Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1164: Big Tyrant!

Calculated according to the three to seven divisions, Mu Qianyue alone can get more than 45.75 million Xuanjing coins, instantly transforming from a penniless pauper to a well-deserved local tyrant!

This is still three days of sales! Many people even came from neighboring cities!

These three days were actually a big publicity, completely knocking out the name of the Situ family.

Seeing such a large amount of wealth, the shopkeeper's hands trembled.

He never thought that one day he could sell so many medicinal materials at once, earning money that he could only earn for a few years in three days!

All this is of course due to the rare medicinal materials of Mu Qianyue. Although the medicinal materials are not very precious, they are better than their age. It is hard to find medicinal materials of one hundred or three hundred years. The price is very high, let alone 500 years of medicinal materials! It is even more precious!

As for the medicinal materials of a thousand years, their medicinal properties are far better than those of a hundred years. It is what any warrior needs! Naturally, it is also something to scramble for!

This is also the reason why the Situ family pharmacy can sell so much money in three days, otherwise it would not be possible to sell so much money in one year!

"Young master, all the rare medicinal materials in the store are sold out, and now there are a few hundred-year-old medicinal materials left. There is no one in the store this afternoon." Excited, the shopkeeper calmed down, his face showing worry Lulu, he was afraid that after these medicinal materials were sold out, the Situ family would once again fall into the dilemma of the past.

if that is the case……

Situ Mingrui waved his hand, "She has helped us enough, and the rest is on our own! We can't rely on others for everything, only our own hard work is the real strength and can truly last!"

"Little understands." The shopkeeper nodded, what the young master said was right, he was almost taken away by excitement just now!

Relying on others for everything, it is not a long-term solution, and it is not a lifetime thing.

Situ Mingrui walked to Mu Qianyue's face, her lips curled up with a faint smile, "Qianyue, you have worked so hard for these three days, let's go, let's go home."

Mu Qianyue got up and patted the dust on her clothes. Not to mention that these three days were really exhausting. There were too many people seeing the doctor, because her medical skills made many people run over, and there was almost no time to rest. , Finally these three days passed.

In order to let the Situ family do their best to be his backing, Mu Qianyue also worked hard.

At this moment, a few figures walked in from outside under the moonlight. It was the Great Elder and Situ Xing, followed by six elite disciples of the family. They obviously accompanied the Great Elder out to stroll, but they were actually watching. They, prevent them from whispering to the Mo family.

For these three days, the great elder and Situ Xing felt very frustrated, and their hearts were full of worries. They were afraid that things would happen in the future, and his charges would be serious by then! Patriarch and ancestors will never let him go!

To say that the most irritable person is Situ Xing. Just after returning from Tianfang City, he was monitored before he knew the situation. The most important thing is that Mu Qianyue was the woman he liked, but he walked with Situ Mingrui. It was very close, and it helped Situ Mingrui and the others to raise Dabi funds in three days!

Situ Xing swaggered into the drug store, and when his eyes fell on a two-hundred-year-old green lotus seed on the counter, his eyes lit up. If the green lotus seed was taken directly, it might increase his skill for two years! It is equivalent to the true energy of two years of cultivation!

"Take out this green lotus seed, I want it less."

The shopkeeper was stunned, did not do anything, but looked at Situ Mingrui, and seemed to be asking for his opinion. After all, the young master was in charge of this place. As for Situ Xing, he used to come here often to get medicinal materials. Take it straight away.

But this time the situation is different. These medicinal materials are for sale, and there are only a few rare medicinal materials that are finally available.

"What? Can't you hear what Ben Shao said?" Situ Xing couldn't help being furious when seeing the shopkeeper stunned.

The corner of Situ Mingrui’s lips raised a sneer, “This green lotus seed is two hundred years old, and the price is two hundred and fifty thousand Xuanjing coins. If you are a disciple of the same race, if you give you a discount, you will get twenty. Wan Xuan Jing Coin."

Hearing that Situ Xing almost didn't blow his hair, uncontrollable anger surged all over his body, "What? I will spend 200,000 Xuanjing coins with my own medicinal materials? Situ Mingrui, don't go too far!"

"Your own medicinal materials? Haha... Have you ever planted medicinal materials, have you been to a medicinal field?" The sneer in Situ Mingrui's eyes widened.

"Young Master, you are too much like this! Xing'er has to practice hard every day, how can he have time to go to the medicinal field? Besides, as a member of the Situ family, what happened to Xing'er taking a green lotus seed here? "The great elder suddenly became furious.

"Why can the young master take care of the medicine field and the family's business while cultivating? He is also a disciple of the family, and at any rate is the young master of the family, but why can't he? He has not done anything for the family over the years. A useful thing has caused a lot of trouble to the family! Now he wants this green lotus seed, yes, take the money!" Situ Mingrui's face was cold and unquestionable.

Suddenly Situ Xing and the Great Elder were very angry, their faces were blue and ugly.

"Okay! Situ Mingrui, you remember for the old man!" The elder glared at Situ Mingrui fiercely, "Okay, let's go! Let's go back to the Patriarch for the theory!"

After that, he turned and walked out of the pharmacy.

And Situ Xing let out a cold snort at Situ Mingrui, and then walked out slowly, one after another, far away from the great elder, and in a blink of an eye the figure of the great elder disappeared into the darkness.

The six elite disciples were shocked, and hurriedly chased them out, only to find that the body of the elder was missing.

"It's okay, you just follow Situ Xing." Situ Mingrui said to the last person.


After getting rid of the six elite disciples of the Situ family, the elder remembered what happened in the family these few days, and remembered the situation in the drugstore just now. A cold light appeared in his eyes, "Situ Mingrui, how dare you? Treat me like this! I will make you regret it! And the Patriarch, do you think you can send those people to watch me? Humph! Don't think about it!"

Speaking all the way, he swiftly headed in the direction of the Mo family.

Suddenly the air fluctuated, and two figures appeared out of nowhere.

Under the dim and cold moonlight, the faces of men and women were a bit cold, like a cold and sharp knife.

"Elder, where are you going in such a hurry?" Situ Mingrui looked at him coldly.

The Great Elder was startled, his eyes fell on his and Mu Qianyue's faces in surprise, and it seemed that they didn't react. Aren't they two still in the drugstore just now? Why did you get in front of him all at once?

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