Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1046: Buniel who vomits blood [2]

Jiujiu snorted coldly, and the devilish energy surged in the purple eyes, "They had better not do anything to hurt the mother, otherwise I don't mind letting the entire Rakshasa City be buried for the mother!"

After a while, I saw a figure rushing out violently, and the sound came first before anyone arrived.

"Where, where?!!!"

The loud voice was full of anger and arrogance.

"It's there, the city lord, that child with purple eyes, he said his mother is called Mu Qianyue." The Shura guard who ran in just now followed Buniel carefully like a pug. There was a flattering look on his face.

Haha, he is going to do a great job now! As long as he catches this muddy boy and angers the city lord, he can be promoted and he does not need to continue to be a guard here!

So the look on his face became more flattering, and he wished to put his face on it.

"Are you the son of that **** Mu Qianyue?" Buniel asked with contempt and disdain.

That day Mu Qianyue burned his city lord mansion on fire, and half of the entire city lord mansion was burnt to black ashes. If he hadn't used the nether water to put out the fire in the end, I am afraid the entire city lord mansion would be wiped out!

In order to put out the fire, I don't know how much Nether Water he spent, and even the Nether Water in the entire City Lord's Mansion for nearly 10,000 years was used up overnight!

But Mu Qianyue escaped, she couldn't find it no matter how she looked for it!

This makes Buniel very angry, it is like holding a fire in his chest and nowhere to vent, almost suffocating him! In the end, it seemed that it was not easy for him to inquire about Mu Qianyue's news, but found that she had entered the Jiuyoumen and became one of the twelve great Shura kings under the ghost master.

Now he even had no chance of revenge.

Nether Ghost Lord is the master of the entire Nether Hell!

He didn't dare to offend even a little bit, and naturally he didn't dare to go to Jiuyoumen and clamor for someone. Isn't that looking for death?

I thought there was no hope for revenge, but I didn't expect Mu Qianyue's son to come to the door! Haha, God helped me too!

This time, he must ravage this stinky boy fiercely, and then tortured him to death bit by bit, let Mu Qianyue cry! Humph, if you dare to burn his city lord mansion, you must know how powerful he is!

It's a pity that his wishful thinking is too good, but the reality is not what he thought.

"Looking for death!" A cold light flashed in the nine-nine purple eyes, the **** **** dare to insult his mother!

An endless and terrifying demonic energy erupted from him, and instantly rushed towards Bunir, which actually knocked Bunir out with a palm.

Buniel still had a smug sneer on his face, his lips condensed in an instant, before he could withdraw, a look of horror appeared on his face. Not only him, but also the Shura law protectors and guards who followed him, all of them showed horror and doubts.

What happened just now?

How did Lord Santo be beaten to fly?

No one seemed to take action just now!

By the way, it seemed that the little kid was angry, and with a wave of his sleeves, their lord of the city flew out!


After a long moment, Bunir reacted, with monstrous anger surging on his face, and he roared uncontrollably, "Smelly boy, dare to attack me and seek death!"

As the lord of Rakshasa City, he has always been aloof. He wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. Who dares to provoke him?

But last month, the **** Mu Qianyue caused him to lose face directly, and the entire City Lord's Mansion was turned into a devastating cloud, and now he was beaten away by a kid!

Can you not get angry? !

Under the anger, he lost his reason, so that he did not think about the strength of Jiujiu.

As soon as his body moved, he rushed towards Jiujiu, the machete full of devilish energy, and mercilessly chopped down towards Jiujiu's head, seeing that the momentum seemed to split Jiujiu in half!

Everyone stood still, with a sneer of disdain from the corners of their mouths, and saw him lift up a small palm, and then lifted it so that it actually caught the blade that Bunir had cut off!

The sharp and murderous blade light was blocked abruptly, and was caught by two thin, short fingers! !

This strange scene caused everyone to stare in horror, and they looked like a ghost, saying that they are no different from ghosts...

Buniel stared at his eyes in horror, and couldn't even speak his words. "You, you... are you a man or a ghost?"

"It's not a ghost in this Nether Prison, what is it?" Jiujiu snorted coldly, lifted his hand, and an invisible force bounced back, only to see Buniel's face white and blood spurted out, his feet pedaling. He kept pushing back, and then fell to the ground without any image.

"Say, where is my mother!" The devilish energy in the purple eyes was overwhelming, and the small body descended like a king at this moment, terrifying.

Although he is a small insignificant now, he looks like a king in Bunir's eyes, making him unable to raise any thoughts of resistance. His lips trembled, "I, I don't know..."

"Don't say it? Since you refuse to say it, there is no need for you to be alive, and there is no need for the entire Rakshasa City!" Jiujiu's cold and contemptuous voice fell, and everyone turned pale again, almost scared. Pee.

"It's not that I refused to say it, but I really don't know where she is!" Buniel even wanted to die this time.

Damn, this little bit, no, it should be said where did this little pervert come from! !

The aura on his body is so terrible!

He can clearly feel that Jiujiu's aura is much stronger than him. You must know that he is a genuine Tier 8 magic general!

Jiujiu's momentum is much stronger than himself, what does this mean? Means that he may be the devil!

This is too exaggerated!

The two-year-old devil, isn't this a joke?

Although this is incredible, it is true! No wonder he didn't believe it!

If he knew that Jiujiu was only over a year old, he would probably have his jaw dropped in fright.

"Huh! Ming stubborn!" Jiujiu was angry.

Seeing the anger surging in Jiujiu's purple eyes, Bunir's heart suddenly jumped wildly, and a bad premonition arose. He cried and said quickly, "I really don't know where she is, one month. She left Rakshasa City a while ago, and before leaving, she almost burned my entire City Lord's Mansion with a fire..."

Who did he provoke? Why are you so unlucky!

Isn't it just a fancy female Shura? Thinking that the expert is here, who would have thought it was a terrible and hateful little pepper!

That's not a big deal, now there is another little perversion! The aura of this body, this cold and harsh aura, is even more terrifying than Mu Qianyue!

When did a terrible little abnormality emerge from the Netherworld Prison, but he didn't hear anything about it?

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