Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1163: Long Aotian's please

"It's the county guard!" Mo Zhi gritted his teeth bitterly, "If it weren't for the county guard's sudden intervention, we would have succeeded!"

"What?!" The Mo Family Master looked shocked and angry.

Elder Xiao's eyes narrowed, his eyes were also unconcealed with anger, "You are talking about Long Aotian?"

"Yes, it's him! I also lifted the Xiao family out. Unfortunately, Long Aotian didn't buy it, and he didn't put the Xiao family in his eyes, and said that he should not stretch the Xiao family's hands so long. , Otherwise it would be bad if it hurts." Mo Zhi said truthfully.

Elder Xiao was furious when he heard this, and his eyes filled with anger, "What a Long Aotian! How not to put my Xiao family in his eyes like this! What a courage!"

"Elder Xiao, what should I do now?" Patriarch Mo asked urgently.

"Hmph! Damn Long Aotian! Thinking that this is helping the Situ family, my Xiao family is helpless? Tonight I will go to the county guard personally!" Elder Xiao was so angry that he came over this time and just brought it with him There were only a dozen people. I thought that with the addition of the Mo family, the Situ family could be easily annexed.

Before, Long Aotian didn't have any plans to intervene, so he didn't take any action to stop the Mo Family's commercial methods against the Situ family.

However, Long Aotian has no right to intervene in this kind of commercial competition. Commercial competition is not within his jurisdiction. If someone blatantly makes trouble or murders in this city, Long Aotian will naturally take care of it.

This was also the reason why the Xiao family sought out the Mo family, and promised to help the Mo family to annex the Situ family. Such a good thing, the Mo family naturally agreed, no matter what happened yesterday, Long Aotian would suddenly intervene!

Hearing that Elder Xiao was going to the county guard's mansion in person, Patriarch Mo was overjoyed. With Elder Xiao coming out in person, Long Aotian shouldn't interfere this time, right? Unless Long Aotian dare to be an enemy of the Xiao family!

At night, when Elder Xiao returned from the county guard angrily, Patriarch Mo quickly greeted him, "Elder Xiao, how is the situation? What did Long Aotian say?"

"Unreasonable! This elder has never seen such a person who does not know how to promote! To be so arrogant and not to put my Xiao family in his eyes! It is hateful!" Elder Xiao's face was full of anger, and his palm was slapped severely. , Fell on the table.

Patriarch Mo changed when he heard the words, "Elder Xiao, I heard that Long Aotian went to the Situ family medicine store yesterday, and he came out with a smile. Did the goddess cure Long Aotian’s hidden illness? That’s why he helped Situ. family?"

"No matter what the reason, he dared to oppose my Xiao family, this elder will make him regret it!" Elder Xiao snorted angrily.

At this time, the county guard's mansion was full of excitement and joy. Long Aotian's hidden illness was cured, and he was naturally overjoyed. He had to host a banquet to thank Mu Qianyue. In desperation, Mu Qianyue came to the banquet.

With the help of the county guard's house, the Situ family can naturally stand a little more stable in Huazhou County, which is also a good thing for her, and she will have another helper in the future.

A group of people fighting is better than her alone fighting alone, otherwise the multi-family will not try their best to win over some strong people.

"It's really shocking to have such pill and medical skills at the young age of the genius doctor! I think your master must be an outsider in the world!" Long Aotian smiled.

Master? Well, speaking of Master, Mu Qianyue can't help but think of Dongfang Ao. Since the farewell that year, five or six have not been seen, right? I don't know how he is now, where is he?

"Well, my alchemy techniques are inherited from my master."

If it hadn't been for the notes from the master back then, she wouldn't have progressed so fast, although she mostly taught herself, although the master was quite irresponsible.

Long Aotian's eyes brightened when he heard the words, "There is such a powerful alchemy in the world, and it is the Medicine King Sect! Admiring the genius doctor, I wonder if your master comes from the Medicine King Sect?"

"My master is arrogant and indifferent by nature. He rarely mentions him to me, and I don't allow me to mention him to outsiders." Mu Qianyue rushed past with a word casually.

"It's a gaffe in the next." Long Aotian said apologetically, "Admiring the genius doctor, listen to Young Master Situ, you and your husband are separated? Seeing you are so young, I really didn't expect you to be married. You told me your husband. What is the name, I will send someone to find it."

Mu Qianyue shook her head, with a faint smile on her beautiful face, "No, I plan to go to Canglang City to participate in the martial arts contest in a while, maybe my husband will go there too."

"This is a good way." Long Aotian nodded and smiled, "Admiring the genius doctor, if you don't dislike it, you call me Big Brother Long, right? Haha, I am twenty years older than you, so let me take a place. It's cheaper."

Mrs. Long sat beside him, looking at him with a smile on her face, and then at Mu Qianyue with a smile, "Yes, girl Mu, you are new to this place and you are not familiar with the place of life. If you don’t dislike it, you will This county government is your own home, and Aotian is your big brother."

"Okay, Brother Long, Sister Long, you can also call my name directly."

"Haha, there is one more genius doctor girl, this is my Long Aotian's blessing!" Long Aotian smiled happily, shaking his palms, took out a piece of jade pendant with the word'Dragon' and handed it to Mu Qianyue's In the hand, "This is the token of our county guard house. You can freely enter and exit the Zangbao Pavilion and Zangshu Pavilion. If you like, you can pick it up. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can also report it. I am named Long Aotian! Naturally no one dares to bully you!"

Seeing that Long Aotian really wanted to treat Mu Qianyue as a younger sister, Situ Mingrui couldn't help but feel happy for her. With the help of the county government, no one would dare to bully her again! Even if you face the difficulties of the Xiao family in the future, you don't need to be so afraid!

For others, this kind of treatment may be ecstatic, but for Mu Qianyue, it doesn't feel much.

Her beautiful face is still indifferent and tranquil. She has all kinds of rare medicinal materials in her hands, and she can plant them at will. She also grabs the pill at will. Now Mu Xueying and Chu Tiange are all in the space. Practice and build the world.

In this way, she really doesn't lack anything, at least not now, and I won't know what I will do in the future.

But Mu Qianyue still accepted it, "Thanks to Big Brother Long so much."

Since Long Aotian was so generous, he gave the tokens to pass through the Treasure Pavilion and the Treasure Pavilion as soon as he shot it, which proved that he also trusted her absolutely and was willing to draw in.


For three days in a row, the Situ family’s pharmacy was overcrowded, and the business was getting better every day. The total amount of medicinal materials sold in the three days amounted to 579.65 million Xuanjing coins.

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