Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1169: Comprehend the world【1】

It can only be said that the pill is a fire given when she is critical!

After returning to Situ Mansion, Mu Qianyue decided to set off for Canglang City tomorrow, but Situ Mingrui seemed to be about to break through, so he could only postpone it for a while.

Fortunately, the Fighting Martial Arts Competition is still early, so it doesn't matter if it is postponed.

"Master, it doesn't matter if I don't break through right now, I can suppress my strength first, and then make a breakthrough after going to Canglang City." Situ Ming Rui said.

The master has stayed here for almost a month. The master and the master have been separated for so long, and he will definitely miss the master very much.

For the master, he is willing to suppress his strength.

"It's okay, there are still four months left for the Fighting Martial Arts Competition. I will wait for you." Mu Qianyue said lightly, shaking her palms, and took out a Qiongqi Bloodline Pill to Situ Mingrui, "This is the Bloodline Pill, you Take it first, change your bloodline and physique before making a breakthrough."

Then he told him the function and efficacy of Qiongqi's bloodline again.

Hearing this, Situ Mingrui's eyes were full of shock, "There is such a miraculous pill in the world, why haven't I heard of it before? Even Wang Zong doesn't have such a pill!"

"This is my own research. There shouldn't be any medicine kingzong. It is estimated that the bloodline pill is only in my hand in the entire continent." Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly.

Hearing that Mu Qianyue had researched it by herself, Situ Mingrui's eyes were even more shocked. The master even researched out such a heaven-defying pill, is he still human? Is it still a human? Is it still a human?

There is no way to describe it with enchanting metamorphosis! He was very fortunate to have met her in the City of Dreams!

"Master, wait for me for seven days! I will be able to come out in seven days!" Situ Mingrui's eyes filled with firmness, and she could not help but squeeze the pill in her hand, only to feel a trace of hot breath flow in from her hand to let him Feel the power of blood.

"Good." Mu Qianyue smiled slightly.


In the secret room, Situ Mingrui sat cross-legged, looking at the round and jade-like pill between his fingers, a quick touch of firmness passed through his eyes, and the next moment, he raised his head and swallowed the pill in one mouthful without hesitation.

The pill melts in the mouth, and the pure and majestic medicinal power surges in the body, quickly flowing through the body along the veins.

Vaguely he felt that the blood in his body slowly became excited and boiled, like boiled water. The strange thing was that he didn't feel a trace of hot breath, but felt extremely comfortable.

The impurities in the blood were gradually stripped away, and the blood of blood flowed in the veins and became more crystal clear.


A strange roar came from the dantian, majestic and majestic, full of unwillingness and anger, followed by a strange phantom slowly rising from the dantian, angry towards Situ Mingrui The sense of consciousness rushed hard.

Situ Mingrui's expression changed, this bloodline pill was really refined with Qiongqi's blood!

The master is really against the sky, even the blood of the ancient fierce beast can be obtained, and the bloodline pill has been researched. It is incredible!

Under his extreme suppression, he finally controlled this singular anger.

This is just condensed from a drop of essence and blood in the tens of thousands of essence and blood, with such a majestic aura, it is conceivable that the refining of this bloodline pill is not easy!

Fortunately, there was only one drop of Qiongqi's essence in this bloodline pill, otherwise he would definitely be bitten back by Qiongqi's grievances. This proved that the master had been carefully and repeatedly studied, and Mu Qianyue's worship in his heart could not help but rise to a level.


Under the deep night, a slender purple figure sat cross-legged on the eaves, her long and narrow phoenix eyes closed tightly, and the brilliance fell on her cicada-like eyelashes, smearing with a misty halo.

The consciousness expands and sinks into the pubic area.

Unlike the previous dantian, at this time her dantian looked very much like a world.

There are countless stars densely above the dantian, a golden and round true essence pill floats in the vast stars, and below the dantian are mountains and rivers...

This is not a dantian at all, it is like a small world, her unparalleled small world!

This can only be achieved when the realm of the unity of heaven and earth is reached!

"This pubic space world corresponds to the space of the Tongtian Tower. Although the space of the Tongtian Tower is full of aura, there is no distinction between day and night. Without sunlight, rain and dew, night and day, it would not be considered a real small world."

"But I can't link this space to the world with my current ability. It would be great if I could create the sun and the moon, but unfortunately this is simply impossible..."

If others knew what Mu Qianyue was thinking at the moment, they would probably be shocked to death.

Create the sun and the moon?

Dare to even think of such an idea, either a fool or a lunatic!

This is simply impossible!

The sun and the moon have existed since Pangu opened the world. No one knows how they were formed, and no one can crack the mystery. They are the laws of nature, have eternal life, see the vicissitudes of life in the world, joys and sorrows...

Now she wants to say that creating a sun and moon is not shocking?

"I see! There may be a way to create the sun and the moon! That is the power of stars! The power of pure sun and stars is yang, and the power of pure yin and stars is yin, which should solve this problem."

"Well, you can try."

Thinking of this, Mu Qianyue hurriedly ran the Taiji Nine Variations, separating the pure Yang and pure Yin in the power of the stars, and then condensing them into a circle.

At the same time, Mu Xueying and others in the space of Tongtian Tower saw a shocking and strange scene.

Above only a chaotic sky, there are dense stars, and the sun and the moon appear strangely...

The bright and dazzling sunlight illuminates this space, which is extremely magnificent.

"Ah! What happened?" Xiao Xuan'er said in surprise.

"I don't know, could it be that this space has changed?" Tong Ling's face was full of curiosity, not just him, Chu Tiange, Mu Xueying, Jin Liye, Bing Yan and others were not as curious as his. less.

"It should be the master who is comprehending the world." Mu Xueying's light voice fell in their ears like a thunder.

what? Master is comprehending the world?

"Could it be that the master wants to transform this space and turn the space of the Tongtian Tower into an independent space?" Bing Yan's eyes were filled with deep astonishment.

"It should be." Chu Tiange nodded.

Under the starry sky, the evening breeze blew Mu Qianyue's clothing corners, and waterfall-like blue silk scattered on his back, dancing with the wind, silky strands, charming.

At this time, her spiritual consciousness and all her attention were in the world in the middle of the dantian.

"No! Although they can temporarily replace the sun and the moon, they still can't distinguish between day and night without the track and law of movement. It seems that we still have to communicate with the world and understand the world!"

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