Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1042: Enter the nine pylorus [3]

"I can't help it! I will let you understand what the gap is!" Huo Jie sneered, with a cruel look in his eyes, and when he moved, he rushed towards Bru.

The two figures quickly collided, entangled, and torn, and every magic bombardment was fierce.

Puff puff……

The devilish energy was overwhelming, and the black blood was flying in the air, turning into devilish energy in an instant.

Finally, after entangled for hundreds of rounds, the two figures finally separated. One figure fell out of it, retreated repeatedly, and kept retreating on the edge of the competition platform before it could stabilize the figure and almost fell off the stage. His face was a little pale, and a mouthful of blood came out directly.

This person is Bru.

On the other hand, Huo Jie only stepped back ten steps to stabilize his figure. His breath was slightly disturbed, but he did not suffer any injuries. Obviously, his situation was much better than Bru.

"Haha, Bulu, I said you could never be my opponent!" Huo Jie's face showed a triumphant and wild smile, and his scornful gaze fell on Bulu's body, with a domineering attitude.

When the fight was together, his heart was shocked. You should know that he almost lost just now. Fortunately, on the last blow, his power overwhelmed Bru, um, Tier 5 Demon General Elementary and Tier 5 The peak of the magic commander is still somewhat different.

Huhu, he can't lose to this rubbish, otherwise, where will his face go from now on?

He must be severely taught him, otherwise the bad breath in his heart is really hard to calm down!

Thinking of this, Huo Jie's eyes became savage and cruel.

"Broo, if you surrender now, I will let you go. Otherwise, you must look good!"

Hearing what Huo Jie said, Bru's face showed a trace of coldness, and he reached out to wipe the blood from his mouth, and snorted coldly, "I will never surrender until the last minute, let alone give up!"

Qianyue helped herself so much that he made him jump four steps in three days. If he still loses like this, what would he do to see her?

Although Qianyue only helped him out of kindness, he couldn't let Qianyue down. After all, that was the first time he was tempted by the woman, even though she didn't like herself!

Therefore, he must win, otherwise he will talk about protecting her by her side?

Even if he died, he would exhaust his last breath!

"Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Huo Jie snorted and quickly rushed towards Bru.


His body flickered one after another, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to Huo Jie's, and the magic sword in his hand suddenly pierced out, and a black sword full of magical energy slashed at the top of Bru's head, his sword energy hiss , Roar like an angry thunder!

For a time, the entire surrounding area was densely covered with fierce and terrifying sword lights above and below, and they surrounded Bulu in a package!

Bulu stood where he was. He raised his head to look at Huo Jie and his gaze was filled with determination. His deep pupils clearly reflected Huo Jie's hideousness and cruelty.

Everyone saw Bru standing still, with expressions of horror and regret on their faces. Is this Bruce stupid?

This terrible move, he neither dodges nor resists, why is he standing stupidly?

That's right, this move is so strong that he can't hide it no matter how hard he can. Even if he resists it, he can't escape the fate of being seriously injured.

At this moment, Bru finally moved.

He quickly squeezed the tactics with his fingers, and the whole person turned into a black sharp sword, facing Huo Jie's sword light.

Upon seeing this, everyone's faces showed incomparable horror, and some even exclaimed.

"Damn, is this Blue crazy? Is he going to die?"

"He is stupid! He even dared to face Huo Jie's ultimate move. This is obviously asking for his own death!"

"Hey, hurt the enemy 800, self-destruct a thousand! It's not worth it!"

You don't need to look to know that Bruce is defeated.


There was a loud bang, and countless demon qi lingered in the air, like a black mushroom cloud, blocking everyone's sight, a huge roar and explosion sounded in the ears, deafening.

For a while, everyone couldn't see clearly what was inside.

After all the demonic energy dissipated, the figure inside finally appeared.

I saw a figure lying on the ground dying, motionless, and that person turned out to be Huo Jie!

As for Bru, he knelt on one knee and lowered his head, wondering if he was dead.

The referee was stunned. Obviously he didn't expect this to be the case. Just when he was wondering which one of Brue and Huo Jie would win, suddenly, he saw Brue raised his head. At this time, his face was pale and his body was a little pale. Not as solid as before.

But at least he can still move.

Bru stood up and walked towards Huo Jie step by step. Huo Jie opened his eyes slightly, his eyes blurred, as if he could feel Bru walking towards him, there was a panic on his face, and he moved. He moved his fingers and tried to get up from the ground, but he obviously failed.

Not to mention getting up, even moving the arm is extremely difficult.

The next moment a cold face looked at him condescendingly, his eyes full of coldness and pride, "Huo Jie, you lost!"

The light voice fell like thunder and slammed into Huo Jie's heart, but these were nothing.

Bru stomped on Huo Jie's chest with a foot, and the corners of his lips curled up in a cold arc, "You are a waste! The word waste will be returned to you in the future!"

Then he kicked it off the competition table without mercy.

Huo Jie was so angry that he was very angry. Before he could react, he was kicked off the stage and hit the hard and cold black stone fiercely. Then he tilted his head very unconvincingly. Fainted.

This situation shocked everyone with their mouths open, and their eyes were filled with incredible expressions.


The most unlikely scene happened!

The one who won in the end turned out to be Bru! !

The ending is quite unexpected!

"This time, Blue wins!" The referee was stunned for a moment and returned to his senses, then returned to the expressionless appearance, and announced lightly.

Bulu's face was still calm, but there was a little excitement in his eyes. He went straight off the competition platform and walked to Mu Qianyue's face.

"Congratulations, you have won and become one of the twelve Shura kings beside the ghost master." Mu Qianyue's light voice floated into his ears.

"Thank you for this." Bru scratched his head.

"Blu, if one day, we become enemies, what will you do?" Mu Qianyue sighed lightly, wondering if it was right or wrong for him to enter the Jiuyoumen.

She entered the Jiuyoumen not to become a subordinate of the ghost master, but to take revenge, but this was Bruce's belief and goal.

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