Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1122: The power of Yanhuang bloodline [1]

"Yes, how did you get in?"

"It's so funny that the young master of the hallowed temple came here uninvited to enter the Yanhuang Palace privately!"

"Yeah, how is this different from a thief?"

"I didn't expect the young master of the temple to do such a shameless thing!"

Everyone was embarrassed one after another, and their eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

"You are not allowed to say that about Young Master Jing! He must have a reason. As the Young Master of the Temple, the future Holy Master, how could he do such a thing? Someone must have instigated Young Master Jing to do this, Jing The young master is stunningly talented, talented, and cold and arrogant. There must be no one who can instigate Young Master Jing. Maybe I guessed it wrong.” Yan Qingya has a tolerant smile on her face, she looks kind and gentle, generous and decent. .

The remarks after her naturally alluded to Mu Qianyue instigating Nalanjing to enter the Yanhuang Palace.

In this way, not only did Mu Qianyue belittle Mu Qianyue, it also lifted Yan Qingya invisibly, making her appear more gentle and kind, tolerant and virtuous.

The ministers of the Yanhuang Palace, the grandson of the king, or the servants of the guards all cast disdainful glances at Mu Qianyue, "This woman is really deep-hearted!"

"Yeah! I heard that she is very jealous. Young Master Jing is the only one beside her. She pets the authoritarian alone, so she does not allow Young Master Jing to take concubines!"

"I really don't understand how Young Master Jing would marry such a woman as his wife?"

"Don't you know? I heard that this Mu Qianyue is an incredible senior pill master! His status is extremely honorable! That bloodline pill was made by her!"

"Heh, it's no wonder that I dare to pet the autocracy so solely because I am relying on my identity as a pill master! What a shame!"

Listening to the scolding and humiliation of the crowd, the eyes of Yan Xia, Yan Xin, Yan Yang and Yan Guanghui were filled with anger, but they could not speak up now, could not stand up to protect the mistress’s reputation, and the mistress would never tease. They expose their identities at this time, otherwise everything will fall short!

For everyone's discussion, Mu Qianyue seemed unconscious, her beautiful face was still indifferent and tranquil, but Nalanjing's face turned blue with anger, her purple eyes filled with endless murderous intent, and she wanted to humiliate her. All the children are killed!

"Yan Qingya, your ability to reverse black and white to fan the crowd is really amazing! This time we came here, not to participate in the Hundred Flowers Festival, but to get everything that belongs to him for my husband!" Mu Qianyue's lips raised a touch of coldness. The arc, the clear and sweet voice, which is not light or weak, just fell into the ears of everyone in the entire martial arts field.

Yan Huang and Yanhou's face changed as they heard this, their eyes sinking slightly.

The ministers on the martial arts field showed doubts one by one, and came to retrieve the things that belonged to Nalanjing?

"It's a joke, nothing here belongs to the temple!" A minister snorted disdainfully.

"Yes, is it possible that you are still robbing here?" Another minister also laughed in disdain.

"As everyone knows, 10,000 years ago, Emperor Yan was the true descendant of the Yanhuang clan and was the once God of War! However, he unfortunately fell in 10,000 years, leaving behind the current Yanhuang clan and multiplying into the current Yanhuang Empire. And the so-called Yanhuang Empire. The Yanhuang clan are not the true descendants of Yanhuang! They are just descendants of a loyal servant next to Emperor Wannian Yan!"

"This is why the bloodline of the Yanhuang Empire is very low for thousands of years. No one has ever reached the perfect level, and the highest is only the eighth rank! Because they don't have the pure Yanhuang bloodline in their bodies, how can they achieve it? Perfect level?"

Mu Qianyue's voice was sonorous, utterly loud, word by word, clear to everyone's ears.

Suddenly everyone was shocked, what? Is the Yanhuang Empire not a pure Yanhuang bloodline? Are they just the descendants of a loyal servant beside Yan Emperor?

"This is impossible! You are just talking nonsense!"

"Yes! The Yanhuang Empire has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are countless geniuses since ancient times. How could it not be the descendants of Emperor Yan?"

"Nothing is impossible. Ten thousand years ago, Emperor Yan bestowed the most loyal servant around him with the Yanhuang bloodline, which gave him the power of the Yanhuang bloodline. Because it was the blood urea endowed by the Yandi, it was not pure, but It is also very powerful! That loyal servant swore to protect the Yan and Huang clan forever, waiting for the return of Emperor Yan!"

"It's a pity that thousands of years have passed. The time has passed. The servant is also waiting for Zhonghua to turn into loess, but he passed this oath to future generations, but in this generation, obviously everyone has long forgotten who is the Yanhuang clan. Master!" Mu Qianyue's voice was passionate, and there was a trace of fierceness and murder in her cold beautiful eyes.

"A bunch of nonsense!" Yan Huang was trembling with anger, and stood up from his position. There was a trace of bloodthirsty cold light in the eyes of the eagle-like gloomy bird. "Mu Qianyue, my Yanhuang Empire has no grievances and no grudges against you. , You openly provoked the majesty of my Yanhuang Empire, your sin is unforgivable!"

"Come on, take her down for me!"

With an angry shout, countless guards rushed out immediately, surrounding Mu Qianyue and Nalan Jingtuan.

"With me, who dares to move her?"

Nalanjing's murderous aura surged around his body, and the pure Yanhuang bloodline aura radiated from his slender and cold body, like the power of the ancient prehistoric, and it seemed to be a majestic mountain, pressing against everyone, terrifying.

Everyone turned pale, their foreheads were covered with sweat and their faces were pale, and finally they couldn't help their legs softened and knelt down.

"Thump thump thump..." The voice sounded, and everyone in the martial arts field was forced to kneel down. Even the Emperor Yan and Queen Yan on Dan were forced to kneel under this strong pressure. After that, Yan Qingya is no exception.

The man dressed in white clothes is allure, slender and dust-free, his jade-like face is dyed with a layer of frost, cold and bloodthirsty, his robe is windless and automatic, and three thousand inks dance wildly, like the ancient **** of war.

Only the woman next to him wore a light purple dress, standing proudly, her beautiful face was indifferent, she was not in the slightest compared to his aura, but there was an aura to look down at the world...

The two stood in the middle of the martial arts field in this way, accepting ‘thousands of people’s worship’.

Yan Huang's face was full of horror, and his forehead was already covered with sweat. This is the real power of Yanhuang bloodline! !

It turns out that the Yanhuang bloodline is so powerful!

This seems to be beyond the perfect level!

Only now did he truly understand that those who thought they had a strong Yanhuang bloodline before, compared with Nalanjing's at this moment, knew what the difference between cloud and mud is!

If he can get this pure Yanhuang blood...

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