Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1149: Stand-in container? 【1】

"Huh! Don't say it? I will find a way to let you say it!" Yan Ancestor turned his head to look at the third-order **** emperor and said, "Li Bao, in any case, you must catch this woman for me! I will pack all the pills for you!"

Li Bao's eyes flashed, "A **** emperor has already died on our side, and the situation in the city below is not very optimistic, I am afraid it is a bit difficult!"

"No matter what method you use, you must catch her! Catch her alive! She is my only chance to have a new body!" Ancestor Yan's eyes were extremely gloomy.

"Okay." Li Bao sighed lightly, and moved towards Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing moved and blocked Mu Qianyue's body, a bloodthirsty in her purple eyes decidedly." With me here, don't you want to touch my lady's hair!"

"Qinglong bloodline, talent unlocked! Taiji Nine Transformations, turn on!" Zhu lips lightly Qi, after Qinglong bloodline and Taiji Nine Transformations were opened at the same time, Mu Qianyue's strength instantly reached the realm of the fifth-order **** king!

Li Bao was shocked by such a big leap, and Nalanjing kept hitting him on the sidelines again, and he had no way to start!

Mu Qianyue’s strength was also amazing. In addition, she had the weird Qionghua killer move, which made him dare not approach Mu Qianyue too presumptuously. After such a consumption, Li Bao felt that he was fundamentally There is no chance to catch Mu Qianyue, but he may be consumed to death!

The ancestor Yan next to him was still shouting, "Li Bao, hurry up and catch her! Remember to live!"

Li Bao was angry and anxious. The anger was that the ancestor Yan stood still and said that he couldn't get back pain. It was more difficult to catch her alive than to kill her. The anxious thing was that he couldn't get out of his body if he consumed it again!

The benefits promised by the ancestor Yan are tempting, but there must be life to enjoy! Therefore, Li Bao decided not to continue entanglement, and moved away from a distance, and fell back to the ancestor Yan, "I am not the opponent of the two of them, let's retreat first!"

An expression of unwillingness was evident in Old Ancestor Yan's eyes, "No! She has a way of reorganizing flesh and blood in her hands, you must catch her for me!"

Li Bao frowned, "If this continues, we will be wiped out!"

"How can you dignified a Tier 3 **** king not catching a **** king! I don't care, you must catch her!" Ancestor Yan said in a tone of command that could not be denied.

At this moment, Li Bao's expression was a bit bad, "You are not qualified to order me! Besides, I and you are just a cooperative relationship! In short, now I'm not doing it! You don't go, I'll go!"

Blame him for not being able to catch a **** king? Is he even the flesh destroyed? What qualifications do you have to talk about him?

Li Bao stopped staying, and directly took out the teleportation talisman back to the Profound Heaven Realm, and muttered the spell silently. In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared between the heaven and the earth!

"Ah! Damn Li Leopard! You dare to leave me and run!" An unwilling look filled the eyes of Old Ancestor Yan, and he quickly took out the teleportation charm and slipped away.

Even Li Bao was so scared that he ran away. If he stayed again, he might not even have his soul left.

The two divine kings below were not so lucky. They were besieged by six divine kings and died directly here, holding the teleportation talisman in their hands, and even had no chance to chant the spell silently, and died.

The other four emperor ranks were also killed long ago.

They wantonly slaughtered the people in Yanhuang City. How could people like Mu Xueying and Chu Tiange spare them? !

Waiting for their end is death!

"It's a pity that he let him run away!" Mu Qianyue's face darkened, she didn't know if it would bring harm to Yanhuang City. She was afraid that when she and Jing were away, Ancestor Yan would bring someone to commit the crime again...

After all, in a few days, they are going to the Profound Heaven Realm.

Nalanjing's purple eyes slightly narrowed, and the cold light inside his eyes narrowed, "He won't come again in the past few years! This time he has lost his soldiers and made such a big disturbance here, and the Xuantian Realm also has the laws and regulations of the Xuantian Realm. It is not for him to decide."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's heart relaxed slightly, but she was still a little worried.

At night, an unexpected figure came to Yanhuang Palace, it was Fu Bo who had not seen him for a long time.

The aura around him is calm and restrained, deeply invisible, and it is impossible to see his strength.

"Uncle Fu, why are you here?" Mu Qianyue asked in amazement. It has been a long time since I said goodbye a few years ago.

Nalanjing's eyes also showed a slightly surprised look.

"I know that someone from the Profound Sky Realm is making trouble. Just do what you want to do. Those who break the rules will be punished!" A trace of anger surged on Fu Bo's old face.

Uncle Fu’s identity is very mysterious. He followed Jing’s side ten thousand years ago. At that time, he was about to die. At that time, he was as mysterious as now, and even Nalan Jing didn’t know. Where does he come from.

Even though ten thousand years have passed, the aura on Fubo's body has not changed at all.

But now with Fu Bo's words, Mu Qianyue is relieved!

"Uncle Fu, who are you?" Mu Qianyue suddenly asked. This question entangled her for a long time. In her previous life, she had asked such questions, but at that time Uncle Fu did not answer her.

Obviously, Fu Bo still does not intend to answer her.

Only the corner of his mouth evoked a deep and mysterious smile, "Mother, want to know who I am, your current strength is far from enough, and when you become strong enough, you will naturally know that I am Who is it."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue was speechless and twitched the corners of her mouth. It seemed that he had answered like this in his previous life.

It's a pity that she died before she cracked the puzzle.

Uncle Fu turned his head to look at Nalanjing, his turbid and small eyes filled with fierce spirits, "Master, it's time for you to go to the Profound Heaven Realm. That is your world, and the place where you truly show your strength! It won’t take long for the demon master to leave the demon world, and your grievances will be played out again."

"Wu Ya?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

Fober nodded.

"Why can't Wuya leave the Demon Realm? His strength is so strong, and it stands to reason that he can travel freely between the various continents!" Mu Qianyue asked Uncle Fu with a puzzled look.

"Humph! I put a restriction on him. If he didn't reach the realm of the **** emperor one day, he would not be able to enter and leave the demon world freely." Fu Bo snorted softly.

Mu Qianyue's face showed a stunned look. It turned out that this was the reason why Wuya could not leave the Demon Realm. This was also the reason why Wuya had not had the opportunity to find her and Jing for ten thousand years! It seems that Uncle Fu was very angry about what happened back then. Back then, Uncle Fu happened to have something to leave for a while. When he came back, she and Jing had both fallen.

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