Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1150: Stand-in container? 【2】

"I keep his life, and I don't kill him. I let you solve it by yourself. Only with hatred and goals can you grow faster!" Fu Bo said lightly.

Then he frowned, "Wu Ya has a stand-in container in the world that can become his new body. When he finds the stand-in container and merges into one, his strength will return to the peak period! So, you guys Both want to cheer, it’s best to find the stand-in container and destroy him!"

Stand-in container?

Mu Qianyue frowned, but Wu Ya still had this hand!

In the previous life, Wuya's peak strength was the ninth-order **** emperor! If he really finds the stand-in container and suddenly becomes the ninth-order **** emperor, she and Jing will not be his opponents at all, and it seems that they need to improve their strength as soon as possible.

For Wuya, in previous lives, she and him should be considered good friends, how did they meet?

When she was swimming in the pool that time, he seemed to have had a fight with someone, and fell from the top of the waterfall all in blood, and fell into the water in front of her.

Fortunately, she was still wearing a bellyband at the time, and she quickly wrapped her clothes, but Wu Ya had already been seriously injured and unconscious.

Mu Qianyue used her alchemy to wake him up, and when he woke up, he began to pester her, wherever she went, he followed.

I still remember when he woke up, his eyes looked at her with shock, surprise, joy, excitement and so on...

She was also surprised at that time, they were only meeting for the first time, and he looked as if they knew each other.

Wuya's mouth was filled with excitement, saying that she looked like a friend of his once, but that friend had disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Now that he met, he felt so happy that he wanted to be friends with her.

Seeing that he wouldn't leave, Mu Qianyue followed him.

Later, I fell out with Wuya because of Jing. Especially after she and Jing fell in love with each other, he became very violent, and tried to kill him several times, and later conspired with Yan Shu.

So from then on, she and him have no friendship anymore.

If it hadn't been for him to help Yan Shu and conspire with Yan Shu, Jing would not die, and Xiao Ling would not have his hands and feet cut off. He would have endured all these thousands of years of pain alone!

Therefore, it is impossible for her to forgive Wuya in this life!

He and Yan Shu are her enemies!

Her thoughts slowly returned, and Mu Qianyue shook a fist, "I will definitely let them repay what I owe us!"


After Fubo left, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing also set off for the Profound Sky Realm. It turned out that not only the Dream City in the Wild Ancient Realm had a passage to the Profound Heaven Realm, but there was also a passage to the Profound Heaven Realm in the forbidden area of ​​the Temple skyline.

It's just that the dream city in the wild ancient world only opened once in ten years. The last time it opened was four years ago, and it is naturally impossible to go there now.

So I can only go through the forbidden area of ​​the temple, because the Holy Lord opened the passage, there is no obstruction.

The endless plains, green grass, spit out fragrance in the sun after the morning, crystal dew hanging on the green leaves, reflecting the glazed brilliance in the golden morning light.

The air is full of fresh and sweet smell.

The aura here is obviously much richer than that of the Huanzhou Continent, at least twice as much.

Mu Qianyue looked up and looked around, but did not see Nalan Jing's figure, "It seems that he is separated from Jing, and I don't know where it is or where Jing has gone."

After trying the soul induction, he did not sense the existence of Nalanjing, which was obviously beyond a certain distance.

Mu Qianyue didn't know how big the Profound Sky Realm was, and didn't know where he was now. After thinking about it, he decided to find the nearest town to find out the news.

With a movement, she hovered in the air and swept eastward. After flying for about half an hour, Mu Qianyue finally found a city under the clouds.

"Heavenly City."

Three powerful characters are engraved on the tall city wall.

Mu Qianyue searched all over her mind and couldn't remember that the Xuantian Realm had such a city before.

Tianfang City is very prosperous, with many restaurants, shops, pharmacies, weapons clubs, etc., occupying the whole street, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

After entering the restaurant, Mu Qianyue sat down in the lobby on the first floor, thinking about ordering food, and suddenly remembered the currency issue. I wonder if the gold coins in Huanzhou mainland can be used here.

The shop Xiaoer came over with a flattering expression, "This girl, what do you want to eat?"

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes and asked, "Is there a menu here?"

"Hang it on the wall, see for yourself." Xiaoer Dian replied casually. Seeing that Mu Qianyue's movements were too slow, she turned around and went to work.

She raised her eyes lightly on the wooden sign menu hung on the wall in front. It was written on the big seal. Fortunately, she knew each other.

The price is marked on the back of each dish.

"It turns out that the currency circulating in the Xuantian Realm is Xuanjing Coins. Well, it seems that my gold coins are not available here. In an instant, there is a feeling of turning from a billionaire to a pauper." Mu Qianyue muttered softly.

As soon as her voice fell, she heard the vicious voice of the shopkeeper rang behind her, "What? Pauper? You dare to come here to eat if you don't have money! Look at your luxurious clothes, not like you have no money! I didn't expect to be a pauper! Maybe you stole this clothes! If you don't have money, get out of here!"

Mu Qianyue's eyes were chilly, and the dog looked at the lowly guy!

Just as she was about to get angry, suddenly a man's unhappy voice came from the door, "This girl is with me. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

The man wore a brocade robe, he walked into the restaurant, took out a bag of Profound Crystal Coins from his arms and threw it into the hands of the shopkeeper, "Is that enough to eat a meal here?"

Xiao Er quickly accepted it with a smile, nodding and bowing, "Enough is enough..."

"Give me a portion of the best food and wine here!" The man said very lavishly, then walked to the opposite side of Mu Qianyue and sat down, his eyes fell on her beautiful face, his eyes flashed After a touch of deep surprise.

"Girl, are you coming to Tianfang City for the first time?"

Mu Qianyue looked lightly, nodded, "En."

"Girl, under Situxing, I don't know the girl's name?" Mu Qianyue was very disgusted by the flattering smile on Situxing's face and the malicious look.

However, Mu Qianyue did not leave. When she first came here, she didn't know anything about the Profound Sky Realm, so she could apply some information from Situ Xing's body.

If not, she was like a headless fly, flying everywhere.

"Mu Qianyue." Red lips lightly opened, and faintly uttered three words.

"The girl's name is really beautiful."

After a while, Xiao Er served all the dishes. During the meal, Mu Qianyue got to know the surrounding situation by the way. Tianfang City belongs to Huazhou.

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