Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1040: Enter the nine pylorus [1]

Turned and left.

Bulu's eyes sank, he looked at Mu Qianyue's figure, and then at the Yunzhongxian Restaurant in front of him, his brows furrowed, and a flash of worry flashed quickly.

Huo Jie on the side saw this and couldn't help but take the opportunity to attack, "Haha, Bulu, you trash, you can't even protect the woman you like. Young Master Situ also likes this woman."

His yin and yang voice was full of joy and misfortune.

Humph! Isn't this kid Bru just now with an air of air? Now let's see how proud he is!

He didn't dare to provoke Young Master Situ, and he didn't dare to provoke the woman Young Master Situ liked, but he could still squeeze out his anger at any time about this trash like Bru?

Hahaha...especially seeing Bru's depressed look now, I really feel very happy!

Bulu's face became cold, and he didn't even look at Huo Jie, chasing Mu Qianyue's footsteps ahead.

Huo Jie didn't seem to mind at all, and still kept yelling behind Bru.

Time flies by, and a month's time is fleeting.

During this period of time, Situ Mo never came to her again, which surprised Mu Qianyue a bit.

Early in the morning, thousands of people gathered in the Shura field in the city of Shura. The heads were surging, and there were grimaces with ugly faces that shuttled. There were also some beautiful Shura and Rakshas, ​​some of them looked very gentle, Some are bold and rough, some are ugly, very scary, and some look like terrifying giants...

In short, the scene is very lively.

Mu Qianyue and Bulu also came to the Xiuluo arena, and the competition soon began. When it was Mu Qianyue's turn, a weird scene happened. No matter who Mu Qianyue's opponent was, the other party rolled down.

The problem is that Mu Qianyue doesn't even have any strength!

Even Mu Qianyue frowned in confusion, what the **** is this? Is this deliberately giving her water?

Then, in the eyes of everyone envious, shocked, or puzzled, Mu Qianyue made it to the top ten smoothly all the way, almost without any effort! !

The beautiful black eyes narrowed, and soon figured out what was going on, it must be the ghost of Situ Mo!

This is the entry selection of Jiuyoumen, besides he has such great power, who else?

"Qianyue, congratulations, I guess you will soon be able to enter the Nine Pagodas and become one of the twelve Shura kings under the seat of the ghost ghost." A sincere smile appeared on Bru's face.

Being able to become one of the twelve great Shura kings under the main seat of the ghost ghost is something that countless Shura and Raksha in the entire nether prison envy. This represents the supreme glory, and he is also one of them. As a good friend of Qianyue, he is also very happy to see good friends selected.

It's a pity that he can no longer be with her.

"I believe you can do it too." Mu Qianyue looked at him with a slight smile on her lips.

Bulu shook his head, and his eyes quickly flashed dim, "I have no chance, I only have the strength of a Tier 1 Demon General. If I want to be selected, unless I have the strength of a Tier 3 Demon General, it is absolutely impossible!"

The people who participated this time are very strong!

"Qianyue, after entering the Jiuyoumen, you have to be more careful, I may not continue to accompany you anymore." After a pause, he looked up at her and said seriously.

Mu Qianyue hooked her lips, "The final will only be played in three days. It's still early, maybe you will jump two steps in a row in these three days."

After talking, got up and left.

Jump two steps in a row?

He wants it too! But this is simply impossible!

Back in the inn, Mu Qianyue went directly to the Tongtian Pagoda and found some medicinal materials to prepare for alchemy.

Now the space of Tongtian Pagoda has undergone some changes. In the open and bright space, many flowers, flowers and plants have been planted, most of which are medicinal materials that Mu Qianyue put in the space.

These were naturally made by Moshang Fengling, Tian Shuo and Mu Rutian.

Being in the Tongtian Tower space every day is a bit boring, so after practicing, they all started planting medicinal materials.

I have to say that the aura in the space of the Tongtian Tower is really strong, and the medicinal materials that have only been planted for about half a month have grown very tall.

"Master, are you going to refine the magic pill?" Xiao Xuan'er said with a surprised expression.

Mu Qianyue nodded, summoned the blue dragon underworld, bounced into the glazed cauldron, and began to refine the pill. With previous experience, it was obviously much easier to refine the magic pill this time, and it was a lot easier, and it didn't take too long. , A magic pill has been refined.

After leaving the space of Tongtian Pagoda, he directly found Bulu, and handed the pill, "This is a gift for you."

"A gift for me?" Bulu was taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. A surprised look crossed Mu Qianyue's face, and finally fell on the small black bottle in her palm.


He stretched out his hand suspiciously, opened it, and instantly a strong medicinal scent puffed his nose. Bru's spirit was shocked, his face was extremely excited, his eyes stared incredibly, "Will the spirit pill?"

"En." Mu Qianyue smiled and nodded.

"This is too expensive, I can't take it!" After a long pause, Bulu reacted, with a trace of dignity on his face, pushing the pill back into Mu Qianyue's hands.

Although he wanted this pill very much, but this pill was really too expensive, this is a general spirit pill, which can enhance the strength of the first-order powerhouse of the magic general level! If this is put to auction, it can definitely sell at an amazing price!

This release is enough to make everyone rob!

You must know that it is very difficult for them to cultivate each level of Asura and Raksha, but this pill can directly increase the strength of the first level!

"Don't forget, I'm a pill master. Pills and other medicines are just handy for me, as long as there are medicinal materials." Mu Qianyue smiled, this pill is even a thank you for being in the nether prison for this time. He took care of her and saved her a lot of trouble.

After pondering for a moment, Bulu accepted this general spirit pill. If he can enter the Nine Pagodas, can he continue to guard her by her side and accompany her?

"I will work hard, and strive to break through to the strength of a Tier 3 magic general in three days!" He made a fist, and a firm expression flashed in his eyes.


In a blink of an eye it was three days later.

This time, the Shura Field was even more lively, perhaps because the finals were about to come, and the battle would be much more exciting, and almost everyone was surrounded here.

The process of Mu Qianyue's participation in the competition was still smooth, still controlling the enemy with one move, and even before she made a move, the opponent fell down.

Mu Qianyue silently twitched the corners of her mouth. Isn't this show too fake?

Anyhow, it's like a point!

Hey, forget it, anyway, she can enter the Jiuyoumen without a trace of strength, that's enough, whatever they do!

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