you talking about... You said that you have not loved me all these years?"

As if he couldn't believe it, he couldn't help but open his mouth to ask, his deep voice was full of incredulous and suppressed anger.

Her words made him feel deeply betrayed and teased!

He couldn't help but grabbed her shoulders with both hands, his fingers pressed hard, and the skin under her clothes suddenly became red.

"Yingying, why are you being so cruel to me? In order to avoid me, you even said something that hurts my heart!"

"Muze, what I said is true, I'm sorry." Ke Yingying said with a somewhat uncomfortable expression. Is it really too much for me to do this?

But now she realizes that this is really not love! If she didn't find that she felt the same for Mu Rutian, maybe she would never have discovered it in her entire life, she would never know that it was a longing for family affection, she just hoped that there was a big brother who could spoil her!

If, if she never fell into the Dead Sea, never left Wucheng, maybe she would be with Muze and become a biological child, thinking this is the love she wants.

However, this is not the case!

"Ke Yingying!" Mu Ze's eyes were filled with anger, and his face was gloomy. "Do you think that if you use such a reason, I will believe it? Yingying, you are mine, you are mine! You promised me, you said you want to marry me and be my wife!"

"Muze, that's enough, don't get entangled anymore!" Ke Yingying snorted coldly, not wanting to continue entanglement with him, feelings will only get more and more chaotic, so it is better for her to go to sleep.

Suddenly, Mu Ze grabbed her hand and hugged her fiercely into her arms. He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her lips.

Ke Yingying was shocked when she saw this, and quickly raised her hand to cover her lips. The next moment, Mu Ze's icy lips kissed the back of her hand.

He raised his hand and slapped Mu Ze on the face without hesitation. Taking advantage of him in a daze, Ke Yingying's figure moved and she had already retreated from his side, her blue eyes filled with anger, "Enough is enough Mu Ze, you will only make me hate you even more!"

"What about hating me? Since you can cheat on my feelings, why should I care about it?" Mu Ze's eyes were filled with angry flames, and he moved towards Ke Yingying step by step.

"Muze, I didn't expect you to be so despicable! Two years ago, you did not hesitate to wound me for Yulinghua, and now you want to persecute my daughter. It seems that our family really misunderstood you!" At this moment, Ke Mu's sullen voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Hearing this sound, Mu Ze's face suddenly changed. He turned around and saw Ke's mother standing at the gate of the courtyard. The bright and cold moonlight shone on her, giving her a cold breath. .

She still appeared! She still told what happened two years ago and told Yingying!

These days, he has been holding a fluke in his heart, thinking that Mother Ke will not say it, but at this moment, she still said it!

He and Yingying really can't go back! !

At this moment, Mu Ze's face was pale as paper, and his eyes were dark and gloomy.

"Mother, what do you mean by what you just said? Two years ago, he wounded you and stole your father's jade spirit flower?" Ke Yingying's eyes widened with disbelief, and she looked suspiciously. She asked with a trembling voice.

"Yingying, my mother didn't tell you before, because I thought you still liked him and couldn't bear to make you sad. Since your feelings for him are not love, then mother has nothing to worry about." His eyes were full of love, and he said softly.

Hearing that, Ke Yingying's eyes were reddish, she sucked her nose vigorously, trying her best not to let the tears flow down. It turned out that my mother didn't remember that day, but didn't want to say that she did not want to hurt her...

Even though my mother was in a coma for two years, the first thing she woke up was still thinking of herself.

"Muze, I didn't expect that person to be you! Why did you do this? Why do you want to hurt my mother? Just for a jade spirit flower?" She looked up at him, her cyan eyes filled with water fog.

"I..." Mu Ze moved his lips, but after all he didn't say a word.

Everything seemed so weak and pale.

"Let's go, I never want to see you again!" Ke Yingying closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes were full of clarity, and all her emotions were kept clean.

In any case, Mu Ze once helped her and took great care of her, but he hurt her beloved relatives, so she could not forgive him! But she couldn't do it to him!

In the future, they will be strangers and will not have any more connections.

Mu Ze took a deep look at Ke Yingying and turned away.

Seeing his leaving figure, Ke Yingying only felt very sad in her heart, as if her chest was blocked. Although she recognized her feelings for Mu Ze, it was not love, but it was more than love!

After so many years of childhood sweethearts, is there no feeling at all? He is like the big brother in her heart, occupying a very important position!

However, he hurt her closest person. What's ridiculous is that in the past two years she has been relying on him as an elder brother, telling him everything, without even concealing...

This kind of deception and betrayal made her very uncomfortable.


Early the next morning, Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling, Mu Rutian, Nalan Xueling, and ninety-nine people, led by Ke Yingying and Ke Patriarch, walked towards the forbidden area behind Wucheng.

Last night, Mu Qianyue directly explained his intentions to Patriarch Ke, and the purpose was to enter the forbidden area.

When Patriarch Ke knew that Mu Qianyue wanted to go to the forbidden area, he was naturally taken aback and discouraged Mu Qianyue. Seeing that she was determined, he gave up.

Forbidden area, in Wucheng, it represents the existence of terror! No one wants to take a step closer there, but she wants to enter the forbidden area!

Just because it is said that there is a road to the netherworld, as for whether it is true, no one has confirmed it, and no one has been there!

Who is full and wants to go to the Nether Hell, where the dead will go!

But since Mu Qianyue made this request, as Wucheng's benefactor, Chief Ke agreed without saying a word.

As for whether they have entered, whether they have come out, he doesn't know!

Hey, I can only wish them good luck!

After about an hour, Mu Qianyue and others followed Ke and Ke Yingying to the Forbidden Mountain.

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