Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1083: Only you in my eyes [4]

"Haha, no, no, I was just talking about it just now..." Xiao Xuan'er changed her words quickly. It was a pervert. Even a woman's jealousy was nothing.

Well, he was a pervert, and even eat the jealousy of his own son, let alone a woman?

Thinking of the scene in the Nether Prison, Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help but mourn for Jiujiu again in his heart and hold the injustice.

Nalanjing then retracted his gaze lazily, and clasped Mu Qianyue's waist as if sworn, "Miss, you have to be good, no matter men or women, you can't approach casually, let alone physical contact, you know?"

"Well, this is probably difficult to do, after all, they are my pet beasts." Mu Qianyue replied seriously after thinking about it.

Nalanjing's face turned dark and black, and she looked very angry and helpless.

"Well, Xiao Jingjing, I promise you that I won't let anyone approach me except them, regardless of gender, okay?" Mu Qianyue cupped his handsome and delicate face in both hands, staring at him. Said word by word.

"Okay." Nalan Jingyun replied.

Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled and squeezed his hand. In fact, in feelings, sometimes, he is like a child, loves to act like a baby, and occasionally plays a little temper.

But in the face of others, he will return to that cold and indifferent appearance.

At this moment, Ning Xi'er came over, pouting her small cherry mouth aggrievedly, and a mist of mist appeared in her eyes like autumn water. She looked at Chu Tiange pitifully, her voice was agile but full of anger. Brother Chu..."

Suddenly Xiao Xuan'er only felt goose bumps all over her body.

"Ning Xi'er? Why are you here?" Chu Tiange questioned.

Hearing that, Ning Xi'er's grievances in her eyes were even worse, "I've been here long ago. You saw Brother Chu just now, but you don't seem to see me..." She looked at Mu Qianyue with resentment. .

It must be this Hu Meizi who seduced Brother Chu~! Otherwise, why would Brother Chu ignore him?

Because of the distance, Ning Xi'er did not hear the conversation between Chu Tiange and Mu Qianyue and the others.

"Oh, really? I really haven't seen you." Chu Tiange said truthfully.

Hearing that, Ning Xi'er's face changed, and her expression was a little embarrassed. It turned out that he did not ignore him, but she was standing in front of him, and she did not see him at all!

"Haha, Falling Flowers is intentional, but it's a pity that Flowing Water is very ruthless." Xiao Xuan'er thought Ning Xi'er was not pleasing to his eyes, so naturally she was going to make a noise.

"What did you say?" Ning Xier said angrily.

"You understand what you said, do you need me to explain?" Xiao Xuan'er mocked.

Ning Xi'er's face turned gloomy for an instant, but she quickly hid it, with tears of grievance in her eyes, and she reached out and grabbed Chu Tiange's arm, "Brother Chu, who are they? Why are they so rude and rude? ?"

"They are all my friends." Chu Tiange's eyes raised a hint of displeasure.

Ning Xi'er's face changed, and she smiled, "It turns out to be Brother Chu's friend, and that is also my friend of Ning Xi'er."

Xiao Xuan'er curled her lips in disdain, and Chu Xiaoxue looked at her with disdain, but did not speak.

Only then did Chu Tiange's expression ease.

"Is this the first time you have come to Tianqiong City? I'll take you around? Let's try the friendship of a landlord." Ning Xi'er's face showed a decent smile, and the expression in her eyes looked quite sincere. .

"Okay." Mu Qianyue smiled.

It seems that this Ning Xier is not stupid yet, knowing how to observe his words, knowing that their relationship with Chu Tiange is different, and immediately changed his appearance, which is completely opposite to the arrogant and domineering before.

Ning Xi'er's remarks were nothing more than to say how good the relationship between her and Chu Tiange is, and to do the same as a landlord?

You almost think of yourself as the queen of Qiong Kingdom on this day.

Ning Xi'er was taken aback for a moment. She didn't seem to expect that Mu Qianyue would promise to be so happy. Shouldn't she be jealous? Then angry?

Then Mu Qianyue and her party followed Chu Tiange into the palace. Ning Xi'er was supposed to be arranged in the palace outside the palace, but she followed with her cheeky. What kind of thoughts she has, Mu Qianyue is naturally understandable.

But she didn't say it, because Daning City was one of the forces that Tiange was wooing, and she would naturally not destroy the relationship between Tiange and Daning City.

It can be seen from Ning Xi'er calling Chu Tiange as Brother Chu and speaking so intimately.

"Miss Mu, thank you." Xingyun walked to the side of Mu Qianyue and whispered softly.

To be honest, he was really scared just now that Mu Qianyue would tell what Ning Xier had done to them outside the city. According to the king’s temperament, he would be furious, and then he would punish Ning Xier severely. It will affect the relationship between the king and Daning City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord of Daning City is a Tier 1 Beast King, and now the king is not full of wings and needs Daning City's help.

Fortunately, Mu Qianyue and the others were very knowledgeable, and they didn't tell the matter.

"Master Nebula is really polite, I didn't do anything." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

In the evening, Chu Tiange did not hold a big banquet, but decided to cook by himself.

"Brother, I will help you." Chu Xiaoxue smiled excitedly.

"Okay!" Chu Tiange looked at her dozingly.

Two figures, one big and one small, were busy in the kitchen, while the maids and eunuchs stood in a row outside the kitchen, bowing their heads respectfully, but there were waves of shocking waves in their hearts. What is going on today? ? The king cooks himself?

That is their superior king! The king who doesn't touch the sun with ten fingers! Ruthless king like a devil!

He rolled up his sleeves and made soup! Can they not be shocked?

But they didn't dare to speak, let alone make a single comment. How could they dare to intervene in matters that the king decided? Isn't that a court death?

Xing Yun's eyes widened too. The star shadow who reported the matter in the palace couldn't find Chu Tiange's figure everywhere. Finally, he heard that it was the king in the kitchen, and his eyes stared to the boss, "Big brother, the king said today. What kind of wind is it? Why did you start cooking well?"

While staring in horror, he poked the nebula next to him.

"Mu Qianyue is here." Nebula took a deep breath, calming down the mood in his heart.

"Mu Qianyue?" Xingying said the name, frowning slightly, "What a familiar name... Oh, I remember, that human contractor on the king? Has she come to the Demon Realm?"

"Yes." Nebula nodded. Wasn't the king too happy, did he cook himself?

"Didn't she miss an appointment a year ago?" Xingying blinked.

"Princess Cher is back..." Nebula continued.

After Nebula’s explanation, Xingying understood, and the horror in his eyes was a little bit more. He stepped into the kitchen and shouted, "My King, Princess Cher..."

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