Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1123: The power of Yanhuang bloodline [2]

Cultivating the Great Way, he will surely reach the peak and become a true god!

Rather than being unable to break through the threshold of the Tier 1 God King, he has been stuck on the Tier 9 Emperor Martial Artist for decades!

Thinking of this, Yan Huang couldn't help but slowly become excited, and the fear that permeated his heart was a little less.

On the martial arts field, one after another, their bodies trembled like sifting chaff, and even some of the low-powered, directly sprayed out blood, was seriously injured, and then fell into a coma.

Those who are slightly stronger are still struggling to support, but they are also miserable, and it is extremely difficult to move their fingers even.

Looking at the big movements on the martial arts field, Mu Qianyue had a slight smile on her face. Jing's bloodline is now at the royal level, and she didn't expect it to be so powerful!

But now she is also a royal bloodline, so she is not afraid of the power of Jing's bloodline.

She and Jing both took the bloodline pill refined from the blood of Qiongqi, so she was successfully promoted from the king-level to the royal-level bloodline!

Just as everyone was horrified, Nalanjing's thoughts moved, and the power of the Yanhuang bloodline was recovered.

The huge mountain that was pressing in the heart was gone, and everyone sighed for a long time. They slumped weakly on the ground, panting heavily.

Their faces were full of horror. They were shaking their bodies one by one, and they reached out their hands to wipe the sweat from their heads, only to realize that their clothes were all soaked unknowingly, and their faces were pale with a trace of collapsed fatigue.

Thinking of the situation just now, everyone was still palpitating.

"Oh my God! This is the real Yanhuang bloodline!"

"This power is against the sky... Is everything Mu Qianyue said just now true?"

"I thought that your Majesty's bloodline was already very strong, but now it seems to be far behind Nalanjing..."

After a while, everyone reacted, and they couldn't help but talk, looking at Nalanjing's eyes with doubts and awe.

The power of the Yanhuang bloodline is the best proof. At this moment, most people obviously believed Mu Qianyue's words just now, and Nalanjing is the real descendant of the Yanhuang bloodline!

Thinking that the Yanhuang Empire, which they had pledged to the death allegiance for so many years, was not the real Yanhuang clan, their faces showed ugly expressions.

The face of Yan Empress is also very ugly. It seems that he didn't expect things to develop to this point. His eyes were gloomy, but he didn't show it. Instead, he said, "I just remembered that there seems to be something in the history books of the Yanhuang Empire. Such a record, at that time, I didn’t take it to heart. I didn’t expect it to be true! But if you are the reincarnation of Emperor Yan, this matter still needs to be verified! After I have confirmed your identity, I will take this The Yanhuang Empire handed over to you!"

"After all, this is an oath left by our ancestors ten thousand years ago. It must not be violated! Although this Yanhuang Empire was founded by my ancestors, it has been a huge number of people from Liao and Liao, who have multiplied for nearly ten thousand years. The population of such a powerful Yanhuang Empire, to put it bluntly, our mission is to live for the return of Emperor Yan!"

"Even if you have never done anything, I will return the Yanhuang Empire to the former Yan Emperor! But I must first prove your identity! If you are not the reincarnation of the Yan Emperor, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

What he said was sincere and touching.

But the meaning between the lines in his words reveals that Nalanjing's identity may be fake.

A faint light flashed quickly in Mu Qianyue's eyes, what a cunning old fox! If it weren’t for the wealth of cultivation resources, pills, prescriptions, exercises, and martial arts left behind by Wannian Prospect, if it weren’t for the Yanhuang bloodline that Jing gave them, could they develop to this day?

I am afraid that death would have been eliminated long ago! And there will be no them now!

Originally, Jing had no interest in the Yanhuang Empire, and Mu Qianyue did not pay attention to the existence of the Yanhuang Empire, but before, the Yanhuang Empire had sent people to Jingyue Pavilion to try to grab the elixir of the bloodline pill. Fortunately, there were Mu family and Bai family, The Ling family and Feng family's joint help, repelled the Yanhuang Empire, and they temporarily dispelled this idea.

However, the Yanhuang Empire held a grudge against Jingyue Pavilion and repeatedly suppressed it.

Coupled with the problem of Yan Qingya, this was also the main reason why Nalanjing decided to take back the Yanhuang Empire.

There was a trace of coldness in Nalanjing's purple eyes. She was as smart as him. He naturally guessed what Yan Huang was thinking, but he was not in a hurry to pierce through. Why not let him act more?

The ministers on the martial arts field were moved by the words, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Huh! Even if he was the Yan Emperor ten thousand years ago? This Yanhuang Empire was founded by the ancestors. Is it because of his return that all these things must be returned to him?" A prince of the Yanhuang Empire said angrily .

"Yes! Found the Yanhuang Empire and thrived, but he hasn't done anything, but now he wants to sit back and enjoy his success?" Another direct king of the Yanhuang clan also said with an angry expression.

"Yes! It is not clear whether he is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan, so I dare to make trouble now, just get him up and say it!"

"Stop!" Yan Huang shouted angrily, his face now with an upright look, "Although his identity has not been determined, he also has Yanhuang blood in his body anyway, and he is considered to be of the same race as us. We must treat him with courtesy. Let’s do this, Young Master Jing, Girl Mu, you two will stay in my Yanhuang Palace for the time being, and wait for me to find out the truth before making a decision, how about?"

Nalanjing nodded faintly, "Since Yan Huang has said so, then I have to follow Cong."

Mu Qianyue's eyes were faintly cold, and the expression on her face became a bit cold. Although she didn't know what Yan Huang's plan was, her instinct told her that it was not a good thing! You must know that Yan Huang was still angry before, and he changed his temper in a blink of an eye. He must have had some bad thoughts!

No matter what bad things he has, he can never hurt Jing a little bit!

"Your Majesty, don't! Not to mention whether this Nalanjing is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan. This Empire of Yanhuang is the foundation of our ancestors' hard work. How can it be easily given to others?"

They are the supreme family of Yanhuang bloodline, supreme glory, supreme dignity! They even surpassed the five bloodlines of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Tengshen. Now a master suddenly popped up and made them slaves. Naturally, there are ten thousand and ten thousand unwilling hearts in their hearts!

"I have decided on this matter, and it is useless for you to say more." Yan Huang's awe-inspiring, upright and generous appearance touched everyone again.

In the crowd, Yan Yi's eyes were dark and angry. It turned out that he was Nalanjing and that **** woman was Mu Qianyue! No wonder I fell into their hands twice!


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