Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1034: Send you a ball of fire! 【2】

One by one raised their heads to look at Mu Qianyue and at the figure shrouded in moonlight, with a touch of admiration in his eyes, and a sigh.

This woman is really not afraid of death! Too arrogant!

She even dared to speak to City Lord Bunir like this, and even verbally insulted her. Is she tired of life?

Or thought that the Lord Bunir took a fancy to her, she has the capital to clamor with the Lord Bunir? Doesn't she know that no matter how beautiful a woman is in the eyes of a man, she is only a venting tool?

"Good courage! I dare to talk to the city lord like this. No one has dared to talk to myself like this for many years!" Buniel sneered with a trace of anger in his eyes, "Little pepper like you, The more this city owner likes it!"

He waved his sleeves and shouted, "Come here, take her to bathe and change clothes. The lord of the city will enjoy the taste of the bridal chamber tonight."

Suddenly a few maidservants stepped forward and respectfully blessed Mu Qianyue, "Miss Mu, come with us."

The coldness of Mu Qianyue’s lips became more and more icy, the life-killing sword in his hand condensed, and the whole body exuded a cold and bloodthirsty aura. The long sword in his hand waved, and he slashed down without hesitation. The servant girls suddenly It was cut into strands of black smoke and disappeared into the air.

The people in Rakshasa City are basically Rakshas, ​​but everyone is of different levels, high or low, but without exception, their bodies will not bleed. Once they die, they will turn into black smoke and disappear forever.

Humans will bleed when injured, and there will be corpses and souls after death. This is the difference between humans, Rakshasa and Shura.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and there was a hint of jealousy in the eyes of Mu Qianyue.

by! Cattle!

It's not ambiguous at all to say that you do it!

Unexpectedly, her strength actually reached the extreme difference of the magic commander!

The demon commander, that is, the emperor warrior equivalent to the human being.

Buniel's face suddenly became gloomy with a sigh, and his eyes were filled with undisguised murderous intent, "It seems that you are determined to be an enemy of this city lord!"

"Father, Girl Mu is our savior. She refined the magic pill and saved you. You can't avenge your grievances!" Bulu tightly stood in front of Mu Qianyue and said anxiously. He tried to persuade the angry man, but his words seemed weak and pale.

"I have no gratitude and revenge, but I have paid her! I just want her to stay!" Buniel sneered.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were filled with cold light, and she stretched out her hand to push Bulu away, "Bulu, you don't have to intervene in my affairs. He wants to keep me, it's impossible!"

"It's extremely arrogant, extremely arrogant!" Buniel sneered, his body moved, and his whole body was demonic. The cloak behind him stood up in the air without wind, like a terrible black bat. When he moved, he was right. Mu Qianyue rushed over.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, and with a movement of her mind, the Nine Changes of Tai Chi was activated, and the power of the stars quickly circulated throughout his body. Under the action of the power of the stars, the bright red blood in the body gradually turned into red gold.

At this moment, her body's strength reached tenfold, and she was invulnerable!

The reason why she did not display the Azure Dragon bloodline is because this is the Nether Hell. The breath of the bloodline here is the same as the spirit of heaven and earth. To them, they are all delicacies in the world, and they are all great tonics, which will cause infinite disasters.

The Nether Prison is full of Rakshasa and Shura. They don't even have blood in their bodies, not to mention that they are in the blood of the Azure Dragon. It's strange if it doesn't cause a sensation!

Another point, if she is injured here and shed bright red blood, it will make these people discover that she is a human thing.

And the power of the stars replaced the blood, even if she was injured, she would not bleed, but the power of the stars would leak out, so that it would not arouse the suspicions of these rakshas, ​​at most it would shock them.

Another point is that the power of the power of stars has a heavy effect on these rakshas!

Don't forget that the power of the stars is extremely cathodic, which encompasses the essence of the sun and the moon, and the vast stars, but the power of the stars of the extremely sun, like sunlight, is what makes Raksha most afraid.

The Extinction Sword in his hand was raised and quickly issued two terrible killer moves. The Extinction and Soul Extinction were continuously issued. The terrifying sword light seemed to tear the world apart, and slashed towards Bunir fiercely. !

The sword light screamed, and suddenly rushed to Bunir with the terrifying star power.

Burning hot breath rushed towards his face, Buniel's face changed drastically, and he let out a scream, "Ahhhhh..."

Zi Zi Zi...

There was a burst of strong smoke rising from his body, and he was so painful that he screamed, but he was covering his face with his hands, and he looked extremely painful.

A moment later, Bunir raised his head. The angular face was now bloodless, and it was constantly braving the black air, completely unrecognizable, leaving only a pair of angry fire-breathing eyes, terrifying.

This scene caused the other Rakshasa to show fear, and quickly got up and retreated three feet away from Mu Qianyue, for fear of being affected.

Raksha was already ugly, weird and ugly. They were not afraid of disfigurement, but afraid of being injured by Mu Qianyue's sharp weapon.

"What technique did you use?" Bunir roared hoarsely and angry. If his eyes could kill people, he would have killed Mu Qianyue a hundred times.

Mu Qianyue's lips raised a cold arc, and looked at him with idiot eyes, "Do you think I will tell you?"

"Follow me, everyone, whoever catches her will be the first elder of my Rakshasa City Lord's Mansion from now on!" Buniel gritted his teeth and roared, but he did not dare to step forward. Yue's move was terribly scared.

The power of the stars in Mu Qianyue's body was surging, and the invisible power of the stars was also surging on the Extinguishing Sword.

The Phantom's footwork unfolded, coordinated with the hidden attack, and instantly jumped out of the City Lord's Mansion and disappeared into the night.

Seeing Mu Qianyue running away from the sky, Bunir gritted his teeth with anger, "Damn it! I want you to take her back to me immediately..."


Before the last word could be spoken, a ball of dazzling fire suddenly lit up in the distance, rushing like a streamer, and then the ‘teng’ one fell into the city lord’s mansion, and the fireball suddenly ignited.

In an instant, thick smoke billowed, and the fire filled the sky, illuminating the gloomy night.

The entire city lord's mansion was shrouded in fire.

Bunir's angrily roar sounded from the middle of the night, "Ahhhhh!! Mu Qianyue, I'm never ending with you! If I don't catch it, Bunir will never give up in this life!!!"

Mu Qianyue walked leisurely in the Rakshasa City at night. After coming to the Raksha City for a few days, she hadn't strolled around. As for Bunir, she is not afraid, whether it is the Azure Dragon Underworld Fire or the pure sun's star power, it can burn him to death in minutes!

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