Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1082: Only you in my eyes [3]

"As the captain of law enforcement, it is damned to practice favoritism, accept bribes, and reverse black and white!" Nebula's face was filled with anger. He usually hates this kind of person the most. Often a country has changed because of these rat shit. Got corrupted and collapsed!

"God, Lord God, this is what Daning City Lord’s daughter bribed his subordinates. The subordinates are willing to hand it in and ask the Lord God to spare me my life. I promise I won’t do it again..." Captain Demon Guard Carefully took out the storage bag in his arms and handed it forward respectfully.

Nebula took the storage bag and looked at him with coldness, "Do you think I might spare you? Otherwise, where do you put the rule of Qiong Kingdom on this day?"

The knife fell with his hand, and a human head rolled down to the ground for a long time, and red blood spewed out like a fountain. Some people nearby were accidentally contaminated, and there was a scream of exclamation at the scene.

"If anyone scorns the law for personal gain in the future, he will punish the Nine Clans!" Xingyun announced in a cold voice.

"Yes!" The remaining demon guards were horrified. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with them just now. You know they were very envious in their hearts just now...

After this incident, the remaining demon guards conscientiously checked the team entering the city.

"Girl Mu, princess, I'm so sorry that you have been wronged." Xingyun apologized.

"It's a trivial matter for us, but it's a big or small thing for Tianqiongguo." Mu Qianyue said.

"It is our negligence in management. I will definitely strengthen management in the future to eliminate this phenomenon." Nebula said seriously.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips lightly curled up, noncommittal.

There is no way to put an end to such a phenomenon, no matter where, in which country or place, there will be such black sheep, and the Devildom is no exception.

"Okay, let's go to town."


Ning Xi'er wandered around Tianqiong City like a haughty peacock, looking at the prosperous Tianqiong City, her face raised a triumphant smile, and she would become the mistress of Qiong City in the future!

Her father is the city lord of Daning City, Tier 1 Beast King, who is the king’s key target. Her brother is a genius who can be ranked in the top ten in Tianqiong Kingdom. She reached the strength of Tier 5 Divine Beast in her 30s. Be kind to the king.

Therefore, she promised to win the selection this time!

Why should those women outside the city argue with themselves?

But when she thought of the purple-clothed woman and the red-clothed woman, she couldn't help but feel cold and contemptuous in her eyes, "Don't even think about it or know that the two of them are also here to participate in the selection of concubines! It's a pity that they both even entered the city gate No, choose your concubine? It's better not to daydream!"

"Yes! Miss, what do those vulgar fans compare to you? It's not worthy to give you shoes." A guard quickly said with a flattering smile.

The smugness on Ning Xi'er's face became even more impressive. She held up her chest proudly, raised her chin, and worked hard to make herself look more noble and bright.

Suddenly, she stared blankly, and there was a joy in her eyes, and she immediately greeted her, "Brother Chu?"

A slender figure rushed over in the crowd. The man wore a black dragon-print brocade robe, which made his jade-like face even more handsome and handsome.

A gorgeous blond hair flew in the morning breeze, and the golden pupils shone firm and deep, like the rising sun in the east, brilliant and charming.

"Brother Chu, are you here to pick me up?" Ning Xi'er was overjoyed and walked over to the visitor, with two shy blushes on her beautiful little face.

However, the visitor didn't even look at her, completely ignored her, walked past her, and walked towards the group behind her.

The cold and handsome face melted like ice and snow in an instant, revealing an elegant and charming smile. The golden pupils were locked tightly to the person in front of them, staring at her deeply, "Shallow Moon, you are here..."

"Well, I'm here." Mu Qianyue calmly looked at Chu Tiange in front of him, her brows lightly raised, "Long time no see, you have become a lot more mature, well, you have also become more attractive!"

"Light Moon..." He called her name softly again, like countless days and nights.

That's name is like hers, like a bright moon, light and graceful, shining brightly.

His chest was tumbling violently, emotions such as excitement, joy, happiness, and joy filled his chest, giving him the urge to shout openly. Chu Tiange reached out and held her hand, unable to help but want to reach out and hug her. In his arms, a big hand stretched out, and someone's angry voice sounded nearby.

"She is my lady, please pay attention to your image." Nalanjing frowned displeasedly, and pulled Mu Qianyue into her arms, her purple eyes narrowed lightly, staring at Chu Tiange displeased. .

"Nalanjing? Why are you here too?" Chu Tiange was taken aback, his brows filled with doubts.

"Brother, not only Brother Jing is here, but I am also here, and Uncle Pan is also here, but unfortunately you only have Sister Yue in your eyes, you can't see us at all." Chu Xiaoxue said with an injured face.

Pan San nodded in sympathy.

Chu Tiange's face flushed, and he raised his eyes to look at the crowd, with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Ahem, are you there?"

Nebula nodded helplessly, "Yes, and it's obvious."

Only now did he know how deep the king's feelings for Mu Qianyue were. There were so many people and thousands of people, but the king only saw Mu Qianyue alone.

No one can get into his eyes, there is only a lavender figure in his eyes...

Three thousand weak water, only take one scoop.

It's a pity that Mu Qianyue doesn't love the king, hey, their king is destined to be unrequited love in this life, but he doesn't mind looking at the king's appearance, and he is happy...

Well, Mu Qianyue's poison is too deep, even he thinks Mu Qianyue is a very good woman!

Xiao Xuan'er was no stranger to it, she knew that Chu Tiange liked the master a long time ago.

But Bing Yan is different. This is the first time Bing Yan and Chu Tiange have met.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

The two asked in unison.

A touch of arrogance flashed in Bingyan's blue eyes, with his hands around his chest, his brows raised lightly, "I am the master's new favorite cute beast, so far the master's most proud and favorite little ~ beast ~ beast..."

Chu Tiange's eyes narrowed, and a trace of hostility surged from the golden pupils, "I am destined to accompany her from now on."

"Ah, what can you two argue about? I accompany the master to sleep and bathe the master every day, can you do it?" Xiao Xuan'er raised her eyebrows triumphantly.

The two of them blushed. Well, they couldn't. Actually, it's not that they couldn't. It's that a certain big vinegar bucket didn't let them do it, otherwise they wouldn't be stripped of their skins?

"What?" Nalanjing's brows twitched, then turned her head, and looked at Xiao Xuan'er coldly, her beautiful purple eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc.

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