Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1024: Forbidden area【3】

The forbidden land is in this forbidden mountain.

In the past, this mountain was not called the Forbidden Mountain, because there was a forbidden place where everyone feared. Over time, it was called the Forbidden Mountain.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance, Mu Qianyue and her party felt a strong breath of death, which permeated the entire mountain and forest. It was terrible and gloomy. From a distance, the entire Forbidden Mountain was gloomy, but the other places were sunny. Wanli clear sky.

"Here, here is the entrance to the forbidden area. I will take you to the front for a while, and the rest will be up to you." Chief Ke said.

Mu Qianyue nodded, "Thanks."

Following Patriarch Ke, one by one summoned soul armor to protect the whole body. After all, this death air is very corrosive. If the soul armor is not used to protect the body, it is easy to be invaded by it, and it will be neurological. Desperate, the muscles burst and die.

As it goes deeper, the gas of death becomes stronger.

Gradually, Patriarch Ke and Ke Yingying both turned pale.

Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian are both inheritors of the Azure Dragon bloodline, and they have some resistance in the face of death. Moshang Fengling is an eighth-order emperor martial artist, so love does not have much influence now.

But patriarch Ke and Ke Yingying, a junior emperor martial artist and a divine martial artist, had a great influence, and neither of them looked pretty.

On the other hand, Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu's two little guys, their complexions were as usual, there was no change at all, and their auras were normal, and they didn't seem to be affected.

This made Mu Qianyue a little surprised. Xiaoling is the spirit of heaven and earth, and may have natural resistance to death, but what about nine?

He is a mortal fetus, born in her October pregnancy!

Does he also have immunity to death gas?

Jiujiu walked in Mu Qianyue's body, his face was not red, he was not breathing, and there was no effect at all.

This made Patriarch Ke and Ke Yingying look at each other a little bit.

But when the two of them thought of Mu Qianyue's strength and perversion, they immediately relieved that with such a perverted mother, as her son, how could he be weak?

After walking for another hour in this way, the group has completely come to the interior of the Forbidden Mountain.

"You follow this road all the way to the front. After about an hour or two, you can see a black stone tablet with an altar there. Legend has it that there is a passage under the altar leading to the netherworld. Yes. As for whether it’s true, I don’t know."

Patriarch Ke wiped the sweat from his head, and his face was a little pale and said, when he got here, he wouldn't go in anymore. The aura of death inside was too strong. If he continues to walk, I am afraid he will insist. Living!

"Patriarch Ke, thank you very much, let's walk the rest of the way by ourselves." Mu Qianyue said.

"Yingying, let's go back." Ke patriarch waved toward Ke Yingying.

But seeing her shook her head, a wave of unprecedented determination burst out from the beautiful blue eyes, "Father, I want to accompany Sister Yue and them to the Nether Hell!"

"Stupid boy, how can you go to places like Nether Prison? You are just a martial artist. I am afraid that you will be invaded and killed by the terrible death air before you reach the Nether Prison!" His face changed, his eyes sank, and he shouted softly.

There was a firm look on Ke Yingying's face, "I am not afraid of death!"

"Yingying, this is not a question of not being afraid of death, but that it is of no use at all if you go, but to send death!" Patriarch Ke said displeased.

"Yes, Yingying, you don't want to go anymore, you should go back." Mu Rutian said.

"Brother Mu, Sister Yue, I'll accompany you! There is a formation in that altar. Without the blood of our scorpion race, it can't be opened! Besides, that formation can only be understood by the patriarch of the past or the next patriarch. Turn on." Ke Yingying said seriously.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes when she heard the words.

"It's true." Patriarch Ke sighed, "Yingying, you go back first, and I will take them there. If I can get there safely, I will open the formation for them, so you are satisfied?"

He can't just watch his daughter die! So I can only play in person!

"Father, I will take them there!" Ke Yingying said.

"I'm going! Good! Obedient, go home!" Chief Ke scolded with a serious face.

"You two don't need to be nervous. I have a pill here that can last three hours without being corroded by death. You two take it first."

Mu Qianyue said lightly, shaking her palms, and took out a bottle of medicine and handed them to both of them.

After the elders and daughters of Guozhen Ke took the medicine, their complexions immediately improved, they were no longer pale and scary, and they became more energetic.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that there is such a pill in the world." Chief Ke was amazed.

Mu Qianyue gave the few pills left in the bottle to Chief Ke, as a reward for sending them to the forbidden area.

With the pill in hand, Patriarch Ke was not afraid of these death breaths, and led the way smoothly and quietly. After about an hour, Mu Qianyue and his party finally found a black stone stele with complicated inscriptions on it. Incomparable words, those words are so strange that they can't understand it!

"Patriarch Ke, what are these words?" Mu Qianyue asked suspiciously.

"Um...I don't know what the words on this mean, I have never seen such words." Chief Ke said with an embarrassed face.

"Isn't this the text of your Shuren tribe?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

Chief Ke shook his head, "No. Although I don't recognize the words above, there is a record of the history of our clan, it seems that this road leads to the ghost prison, forbidden to pass through, otherwise they will die. So for nearly ten thousand years In the past years, no one has dared to set foot here."

When everyone was in doubt, suddenly the sound of wind chimes rang on the side.

"This should be written in ancient times."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's dark eyes flashed with surprise, "Wind chime, how did you know? Do you recognize these words?"

Moshang Fengling shook his head, "I don't recognize it. But I once saw such words in an ancient book, it seems to be in ancient times."

"In ancient times?" Mu Rutian asked in doubt.

"The ancient times are also called the Primordial Era. It was the most primitive years. Countless gods were born in this world. Similarly, there were countless demons and ghosts... In short, it was a chaotic era." Mo Shang Feng Chime's voice A trace of emotion towards the years and history.

After walking forward for a while, I finally saw a huge circular altar.

The entire altar is made of black weird stones, with patterns of various wraiths, ghosts, and demons engraved on it. It looks angry, hideous, and crazy, and it is very scary.

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