Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1045: Buniel who vomits blood [1]

"It's okay, I have already found out." Mu Qianyue's lips pressed slightly.

If it were not for a special connection with Jing, I am afraid she would not find it.

It seems that this blood contract still has some benefits.

At least Jing's life and death can be determined, and his position can be found!

Xiao Xuan'er was overjoyed when she heard this, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Where is the lord now? How are we going to rescue?"

Mu Qianyue squinted slightly. This is indeed a problem. I don’t know what the strength of the ghost master is. According to Si Ming, his strength is very strong, but there is no entity. It should be under the demon, at least. The strength of Demon Saint, right?

Demon saint!

That is beyond the existence of God King! It is equivalent to the emperor of warriors!

And now she is not even a **** king!

It's not a bit short of a star in the middle! !

"We still need to consider a long-term plan, and can't be too hasty..." Before she finished speaking, a strange and cold breath came from outside the courtyard. Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, and with a wave of her sleeve, Xiao Xuan'er was taken into the Tongtian Tower. In the space, because at the same time, a figure came in along the window.

The dim candle light hit his face, revealing a cold and handsome face, but Mu Qianyue was very disgusted, because the person here was not someone else, but Situ Mo.

"Young Master Situ, do you have the habit of climbing a girl's boudoir in the middle of the night?" Mu Qianyue said coldly.

Situ Mo was not annoyed when he heard the words, and the corners of his lips raised a wicked smile, "You are wrong, but you are not a boudoir here, it should be a married woman."

"Since Young Master Situ knows that I am a married woman, I invite you to go out."

"The young master likes you like this, it has charm." He smiled evilly, walked straight to the chair beside Mu Qianyue and sat down.

Mu Qianyue disdainfully sips, really shameless!

"Leave far away!"

"Xiao Yueyue, I know the purpose of your coming to the Nether Prison. I didn't expect you to be really infatuated with him! Even if he did not hesitate to run into the Nether Prison, is he worth it?" Suddenly Situ Mo's face turned straight and his eyes Seriously staring at the woman in front of her.

When will a woman treat herself like this?

She will never leave, even in Jiu Nether Prison, she will make a breakthrough for herself.

Seriously, he really envy Nalanjing!

Mu Qianyue's face changed, and her eyes suddenly became darker. Yeah, as the young master of the Jiuyoumen, how could he not know that Jing was locked here, and how could he not know between Jing and the ghost underworld master? Agreement?

"I advise you to give up saving him! Because you can't save him from the hand of the ghost master! Even I don't know where he is being held! The ghost master seems to take him very seriously and regard him very much. Tight, no one is allowed to approach Si Ming Hall for half a step, even if an ant accidentally approaches, he can detect that if you go, you will just die!" Situ Mo suddenly said with a serious face.

Mu Qianyue calmly said, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Heh..." Situ Mo laughed at himself, paused, and the evil and coldness in his eyes returned again, "I just don't want you to die. If you die, won't my wish to marry a wife come to nothing?"

"No matter what you think in your heart, I won't like you when I die." Mu Qianyue said coldly.

"Hehe, anyway, I have time. You have come to these nine pylorus. It is not so easy to leave. After you stay here for a hundred or thousand years, you might change my outlook and forget Nalanjing. Fall in love with me." Situ Mo gave a light smile, got up and left.

He won't tell her, in a few days, the ghost master will work out a way to swallow Nalanjing's soul, and there will be no such person in the world!

The ghost master will have a body with Nalanjing and become descendants of Yanhuang bloodline, but his soul will no longer be Nalanjing, but has become the ghost master of the ghost!

Seeing Situ Mo's leaving figure, for some reason, Mu Qianyue felt a little uneasy in her heart. She felt that she could not wait any longer!


Rakshasa City

A small cold figure walked on the black stone paved street, with a cold indifference in the purple glaze-like eyes.

"Bing Yan, did you say that my mother is not here?"

As Jiujiu walked, he looked down at the ice flame on his wrist that turned into an ice blue bracelet, and asked.

"Yes, I didn't sense the master's breath here." Bing Yan's voice was slightly deep, with a hint of doubt.

"Go to the City Lord's Mansion and ask." Jiujiu Road, walking straight to the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city.

I remember that when he left Raksha City, my mother seemed to go to make alchemy for the city lord of the city lord's mansion, and now I don't know how.

After a while, he came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Two fierce Rakshasa stopped him and shouted coldly, "Where is the little guy, go go, go and play!"

Jiujiu's face suddenly became cold, "Where is my mother?"

"What your mother, we don't know your mother!"

"Are you here to make trouble? This is the City Lord's Mansion, not a place where you can make trouble. It's better to stay away if you are conscious!" The two Shura said fiercely.

A terrifying demonic energy and killing intent erupted from his small body, which was terrifying.

The two Shura guardians suddenly turned pale, their legs trembled with fright, and shocked expressions appeared in their eyes. This little guy looked only two years old, and his aura was so terrifying, as if he was even stronger than them. high!

What the fuck!

You must know that the two of them have practiced for more than two hundred years and they are only at the level of a demon!

This little boy looks only two years old!

Above the devil is the demon general, this is impossible!

The two-year-old magician?

This is too ridiculous!

"Say, where is my mother?" Jiujiu's purple eyes burst out with a chill, and the tender voice was full of terrible murderous at this moment, and the two Shura guards' legs trembled even more terribly. , His face was extremely pale.

One of them was shaking his legs, with a frightened and depressed expression on his face, almost crying, "I...we... really don't know your mother..."

"Yeah... We don't even know what your mother looks like or what her name is..."

"My mother's name is Mu Qianyue." Jiujiu said coldly, grabbing her momentum.

When the two Shura guards heard the words, their expressions changed, and the two looked at each other, and said in one person, "You know, Mu Qianyue, it's the pill master, right? I'm going to invite her out."

He turned around and ran.

Jiujiu narrowed his eyes suspiciously, mother in there? But why can't I feel the breath of my mother, nor Bing Yan?

"Little master, I feel there is fraud in this." Bing Yan said to Jiujiu's secret voice, with a touch of solemnity in his cold voice.

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