Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1025: Rakshasa City【1】

On the edge of the altar are carved nine gloomy hellhounds. They open their terrifying blood basins with big mouths, bow their heads, and look bloodthirsty and cruel in their eyes.

Under their heads are nine holes the size of a fist.

"This is the altar." Patriarch Ke's eyes flashed, and he stepped forward and said, "Although this altar has never been opened for thousands of years, the method of opening the formation has been passed down from generation to generation. The patriarch of the Shaman tribe, my mission is to protect the peace here and protect the lives of the tribe, but you saved the sacred tree, so I will violate the regulations today. I hope the ancestors can forgive me."

As he said, his palm flicked, took out a green scepter, and lightly said the formula in his mouth, a light radiated from the scepter and enveloped the entire altar.

Chief Ke slowly opened his eyes, took out a knife and cut his index finger, dripping the blood from his fingertips into the nine black eyes of the altar.

A bright and dazzling light lit up, and the entire altar vibrated violently. A black passage appeared in the center of the altar, and countless cold and terrible death air erupted from it, with desolation. The breath of loneliness.

The entrance of the black passage is like a huge black eye, very weird and eerie.

"This is the entrance to the Netherworld Prison." Patriarch Ke's face turned pale, and there was a trace of seriousness and solemnity in his eyes looking at Mu Qianyue. "Girl Mu, this Netherworld Prison is extremely dangerous. Dead and no life! And I don’t know whether this channel can lead to the Nether Hell, so the rest is up to you! This formation can only last for a while, once you enter, this formation will It will be closed automatically. If you come up with it, then you will have to find another way."

"Okay, I see, let's go for the rest, Chief Ke, thank you for your help." Mu Qianyue said.

Looking up at the black entrance in the front of the eyes, there was a deep flash in the dark pupils, and there was a hint of faint excitement, Jing, I am coming!

I will not leave you alone in this netherworld!

Regardless of the swordsmanship, the Nine Netherworld Prison, I will be with you!

Never give up!

Suddenly a figure jumped out from the grass beside it and slammed into Mu Qianyue fiercely.

"Qianyue, be careful!" Mu Rutian's expression changed.

"Sister Yue!" Ke Yingying's pupils shrank suddenly, and she rushed forward, pushing Mu Qianyue aside, but her body involuntarily fell into the black passage, and the endless cold death air swept in. , Instantly wrapped her inside.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and an icy chill was surging in her eyes. She raised her head to look at that figure, it was Zhou Mengran!

Just now because I missed Jing too much, I left God for a while. I didn’t expect Zhou Mengran to rush out of the grass. Zhou Mengran followed behind her all the way. She felt it, but saw that she was just following far behind, so Mu Qianyue did not trouble her.

It's not that Mu Qianyue is soft-hearted, but that she is eager to go to the nether prison, eager to find the man who can not even kill for her...

"Yingying!" Patriarch Ke's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed towards the front of his eyes, only to see pitch black inside, and his fingers could not be seen. For a while, Ke Yingying was gone.

When Ke Yingying fell, Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Rutian rushed in quickly, but there was a figure faster than the two of them, and jumped in without hesitation, it was Mu Ze!

"Muze, you..." Zhou Mengran yelled sharply, but she had just spoken, and Mu Ze had already jumped in and disappeared instantly.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Mengran's eyes flashed with anger and hatred, and she shouted toward the entrance, "Muze, are you so reluctant to bear him? How can I not compare to her! Ahhhhh..."

"There is no place in your whole body that can compare to her." Mu Qianyue's cold eyes fell on her, like a sharp knife.

Hearing the voice behind him, Zhou Mengran turned around and looked up at Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with hatred, "Mu Qianyue, it's all you! It's all you! Had you not appeared, I would have been with Muze long ago Now! We are married a long time ago! Why did you bring Ke Yingying back! Now Mu Ze did not hesitate to jump into this void channel for her, ha ha... I have deep affection for him, but he abandoned it like a shoe, what is this? why?"

Tears flowed down her face, looking very pitiful.

Mu Qianyue looked at her coldly, and there was no sympathy, only disgust in her eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with loving someone, but you should not base your happiness on the suffering of others, let alone your own happiness. Even your best friend can design harm. Mu Ze doesn't like it because of you. Although Yingying is not a medicine medicinal pill, she is pure and kind, and you have a deep heart. Mu Ze is not a fool, so she naturally knows which one is more suitable for him to love!"

The cold voice fell faintly, his steps lightly lifted, and he forced him towards Zhou Mengran.

Zhou Mengran's face changed, extremely blue and purple, and very ugly. Seeing Mu Qianyue's icy and terrifying chill surging around her body, she couldn't help but shake her body, her footsteps involuntarily backed away, behind her was pitch black like ink leading to death path of.

She fell directly into the void under her feet, and the endless darkness instantly flooded her.

Mu Qianyue's eyes sank, and she said to Patriarch Ke who was on the side, "Patriarch Ke, you go back first, if we can come back, I will definitely bring Yingying back safely!"

Like the sky and the wind chimes, Yingying should have nothing to do.

With a movement of his mind, Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling were directly taken into the space of Tongtian Tower.

With a movement, he jumped into the black channel.



The cold breath, the bloodthirsty and terrifying breath of death rushed toward his face, and even the stern ghost crying could be heard, which was extremely shocking.

There is nothingness in the passage, without any roads, just like a time tunnel, and the terrifying murderous intent, time and space storm hidden in the eerie death breath.

Ke Yingying closed her eyes and suddenly heard a familiar shout behind her, "Yingying...Yingying..."

The next moment, a warm palm covered her from behind and put her in her arms.

"Muze?" The man's familiar and warm breath rushed towards her face, Ke Yingying opened her eyes and looked at him incredulously.

She never expected Mu Ze to come down too, almost making her think it was her hallucination.

"Yingying, don't be afraid. I said I would protect you. I was wrong last time. I shouldn't have let you go to the Forbidden Mountain alone, so that you would fall into Zhou Mengran's trap." Mu Ze tightly controlled With her in his arms, he bowed his head and whispered in her ear, his voice was extremely gentle and full of pity.

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