Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1033: Send you a ball of fire! 【1】

As his words fell, thirteen maids immediately walked in with plates, each with a black irregular stone placed on each plate, and respectfully walked in front of Mu Qianyue and the other twelve pill masters.

"This is a small space stone, similar to the space ring. It contains rich rewards. You can check it with your mind." Blu's voice sounded next to it.

Mu Qianyue reached out to take it, and thought to dive into it. The space of the Black Stone was not big, about the size of a small house, with a pile of black coins piled in it, about one hundred thousand, plus some medicinal materials.

For the Nether Hell where resources are scarce, these rewards are already generous.

These black medicinal materials, she didn't need it, and she wasn't interested, but these black coins might come in handy. After all, she would stay here for a while.

"Lu'er, this woman next to you is Girl Mu?" Buniel held the wine glass and walked down from above. His eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's body, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, father. Girl Mu has refined the magic pill by herself, and her medicinal power and transformation power are terrifyingly high. She is a great pill master." With a smile on Bulu's face. Face proudly introduced to his father.

"I didn't expect Girl Mu to be able to refine such a powerful pill at her young age. It's really terrifying!" Bunir smiled and praised.

"It's just good luck." Mu Qianyue replied lightly.

Compared with the human pill, the medicinal power and the elemental energy are actually too low. For the pill that she refined before, which medicinal power is not more than 90%, the elemental energy is 100%!

At the beginning of refining magic pills, he was not very familiar with them, and he did not control the black medicinal materials very well, so both the medicinal power and the elemental energy have dropped a lot.

"Miss Mu is humble." Bunir smiled, his eyes flashing, staring at Mu Qianyue unblinkingly, making her feel very uncomfortable, frowning slightly in discomfort.

Brue also felt that his father's eyes were too hot and weird, so he coughed lightly and tried to interrupt Buniel's gaze, "Father, the banquet has begun. Would you like to invite dancers in to accompany him?"

"The dancer is naturally necessary." Buniel laughed and walked back to the top.

The **** dancers used to fish in, twisting their waists like water snakes, seductive and full of style.

Buniel looked bored, and his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue again. He used to think that these dancers were beautiful and confusing, but only after seeing Mu Qianyue did he realize how many of these dancers are. vulgar.

With the same makeup, Mu Qianyue looks noble and elegant, with a little freshness in her charm, and a variety of styles.

And the dancer in front of me is really more vulgar!

"My Rakshasa city just lacks a capable pill master, Miss Mu, I don't know if you are willing to stay?" Bunir's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he raised his head and asked Mu Qianyue.

His words fell, and immediately attracted all kinds of enviable eyes from other medicine masters.

He was really happy, and he was favored by City Lord Bunir, and he would be the Pharmacist of Rakshasa City in the future. His status is so respected that many people can't envy him.

That's right, she can refine the magic pill with the power of one person, and the medicinal power and the transformation power are so high, the Lord Bunir will naturally find a way to keep her.

It is very difficult to find such a powerful pill master.

Bulu also cast a look of expectation at Mu Qianyue, hoping she could stay.

Mu Qianyue's gaze was faint, and there was no expression of excitement on her face, "Thank you for the love of the city lord, but I still have important things to do, it is inconvenient to stay here for a long time."

Everyone sighed after hearing this, and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing. What a fool! Is there anything more important than staying in Raksha City and becoming the Alchemist of City Bunir?

It's a pity that you don't know how to seize such a good opportunity and it's wasted like this!

But if she doesn't stay, they will have a chance, right?

Buniel's eyes sank slightly, "Miss Mu, don't you think about it?"

"I have considered it very clearly." Mu Qianyue raised his head to meet his gaze without fear, patted the skirt, Shi Shiran got up, "I have almost eaten too, it is time to leave, thank you, the city lord And the hospitality of the young master."

Having said that, he wanted to walk, only to take two steps, and Bunir's cold and gloomy voice sounded behind him.

"Since it's here, why bother to leave?"

The hearty smile on Bunir’s face disappeared, replaced by a cold and deep, he slowly walked down, walked to the opposite side of Mu Qianyue, and smiled, “I don’t know how many people burst their heads and want to go to my city lord’s mansion. Come in, why are you still running out? Don't worry, this city lord will not treat you badly!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand to touch Mu Qianyue's face.

Mu Qianyue's eyes suddenly became cold, and she moved lightly, avoiding the salty pig's hand that he stretched out without a trace, "Putrajaya, I hope you will respect yourself."

"Father, since Girl Mu is unwilling to stay, you shouldn't force her." Bru was shocked, and quickly got up and walked to Mu Qianyue's body, deliberately blocking her behind him.

"Lu'er, I happen to have something to announce." Bunir didn't hear it, but said to himself, "I fell in love with Girl Mu. When I first saw her, I liked it very much. So I think I am going to marry her as my wife. It just so happens that your mother died well, and she will be your stepmother in the future."

There was a commanding tone in his tone, he insisted on going his own way and couldn't refuse.

"Father!" Bulu was shocked when he heard this, his father's eyes just made him feel very uneasy, but he never expected that his father would have such thoughts about Mu Qianyue!

"Father, this is absolutely forbidden! Girl Mu is our benefactor, it would be too much for you to do this..."

Before he could finish his words, Bunier interrupted him displeasedly, "Huh, what do you mean, you think I am too much? I am paying back to girl Mu for her life-saving grace and can become my Buniel’s wife , I don’t know how many women are thinking about this in Rakshasa City! I have decided on this matter. You should not interfere anymore, otherwise, don’t blame me for being angry!”

Bru's face turned pale, very ugly.

When Mu Qianyue heard the words, the corners of her lips curled up with a cold smile, "Your decision is a green onion! What you say smells like fart!"

My old mother doesn't show her power, but when her old mother is a sick cat!

grass! His decision is a bird! He said to marry yourself?

Grandma a ball, this dead Raksha!

In a rage, Rao Yi Mu Qianyue's indifferent temper could not help but explode a swear word.

hiss! !

The garden was quiet, and there was a sound of air-conditioning.

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