Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1041: Enter the nine pylorus [2]

"Next game, Blue vs. Huo Jie." The referee's lazy voice sounded.

Huo Jie walked to the competition table with a smug and arrogant smile on his face, haha, he never expected that his opponent would be a trash like Bru!

It seems that God is helping me! Then don't blame him for being ruthless! He will definitely teach him severely!

After getting on the test bench, I waited for a long time and didn’t see Bru coming on stage. The pride and madness on his face were even worse, and he couldn’t help yelling, “Where’s Bru? Why hasn’t this trash come yet? Isn’t it seeing Ben? The young master is scared, right? Haha... trash is trash, so I don’t even dare to go on stage..."

Seeing that Bruchi hadn't appeared, everyone showed contempt and disdain on their faces and whispered.

"Isn't that Bruce escaped on the fly?"

"I think it's possible! After all, this Huo Jie is a Tier 5 Demon General! I heard that the two of them have been at odds with each other. Isn't it just going up here?"

"That's right! It's impossible to win anyway, and it's possible to be afraid to shrink back."

"Tsk tusk, what a coward! I am so afraid that I dare not come on stage, and I want to become the King of Asura next to Lord Ghost Lord! Such a person is destined to be eliminated..."

Everyone's faces showed contempt and disdain, but Mu Qianyue sat quietly and plainly, because she knew that Bulu would definitely come.

Although Brue's talent is not as good as Huo Jie, although he was basically the one who was oppressed when he met Huo Jie with his teeth and claws, it did not mean that he would shrink back.

There is still a sense of reluctance in his bones.

The referee's eyes also showed a puzzled look. After waiting for a while, he cleared his throat and announced in a cold and merciless voice that he hadn't seen Brulai for a while, "This competition Huojie..."


The last word was not spoken yet, only a cold and powerful voice sounded.

"Should I not be late?"

Following a figure flew quickly and landed on the competition stage, perhaps because he came a little in a hurry, and his hair and robes were a little messy.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come, thinking that you were so afraid that you would abstain from voting! Since you are here, let's get beaten up!" Huo Jie sneered with a gloomy look. I didn't expect Bruce to come.

When he came, he came, just taking advantage of this opportunity to beat him severely.

Even if Bru came, he still could not change the fate of losing to himself!

Bulu looked at him calmly, his eyes were deep and secluded, and his voice was light and cold, "I will not abstain, and I will not lose to you."

Huo Jie couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, with a scornful and disdainful expression on his face, "You won't lose to me? Haha...Where are you confident? The strength of a mere first-order magic commander dare to brag in front of me! Be careful! I beat you all over the floor!"

The crowd onlookers also sneered. Is this Bulu stupid?

The strength of the first-order magic commander, still want to win Huo Jie? You know, Huo Jie is a Tier 5 magic general!

There is a difference of four levels in the middle, so he has no chance to win at all! Must have been hit too badly, lost heart!

"Try it and you'll know." Bulu snorted coldly, and his whole body was filled with devilish energy, and the lining of Qingjun's face was even more cold. At this moment, his aura was not lost to Huo Jie.

When everyone felt the breath on his body, their expressions changed drastically, showing a look of surprise and shock.

"What? Tier 5 Demon General?"

"Damn! Am I dazzled? Three days ago, wasn't this Bruce still a first-order magic general?"

"Yeah! I remember I played against him at the time! I was almost able to beat him at the time! Why didn't I see him for three days, he became a Tier 5 demon?"

"Grass! Even a meteor is not so fast!"

Rakshasa and Shura discussed in a gloomy low voice.

Not only him, but the referee also had a shocked look. At this moment, he was standing in the center of the competition platform, not very far from Bru. He clearly felt that the breath of Bru was the breath of a Tier 5 magic general!

At first he thought that Bruce had taken some pill that could temporarily increase his strength, but when he felt that his breath was stable, he knew that he did not take the pill, but his strength had really improved to Tier 5 within three days. The strength of the magic commander! !

This is simply too exaggerated, too incredible, too unbelievable!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought it was someone else bragging!

At this moment, Huo Jie's expression became gloomy and he was extremely ugly. He never expected that Bru would become a Tier 5 Demon General in three days, directly surpassing four levels! This is simply impossible!

No matter what other people's gazes are, Bulu's face is still calm. The light moon gave him the magic pill, he returned to the room and found that there were two magic pill in the bottle! There was a feeling of emotion and excitement in his heart, and he only then understood why Qianyue said that she could succeed at that time, because she had long thought of refining the spirit pill for herself!

This heart is as heavy as a mountain, which moved him very much.

In those few days, he felt the barrier to break through. After breaking through the first level, after taking the first general spirit pill, he was directly promoted to two levels. After taking the second general spirit pill, he rose again. Level 1, promoted to Tier 4!

The first of the spirit pill was increased by two levels, and the second was only the first rank. Now the spirit pill has no effect on him and has an immune function, so Qianyue was already calculated at that time, so he only gave it Two of him!

So in any case, he must win this game, otherwise how could he be worthy of Qian Yue's intentions?

Only if he wins, can he enter the Jiuyoumen and stay by her side!

The fist under the sleeve was clenched tightly, and the deep and secluded pupils flashed with incomparable light.

"Blu, I really didn't expect you to make such a big sensation as soon as you came out! You jumped four steps in a row. You should have taken Jiang Ling Pill? Tsk tsk tsk, you even have a pill like Jiang Ling Pill. , It seems that you really have lost money!" Huo Jie said with his eyes reddened, very jealous.

"What's the matter? Today I will return all the hatreds that you added to me in the past." Bruce said coldly.

"Huh! Just rely on you? Dreaming! Don't think that you can defeat me if you are a Tier 5 Demon General! Wishful thinking!" Huo Jie's eyes flashed with cold and disdainful light. You must know that you have entered the realm of Tier 5 Demon. For more than ten years, his aura has long been stable, and now he has the aura of the peak of a Tier 5 demon general, and Bruce has just been promoted, and he has only been promoted by the spirit pill, his strength is naturally not as good as himself!

"Then fight!" Bulu's voice fell coldly, and his body moved, preemptively, and rushed towards Huo Jie first.

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