Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1032: Magic Pill【4】

Although Miss Mu's method of refining the pill is a little strange, at least she is very serious, which still makes Bru appreciate it, and it is very impolite to interrupt others rashly.

In fact, when it comes to alchemy, Mu Qianyue's alchemy has reached the ultimate, not to mention the world is invincible, at least he is also proficient in the fire, and he is able to grasp it.

The reason for the unfamiliar technique is that he is not familiar enough with the medicinal materials here. Except for the medicinal materials that failed the first time, this is only the second time to refine the magic pill, so it is slightly unfamiliar.

It is precisely because of this that everyone thinks that she can't make alchemy.

At this moment, a strong medicinal scent came from the cauldron in front of Mu Qianyue, scorching dazzling light flashed in the dark pupils, the palm of the hand was lightly waving, and the lid of the tripod flew gently. A mellow red-brown pill with a strong fragrance flew out of the cauldron.

A little bit of cold light and water mist lingered around the pill, which was the effect of Netherworld Water.

Lifting her bare hand lightly, as soon as she grasped the magic pill, the corner of her lips raised a charming smile, she made it!

The previous failure made her feel a little lost and nervous, but she was not angry or impetuous. Instead, she calmed down and tried to find out the problem.

If she is impetuous like them, the result must be a failure.

Alchemy pays attention to meditation, peace of mind, no hurry, and gradual progress to succeed.

It is necessary to know the truth that haste is not achieved.

No matter what you do, it is the same principle, calmly, think about the problem, and then do it again. Don't act too hastily. The more anxious you will only make more mistakes.

The skin of a woman is like fat, delicate features, beautiful and charming, especially the light smile on the lips, elegant and charming, just like the other bank flower blooming on the bank of Wangchuan River, charming and charming, with a stunning and fatal charm .

Bulu couldn't help but stared blankly, his eyes filled with surprise.

Carefully put the magical pill into the medicine bottle, Mu Qianyue retracted the flames, and the Liuliding tripod back into the space of the Tongtian Pagoda. Then he raised his head to look at the front of Buu, and walked forward. The sound was clear and beautiful, as if flying in Sanskrit sound in the clouds.

"I have successfully refined the magic pill."

Bruce came back to his senses and smiled, "Girl Mu is really unexpected, she can successfully refine the magic pill with one person, but it's shocking."

The least favored person has made a magic pill, which is really...

And the pill masters who had mocked Mu Qianyue in the past opened their mouths wide, with depressed and shocked expressions on their faces. Their faces could be as ugly as they were, and they wanted to dig a hole in.

They ridiculed her contemptuously, and as a result, they only refined the magic pill, and they?

Three opportunities have failed!

What a shame!

Bulu took the pill that Mu Qianyue had handed him, opened it, and smelled it, and the charming fragrance came to his face in an instant. After a scent, he felt extremely refreshed. A strange light flashed in his eyes for an instant. He said with joy, "Miss Mu, the power of the magic pill you refined is 80%! Huayuan power is 90%!"

His words fell, like a thunder blowing in everyone's ears.

"What? 80% medical power and 90% chemical power?"

"Impossible! Young Master Blue, did you make a mistake?"

Bru shook his head, the joy and excitement on his face even more, "You can't go wrong, don't believe it, see for yourself!"

Everyone took the pill and was dumbfounded after seeing the pure medicinal power permeating the pill!

Such a pure medicinal power is the strongest one they have ever seen!

"Damn! Eighty percent medicinal power and ninety percent transformative power, this is definitely a master-level level!"

"Wipe! A grandmaster-level pill is pretending to be forced here!"

"Yes! Is it fun to pretend to be?"

Everyone said in angrily.

Mu Qianyue twitched the corners of her mouth depressed, did she pretend to be forced? Hey, well, she can never tell them that she is a human.

"Yes, girl Mu, your pill technique is so powerful, how can the technique of refining pill medicine be a bit rusty?" Bulu asked suspiciously.

"I've been busy cultivating before, so I haven't made alchemy for nearly ten years, so it's a bit rusty for a while." Mu Qianyue randomly found a reason to pass.

"No wonder it's the case." Blu didn't doubt, and a smile appeared on his face. "This match is for the girl to win. But everyone present can still get rich rewards. I still count what I said before."

Then Bruce excitedly took the medicine and entered the courtyard where the lord lived.

After serving the devil's pill, the city lord's condition instantly recovered, and he was alive and well.

A dinner was held in the city lord’s mansion that night, and the lord entertained everyone.

Thinking of the dishes in the restaurant, Mu Qianyue felt a headache.

The back garden is full of wine tables, a lively scene of singing.

Mu Qianyue was sitting there, looking at the table full of raw meat, she felt her forehead jump suddenly.

Bulu came to Mu Qianyue and sat down, "Why don't you eat them, are these dishes unappetizing?"

"Recently I lose weight and only eat fruits." Mu Qianyue smiled, and stretched out her hand to touch her face, revealing a charming and brilliant smile, "As a woman, the most important thing is her appearance. Eating more fruits can help you beautify your face. So I usually don’t eat meat."

Bulu was taken aback, and then smiled, "No wonder Girl Mu's skin is like snow and her appearance is beautiful. It turned out to be a problem of eating more fruits. In fact, I also like eating meat too much."

As he said, he beckoned to the maid on the side, "Remove all these and bring some fresh fruit."

Soon, the raw meat on the table was removed and replaced with a variety of fruits, most of which Mu Qianyue hadn't seen before. I thought it was a special fruit from the nether hell.

The fruit that grows in the Nether Hell has absorbed the breath of death year after year. For Bulu and the others, it is a delicious fruit, but for Mu Qianyue it is a poisonous fruit.

If you eat too much, it is easy to be eroded by the air of death. Fortunately, there is a magic flower in her hand, so there is no need to be afraid.

I took a black fruit similar to a peach and ate it.

No way, if she eats neither meat nor fruit, it is easy to be suspected by them.

"Haha, are you all here? Then eat and drink as much as you like!" At this moment, a man's hearty laughter sounded.

I saw a middle-aged man walking over, wearing a tight-fitting black robe, a black cloak outside, black leather boots on his feet, and his black hair tied with a black wooden hairpin. His face was rough. And slightly gloomy.

This man is the city lord of Rakshasa City, and also Bru's father, called Bunir.

"Welcome Lord City Lord."

Everyone got up and thought.

"Sit down, all sit down." Bunir laughed, walked straight to sit on the luxurious seat above, and smiled at everyone. "Listen to me, everyone worked together to make the magic pill. , The disease on this city lord was cured. To thank everyone, I have prepared a generous reward."

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